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11 Eyes play an important role in ______ as much as information from the environment as possible
   A absorbing B involving C inventing D conquering
12 It was the boy’s laziness that ________ his failure in the exams
A resulted in B resulted from C came to D brought up
13 I received a ____ parcel yesterday and I am still wondering who may have sent it
A complicated B dull C sincere D mysterious
14 If your child is spending too much time on computer games think carefully about how you should do to ______ the situation
A arrange B achieve C decrease D handle
15 The movie star ______ with your sister didn’t he
A was used to dance B used to dancing C used to dance D was used to dancing
16 Whatever one has planned to do is ______ to be altered (改变) in the process
A prohibited B bound C eager D embarrassed
17 He often ______ about his friends never coming to see him
A wakens B disturbs C complains D publishes
18 Lennie was late for school again this morning He ______ earlier He must have stayed up late last night
A ought to get up B ought to have got up C ought to get D ought to getting up
19 You _______ me because I didn’t say that
A must misunderstand B must have misunderstood
C must be understood D must have been understood
20 The football game will be played on _________
A July 10 B July of 10 C 10 July D the 10th of July
21 The second half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part _______ he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn
A during which B from which C during that D from that
22 You should speak clearly _______ they can understand you
A so that B so to C because D that so
23 Music is a part of life and we have found the records and tapes a constant ______ of happiness
A source B addition C package D matter
24 She pressed her lips together trying to ______ tears
A hold back B burst into C take back D give up
25 __________ there was no quality control whatsoever
A Most important of all B Most curious of all
C Most excited of all D Most necessary of all
26 Workers beyond him in line on his shift had to wait ________
A with nothing to do B nothing to do with
C to do nothing with D to do with nothing
27 I ________ my hometown it had changed so much
A could not hardly recognize B could hardly recognize
C could recognize D could have not recognized
28 Drivers have the _______ not to endanger the lives of others on the road
A reliability B ability C responsibility D capability
29 Of all the pastimes gathering around and listening to mother or father ______ a good story is the best to bring a family together
A to read B be reading C read D to be read
30 He was watching me or _______ for an hour or two
A something B somewhere C somewhat D anything
31 _______ out of the window Dr Smith caught sight of a young man running towards his clinic
A Looked B Looking C To look D Being looked
32 Sam was determined to _______ to improve efficiency at the shirt factory
A set out B set in C set about D set aside
33 The tables ________ the workers sat were very high and uncomfortable
A when B which C that D where
34 At 630 am next morning the train ______ Central Station Hangzhou
A came down B pulled into C laid out D sought out
35 The fight lasted only a few minutes when the enemy soldiers ____ before us for twelve miles
A vanished B approached C proceeded D retreated
36 With the population explosion scientists will have to __________ new methods of 
   increasing the world’s food supply
A lead to B carry out C come up with D stick to
37 Some children learn to speak and write when they are young ______ average children
  A compare with B comparing with C to compare with D compared with
38 He was astonished and sat _________ in his seat
  A root B rooting C rooted D to root
39 Children should not spend much time _________ television
  A watch B to watch C on watching D in watching
40 Mrs Brown is supposed ___________ for Italy last week
A to have left B to be leaving C to leave D to have been left
III Read the following passages and do the questions below (30)
Passage One
Mr Smith was a wealthy industrialist but he was not satisfied with life He did not sleep well and his food did not agree with him This situation lasted for some time Finally after several sleepless nights he decided to ask his doctor The doctor advises a change of the place where he lives Go abroad he said But I’m not good at foreign language said Mr Smith It doesn’t matter said the doctor It won’t hurt you to talk a little less Go on a voyage Take plenty of exercise Try to become thinner Avoid rich food
Mr Smith went to Switzerland He did not know French or German and had to communicate through gestures He attended a physical training course The teacher made him bend his knees wave his arms and shake his head rapidly He had to lie on the ground and raise his right and left legs one after another After a time his muscles grew hard and firm He forgot the problems in his business and the importance of raising the level of production He even began to notice small trees and small birds
Finally he returned home But unfortunately his improvement was only temporary Soon he was a business man again worried about his money his work his savings his raising of level in a technological society and things in general
41 Mr Smith went to see his doctor because he ______
A had little to eat
B was seriously ill
C was afraid of sleeping at night
D didn’t feel well
42 The doctor advises Mr Smith to do all the following except ______
A talk less
B change the surroundings
C eat food of good quality
D take plenty of exercise
43 In the second paragraph gestures means _____________
A body movements
B simple words
C pens or pencils
D handshakes
44When he traveled abroad Mr Smith ______________
A learned boxing
B raised the level of production
C forgot all about his business
D shook his head all the time
45 In the last paragraph the word temporary means ________
A lasting for a short time
B not deep
C unimportant
D developing very slowly
Passage Two
Cancer is among the top killer disease in our society today and scientists have found out that stress helps to bring it out It is worthwhile to consider therefore what are the causes of stress in our life and whether we can do something about them
Are we underemployed or overburdened with too many responsibilities Do we have a right balance of work and leisure (休闲) in our lives Are our relationships with family friends or fellow workers all they should be
All these things can be a cause of stress and it is best to face them honestly and to bring our frustrations (失意) into the open People who have a good row and then forget it are doing their health more good than those who bottle up their feelings
If our selfexamination has brought any causes of stress to light let us consider what we can do about them It is possible to change jobs We can make more leisure and fill it more happily if we will accept a different living standard We can improve our personal relationships by a different attitude It is we who allow other people to make ourselves unhappy Often the little things that disturb us are not worth an hour’s anger The teaching in the Bible Let not the sun go down upon your wrath (愤怒) is good advice from the health point of view as well as the religions
46 Which from the following statements is true
A Freedom from responsibilities helps relieve stress
B Stress is the direct cause of cancer
C Cancer is the number one killer in our society today
D The causes of stress are worthy of serious study
47 According to the passage which of the following types of people is more likely to suffer from stress
A People who have more responsibilities than they can handle
B People who have cancer
C People who like to quarrel with others
D People whose living standard is low
48 Judging from the context the word row in the third paragraph most probably means _________
A a noisy quarrel
B a very loud noise
C a neat line of things side by side
D a journey in a boat
49 Which of the following is not mentioned as a way to reduce our stress
A Changing our job
B Reading the bible
C Changing our attitude about little things that make us unhappy
D Speaking out about our frustrations
50 What does Let not the sun go down upon your wrath probably mean
A Don’t watch the sun set while you are angry
B Don’t get angry easily about little thing
C Don’t let your anger last long
D Don’t get angry while the sun is going down
Passage Three
I was born in the city of York in England in the year 1632 My father was a man of some wealth able to give me a good home and send me to school It was his wish that I should be a lawyer but my head began to be filled very early with thoughts of travel and I would be satisfied with nothing but going to sea
My father gave me strong advice against it but with little effect One day being at Hull I met a schoolfellow who was about to sail for London in his father’s ship and he invited me to go with him and without telling my father I went on board
On the way to London a storm arose the ship was wrecked (失事) and we barely escaped with our lives I went on foot to London where I met with the master of a vessel which did business with countries on the coast of Africa He took a fancy to me and offered me a chance to with him on his voyages which I gladly accepted
A great storm came up and the ship was tossed ( 颠簸) about for many days until we did not know where we were Suddenly we struck a bank of sand and the sea broke over the ship in such a way that we could not hope to have her hold many moments without breaking into pieces So we launched (… 水) a boat After we had been driven four or five miles a mountainous wave struck us so hard that it overturned the boat at once Though I swam well but the waves were so strong that I was dashed (猛撞) against a rock with such force that it left me senseless But I recovered a little before the waves returned and running forward go to the mainland safely
51 What did the author want to do most when he was young
A To visit Africa B To sail the seas
C To practice law D To make a tour of London
52 Why did the author go on foot to London
A The ship he took was destroyed in a storm
B His father did not supply the fare for the journey
C He went against his father’s strong advice not to do so
D His school fellow invited him to go together
53 Why did they launch a boat
A They knew they were near the shore
B The big waves were about to overturn the ship
C Their ship had been knocked about for many days on the sea
D their ship had struck sand and was about to break into pieces
54 When the author got to the mainland he _______
A searched everywhere for his lost companions
B fell down on the ground senseless
C was safe and sound
D ran forward to escape being washed back into the sea
55 When the author finally arrived on land he most probably ______
A knew he was in Africa
` B did not know where he was
C was not aware he was back in England
D got in touch with his family and asked for help
11 The airplane arrived one hour behind __________
A schedule B plan C date D timetable
12 Be sure to ______ your work at the end of the exam
A set aside B hang up C look over D catch sight of
13 Rain only does not ________ bring down the temperature
A certainly B completely C undoubtedly D necessarily
14 Usually smoking is _________ in the office
A prohibited B suffered C lasted D intended
15 I couldn’t understand why he pretended ___________ in the bookstore
A to see me not B not to see me C not see me D to see not me
16 The girl in the snapshot was smiling happily her long hair ______
A was flowing in the breeze B flowed in the breeze
C flow in the breeze D flowing in the breeze
17 Mother insisted that ________ before nine in the evening
A they are to be back B they ought be back
C they be back D they had to be back
18 __________ you keep trying you will certainly succeed
A As long as B Because C No matter how D since
19 Betty was ___________ whenever she saw her English teacher
A mysterious B swift C brief D nervous
20 How we ________ a chance to visit your great country
A looked for B kept for C longed for D waited for
21 The school bus was _______ by a thick fog
A held up B broken off C kept up D put off
22 The nearest person he could contact by radio _______there was a ship nearby would be on an island 885 miles away
A unless B until C because D since
23 The only way to ______ a fear is to face it
A enlarge B conquer C communicate D Absorb
24 _______ that many of our problems are caused at least in part by failures to communicate
A It is known well B It well is known
C Well it is known D It is well known
25 Early in the morning I was ______ out of bed to repair a minor fault on the car
A distracted B wakened C dragged D assigned
26 The police investigation discovered that three men were ________ in the robbery
A involved B connected C tightened D caught
27 The school girl ______ You’re a liar
A brought out B cried out C sent out D found out
28 _______ out of the window Dr Smith caught sight of a young man running towards his clinic
A Looked B Looking C To look D Being looked
29 At the age of 40 Johnson finally _______ in Beijing after he had got a wellpaid position in a big company
A sat down B worked down C settled down D moved down
30 We’ll do what we can to get the goods ______ on time said the manger of the company
A reached B received C recovered D delivered
31 Not until my mother told me the sad news that night ______ that our neighbor Dr Li was killed in car accident the week before
A I new B did I know C did I knew D I know
32 It was not a serious accident the car needs only some ______ repair
A minor B perfect C usual D major
33 If you work hard ______ you won’t have to sit up all night before the exam
A with some help B by yourself C in other terms D at other times
34 Chichester _______ kinds of hardships in his solo sailing round the world
A lasted B encouraged C endured D enlarged
35 The boy ______ turned the TV off as the clock struck ten time for him to go to bed
A reluctantly B fortunately C undoubtedly D expectedly
36 I _______ it would be fun to play such an exciting game with them
A can help to think B can’t help to think
C can’t help thinking D can help thinking
37 _____ is troubling me is that I don’t have much experience in international business
A What B That C It D As
38 The more the scientists find out _________ 
A they are unable to answer more questions
B the more they are unable to answer questions
C they more questions they are unable to answer them
D the more questions they are unable to answer 
39 He could see her lips ­­______ and hoped she would not cry in public again
A disturbing B trembling C shaking D attracting
40 ________ his wealth he is not happy
A Except for B In spite of C Because of D Besides
III  Read the following passages and do the questions below (30)

Passage One
In the eighteenth century young ladies in Italy were taught reading writing music and arithmetic But their knowledge of history and geography was very poor
Once the French ambassador in Rome was giving a ball to which many important people were invited The Italian Minister of foreign Affairs came very late A young lady who was well acquainted with him saw him enter the ballroom and asked why he was so late
You see said the Minister there has been a little accident at the King’s palace
The curious young lady asked the Minister to tell her what had happened at the King’s palace
Oh nothing important answered the Minister The ambassador of Brazil who was to be presented to the King forgot to take his credentials with him and was obliged to go back to his hotel to bring them If he had left them in brazil we should have had to wait at least six months for them
Is Brazil so far from Rome asked the lady who knew very little geography
It is in the New World Said the Minister
In the New World repeated the lady in great astonishment
Yes in the New world Answered the Minister in a sarcastic tone which was discovered by Christopher Columbus
When the young lady heard this she rushed into the middle of the ballroom and shouted as loud as she could
Ladies and gentlemen have you heard the latest news A new world has just been discovered by a certain Christopher Columbus
41 The Italian foreign minister came to the hall very late because ___________
A he was reluctant to come to the hall
B he had had something to do at home
C he was delayed by a little accident
D someone was hurt in the King’s palace
42 What happened at the King’s palace
A The Brazilian ambassador forgot to take his credentials with him
B The King was late the Brazilian ambassador had to wait for him
C The ambassador left his credentials in Brazil
D For some reason the ambassador had to go back to Brazil
43 Where did the ambassador leave his credentials
A In the hotel
B In his office
C In Rome
D In Brazil
44 The reason why the young lady shouted her announcement was that _______
A she was the hostess of the hall
B she had never heard about Columbus
C she was well acquainted with the Minister
D she wanted to broadcast the surprising news
45 Her announcement showed she was ___________
A ignorant
B thoughtless
C clever
D knowledgeable
Passage Two
The modern sailing ship was developed by a man who never went to sea He was Prince Henry of Portugal the younger one of the Portuguese king and an English princess
Prince Henry lived in the fifteenth century As a boy he became devoted to the sea And he decided himself to improving the design of ships and the methods of sailing them In 1416 when he was twentytwo Henry founded a school for mariners to which he invented everyone who could help him – Jewish astronomers(天文学家) Italian and Spanish sailors and Arab mathematicians and map makers who knew how to use the crude(粗糙) compass(罗盘) of the day and could improve it
Henry’s goal was to design and equip vessels(船) that would be capable of making long ocean voyages without having to keep close to the shore The caravel which he helped design carried more sails and was longer and slimmer than any ship then made yet was tough enough to stand up against gales at sea He also developed the carrack which was a slower ship but one that was capable of carrying more cargo(货物)
The world owes credit to Prince Henry for the development of craft that made oceanic exploration possible He lives in history as Henry the Navigator
46 Henry the Navigator was a member of the royal family of _________
  A England
  B Spain
  C Italy
  D Portugal
47 Prince Henry started his school for the purpose of _________
  A helping mariners
  B improving ship design and sailing methods
  C studying astronomy and mathematics
  D improving his own skill as a sailor
48 The teachers in Prince Henry’s school seem to have been __________
  A members of the royal family
B astronomers sailors and map makers
  C shipbuilders
  D All of the above
49 Prince Henry’s goal was to design vessels that could _______
make long deepsea voyages
travel faster than those in use at that time
explore the coastline of Portugal
carry larger crews and more cargo than existing ones
50 The best title for this selection is ___________
  A The First Modern Sailing Vessels
  B The Mariner Prince
C Prince Henry’s Role in the History of Shipbuilding
D The First School for Sailors
Passage Three
I worked as a manager for a number of years I liked my job and was doing well there but
our company was bought by a larger company and most of the managers at our place lost their jobs That was when I decided to do something I’d always wanted to do – become a freelance (撰稿) writer Changing professions (职业) has meant that my lifestyle has changed in a number of ways
The main difference for me now is that I have a much more flexible (灵活) schedule I work about as much as I did before – between 45 and 50 hours a week – but my schedule is much less rigid than it used to be Before I worked from 8 to 5 every day with a few extra hours on weekends Now however I worked when I feel like it For instance sometimes I work until midnight or 2 AM then sleep until noon I really prefer this kind of schedule It seems more natural to me
I also decided that it was about time I began to pay more attention to my health While I was working as a manager I never exercised I already felt tired after work so I just came home in the evening and watched TV However last year I joined a health club and began to do regular exercise As a result I have lost over 10 pounds and felt much better I’ve also started to eat more healthfully I used to eat a lot of fast food but now I do my own shopping I buy lots of fruits and vegetables and cook them at home
Of course not all the changes have been that easy For example I don’t feel as secure financially as I used to When I was working as a manager I never worried much about money I could always count on getting my paycheck every two weeks Working freelance I don’t have a regular paycheck So now I have to make sure there’s enough money until the next arrives
All in all I really like my current lifestyle Of course that doesn’t mean I’ll never want to have a regular job But for now at least it suits me
51 Why did the author decide to become a freelance writer
A He had always liked writing
B He was dissatisfied with his company
C He never liked his job as a manager
D He wanted to change his lifestyle
52 What is the main difference the job change brought to the author
A He works fewer hours a week
B He does not have to work as he likes
C He can change his schedule as he likes
D He can work at night and sleep late
53 Why does he do his own cooking now
A He wants to lose weight
B He has got lots of free time on his hands
C He no longer feels tired after work
D He wants to eat more healthfully
54 What is his chief problem now
A He can’t count on his paycheck to arrive on time
B He has no regular work to do
C He has to find a publisher for his books
D He has to worry about money
55 At the end of the passage the author indicates that ________
A he is going to find a regular job
B he is not going to change his lifestyle in the near future
C he will continue to write for the rest of his life
D he will soon find out whether writing is a good career for him
11 One of his many faults is that he never ______ anything very long
A goes over B sticks to C looks over D carry out
12 Undoubtedly they do not have the intention of making an engineer of him and I _________ they never will
A suspect B suggest C intend D extend
13 Television keeps us informed about ______ events and the latest developments in science and politics
A current B fashionable C real D previous
14 Linda can _____ read and write though she has recently graduated from high school
A perfectly B usually C happily D hardly
15 It is a ________ experiment even if it may fail
A worth B while C worthwhile D worthywhile
16 The books are beautifully ______ with drawings and photographs
A designed B written C covered D illustrated
17 The judge ________ the truth of the evidence provided by the witness
A guessed B suspected C realized D discussed
18 Is there anything in your personal life which would ______ the party if it became public
A waken B involve C embarrass D memorize
19 It was at the age of 40 ___________ Tom settled down in Chicago

  A what B in which C which D that
20 The boy felt awkward as if he alone _________ responsible for what had happened
A is B is to be C would have be D will be
21 There ought to be something _________
A to fill your stocking B to fill your stocking with
C filling your stocking D filling your stocking with
22 John said that his mother would buy him a ________ racing bicycle for his birthday
  A fivespeeds B five speeds C fivespeed D five speed
23 Jane is one of those who _________ ready to help
    A is always B has always been C are always D have always
24 As I have ________ reference books at hand I will go to the library this afternoon
    A many B little C less D only a few
25 He might as well have picked a family ______ out of the telephone book and stayed with them
A at a time B at random C after all D in detail
26 His proposal was that the assignment _________ in three days
    A was completed    B would be completed
    C be completed   D was to be completed
27 After succeeding __________ around Cape Horn Chichester sent a radio message home
A of sailing B in sailing C to sail     D having sailed
28 The old lady was proud ________ his daughter who was a mayor
  A to B by C of D at
29 It has been only thirty years _________ television came to control our free time
A before B after C because D since
30 The boy fell onto the steps and _______ tears
   A broke into B came into C called into D got into
31 Excellent work would _______ frequent pay increases and promotions
    A result from B result in C result to D result with
32 I’d like to ______ that students should be allowed more time for independent study
A command B arrange C steer D propose
33 After resting for a few weeks Chichester ______ once more in spite of his friends’ attempt to dissuade him
  A sent off B set off C cut off D got off
34 The boy said to the old woman that the parcel was _____ to come by letter post
  A so large B very large C too large D large enough
35 We know that drinking smoking and overwork _______ risks to our health
A involve B accumulate C spoil D handle
36 The result of every accident however ______ is a rise in the cost of insurance(保险)
A radical B rare C seldom D minor
37 Bob’s doctor suggests ________ for a few days 
  A that he is resting B he would rest
  C him to rest D that he rest
38 Sam could not _______ the camera he longed for because it was too expensive
A afford B affect C afloat D effect
39 Henry ______ into a table and landed heavily on the floor and had to be helped to his feet by friends
A limped B crashed C sealed D proceeded
40 Donald was arrested by the police on suspicion of being involved in the ______ disappearance of a man
A evident B critical C mysterious D ancient
III Read the following passages and do the questions below (30)

Passage One
       Some peope have it easy When their kids ask them what they do at work they can give a simple direct answer I put out fire or I fix sick people or I teach primary school As a theoretical (理) physicist I never had this luck Society has come to expect many things from the physicists It used to be that we only had to discover the baicc laws of the world and supply the techniques that would power the next Silicon Valleu (硅谷) With these expectations we were fairly comfortable – and what makes it hard for us to tell our kids what we’re up to – is that in this century we have become though unwillingly gurus on questions such as what is the nature of Reality (现实)?
We now deal with a whole new class of problems We ask how the world began and what is the nature of matter The answers we are coming up with are just not easy to comprehend for the average person
So when physicists get out of their cars in the morning have a cup of coffee and sit down in front of their computers they leave a familiar world and enter a place where things act in strange ways that are impossible for ordinary people to understand
41 According to the passage in a way physicists are ______
A intelligent B comfortable C strnage D unlucky
42 Judging from the context the word  gurus  in the first paragraph most probably means a person ______
A who acts as a teacher and answers big questions
B who gives wrong answers to real questions
C who does not have answers to real big problems
D who is eager to supply answers to big problems
43 Which of the following is true according to what the author says about physicists
A Physicists do not like their jobs
B Physicists live in two different worlds
C Physicists are coming up with new answers to old questions
D Physicists don’t have to tell people what they are doing
44 Which of the following statements is true of theoretical physicists
A They only have to answer the basic questions about the world
B They have contributed to the new industry in Silicon Valley
C They have been disappointed to the expectations of many people
D They have found it hard to make friends with ordinary people
45 Which of the following is true about the job of today’s physicists
A It is getting easier and easiere with the help of modern technology
B It is not related to any practical use
C It can’t be done by a person with average intelligence
D It is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people
Passage Two
Do you want a car Many people want to get rid of their cars and they are doing just that Police say that about 110 cars are abandoned (丢弃) every night in New York City
Why do people leave their car to be towed away by the police Maybe the car just doesn’t run any more It would have to be towed to the junk dealer Besides the cost of towing the car owners would have to find a way to get home from the junk yard This might cost money too So the license plates are removed and the car is abandoned
How can the police stop people from filling the streets with abandoned cars Faced with about 21000 abandoned cars a year the Chicago police made a plan They checked engine registration numbers and were able to find the owners of the cars Then the owners were charged for the towing So far the plan has turned the problem into a profit The city has collected almost a million dollars from the towing and sale of abandoned cars
Even if the city police can stop people from abandoned cars we still must face the problem of cars that wear out At present there are about 40 million cars in junk yards across the country and that number keeps going up
How can the U S get rid of its large and growing car junk yards A US Senator from Illinois said that the government should use the tax collected on new cars to pay for the burial of old cars
If you are thinking of looking for and fixing up an abandoned car forget it You have to have a bill of sale or title from the owner before you can get new license plates
46 The author’s purpose is _______
A to call for a tax on new cars
B to praise the Chicago police
C to tell about the problem of abandoned and wornout cars
D to tell you how to get a car
47 From the information in the article you could not say that ______
A abandoned cars are nuisance
B wornout cars are piling up in junk yards
C Chicago police found a solution to abandoned cars
D If you want a car find one that’s been abandoned
48 If one has to drive a car legally one has to ________
A have a license plate
B pay for the towing of the car
C get rid of his old car properly
D pay for the burial of his old car
49 In this selection the word towprobably means _______
  A sell            B gain C drag          D collect
50 A word opposite in meaning to profit is _____________
  A) expense    B) loss C) payment   D) increase
Passage Three
Time talks It speaks more plainly than words Time communicates in many ways
Consider the different parts of the day for example The time of the day when something is done can give a special meaning to the event Factory managers in the United States fully realize the importance of an announcement made during the middle of the morning or afternoon that takes everyone away from his work
In the United States it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning If you telephone him early in the day while he is shaving or having breakfast the time of the call shows that the matter is very urgent and requires immediate attention The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 1100 pm If someone receives a call during sleeping hours he assumes it is a matter of life or death The time chosen for the call communicates its importance
The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world Thus misunderstanding arises between people from cultures that treat time differently In the Western world particularly in the United States people tend to think of time as something fixed in nature something from which one cannot escape As a rule Americans think of time as a road or a ribbon stretching into the future along which one progresses The road has many sections which are to be kept separate—one thing at a time Thus an American may feel angry when he has made an appointment with someone and then finds a lot of other things happening at the same time
Americans look ahead and are concerned almost entirely with the future The American idea of the future is limited however It is the foreseeable future and not the future of the South Asians’ which may involve centuries Someone has said of the South Asian idea of time Time is like a museum with endless halls and rooms The Gods is in charge of the museum and only He knows all that is in it
Since time has such different meanings in different cultures communication is often difficult We will understand each other a little better if we can keep this fact in mind
51 This passage is mainly about ______
A the American idea of time
B the South Asian idea of time
C the importance of keeping appointments
D the communication between different culture
52 According to this passage an announcement made during the day in a factory must be very important because ______
A it interrupts the work of all employees
B it is made by the manager
C it makes everyone lose his job
D it communicates in many ways
53 In the United States a phone call made after 1100 pm is considered ______ in the view of the writer
A more important than one made during the day
B impolite since it disturbs the receiver’s sleep
C to be a threat to the receiver’s life
D even more urgent than one made early in the morning
54 The writer concludes that people of different countries will understand each other better if ______
A they know how to communicate with each other
B they are concerned with the future
C they learn the way time communicates
D they bear in mind that different cultures treat time differently
55 Which of the following statements is NOT true
A The American idea of the future is quite different from that of the South Asian’
B The South Asian regards time as something controlled by God
C Americans are not concerned with the idea of the future which is limited
D The South Asian idea of the future may go beyond one’s lifetime
11 He ought to have handed in the paper yesterday That’s what he _______
A should do B should have done C would do D should be doing
12 Of the two lectures the first was _______ one partly because the person who delivered it had such a nice voice
A by far the best B by far better C by far the better D by the far better
13 They provide information on methods to improve the ______ of training programs for older workers
A formation B efficiency C selection D dignity
14 When I receive you letter I will reply it ________
A immediately B sweetly C generally D undoubtedly
15 They didn’t take action until the tank ______ in the distance
    A moved B vanished C found D viewed
16 It is necessary to spend more time ________ than ________
A speaking reading B speaking read
C speak reading D to speak to read
17 Everybody is interested in progress and wants to _______ the times
  A keep up with B come up with C set up with D lay out with
18 We moved to the front row __________ we could hear and see better
  A so as B so that C because D such that
19 It was ______ late to save the drowning boy as he had gone down for the third time
  A very B too C nearly D mostly
20 He didn’t tell me where he had spent his vacation ___________ to know
    A Not did I care B Neither I cared
    C I didn’t care D Neither did I care
21 I started to read newspapers more and for just the first time in my life I began to take an interest in ______ affairs
A personal B social C current D ancient
22 When you enter a big room to attend a lecture you may sit _______ you can see and hear well
A what B that C which D where
23 I remember Chapman was ______ when I told him we might make a million dollars a year
A shocked B amazed C stunned D exclaimed
24 I was busy _______ a new device for catching rats when Mark came and dragged me out to a
flower show
A to make B make C making D made
25 To her great _______ her daughter didn’t send her a real present for her birthday
A pleasure B satisfaction C happiness D disappointment
26 Educators report that the generation ______ with television barely write an English sentence
A growing up B to grow up B grow up D grown up
27 Drinking a cup of hot water might help to ______ the pain in the short term
A shift B wrap C drag D relieve
28 Lennie was late for school again this morning He _______ too late last night
A must stay up B must have stayed up C had stayed up D has stayed
29 I _______ my major points I had found in the shirt factory in my report to the manager
A recovered B discovered C covered D uncovered
30 I’d like to buy a computer to my father _______ I haven’t get enough money on me
A Unusually B Eventually C Incredibly D Unfortunately
31 If people are made aware that the better the service the more they earn then it really is  ______ to work hard and perform well
A an incentive B an atmosphere C community D gratitude
32 _______ the brain is given plenty of exercise it keeps its power
A As long as B As far as C As often as D As much as
33 To swim across the Channel would be an exciting __________
    A exercise B pleasure C pastime D experience
34 It is ______ that publishers need to bring out a large number of titles every year to stay in business
A boring B evident C elementary D boring
35 Management are interested in progress and want to _______ the times
    A set up with B come up with C keep up with D lay out with
36 After class the students should ______ important points that the teacher have mentioned in class 
  A go over B lay out C go out D set out
37 Children sometimes can ______ games of their own or entertain themselves in their own way
A invent B solve C arrange D challenge
38 _________ that the left side of the brain is responsible for logic
  A It is generally believed B It generally is believed
C It is believed generally D Generally is it believed
39 All _______ is continuous supply of the basic necessities of life
A what is needed B the thing needed C for our needs D that is needed
40 If you _______ your name and address on the card we’ll send the book to you as soon as it is returned
   A go over B find out C fill in D set aside
Part III  Read the following passages and do the exercise bellow (30 )
Passage One
To my mother there was never any question that I was going to college From the beginning she took what she thought were the necessary steps to get me there
Step one was to make sure I attended my classes regularly Step two was for her to get involved herself At every school I attended from elementary through high school my mother was the president of PTA an organization of parents and teachers that works to improve the school
Somehow my mother had the idea that if she got involved with the PTA her children would have a better chance in school If she made herself head of the organization our chances would be that much better
My mother also wanted me to take advantage of opportunities outside the classroom One day the teacher said There’s going to be a trip to Washington We’ll go on the train The trip will cost 35
That was a lot of money back in 1946 but I wanted to go badly So did my younger brother Windsor
At dinner that night I mentioned the trip to my mother Nut I didn’t press it
That was my first train ride – and my first trip to Washington I walked down the streets and saw the White House and everything DC had to offer
At night the white kids stayed in a hotel and black kids slept on the floor of an old house Still the experience was wonderful for me And as my mother expected it taught me a lot – and I knew that someday I would return
41 What kind of family does the author come from
A A rich family B A Black family
C A middle class family D A white family
42 What was the first step the author’s mother took to get him to college
A She got involved herself with his schoolwork
B She worked hard to improve the school he attended
C She made him attended school every day
D She saved the money he needed for college
43 Why did the author’s mother want to be president of the PTA
A She wanted to know how things were going with her son at school
B She thought she would earn extra money by accepting this job
C She thought she would be respected by other parents
D She wanted her son to have a better chance to go to college
44 What did the author do after he heard of the train trip to Washington
A He pressed his mother for the money needed
B He asked his brother to go with him
C He just mentioned it at the dinner table
D He borrowed 35 dollars for the train ticket
45 What do we learn about the author from the passage
A He is now working in Washington DC
B He never realized his dream of going to college
C He never forgot the painful experience of sleeping on the floor
D He is now teaching at a famous college
Passage Two
Cars are very popular in the United States It is said that the car has made the United States a nation on wheels And it helped to make the United States what it is today
There are three main reasons why the car became so popular in the United States First of all the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in it The car provides the most comfortable and cheapest form of transportation(交通)
The second reason is that the United States never really developed an efficient and cheap form of public transportation Longdistance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world Today there is a good system of air service by plane But air travel costs too much money so that it cannot be used frequently
The third reason is the most important one The American spirit of independence is what really made cars popular American don’t like to wait for a bus or a train or even a plane They don’t like to have to follow an exact time table Therefore the freedom a car gives them is what Americans want most
The decrease of oil supplies has caused a big problem for Americans But the answer will not be a bigger system of public transportation The real solution will have to be a new kind of car one that does not use so much oil
46 Why do we call the United Statesa nation on wheels
A Because it was the first country that started making cars in large numbers
B Because there are various forms of transportation in this country
C Because transportation in this country is cheap and convenient
D Because Americans like to travel from place to place in cars
47 According to the sentence And it helped to make the United States what it is today we know that _________
A the car has made the United States a very rich country
B the car has changed the old tradition of the country
C the car has become America’s most modern form of transportation
D the car has made it possible for Americans to enjoy their modern life
48 What is the most important reason that cars are so popular in the US
A Americans like to visit different places
B Americans like to go about freely
C The United States is a very big country
D Other types of transportation are not so efficient
49 What will happen if the United States does not have enough oil for the cars
A Public transportation will be used more than others
B People will not travel so much as they do today
C Cars will still be the main form of transportation
D New forms of fuel will be found to take the place of oil
50 Which of the following is the main idea of the passage
A There are many cars in the United States
B Americans are fond of using cars to travel around
C Cars play a very important role in the life of Americans
D It is more convenient to travel by cars than by other forms of transportation
Passage three
Many people are frightened by spiders (蜘蛛) They are especially afraid of large hairy ones The largest and most frightening of all spiders is the birdeating spider which lives in the hot thick rain forests of northern South American
Birdeating spiders are a type of tarantula(狼蛛) They are very hairy Some of these giant spiders can spread eighteen centimeters with their legs Tarantulas are not as most people think poisonous (毒) spiders They can bite and the bite is painful but it will not kill a grownup The poisonous bite of a black window spider is far more dangerous
Birdeating spiders often hide in holes and under rocks during the day but at night they creep out and hunt for insects As you might guess from their name they also catch birds and eat them
They have another unusual ability They can walk up window pans (窗玻璃) because of silky hairs on their feet that cling to glass
51 The birdeating spider can be described as ________
A a very hairy spider
B very frightening spider
C the largest of spiders
D All of the above
52 Compared with the bite of a black window spider the bite of a tarantula is _____
A less dangerous
B more dangerous
C just as dangerous
D none of the above
53 Birdeating spiders hunt _______
A during the day
B at dawn
C at night
D Both A and b
54 This spider lives where the climate is _________
A cool and wet
B wet and hot
C hot and dry
D cool and dry
55 Implied but not stated ________
A The birdeating spider is unable to climb well
B The birdeating spider likes to stay in trees
C The birdspider can be found in many parts of the world
D One can hardly see a birdeating spider during the day
11 We have monitored in the area and there is no ______ to health she said
A hazard B suggestion C retreat D explanation
12 If you had read the direction carefully some mistakes in the examination ________
A could have avoided B could be avoided
C could avoid D could have been avoided
13 I’ll have a cup of coffee and __________
A two breads B two piece of breads
C two pieces of bread D two pieces of breads
14 All her doubts ______ after she read the letter from Jimmy
A vanished B compared C realized D handled
15 The report is ______ with the relationship between politics and the law
A concerned B absorbed C indicated D involved
16 The book was ______ that I returned it to the library without finishing it
A such bored B so bored C such boring D so boring
17 Having been operated on twice for the disease she was so weakened that she could ______ stand up
A rarely B suddenly C barely D finally
18 Jane teaches at high school in Beijing and she _______ flies to Hangzhou to see his parents
A occasionally B fortunately C evidently D sincerely
19 When students are caught _______ they will be kicked out of school
A to cheat B cheating C cheated D to be cheated
20 ______ many people want very much to travel abroad only a few can afford to do it
A When B Because C Although D Since
21 When I got to the cinema the film had already started I ________ there earlier
  A ought to get B ought to have get C ought to have got D had got T
22 Anyone who has ______ the accident will tell you the story about it
A sampled B vanished C escaped D survived
23 If you don’t read then ______ you will forget how to read
A positively B unfortunately C eventually D fortunately
24 _______ the midnight did I fell asleep
A Until B Not until C Only until D No until
25 The police are to ________ the records of all those involved in the crime
A look for B look out C look into D look after
26 Every one ran for the bus when it _______ the stop
A pulled into B pulled in C pulled out D pulled down
27 He sat in front of the young men ________
A his dusty face masks his age B his dusty face mask his age
C his dusty face masked his age D his dusty face masking his age
28 I was so tired that I would have slept ______
A nowhere B anywhere C whatever D anyhow
29 The assembling line was _________ by big Jim all the time
  A held up B broken off C kept up D put off
30 The English professor paused for a while as if _________ his students to ask questions on the point he had just made
   A to have expected B to expect C expected D expecting
31 As university graduates we are ready to go ______ we are needed most
A wherever B whichever C whatever D whoever
32 Tired and hungry the visitors __________ to the hotel
A went their way B made their way C got their way D came their way
33 Mr Trump would not ______ details of his plan until he arrived at the meeting
A reveal B indicated C expose D discover
34 Suddenly I caught sight of a post man ________ a bike down the street
  A to ride B ride C riding D rode
35 Don’t take his rude words too much to _________ He often speaks like that
  A heart B hand C remember D brain
36 Mrs Brown is supposed ___________ for Italy last week
A to have left B to be leaving C to leave D to have been left
37 The teacher said that the place where one chooses to study should be free of _______
A distance B depression C distraction D disgrace
38 Every man has moved into position and must remain silent and unobserved until the ______ moment
A emotional B critical C favorite D painful
39 After criticizing our proposal in detail the director went on ______ us that there was nothing personal in his comments
A telling B to tell C told D tell
40 Young pilots should ______ doing too many new things in one flight ie do not fly a new type of aircraft on an unfamiliar airfield
A manage` B decrease C deny D avoid
III Read the following passages and do the questions below (30)
Passage One
The first year of college is the most difficult year For students who leave their hometown to attend college one of the hardest parts of starting college is that freshmen have to learn to rely on themselves They must be able to live in small crowded rooms and take care of their own things learn to use a university library and find their way around town They should be able to follow schedules organize their time for study and play and think for themselves
Before arriving on campus a new student gets a packet of information from the university This packet usually includes a campus map information about places to live and have meals and general information about campus life The packet does not however tell students how to get along with others or how to be successful at studies
A freshman usually has an advisor – a professor who helps the student plan his school work Together they check course offerings examination schedules and university requirements before the semester starts Freshmen need to take courses in number of areas so such advice is important Most freshmen take a language course mathematics and composition of history The advisor gives advice as to which courses the new student should take
The social side of life is another If the student lives on campus for example there will be many other new students to talk with There will also be afterclass activities to help new students to get to know one another and make friends
By the end of the semester most students start to feel both confident and comfortable at school The next hard part is going back home for the semester break Most freshmen suddenly feel that they don’t fit in at home anymore It’s not easy to be a freshman at university
41 What is the hardest part for freshmen who leave their hometown to attend college
A They don’t know their way around the campus
  B They miss their parents too much to concentrate on their studies
C They don’t know how to use the library
D They must learn to rely on themselves
42 What does the packet freshmen get from the university tell them
A How to be successful at college
B How to get along with others
C General information about campus
D What they should bring to college
43 How do freshmen choose their courses
A According to their interests
B With the help of an advisor
C With their future career in mind
D On the advice of their parents
44 What is the purpose of afterclass activities
A To help new students to get to know one another
B To allow new students opportunities to learn from each other
C To give new student a chance to relax
D To help new students gain confidence
45 How do freshmen feel when they return home during the semester break
A Proud of their success at school
B Eager to see their parents
C Happy to talk with their brothers and sisters
D Out of place at home
Passage Two
We were late as usual My husband had insisted on watering the flowers in the garden by himself and when he discovered that he couldn’t manage he had asked me for help at the last moment So now we had an hour to get to the airport Luckily there were not many cars or buses on the road and we were able to get there just in time We checked in and went straight to a big hall to wait for our flight to be called We waited and waited but no announcement was made We asked for information and the girl there told us that the plane hadn’t even arrived yet In the end there was another announcement telling us that passengers waiting for Flight LJ108 could get a free meal voucher(单) and that the plane hadn’t left Spain for technical problems We thought that meant that it wasn’t safe for the plane to fly We waited again for a long time until late evening when we were asked to report again This time we were given free vouchers to spend the night in a nearby hotel
The next morning after a bad night because of all the planes taking off and landing we reported back to the airport Guess what had happened while we were asleep Our plane had arrived and taken off again All the other passengers had been woken up in the night to catch the plane but for some reason or other we had been forgotten You can imagine how we felt
46 The plane the writer and her husband would take ______
A came from Spain
B passed by Spain
C was not to leave till the next morning
D could not leave the airport at night
47 The plane was delayed ______
A because the airport was too busy
B because some passengers didn’t arrive
C because of bad weather
D because something was wrong with the machine
48 The passengers were given a free meal because ______
A they arrived at the airport early
B they hadn’t had a meal yet
C they had no money with them
D they could not board the plane on time
49 The couple were in a big hall waiting for ______
A the girl to give them information
B their flight to be announced
C the free meal voucher
D other passengers to arrive
50 The plane took off again ______
A as soon as it had arrived
B after all the passengers were woken up
C while most of the passengers were woken up
D early the next morning
Passage Three
Parrots are becoming one of the most popular pets in America—and for good reason The parrot is an unusual bird that can be taught to talk can be easily cared for and can give a lively feeling anywhere With the help of an experienced parrot owner a parrot can develop a large vocabulary In addition a parrot can be trained to say Pretty boy or See you tomorrow and it also can learn to whistle (吹口哨) or sing No matter what an owner decides to teach a bird training a parrot takes much patience but the reward is a stream of chatter Another reason for the parrot’s popularity is that this pet does not require much care For example even a spoiled parrot does not need a house sitter for the purpose of daily walks and daily feeding In fact a parrot owner may leave his or her pet with enough food for five days and have no fear that the parrot will eat too much Still another advantage of owning a parrot is its inexpensive food including nuts corn and grain—along with an apple or banana Perhaps the most likely reason the parrot is becoming such a wellliked pet is that it is a combination of tameness and wildness Because the parrot can live in almost any environment it makes a fine tame friend for many people In addition because it can be easily trained it is a delightful performer At the same time its colorful feathers give it an air of the strangeness of parrots’ native home the thick forests Thus the parrot once a highly valued gift presented to kings and noble families is now appreciated(欣赏 理解) by a growing number of people
51 The word pet most probably means ______
A small duck
B small rabbit
C lovely bird
D lovely chicken
52 Which of the following is NOT a reason for the easy raising of the parrot
A It eats very little
B Its food is inexpensive
C It does not need a house sitter
D It does not require daily walks as dogs do
53 According to the passage people like the parrot mainly because it is wide and ______
A brave  
B kind
C fierce
D gentle
54 The writer ______
A likes the parrot
B dislikes the parrot
C does not like any pet
D values the parrot highly
55 The main idea of the passage is that ______
A everybody likes parrots
B parrots are easy to raise
C parrots are not expensive
D we should train parrot patiently
11 Eyes play an important role in ______ as much as information from the environment as possible
   A absorbing B involving C inventing D conquering
12 It was the boy’s laziness that ________ his failure in the exams
A resulted in B resulted from C came to D brought up
13 I received a ____ parcel yesterday and I am still wondering who may have sent it
A complicated B dull C sincere D mysterious
14 If your child is spending too much time on computer games think carefully about how you should do to ______ the situation
A arrange B achieve C decrease D handle
15 The movie star ______ with your sister didn’t he
A was used to dance B used to dancing C used to dance D was used to dancing
16 Whatever one has planned to do is ______ to be altered (改变) in the process
A prohibited B bound C eager D embarrassed
17 He often ______ about his friends never coming to see him
A wakens B disturbs C complains D publishes
23 Lennie was late for school again this morning He ______ earlier He must have stayed up late last night
A ought to get up B ought to have got up C ought to get D ought to getting up
24 You _______ me because I didn’t say that
A must misunderstand B must have misunderstood
C must be understood D must have been understood
25 The football game will be played on _________
A July 10 B July of 10 C 10 July D the 10th of July
21 The second half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part _______ he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn
A during which B from which C during that D from that
22 You should speak clearly _______ they can understand you
A so that B so to C because D that so
23 Music is a part of life and we have found the records and tapes a constant ______ of happiness
A source B addition C package D matter
24 She pressed her lips together trying to ______ tears
A hold back B burst into C take back D give up
25 __________ there was no quality control whatsoever
A Most important of all B Most curious of all
C Most excited of all D Most necessary of all
26 Workers beyond him in line on his shift had to wait ________
A with nothing to do B nothing to do with
C to do nothing with D to do with nothing
27 I ________ my hometown it had changed so much
A could not hardly recognize B could hardly recognize
C could recognize D could have not recognized
28 Drivers have the _______ not to endanger the lives of others on the road
A reliability B ability C responsibility D capability
29 Of all the pastimes gathering around and listening to mother or father ______ a good story is the best to bring a family together
A to read B be reading C read D to be read
35 He was watching me or _______ for an hour or two
A something B somewhere C somewhat D anything
36 _______ out of the window Dr Smith caught sight of a young man running towards his clinic
A Looked B Looking C To look D Being looked
37 Sam was determined to _______ to improve efficiency at the shirt factory
A set out B set in C set about D set aside
38 The tables ________ the workers sat were very high and uncomfortable
A when B which C that D where
34 At 630 am next morning the train ______ Central Station Hangzhou
A came down B pulled into C laid out D sought out
35 The fight lasted only a few minutes when the enemy soldiers ____ before us for twelve miles
A vanished B approached C proceeded D retreated
36 With the population explosion scientists will have to __________ new methods of 
   increasing the world’s food supply
A lead to B carry out C come up with D stick to
37 Some children learn to speak and write when they are young ______ average children
  A compare with B comparing with C to compare with D compared with
38 He was astonished and sat _________ in his seat
  A root B rooting C rooted D to root
39 Children should not spend much time _________ television
  A watch B to watch C on watching D in watching
40 Mrs Brown is supposed ___________ for Italy last week
A to have left B to be leaving C to leave D to have been left
III Read the following passages and do the questions below (30)
Passage One
Mr Smith was a wealthy industrialist but he was not satisfied with life He did not sleep well and his food did not agree with him This situation lasted for some time Finally after several sleepless nights he decided to ask his doctor The doctor advises a change of the place where he lives Go abroad he said But I’m not good at foreign language said Mr Smith It doesn’t matter said the doctor It won’t hurt you to talk a little less Go on a voyage Take plenty of exercise Try to become thinner Avoid rich food
Mr Smith went to Switzerland He did not know French or German and had to communicate through gestures He attended a physical training course The teacher made him bend his knees wave his arms and shake his head rapidly He had to lie on the ground and raise his right and left legs one after another After a time his muscles grew hard and firm He forgot the problems in his business and the importance of raising the level of production He even began to notice small trees and small birds
Finally he returned home But unfortunately his improvement was only temporary Soon he was a business man again worried about his money his work his savings his raising of level in a technological society and things in general
43 Mr Smith went to see his doctor because he ______
E had little to eat
F was seriously ill
G was afraid of sleeping at night
H didn’t feel well
44 The doctor advises Mr Smith to do all the following except ______
E talk less
F change the surroundings
G eat food of good quality
H take plenty of exercise
43 In the second paragraph gestures means _____________
E body movements
F simple words
G pens or pencils
H handshakes
44When he traveled abroad Mr Smith ______________
A learned boxing
B raised the level of production
C forgot all about his business
D shook his head all the time
45 In the last paragraph the word temporary means ________
E lasting for a short time
F not deep
G unimportant
H developing very slowly
Passage Two
Cancer is among the top killer disease in our society today and scientists have found out that stress helps to bring it out It is worthwhile to consider therefore what are the causes of stress in our life and whether we can do something about them
Are we underemployed or overburdened with too many responsibilities Do we have a right balance of work and leisure (休闲) in our lives Are our relationships with family friends or fellow workers all they should be
All these things can be a cause of stress and it is best to face them honestly and to bring our frustrations (失意) into the open People who have a good row and then forget it are doing their health more good than those who bottle up their feelings
If our selfexamination has brought any causes of stress to light let us consider what we can do about them It is possible to change jobs We can make more leisure and fill it more happily if we will accept a different living standard We can improve our personal relationships by a different attitude It is we who allow other people to make ourselves unhappy Often the little things that disturb us are not worth an hour’s anger The teaching in the Bible Let not the sun go down upon your wrath (愤怒) is good advice from the health point of view as well as the religions
51 Which from the following statements is true
E Freedom from responsibilities helps relieve stress
F Stress is the direct cause of cancer
G Cancer is the number one killer in our society today
H The causes of stress are worthy of serious study
52 According to the passage which of the following types of people is more likely to suffer from stress
A People who have more responsibilities than they can handle
B People who have cancer
E People who like to quarrel with others
F People whose living standard is low
53 Judging from the context the word row in the third paragraph most probably means _________
E a noisy quarrel
F a very loud noise
G a neat line of things side by side
H a journey in a boat
54 Which of the following is not mentioned as a way to reduce our stress
A Changing our job
B Reading the bible
E Changing our attitude about little things that make us unhappy
F Speaking out about our frustrations
55 What does Let not the sun go down upon your wrath probably mean
A Don’t watch the sun set while you are angry
E Don’t get angry easily about little thing
F Don’t let your anger last long
G Don’t get angry while the sun is going down
Passage Three
I was born in the city of York in England in the year 1632 My father was a man of some wealth able to give me a good home and send me to school It was his wish that I should be a lawyer but my head began to be filled very early with thoughts of travel and I would be satisfied with nothing but going to sea My father gave me strong advice against it but with little effect One day being at Hull I met a schoolfellow who was about to sail for London in his father’s ship and he invited me to go with him and without telling my father I went on board
On the way to London a storm arose the ship was wrecked (失事) and we barely escaped with our lives I went on foot to London where I met with the master of a vessel which did business with countries on the coast of Africa He took a fancy to me and offered me a chance to with him on his voyages which I gladly accepted
A great storm came up and the ship was tossed ( 颠簸) about for many days until we did not know where we were Suddenly we struck a bank of sand and the sea broke over the ship in such a way that we could not hope to have her hold many moments without breaking into pieces So we launched (… 水) a boat After we had been driven four or five miles a mountainous wave struck us so hard that it overturned the boat at once Though I swam well but the waves were so strong that I was dashed (猛撞) against a rock with such force that it left me senseless But I recovered a little before the waves returned and running forward go to the mainland safely
51 What did the author want to do most when he was young
A To visit Africa B To sail the seas
C To practice law D To make a tour of London
52 Why did the author go on foot to London
A The ship he took was destroyed in a storm
B His father did not supply the fare for the journey
C He went against his father’s strong advice not to do so
D His school fellow invited him to go together
53 Why did they launch a boat
A They knew they were near the shore
B The big waves were about to overturn the ship
C Their ship had been knocked about for many days on the sea
D their ship had struck sand and was about to break into pieces
54 When the author got to the mainland he _______
A searched everywhere for his lost companions
B fell down on the ground senseless
C was safe and sound
D ran forward to escape being washed back into the sea
55 When the author finally arrived on land he most probably ______
A knew he was in Africa
` B did not know where he was
C was not aware he was back in England
D got in touch with his family and asked for help
11 The airplane arrived one hour behind __________
A schedule B plan C date D timetable
12 Be sure to ______ your work at the end of the exam
A set aside B hang up C look over D catch sight of
13 Rain only does not ________ bring down the temperature
A certainly B completely C undoubtedly D necessarily
14 Usually smoking is _________ in the office
A prohibited B suffered C lasted D intended
15 I couldn’t understand why he pretended ___________ in the bookstore
A to see me not B not to see me C not see me D to see not me
16 The girl in the snapshot was smiling happily her long hair ______
A was flowing in the breeze B flowed in the breeze
C flow in the breeze D flowing in the breeze
17 Mother insisted that ________ before nine in the evening
A they are to be back B they ought be back
C they be back D they had to be back
18 __________ you keep trying you will certainly succeed
A As long as B Because C No matter how D since
19 Betty was ___________ whenever she saw her English teacher
A mysterious B swift C brief D nervous
20 How we ________ a chance to visit your great country
A looked for B kept for C longed for D waited for
21 The school bus was _______ by a thick fog
A held up B broken off C kept up D put off
22 The nearest person he could contact by radio _______there was a ship nearby would be on an island 885 miles away
A unless B until C because D since
23 The only way to ______ a fear is to face it
A enlarge B conquer C communicate D Absorb
24 _______ that many of our problems are caused at least in part by failures to communicate
A It is known well B It well is known
C Well it is known D It is well known
25 Early in the morning I was ______ out of bed to repair a minor fault on the car
A distracted B wakened C dragged D assigned
26 The police investigation discovered that three men were ________ in the robbery
A involved B connected C tightened D caught
27 The school girl ______ You’re a liar
A brought out B cried out C sent out
D found out
28 _______ out of the window Dr Smith caught sight of a young man running towards his clinic
A Looked B Looking C To look D Being looked
29 At the age of 40 Johnson finally _______ in Beijing after he had got a wellpaid position in a big company
A sat down B worked down C settled down D moved down
30 We’ll do what we can to get the goods ______ on time said the manger of the company
A reached B received C recovered D delivered
31 Not until my mother told me the sad news that night ______ that our neighbor Dr Li was killed in car accident the week before
A I new B did I know C did I knew D I know
32 It was not a serious accident the car needs only some ______ repair
A minor B perfect C usual D major
33 If you work hard ______ you won’t have to sit up all night before the exam
A with some help B by yourself C in other terms D at other times
39 Chichester _______ kinds of hardships in his solo sailing round the world
A lasted B encouraged C endured D enlarged
35 The boy ______ turned the TV off as the clock struck ten time for him to go to bed
A reluctantly B fortunately C undoubtedly D expectedly
36 I _______ it would be fun to play such an exciting game with them
A can help to think B can’t help to think
C can’t help thinking D can help thinking
37 _____ is troubling me is that I don’t have much experience in international business
A What B That C It D As
38 The more the scientists find out _________ 
A they are unable to answer more questions
B the more they are unable to answer questions
C they more questions they are unable to answer them
D the more questions they are unable to answer 
39 He could see her lips ­­______ and hoped she would not cry in public again
A disturbing B trembling C shaking D attracting
40 ________ his wealth he is not happy
A Except for B In spite of C Because of D Besides
III  Read the following passages and do the questions below (30)

Passage One
In the eighteenth century young ladies in Italy were taught reading writing music and arithmetic But their knowledge of history and geography was very poor
Once the French ambassador in Rome was giving a ball to which many important people were invited The Italian Minister of foreign Affairs came very late A young lady who was well acquainted with him saw him enter the ballroom and asked why he was so late
You see said the Minister there has been a little accident at the King’s palace
The curious young lady asked the Minister to tell her what had happened at the King’s palace
Oh nothing important answered the Minister The ambassador of Brazil who was to be presented to the King forgot to take his credentials with him and was obliged to go back to his hotel to bring them If he had left them in brazil we should have had to wait at least six months for them
Is Brazil so far from Rome asked the lady who knew very little geography
It is in the New World Said the Minister
In the New World repeated the lady in great astonishment
Yes in the New world Answered the Minister in a sarcastic tone which was discovered by Christopher Columbus
When the young lady heard this she rushed into the middle of the ballroom and shouted as loud as she could
Ladies and gentlemen have you heard the latest news A new world has just been discovered by a certain Christopher Columbus
46 The Italian foreign minister came to the hall very late because ___________
A he was reluctant to come to the hall
B he had had something to do at home
C he was delayed by a little accident
D someone was hurt in the King’s palace
47 What happened at the King’s palace
A The Brazilian ambassador forgot to take his credentials with him
B The King was late the Brazilian ambassador had to wait for him
C The ambassador left his credentials in Brazil
D For some reason the ambassador had to go back to Brazil
48 Where did the ambassador leave his credentials
A In the hotel
B In his office
C In Rome
D In Brazil
49 The reason why the young lady shouted her announcement was that _______
A she was the hostess of the hall
B she had never heard about Columbus
C she was well acquainted with the Minister
D she wanted to broadcast the surprising news
50 Her announcement showed she was ___________
A ignorant
B thoughtless
C clever
D knowledgeable
Passage Two
The modern sailing ship was developed by a man who never went to sea He was Prince Henry of Portugal the younger one of the Portuguese king and an English princess
Prince Henry lived in the fifteenth century As a boy he became devoted to the sea And he decided himself to improving the design of ships and the methods of sailing them In 1416 when he was twentytwo Henry founded a school for mariners to which he invented everyone who could help him – Jewish astronomers(天文学家) Italian and Spanish sailors and Arab mathematicians and map makers who knew how to use the crude(粗糙) compass(罗盘) of the day and could improve it
Henry’s goal was to design and equip vessels(船) that would be capable of making long ocean voyages without having to keep close to the shore The caravel which he helped design carried more sails and was longer and slimmer than any ship then made yet was tough enough to stand up against gales at sea He also developed the carrack which was a slower ship but one that was capable of carrying more cargo
The world owes credit to Prince Henry for the development of craft that made oceanic exploration possible He lives in history as Henry the Navigator
46 Henry the Navigator was a member of the royal family of _________
  A England
  B Spain
  C Italy
D Portugal
47 Prince Henry started his school for the purpose of _________
  A helping mariners
  B improving ship design and sailing methods
  C studying astronomy and mathematics
  D improving his own skill as a sailor
48 The teachers in Prince Henry’s school seem to have been __________
  A members of the royal family
  B astronomers sailors and map makers
  C shipbuilders
  D All of the above
49 Prince Henry’s goal was to design vessels that could _______
make long deepsea voyages
travel faster than those in use at that time
explore the coastline of Portugal
carry larger crews and more cargo than existing ones
50 The best title for this selection is ___________
  A The First Modern Sailing Vessels
  B The Mariner Prince
  C Prince Henry’s Role in the History of Shipbuilding
  D The First School for Sailors
Passage Three
I worked as a manager for a number of years I liked my job and was doing well there but
our company was bought by a larger company and most of the managers at our place lost their jobs That was when I decided to do something I’d always wanted to do – become a freelance (撰稿) writer Changing professions (职业) has meant that my lifestyle has changed in a number of ways
The main difference for me now is that I have a much more flexible (灵活) schedule I work about as much as I did before – between 45 and 50 hours a week – but my schedule is much less rigid than it used to be Before I worked from 8 to 5 every day with a few extra hours on weekends Now however I worked when I feel like it For instance sometimes I work until midnight or 2 AM then sleep until noon I really prefer this kind of schedule It seems more natural to me
I also decided that it was about time I began to pay more attention to my health While I was working as a manager I never exercised I already felt tired after work so I just came home in the evening and watched TV However last year I joined a health club and began to do regular exercise As a result I have lost over 10 pounds and felt much better I’ve also started to eat more healthfully I used to eat a lot of fast food but now I do my own shopping I buy lots of fruits and vegetables and cook them at home
Of course not all the changes have been that easy For example I don’t feel as secure financially as I used to When I was working as a manager I never worried much about money I could always count on getting my paycheck every two weeks Working freelance I don’t have a regular paycheck
So now I have to make sure there’s enough money until the next arrives
All in all I really like my current lifestyle Of course that doesn’t mean I’ll never want to have a regular job But for now at least it suits me
51 Why did the author decide to become a freelance writer
A He had always liked writing
B He was dissatisfied with his company
C He never liked his job as a manager
D He wanted to change his lifestyle
52 What is the main difference the job change brought to the author
A He works fewer hours a week
B He does not have to work as he likes
C He can change his schedule as he likes
D He can work at night and sleep late
53 Why does he do his own cooking now
A He wants to lose weight
B He has got lots of free time on his hands
C He no longer feels tired after work
D He wants to eat more healthfully
54 What is his chief problem now
A He can’t count on his paycheck to arrive on time
B He has no regular work to do
C He has to find a publisher for his books
D He has to worry about money
55 At the end of the passage the author indicates that ________
A he is going to find a regular job
B he is not going to change his lifestyle in the near future
C he will continue to write for the rest of his life
D he will soon find out whether writing is a good career for him
11 One of his many faults is that he never ______ anything very long
A goes over B sticks to C looks over D carry out
12 Undoubtedly they do not have the intention of making an engineer of him and I _________ they never will
A suspect B suggest C intend D extend
13 Television keeps us informed about ______ events and the latest developments in science and politics
A current B fashionable C real D previous
14 Linda can _____ read and write though she has recently graduated from high school
A perfectly B usually C happily D hardly
15 It is a ________ experiment even if it may fail
A worth B while C worthwhile D worthywhile
16 The books are beautifully ______ with drawings and photographs
A designed B written C covered D illustrated
17 The judge ________ the truth of the evidence provided by the witness
A guessed B suspected C realized D discussed
18 Is there anything in your personal life which would ______ the party if it became public
A waken B involve C embarrass D memorize
19 It was at the age of 40 ___________ Tom settled down in Chicago
  A what B in which C which D that
20 The boy felt awkward as if he alone _________ responsible for what had happened
A is B is to be C would have be D will be
26 There ought to be something _________
A to fill your stocking B to fill your stocking with
C filling your stocking D filling your stocking with
22 John said that his mother would buy him a ________ racing bicycle for his birthday
  A fivespeeds B five speeds C fivespeed D five speed
23 Jane is one of those who _________ ready to help
    A is always B has always been C are always D have always
24 As I have ________ reference books at hand I will go to the library this afternoon
    A many B little C less D only a few
25 He might as well have picked a family ______ out of the telephone book and stayed with them
A at a time B at random C after all D in detail
26 His proposal was that the assignment _________ in three days
    A was completed    B would be completed
    C be completed   D was to be completed
27 After succeeding __________ around Cape Horn Chichester sent a radio message home
A of sailing B in sailing C to sail     D having sailed
28 The old lady was proud ________ his daughter who was a mayor
  A to B by C of D at
29 It has been only thirty years _________ television came to control our free time
A before B after C because D since
30 The boy fell onto the steps and _______ tears
   A broke into B came into C called into D got into
31 Excellent work would _______ frequent pay increases and promotions
    A result from B result in C result to D result with
32 I’d like to ______ that students should be allowed more time for independent study
A command B arrange C steer D propose
33 After resting for a few weeks Chichester ______ once more in spite of his friends’ attempt to dissuade him
  A sent off B set off C cut off D got off
34 The boy said to the old woman that the parcel was _____ to come by letter post
  A so large B very large C too large   D large enough
35 We know that drinking smoking and overwork _______ risks to our health
A involve B accumulate C spoil D handle
36 The result of every accident however ______ is a rise in the cost of insurance(保险)
A radical B rare C seldom D minor
37 Bob’s doctor suggests ________ for a few days 
  A that he is resting B he would rest
  C him to rest D that he rest
38 Sam could not _______ the camera he longed for because it was too expensive
A afford B affect C afloat D effect
39 Henry ______ into a table and landed heavily on the floor and had to be helped to his feet by friends
A limped B crashed C sealed D proceeded
40 Donald was arrested by the police on suspicion of being involved in the ______ disappearance of a man
A evident B critical C mysterious D ancient
III Read the following passages and do the questions below (30)

Passage One
       Some peope have it easy When their kids ask them what they do at work they can give a simple direct answer I put out fire or I fix sick people or I teach primary school As a theoretical (理) physicist I never had this luck Society has come to expect many things from the physicists It used to be that we only had to discover the baicc laws of the world and supply the techniques that would power the next Silicon Valleu (硅谷) With these expectations we were fairly comfortable – and what makes it hard for us to tell our kids what we’re up to – is that in this century we have become though unwillingly gurus on questions such as what is the nature of Reality (现实)?
We now deal with a whole new class of problems We ask how the world began and what is the nature of matter The answers we are coming up with are just not easy to comprehend for the average person
So when physicists get out of their cars in the morning have a cup of coffee and sit down in front of their computers they leave a familiar world and enter a place where things act in strange ways that are impossible for ordinary people to understand
41 According to the passage in a way physicists are ______
A intelligent B comfortable C strnage D unlucky
42 Judging from the context the word  gurus  in the first paragraph most probably means a person ______
A who acts as a teacher and answers big questions
B who gives wrong answers to real questions
C who does not have answers to real big problems
D who is eager to supply answers to big problems
43 Which of the following is true according to what the author says about physicists
A Physicists do not like their jobs
B Physicists live in two different worlds
C Physicists are coming up with new answers to old questions
D Physicists don’t have to tell people what they are doing
44 Which of the following statements is true of theoretical physicists
A They only have to answer the basic questions about the world
B They have contributed to the new industry in Silicon Valley
C They have been disappointed to the expectations of many people
D They have found it hard to make friends with ordinary people
45 Which of the following is true about the job of today’s physicists
A It is getting easier and easiere with the help of modern technology
B It is not related to any practical use
C It can’t be done by a person with average intelligence
D It is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people
Passage Two
Do you want a car Many people want to get rid of their cars and they are doing just that Police say that about 110 cars are abandoned (丢弃) every night in New York City
Why do people leave their car to be towed away by the police Maybe the car just doesn’t run any more It would have to be towed to the junk dealer Besides the cost of towing the car owners would have to find a way to get home from the junk yard This might cost money too So the license plates are removed and the car is abandoned
How can the police stop people from filling the streets with abandoned cars Faced with about 21000 abandoned cars a year the Chicago police made a plan They checked engine registration numbers and were able to find the owners of the cars Then the owners were charged for the towing So far the plan has turned the problem into a profit The city has collected almost a million dollars from the towing and sale of abandoned cars
Even if the city police can stop people from abandoned cars we still must face the problem of cars that wear out At present there are about 40 million cars in junk yards across the country and that number keeps going up
How can the U S get rid of its large and growing car junk yards A US Senator from Illinois said that the government should use the tax collected on new cars to pay for the burial of old cars
If you are thinking of looking for and fixing up an abandoned car forget it You have to have a bill of sale or title from the owner before you can get new license plates
46 The author’s purpose is _______
A to call for a tax on new cars
B to praise the Chicago police
C to tell about the problem of abandoned and wornout cars
D to tell you how to get a car
47 From the information in the article you could not say that ______
A abandoned cars are nuisance
B wornout cars are piling up in junk yards
C Chicago police found a solution to abandoned cars
D If you want a car find one that’s been abandoned
48 If one has to drive a car legally one has to ________
A have a license plate
B pay for the towing of the car
C get rid of his old car properly
D pay for the burial of his old car
49 In this selection the word towprobably means _______
  A sell            B gain C drag           D collect
50 A word opposite in meaning to profit is _____________
  A) expense    B) loss C) payment   D) increase
Passage Three
Time talks It speaks more plainly than words Time communicates in many ways
Consider the different parts of the day for example The time of the day when something is done can give a special meaning to the event Factory managers in the United States fully realize the importance of an announcement made during the middle of the morning or afternoon that takes everyone away from his work
In the United States it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning If you telephone him early in the day while he is shaving or having breakfast the time of the call shows that the matter is very urgent and requires immediate attention The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 1100 pm If someone receives a call during sleeping hours he assumes it is a matter of life or death The time chosen for the call communicates its importance
The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world Thus misunderstanding arises between people from cultures that treat time differently In the Western world particularly in the United States people tend to think of time as something fixed in nature something from which one cannot escape As a rule Americans think of time as a road or a ribbon stretching into the future along which one progresses The road has many sections which are to be kept separate—one thing at a time Thus an American may feel angry when he has made an appointment with someone and then finds a lot of other things happening at the same time
Americans look ahead and are concerned almost entirely with the future The American idea of the future is limited however It is the foreseeable future and not the future of the South Asians’ which may involve centuries Someone has said of the South Asian idea of time Time is like a museum with endless halls and rooms The Gods is in charge of the museum and only He knows all that is in it
Since time has such different meanings in different cultures communication is often difficult We will understand each other a little better if we can keep this fact in mind
51 This passage is mainly about ______
E the American idea of time
F the South Asian idea of time
G the importance of keeping appointments
H the communication between different culture
52 According to this passage an announcement made during the day in a factory must be very important because ______
E it interrupts the work of all employees
F it is made by the manager
G it makes everyone lose his job
H it communicates in many ways
53 In the United States a phone call made after 1100 pm is considered ______ in the view of the writer
E more important than one made during the day
F impolite since it disturbs the receiver’s sleep
G to be a threat to the receiver’s life
H even more urgent than one made early in the morning
54 The writer concludes that people of different countries will understand each other better if ______
E they know how to communicate with each other
F they are concerned with the future
G they learn the way time communicates
H they bear in mind that different cultures treat time differently
55 Which of the following statements is NOT true
E The American idea of the future is quite different from that of the South Asian’
F The South Asian regards time as something controlled by God
G Americans are not concerned with the idea of the future which is limited
H The South Asian idea of the future may go beyond one’s lifetime
11 He ought to have handed in the paper yesterday That’s what he _______
A should do B should have done C would do D should be doing
12 Of the two lectures the first was _______ one partly because the person who delivered it had such a nice voice
A by far the best B by far better C by far the better D by the far better
13 They provide information on methods to improve the ______ of training programs for older workers
A formation B efficiency C selection D dignity
14 When I receive you letter I will reply it ________
A immediately B sweetly C generally D undoubtedly
15 They didn’t take action until the tank ______ in the distance
    A moved B vanished C found D viewed
16 It is necessary to spend more time ________ than ________
A speaking reading B speaking read
C speak reading D to speak to read
17 Everybody is interested in progress and wants to _______ the times
  A keep up with B come up with C set up with D lay out with
18 We moved to the front row __________ we could hear and see better
A so as B so that C because D such that
19 It was ______ late to save the drowning boy as he had gone down for the third time
  A very B too C nearly D mostly
20 He didn’t tell me where he had spent his vacation ___________ to know
    A Not did I care B Neither I cared
    C I didn’t care D Neither did I care
21 I started to read newspapers more and for just the first time in my life I began to take an interest in ______ affairs
A personal B social C current D ancient
27 When you enter a big room to attend a lecture you may sit _______ you can see and hear well
A what B that C which D where
23 I remember Chapman was ______ when I told him we might make a million dollars a year
A shocked B amazed C stunned D exclaimed
24 I was busy _______ a new device for catching rats when Mark came and dragged me out to a
flower show
A to make B make C making D made
25 To her great _______ her daughter didn’t send her a real present for her birthday
A pleasure B satisfaction C happiness D disappointment
26 Educators report that the generation ______ with television barely write an English sentence
A growing up B to grow up B grow up D grown up
27 Drinking a cup of hot water might help to ______ the pain in the short term
A shift B wrap C drag D relieve
28 Lennie was late for school again this morning He _______ too late last night
A must stay up B must have stayed up C had stayed up D has stayed
29 I _______ my major points I had found in the shirt factory in my report to the manager
A recovered B discovered C covered D uncovered
30 I’d like to buy a computer to my father _______ I haven’t get enough money on me
A Unusually B Eventually C Incredibly D Unfortunately
31 If people are made aware that the better the service the more they earn then it really is  ______ to work hard and perform well
A an incentive B an atmosphere C community D gratitude
32 _______ the brain is given plenty of exercise it keeps its power
A As long as B As far as C As often as D As much as
33 To swim across the Channel would be an exciting __________
    A exercise B pleasure C pastime D experience
34 It is ______ that publishers need to bring out a large number of titles every year to stay in business
A boring B evident C elementary D boring
35 Management are interested in progress and want to _______ the times
    A set up with B come up with C keep up with D lay out with
36 After class the students should ______ important points that the teacher have mentioned in class 
A go over B lay out C go out D set out
37 Children sometimes can ______ games of their own or entertain themselves in their own way
A invent B solve C arrange D challenge
38 _________ that the left side of the brain is responsible for logic
  A It is generally believed B It generally is believed
C It is believed generally D Generally is it believed
39 All _______ is continuous supply of the basic necessities of life
A what is needed B the thing needed C for our needs D that is needed
40 If you _______ your name and address on the card we’ll send the book to you as soon as it is returned
   A go over B find out C fill in D set aside

Part III  Read the following passages and do the exercise bellow (30 )
Passage One
To my mother there was never any question that I was going to college From the beginning she took what she thought were the necessary steps to get me there
Step one was to make sure I attended my classes regularly Step two was for her to get involved herself At every school I attended from elementary through high school my mother was the president of PTA an organization of parents and teachers that works to improve the school
Somehow my mother had the idea that if she got involved with the PTA her children would have a better chance in school If she made herself head of the organization our chances would be that much better
My mother also wanted me to take advantage of opportunities outside the classroom One day the teacher said There’s going to be a trip to Washington We’ll go on the train The trip will cost 35
That was a lot of money back in 1946 but I wanted to go badly So did my younger brother Windsor
At dinner that night I mentioned the trip to my mother Nut I didn’t press it
That was my first train ride – and my first trip to Washington I walked down the streets and saw the White House and everything DC had to offer
At night the white kids stayed in a hotel and black kids slept on the floor of an old house Still the experience was wonderful for me And as my mother expected it taught me a lot – and I knew that someday I would return
41 What kind of family does the author come from
A A rich family B A Black family
C A middle class family D A white family
42 What was the first step the author’s mother took to get him to college
A She got involved herself with his schoolwork
B She worked hard to improve the school he attended
C She made him attended school every day
D She saved the money he needed for college
43 Why did the author’s mother want to be president of the PTA
A She wanted to know how things were going with her son at school
B She thought she would earn extra money by accepting this job
C She thought she would be respected by other parents
D She wanted her son to have a better chance to go to college
44 What did the author do after he heard of the train trip to Washington
A He pressed his mother for the money needed
B He asked his brother to go with him
C He just mentioned it at the dinner table
D He borrowed 35 dollars for the train ticket
45 What do we learn about the author from the passage
A He is now working in Washington DC
B He never realized his dream of going to college
C He never forgot the painful experience of sleeping on the floor
D He is now teaching at a famous college
Passage Two
Cars are very popular in the United States It is said that the car has made the United States a nation on wheels And it helped to make the United States what it is today
There are three main reasons why the car became so popular in the United States First of all the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in it The car provides the most comfortable and cheapest form of transportation(
The second reason is that the United States never really developed an efficient and cheap form of public transportation Longdistance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world Today there is a good system of air service by plane But air travel costs too much money so that it cannot be used frequently
The third reason is the most important one The American spirit of independence is what really made cars popular American don’t like to wait for a bus or a train or even a plane They don’t like to have to follow an exact time table Therefore the freedom a car gives them is what Americans want most
The decrease of oil supplies has caused a big problem for Americans But the answer will not be a bigger system of public transportation The real solution will have to be a new kind of car one that does not use so much oil
46 Why do we call the United Statesa nation on wheels
E Because it was the first country that started making cars in large numbers
F Because there are various forms of transportation in this country
G Because transportation in this country is cheap and convenient
H Because Americans like to travel from place to place in cars
47 According to the sentence And it helped to make the United States what it is today we know that _________
E the car has made the United States a very rich country
F the car has changed the old tradition of the country
G the car has become America’s most modern form of transportation
H the car has made it possible for Americans to enjoy their modern life
48 What is the most important reason that cars are so popular in the US
E Americans like to visit different places
F Americans like to go about freely
G The United States is a very big country
H Other types of transportation are not so efficient
49 What will happen if the United States does not have enough oil for the cars
E Public transportation will be used more than others
F People will not travel so much as they do today
G Cars will still be the main form of transportation
H New forms of fuel will be found to take the place of oil
50 Which of the following is the main idea of the passage
E There are many cars in the United States
F Americans are fond of using cars to travel around
G Cars play a very important role in the life of Americans
H It is more convenient to travel by cars than by other forms of transportation
Passage three
Many people are frightened by spiders (蜘蛛) They are especially afraid of large hairy ones The largest and most frightening of all spiders is the birdeating spider which lives in the hot thick rain forests of northern South American
Birdeating spiders are a type of tarantula(狼蛛) They are very hairy Some of these giant spiders can spread eighteen centimeters with their legs Tarantulas are not as most people think poisonous (毒) spiders They can bite and the bite is painful but it will not kill a grownup The poisonous bite of a black window spider is far more dangerous
Birdeating spiders often hide in holes and under rocks during the day but at night they creep out and hunt for insects As you might guess from their name they also catch birds and eat them
They have another unusual ability They can walk up window pans (窗玻璃) because of silky hairs on their feet that cling to glass
51 The birdeating spider can be described as ________
A a very hairy spider
B very frightening spider
C the largest of spiders
D All of the above
52 Compared with the bite of a black window spider the bite of a tarantula is _____
A less dangerous
B more dangerous
C just as dangerous
D none of the above
53 Birdeating spiders hunt _______
A during the day
B at dawn
C at night
D Both A and b
54 This spider lives where the climate is _________
A cool and wet
B wet and hot
C hot and dry
D cool and dry
55 Implied but not stated ________
A The birdeating spider is unable to climb well
B The birdeating spider likes to stay in trees
C The birdspider can be found in many parts of the world
D One can hardly see a birdeating spider during the day
11 We have monitored in the area and there is no ______ to health she said
A hazard B suggestion C retreat D explanation
12 If you had read the direction carefully some mistakes in the examination ________
A could have avoided B could be avoided
C could avoid D could have been avoided
13 I’ll have a cup of coffee and __________
A two breads B two piece of breads
C two pieces of bread D two pieces of breads
14 All her doubts ______ after she read the letter from Jimmy
A vanished B compared C realized D handled
15 The report is ______ with the relationship between politics and the law
A concerned B absorbed C indicated D involved
16 The book was ______ that I returned it to the library without finishing it
A such bored B so bored C such boring D so boring
17 Having been operated on twice for the disease she was so weakened that she could ______ stand up
A rarely B suddenly C barely D finally
18 Jane teaches at high school in Beijing and she _______ flies to Hangzhou to see his parents
A occasionally B fortunately C evidently D sincerely
19 When students are caught _______ they will be kicked out of school
A to cheat B cheating C cheated D to be cheated
20 ______ many people want very much to travel abroad only a few can afford to do it
A When B Because C Although D Since
21 When I got to the cinema the film had already started I ________ there earlier
  A ought to get B ought to have get C ought to have got D had got T
22 Anyone who has ______ the accident will tell you the story about it
A sampled B vanished C escaped D survived
23 If you don’t read then ______ you will forget how to read
A positively B unfortunately C eventually D fortunately
24 _______ the midnight did I fell asleep
A Until B Not until C Only until D No until
25 The police are to ________ the records of all those involved in the crime
A look for B look out C look into D look after
26 Every one ran for the bus when it _______ the stop
A pulled into B pulled in C pulled out D pulled down
27 He sat in front of the young men ________
A his dusty face masks his age B his dusty face mask his age
C his dusty face masked his age D his dusty face masking his age
28 I was so tired that I would have slept ______
A nowhere B anywhere C whatever D anyhow
29 The assembling line was _________ by big Jim all the time
A held up B broken off C kept up D put off
30 The English professor paused for a while as if _________ his students to ask questions on the point he had just made
   A to have expected B to expect C expected D expecting
31 As university graduates we are ready to go ______ we are needed most
A wherever B whichever C whatever D whoever
32 Tired and hungry the visitors __________ to the hotel
A went their way B made their way C got their way D came their way
33 Mr Trump would not ______ details of his plan until he arrived at the meeting
A reveal B indicated C expose D discover
34 Suddenly I caught sight of a post man ________ a bike down the street
  A to ride B ride C riding D rode
35 Don’t take his rude words too much to _________ He often speaks like that
  A heart B hand C remember D brain

36 Mrs Brown is supposed ___________ for Italy last week
A to have left B to be leaving C to leave D to have been left
37 The teacher said that the place where one chooses to study should be free of _______
A distance B depression C distraction D disgrace
38 Every man has moved into position and must remain silent and unobserved until the ______ moment
A emotional B critical C favorite D painful
39 After criticizing our proposal in detail the director went on ______ us that there was nothing personal in his comments
A telling B to tell C told D tell
40 Young pilots should ______ doing too many new things in one flight ie do not fly a new type of aircraft on an unfamiliar airfield
A manage` B decrease C deny D avoid
III Read the following passages and do the questions below (30)
Passage One
The first year of college is the most difficult year For students who leave their hometown to attend college one of the hardest parts of starting college is that freshmen have to learn to rely on themselves They must be able to live in small crowded rooms and take care of their own things learn to use a university library and find their way around town They should be able to follow schedules organize their time for study and play and think for themselves
Before arriving on campus a new student gets a packet of information from the university This packet usually includes a campus map information about places to live and have meals and general information about campus life The packet does not however tell students how to get along with others or how to be successful at studies
A freshman usually has an advisor – a professor who helps the student plan his school work Together they check course offerings examination schedules and university requirements before the semester starts Freshmen need to take courses in number of areas so such advice is important Most freshmen take a language course mathematics and composition of history The advisor gives advice as to which courses the new student should take
The social side of life is another If the student lives on campus for example there will be many other new students to talk with There will also be afterclass activities to help new students to get to know one another and make friends
By the end of the semester most students start to feel both confident and comfortable at school The next hard part is going back home for the semester break Most freshmen suddenly feel that they don’t fit in at home anymore It’s not easy to be a freshman at university
41 What is the hardest part for freshmen who leave their hometown to attend college
A They don’t know their way around the campus
   B They miss their parents too much to concentrate on their studies
C They don’t know how to use the library
D They must learn to rely on themselves
42 What does the packet freshmen get from the university tell them
A How to be successful at college
B How to get along with others
C General information about campus
D What they should bring to college
43 How do freshmen choose their courses
A According to their interests
B With the help of an advisor
C With their future career in mind
D On the advice of their parents
44 What is the purpose of afterclass activities
A To help new students to get to know one another
B To allow new students opportunities to learn from each other
C To give new student a chance to relax
D To help new students gain confidence
45 How do freshmen feel when they return home during the semester break
A Proud of their success at school
B Eager to see their parents
C Happy to talk with their brothers and sisters
D Out of place at home
Passage Two
We were late as usual My husband had insisted on watering the flowers in the garden by himself and when he discovered that he couldn’t manage he had asked me for help at the last moment So now we had an hour to get to the airport Luckily there were not many cars or buses on the road and we were able to get there just in time We checked in and went straight to a big hall to wait for our flight to be called We waited and waited but no announcement was made We asked for information and the girl there told us that the plane hadn’t even arrived yet In the end there was another announcement telling us that passengers waiting for Flight LJ108 could get a free meal voucher(单) and that the plane hadn’t left Spain for technical problems We thought that meant that it wasn’t safe for the plane to fly We waited again for a long time until late evening when we were asked to report again This time we were given free vouchers to spend the night in a nearby hotel
The next morning after a bad night because of all the planes taking off and landing we reported back to the airport Guess what had happened while we were asleep Our plane had arrived and taken off again All the other passengers had been woken up in the night to catch the plane but for some reason or other we had been forgotten You can imagine how we felt
46 The plane the writer and her husband would take ______
A came from Spain
B passed by Spain
C was not to leave till the next morning
D could not leave the airport at night
47 The plane was delayed ______
A because the airport was too busy
B because some passengers didn’t arrive
C because of bad weather
D because something was wrong with the machine
48 The passengers were given a free meal because ______
A they arrived at the airport early
B they hadn’t had a meal yet
C they had no money with them
D they could not board the plane on time
49 The couple were in a big hall waiting for ______
A the girl to give them information
B their flight to be announced
C the free meal voucher
D other passengers to arrive
50 The plane took off again ______
A as soon as it had arrived
B after all the passengers were woken up
C while most of the passengers were woken up
D early the next morning
Passage Three
Parrots are becoming one of the most popular pets in America—and for good reason The parrot is an unusual bird that can be taught to talk can be easily cared for and can give a lively feeling anywhere With the help of an experienced parrot owner a parrot can develop a large vocabulary In addition a parrot can be trained to say Pretty boy or See you tomorrow and it also can learn to whistle (吹口哨) or sing No matter what an owner decides to teach a bird training a parrot takes much patience but the reward is a stream of chatter Another reason for the parrot’s popularity is that this pet does not require much care For example even a spoiled parrot does not need a house sitter for the purpose of daily walks and daily feeding In fact a parrot owner may leave his or her pet with enough food for five days and have no fear that the parrot will eat too much Still another advantage of owning a parrot is its inexpensive food including nuts corn and grain—along with an apple or banana Perhaps the most likely reason the parrot is becoming such a wellliked pet is that it is a combination of tameness and wildness Because the parrot can live in almost any environment it makes a fine tame friend for many people In addition because it can be easily trained it is a delightful performer At the same time its colorful feathers give it an air of the strangeness of parrots’ native home the thick forests Thus the parrot once a highly valued gift presented to kings and noble families is now appreciated(欣赏 理解) by a growing number of people
51 The word pet most probably means ______
A small duck
B small rabbit
C lovely bird
D lovely chicken
52 Which of the following is NOT a reason for the easy raising of the parrot
A It eats very little
B Its food is inexpensive
C It does not need a house sitter
D It does not require daily walks as dogs do
53 According to the passage people like the parrot mainly because it is wide and ______
A brave  
B kind
C fierce
D gentle
54 The writer ______
A likes the parrot
B dislikes the parrot
C does not like any pet
D values the parrot highly
55 The main idea of the passage is that ______
A everybody likes parrots
B parrots are easy to raise
C parrots are not expensive
D we should train parrot patiently





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田***1 5年前 上传1238   0



小***库 2年前 上传514   0


小学英语“连词成句”专项练习题第一册:1. name   what’s     your ?2. the   point   window please to .3. is my Liping   name .4. school this my   is .5. old   are   how   you ?6. bag yellow it in is the ?第二

知***享 4年前 上传1634   0


名词练习题一、 写出下列名词的复数形式1.computer ____________ 2.apple ____________ 3.city ______________4.house _____________ 5.sheep _____________ 6.watch ______________7.tomato _____________ 8.child

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(英语)高中英语翻译技巧小结及练习题(英语)高中英语翻译技巧小结及练习题一、高中英语翻译1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.这个专家所推荐的方法被证明是十分有效的。(prove)2.对国家来说,保护生态环境和保持经济增长同样重要

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外研版英语七年级下Module 3 Making plans Unit 1同步练习题(含答案)

Module 3 Unit 1一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1.Don’t be   (傻气的).He isn’t going to help us. 2.My brother often   (检查) his bike before he rides. 3.Today many young people   (花费) too much time on their mobile p

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5.2 常见的技术图样 同步练习题(含答案) (1)

常见的技术图样一、选择题1.如图所示属于常见技术图样中的( )A.效果图 B.剖视图 C.电路图 D.三视图2.设计师绘制了一幅机械加工图,绘图比例是1:3,零件某边的长度是120cm,在图中标注此边长应为( )A.400mm B.400 C.1200mm D.12003.图示为某工件的立体图,其对应的主视图是( )A. B.C. D.4.下列有关三视图投影规

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分式及分式的基本性质同步练习1.当_____时,分式无意义. 2.当______时,分式有意义. 3.当_______时,分式的值为1. 4.当______时,分式的值为正. 5.当______时分式的值为负.6、分式,,的最简公分母是( )。A、12abc B、-12abc C、24a2b4c2 D、12a2b4c27、在分式中,a、

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1.2 技术的价值 同步练习题(含答案) (1)

技术的价值一、选择题1.在技术与科学的关系中,下列关于技术的说法正确的是( )A.技术的任务是认识世界、发现自然规律B.技术通过实验验证假设、形成结论C.技术以满足人类的需求和愿望为目的D.技术的发展是自然界的规律,不以人的意志为转移2.2021年全国两会期间,政府工作报告中提到的“碳达峰”“碳中和”成为热词。数据证明,当前严重威胁人类生存与发展的气候变化主要是工业革命以来

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1.1 生活中的立体图形同步练习题

1. 立体图形的各个面都是__________的面,这样的立体图形称为多面体.2. 图形是由________,__________,____________构成的.3. 物体的形状似于圆柱的有________________;类似于圆锥的有_____________________;类似于球的有__________________.

郭***芳 2年前 上传522   0

2.2 设计的一般原则 同步练习题(含答案) (1)

设计的一般原则 一、选择题1.如图所示是一款削苹果机。该削苹果机具有削皮、去核、5秒完成切片等功能。下列关于该削苹果机的说法中不恰当的是( )A.固定针的材料为304医用不锈钢,强度高又卫生,体现了设计的技术规范原则B.弹簧式全自动调节器,可根据苹果表面凹凸情况自动调节刀片位置达到较好的削皮效果,体现了设计的实用原则C.调节式卡扣设计,方便安插大小不同的苹果,体现了设计的创新原则

福***园 2年前 上传533   0

10.2 电势差 同步练习题(word版含答案)

10.2 电势差一、单选题1.如图所示,在一点电荷Q产生的静电场中,三个等势面a、b、c的电势分别为、和。一质子从等势面a上某处由静止释放,经过等势面b时的速率为v。下列说法正确的是(  )A. 该点电荷Q带负电荷 B.质子到达等势面c时速率为C.质子到达等势面c时速率为 D.质子在等势面b上时的电势能比在c上时小2.有一半径为R的均匀带电薄球壳,在通过球心的直线上,各点的场强E

高***本 1年前 上传306   0

8.2 重力势能 同步练习题(word版含答案)

8.2 重力势能一、单选题1.小李将质量为的篮球(视为质点)从距水平地面的高度为处由静止释放,篮球多次弹起后静止在地面上,篮球第次弹起的高度。重力加速度大小为。整个过程中,篮球受到的重力做的功为(  )A.0 B. C. D.2.如图所示,轻弹簧一端固定于O点,另一端系一重物,将重物从与悬点O等高的A点静止释放,此时弹簧恰好处于原长。在重物由A点摆向最低点B的过程中(不计空气阻力),下列

高***本 1年前 上传326   0

10.4 电容器的电容 同步练习题(word版含答案)

10.4 电容器的电容 一、单选题1.如图所示,水平放置的平行板电容器上极板带正电,所带电荷量为Q,板间距离为d,上极板与静电计相连,静电计金属外壳和电容器下极板都接地,在两极板正中间P点有一个静止的带电油滴,现将电容器的上极板竖直向下移动一小段距离,下列说法正确的是(  )A.油滴带正电 B.P点的电势不变C.油滴向上运动 D.静电计指针张角不变2.目前市场上的智能手机普遍采用了电

高***本 1年前 上传308   0

5.2 运动的合成与分解 同步练习题(word版含答案)

5.2 运动的合成与分解 一、单选题1.如图所示,有一条宽为的河道,一小船从岸边的某点渡河,渡河过程中保持船头指向与河岸始终垂直。已知小船在静水中的速度大小为,水流速度大小为。下列说法正确的是(  )A.小船渡河过程中的位移大小为B.小船渡河的时间是C.小船在河水中航行的轨迹是曲线D.小船在河水中的速度是2.如图,小船从A点开始渡河,小船在静水中的速度为v1,水流的速度为v2,合

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(人教PEP)五年级英语下册 Unit 2 练习题

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笑***7 4年前 上传1010   0


Module2 模块测试卷一、选择正确答案。( ) 1. I ________ like noodles. A. do B. not C. don’t( ) 2. ________ you a good boy? A. Do B. Are C. Is( ) 3. Some rice ________ you! A. to B. for C. of(

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高考英语二轮复习:定语从句练习题 学案(含答案)

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文***7 1年前 上传363   0


练习1 名词和名词的数名词是:人名、地名、事物名、抽象概念的名称的词。 名词分为:(一)专有名词专有名词的首写字母一定要大写,前面不能用冠词。(二)普通名词有:可数名词和不可数名词1.可数名词有:个体名词和集体名词。⊙语法重点 ——名词变复数 日期 月 日 正确率 .一 给下列的名词加上复数的形式book

开***8 4年前 上传1069   0


人教新起点一年级(上册)英语 Unit 1 检测卷及答案一、按照字母表的顺序给下列字母重新排序。顺序为: 二、正确书写下列大写字母及其所对应的小写字母。三、英汉互译。(10分)1. 早上好。 2. Ope

x***q 2年前 上传800   0


简单句的五种基本句型讲解及练习题 英语句子看上去纷繁庞杂但仔细观察不外乎五个基本句式。这五个基本句式可以演变出多种复杂的英语句子。换言之绝大多数英语句子都是由这五个基本句式生成的。 这五个基本句式如下 S十V主谓结构 S十V十P主系表结构 S十V十O主谓宾结构 S十V十O1十O2 主谓双宾结构 S十V十O十C 主谓宾补结构 说明S主语V谓语P表语O宾语O1间接宾语O2直接宾语C宾

p***5 10年前 上传18908   0



N***a 5年前 上传1866   0


am用于第一人称I的后面I am (注意:“I”无论何时都要大写,不管位于句首还是句中)

A***8 5年前 上传1445   0


外研一起二年级(上册) 英语Module 2检测卷及答案一、 按照字母表的顺序给下列字母重新排序。顺序为: 二、用所给的字母组合成正确的单词,并写出其汉语意思。1. a m t e 2. n g o s 3. n l o o s e d

x***q 2年前 上传595   0


一般现在时练习题一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。eat read do take wash watch have carry study f ly

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