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80天环游地球《The Book Report of Around the World in 80 Days》读后感




80天环游球The Book Report of Around the World in 80 Days读感
Around the World in 80 Days is one of the most popular books which were written by Jules Verne It is a story about the adventures of Phileas Fogg and his servant Passerpartout Fogg bet his friends that he could round the world in 80 days or under days He put all his wealth career and reputation in this gambling if he won he could get 20000 pounds During this long journey they used trains ships elephants and hotair balloon around the world and traveled through many countries Though they encountered a lot of hardships and dangers they also met a lot of friends The most interesting thing was that he has an unexpected encounter with his future wife – Ada
It was a happy ending They worked together to overcome the recurrent crises and through Paris Turkey India China and the United States Luckily they arrived in London within 80 days completing the trip around the world
In fact I was moved by MrFogg’s sprit He is not afraid of difficulties and is willing to sacrifice everything for the companions For example when they traveled through the United States they met Indians and fight with them When the fighting ended MrFogg found his servant Passepartout was missing and he was very worried to look for him When people urged him to go MrFogg ignored his twenty thousand pounds on the gambling only thought of one sentence it is my duty
In this world there are too many difficult things to complete but if you try to do it and work hard it could be successful Life is a long road and there are many thorns but as long as we persist then looking back we will find that the thorns become a ground
No matter what we do we should not afraid of difficulties persisted in overcoming the difficulties
Adhere to is to win








《80天环游地球》读书心得  在图书馆闲逛,机缘偶遇地被我看见了一本书——《80天环游地球》。  书中描写了一位福克先生和他的朋友的打赌,说他自己能在80天环游整个地球,他的朋友们都不相信,但他对自己这次旅行充满信心,他相信只要有决心,什么事都有可能做到,正是这种执着,才使得福克先生克服种种困难,环球旅行得以成功。在准备了一些东西后,主人公福克带着他的仆人路路通出发了。在这次环游世界的路

x***3 11年前 上传569   0



y***2 9年前 上传468   0


《80天环游地球》读书笔记摘抄  最近,我刚刚读完《八十天环游地球记》,这本书给我留下了深刻的印象。  作者凡尔纳是19世纪法国着名的科幻作家,被誉为“科幻小说之父”,他的代表作品《格兰特船长的儿女》、《海底两万里》和《神秘岛》我也都非常喜欢。《八十天环游地球记》主要描写的是,英国一位叫福格的绅士,与朋友打赌要在八十天内环游地球一周,最终,福格和仆人“万事达”克服重重困难,在八十天内环行

c***3 10年前 上传574   0


八十天环游地球读后感(共10篇) 本文目录 1. 八十天环游地球读后感 2. 读八十天环游地球有感 3. 小学写读后感的作文:读八十天环游地球有感 4. 《八十天环游地球》读后感700字范文 5. 小学生八十天环游地球读后感1000字 6. 八十天环游地球读后感范文300字 7. 《八十天环游地球》读后感 8. 八十天环游地球读后感范文 9. 八十天环游地球读后感300字

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