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A comparison essay




A Comparison of Two Versions of Romeo and Juliet
  Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is one of the most adapted theatrical works of all As time passes many directors have made films that change the origin of Romeo and Juliet Although they have many inherent similarities they are still very different especially in Baz Luhrmann’s version and in Franco Zeffirelli’s version This essay will compare and contrast these two critically acclaimed versions of the play Overall there are three main differences between the two versions the times period the characters’ personalities and the tableaus
  First one main difference is that Baz Luhrmann’s version happened in ancient times while Franco Zeffirelli’s version happened in current times It is extremely obviously from their props buildings and costumes One example is people use swords to fight and use horses as transportation in Baz Luhrmann’s version It is exceedingly diverse in Franco Zeffirelli’s version where people use guns to attack cars to travel and electronic invents like televisions appear in the movie Another example is their architecture styles In Baz Luhrmann’s version the styles are more retro as they are made of stones In Franco Zeffirelli’s version the buildings are more modern as they are made of glass and cement like the places we live in now At the same time their costumes make it uncomplicated to see the differences In Baz Luhrmann’s version people wear the customs were that only worn by the ancient people In Franco Zeffirelli’s version people are wearing the clothes like we now wearing The Baz Luhrmann’s version happened in the past so that audiences are reminiscent of Shakespeare’s time It is trying to make the play more convincing The Franco Zeffirelli’s version is attempting to make the play to be more realistic like nowadays so that it can be easier to understand by modern people Therefore Baz Luhrmann’s version took place in ancient times while Franco Zeffirelli’s version happened in current times

  The second main difference is that in Baz Luhrmann’s version some characters’ personalities are very funny while in Franco Zeffirelli’s version some characters’ personalities are more serious We can see from the nurse Murcutio and Romeo’s friends When Romeo’s friends are playing tricks on the nurse the nurse is annoyed but the outcome turns out to be an amusing scene for viewers Whereas in Franco Zeffirelli’s version the nurse is more serious and does not like the puny tricks played on her The whole scene is not like Baz Luhrmann’s version to amuse audiences The same as Mercutio playing fights with Tybolt Their fighting is more like playing both of them do not want each other to be hurt in Baz Luhrmann’s version Indeed it is a hilarious scene On the other hand it is opposite in Franco Zeffirelli’s version that both of them want to kill each other immediately The atmosphere is tense and grave in this scene in Franco Zeffirelli’s version Furthermore Romeo’s friends give different reactions in both versions after Mercutio and Tyboly’s fighting In Baz Luhrmann’s version Romeo’s friends still do not realize Mercutio’s crisis and all of them are in a cheerful mood until they find Mercutio is dead But in Franco Zeffirelli’s version Romeo’ friends already apprehend the seriousness of the circumstances of Mercutio’s life Above all these two opposite characterizations in the two versions give two different visions of Romeo and Juliet and show the audience one more sides of Romeo and Juliet Audiences can learn more about Romeo and Juliet by comparing the opposite characterizations in Baz Luhrmann’s version and in Franco Zeffirelli’s version Therefore the personalities in Baz Luhrmann’s version are funnier while the personalities in Franco Zeffirelli’s version are more serious
  The third difference is that the two versions give the audience totally different tableaus In Baz Luhrmann’s version the surroundings are a slight boring since there are not many colors in the play and are not like Franco Zeffirelli’s version which has full colorful scenes The scene before the dancing party is an excellent example In Baz Luhrmann’s version it only shows two colors black and red which are the dark night and the glow of the fire While in Franco Zeffirelli’s version the surroundings are much better There are amount of colorful fireworks spread out of the sky Meanwhile Juliet’s tomb is another illustration to show how the two versions give two different tableaus In Baz Luhrmann’s version it is not enjoyable to see that scene because of dire backgrounds of Juliet’s tomb It is incredibly singular to see Juliet’s tomb in Franco Zeffirelli’s version In Franco Zeffirelli’s version Juliet’s tomb is full of candles the illumination made the entire room affectionate and Juliet’s body looks pure spiritual and peaceful in the center of all the luminosity The two different tableaus give people quite different visual feasts Franco Zeffirelli’s version gives a feeling of romantic and imposingness Baz Luhrmann’s version is less imagination and not vivid Franco Zeffirelli’s version gives a more comfortable and satisfied feeling like a fairy tale while watching the play than Baz Luhrmann’s version Therefore the tableau of Baz Luhrmann’s version is less lively and the tableau of Franco Zeffirelli’s version is more vibrant
  After comparing and contrasting the versions of Romeo and Juliet It is not difficult to find the differences between the two versions Both of them are wonderful versions They both give the two different visions of Romeo and Juliet as well They each have their advantages and disadvantages The differences between the two versions are the times periods characters’ personalities and the visual feasts of two different tableaus It is a pity if you do not watch the two versions of Romeo and Juliet which are Baz Luhrmann’s version and Franco Zeffirelli’s version What are you waiting for Take a rest and let yourself enjoy the two different versions of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet




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第一组达标检测卷 时间:90分钟 满分:100分 一、基础训练营(37分) 1.读拼音写词语。(10分) 2.选字填空。(8分) [涯 崖] 天(  ) 山(  ) 悬(  ) 无边无(  ) [戎 戒] (  )装 (  )烟 兵(  ) 清规(  )律 [扶 抚] 安(  ) (  )摸 (  )助 (  )危济困 [驰 弛] 奔(  ) 疾(  )

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第一组达标检测卷 一、基础训练营(37分) 1.给加点字选择正确的读音,画“√”。(6分) 凝然(níng yí)  汲水(xī jí)      刹那间(shà chà) 尽管(jǐn jìn) 转化(zhuǎn zhuàn) 晃动(huàng huǎng) 2.我能读拼音,写词语。(9分) (1) 太阳他有脚啊,轻轻悄悄地nuó yí(   )了。 (2)

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第一组 达标检测卷 (60分钟 100分) 一、基础训练营(45分) 1.读拼音写词语。(11分) 我随着yōng jǐ(    )的人群来到zhè jiāng(    )的钱塘江,观看bō lán zhuàng kuò(      )的钱塘江大潮。此时, 江面shuǐ píng rú jìng(      )。远处,fēng luán xióng wěi(      )的大山在云雾中

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