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  1midautumn festival
  2midautumn day
  3moon festival(中秋节称月亮节)
  4mooncake festival(吃月饼中秋节俗称月饼节)
  happy midautumn festival
  the midautumn festival is peculiar to china
  it's mooncakes as a mid autumn present this year again
  the autumn moon festival which this year falls on september 22 is a traditional chinese holiday
  during china's midautumn festival that may involve the traditional mooncakes
  the moon festival is a very important day for us because on this day people can have a reunion with their friends or relatives from far away
  i wish your career and life as it phases of the midautumn festival bright bright festive
  that is a full moon night on threeunder for you to a child to dream of a round like two days more than willing to sweet cakes like beauty to three months cents
  the most beautiful holiday you want to send a special blessing
  one of the most simple a happy midautumn festival
  where we love is home home that our feet may leave but not our hearts
  sound blessing for me to breeze transmission whereas caring for the occasional water i placed although not often rode together but it always about you
  the midautumn festival is a long epic will never be long estrogen the family is an immortal flame burning forever forever warmth love is an altar wine too warm never indulging fans forever
  i carefully done two cakes one gave you wish you happy holidays and all the best youthful beauty gave himself a blessed i know you
  15心跳听 思念想 祝福心爱说 礼做 心
  yearning to hear heartbeats to think of blessings to go to say that love to be at the heart should be
  regardless in many regardless of gathering and leave all those blessings forever linked in my mind i wish you all every beautiful
  you cakes i stuffing smell the meeting you are my kite is the line recovery being chased by you you mingyue i springs menu 10000 years
  the longsimmering creativity to the autumn wind to the interpretation of its acacia melody alice hope to reunite the hearts leap in space the moon palace osmanthus trees to syria under an eternal theme
  meanwhile the yearning season i will be sincere and best wishes to concentrate messages with care and thought with the airwaves towards you
  20少欢聚堂少千里寄相思 时刻少亲情友情爱情少温馨祝福涌心头
  another is the midautumn festival during the festival times sze the number of people gathered to and how many people to send acacia trinidadat this moment the number of family love friendship and love how many warm wishes in my heart
  21中秋佳节寄送句表吾心:时相相闻愿逐月华流君 the midautumn festival no longer pin but sent sentence as a clay at this point do not hear each other china is willing to monthly flow zhao jun
  an intermining mingyue for your viewing weave a cool autumn you covered as appropriate pieces of glass moon palace drunken your heart and do a blessing zhong yuan your dreams
  zhong qiu jie which is also known as the midautumn festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar it is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon an auspicious symbol of abundance harmony and luck adults will usually indulge in fragrant mooncakes of many varieties with a good cup of piping hot chinese tea while the little ones run around with their brightlylit lanterns
  zhong qiu jie probably began as a harvest festival the festival was later given a mythological flavour with legends of change the beautiful lady in the moon
  according to chinese mythology the earth once had 10 suns circling over it one day all 10 suns appeared together scorching the earth with their heat the earth was saved when a strong archerhou yi succeeded in shooting down 9 of the suns yi stole the elixir of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule but his wife change drank it thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young chinese girls would pray at the midautumn festival
  in the 14th century the eating of mooncakes at zhong qiu jie was given a new significance the story goes that when zhu yuan zhang was plotting to overthrow the yuan dynasty started by the mongolians the rebels hid their messages in the midautumn mooncakes zhong qiu jie is hence also a commemoration of the overthrow of the mongolians by the han people
  14世纪中秋节吃月饼赋予层特殊含义传说朱元璋带兵起义推翻元时士联络信藏月饼里中秋节成汉推翻蒙古统治纪念日 字串7
  during the yuan dynasty (ad12061368) china was ruled by the mongolian people leaders from the preceding sung dynasty (ad9601279) were unhappy at submitting to foreign rule and set how to coordinate the rebellion without it being discovered the leaders of the rebellion knowing that the moon festival was drawing near ordered the making of special cakes packed into each mooncake was a message with the outline of the attack on the night of the moon festival the rebels successfully attacked and overthrew the government what followed was the establishment of the ming dynasty (ad 13681644) today moon cakes are eaten to commemorate this event




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中秋节用英语怎么说   中秋节的几种英文说法:mid-autumn festival; moon festival; mooncake festival; zhongqiu festival;the mid autumn festival;the mid-autumn festival (15th day of the 8th lunar month)   延伸阅读:   中秋节又称月夕、

毛***成 9年前 上传817   0


教师节用英语怎么说   教师节英文:teachers' day   一年一度的教师节又到了,那你又是否知道教师节用英语怎么说呢?   每年的9月10号是教师节:teachers' day,节日的第一个字母一般大写,并且名词用复数形式,eg: children's day, women's day.   如何用英语跟辛苦教育自己的老师说句节日快乐呢?   记得哦是: happy teac

快***1 8年前 上传954   0


母亲节用英语怎么说  母亲节的英文是:Mother's day本文档由香当网(https://www.xiangdang.net)用户上传

k***u 8年前 上传635   0


重阳节用英语怎么说  每年都过重阳节,但是很多人都不知道重阳节用英文怎么说,今天就让            小编为大家来解释重阳节的英语和重阳节的英语情景对话,想学的朋友请看以下内容。  重阳节英语怎么说:  重阳节英语:double ninth festival  重阳节的英语情景对话  today is september ninth by lunar calendar.

z***x 9年前 上传765   0


建军节用英语怎么说  每年的八月一日是中国人民解放军建军纪念日,因此也叫“八一”建军节。august 1st, anniversary of the founding of the chinese people's liberation army。建军节用英语可以称为:army day.中国每年的八一建军节全称为:china's army day.下面就为大家介绍一下中国的八一建军节。 

p***c 11年前 上传643   0


五一劳动节用英语怎么说  五一劳动节可以用英语:Labor's Day. 来表达  而“祝你五一节快乐!”可以用下面几种译法  Happy Labor's Day.  Wishes your Labor Day to be joyful!   Happy Internation Woker's Day!本文档由香当网(https://www.xiangdang.net)用

7***7 10年前 上传689   0


关于五一劳动节用英语怎么说  对五一劳动节用英语怎么说你了解多少呢,看看下文吧!  五一劳动节各种说法:  资本主义国家不庆祝“五一劳动节“的,因此 要么说 五.一:“may day“ 。 如果你一定要说,就说“国际工人节“ international worker’s day 不然老外不懂。如果用“labor day“就不恰当了,在美国labor day是九月份,如果你对美国人说l

r***8 10年前 上传385   0


植树节用英文怎么说  【植树节】Arbor Day   植树英语可翻译成:Plant tree.本文档由香当网(https://www.xiangdang.net)用户上传

s***r 12年前 上传1000   0


中秋节用剩下的月饼烹饪   中秋节剩下的月饼怎么办?盘点月饼另类烹饪   月饼作为中秋时令的食品,经过节前热火朝天的抢购,节后却往往被当成“甜蜜负担”无情地打入了“冷宫”,甜、油、味道单一,不符合健康原则,不管是目前“月饼去死去死团”日益壮大趋势,还是微博上咆哮着“五仁月饼滚出月饼界”。   很多人对月饼难言有爱,那么该如何解决这些中秋累积下来的“甜蜜负担”呢?来围观下小编为大家总结的月饼

扎***周 10年前 上传837   0


端午节用英语怎么讲  端午节the dragon boat festival 端午节的由来是中国古代一位满腹才华的诗人屈原。  the origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named qu yuan. 他爱国爱民受人尊敬,却由于被嫉妒而受到陷害,逐渐被皇帝冷落。he w

韦***芳 9年前 上传488   0


端午节的英语怎么说  Duanwu Festival 或者是 Dragon Boat Festival  本文档由香当网(https://www.xiangdang.net)用户上传

内***查 11年前 上传655   0


国庆节英语怎么说   国庆节的英语是:national day.   也可以说national day holiday!   在这里预祝大家国庆节快乐!   happy national day!   一线口语为大家整理的国庆节英文怎么说,供大家阅读参考。   the national day!   中国传统节日中英对照   1.new year's day 元旦(1月1日)

d***n 10年前 上传1062   0


端午节英语怎么说  端午节  [duān wǔ jié]  the dragon boat festival(端午节为每年农历五月初五,本来是夏季的一个驱除瘟疫的节日,后来楚国诗人屈原于端午节投江自尽,就变成纪念屈原的节日.端午节的习俗有吃粽子、赛龙舟、挂菖蒲、蒿草、艾叶、薰苍术、白芷,喝雄黄酒等)  端午节的庆祝方式  在中国,不同的地方有不同关于端午节传说和庆祝方式,以下

v***@ 9年前 上传485   0


感恩节英语怎么说  感恩节的英语是:Thanksgiving Day,也可以直接说Thanksgiving,这里的Day不是必须的。  感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)本来是人们感谢上天赐予好收成的日子,现在已经演变成人们相互之间互表感激和洋溢亲情友情的日子。  “Thanks“、“Thank you!“这些表示“谢谢”的话你都会,可是太单调。下面就教你一些“不同凡响“的道

黄***2 8年前 上传438   0


教师节快乐用英语怎么说   happy teacher's day!   教师节快乐   1.best wishes for teachers' day   祝您教师节快乐!   2.happy teachers' day. !happy birthday! happy new year!   教师节快乐!生日快乐!新年快乐!   3.i will always remember

红***溢 9年前 上传1392   0


情人节的英文是什么?情人节英语怎么说  情人节的英文是什么:valentine's day;saint valentine's day;  例句:没人能够抗拒情人节的巧克力脆皮草莓!  nothing says valentine's day like chocolate-covered strawberries.  2014情人节英语祝福语:  天下有情人终成眷属  m

p***g 11年前 上传843   0


五一劳动节英语怎么说  五一劳动节的英语:Labor's Day.  五一快乐,Happy Labor's Day.   五一劳动节节目策划方案  五一劳动节的知识  五一劳动节的意义  “五一”劳动节的由来  2010年五一劳动节活动主题  五一劳动节活动策划方案  更多五一劳动节文章本文档由香当网(https://www.xiangdang.net)用

T***爷 9年前 上传608   0


中秋节搞笑祝福短信:中秋节用短信给朋友送祝福  1.朋友,不管你现在身处何方,今晚一定要看看那被你遗忘已久的月亮,许个愿吧很可能就会实现哦!中秋快乐!  2.远方的朋友你是否无恙?在这个思念的季节里,改变的我的容颜,不变的是永远牵挂你的心!真心愿你佳节快乐!  3.月十五,天下太平;月到中秋,全家拜月;宝塔灯,照照天地;花下藕,藕丝连连;红石榴,榴开见子;团圆饼,有情人团团圆圆,祝中

汇***1 6年前 上传413   0


中秋节来源英语   the joyous mid-autumn festival was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox(秋分). many referred to it simply as the “fifteenth of the eighth

q***i 8年前 上传1077   0


中秋节的英语作文   篇一:a traditional festival of china   mid autumn festival is a traditional festival of china. it used to be as important as spring festival .it is usually celebrated in september or octob

老***9 10年前 上传1311   0


学生入党动机怎么说  我很荣幸我能作为一名积极分子参加了我校第46期党课培训,党课培训的内容丰富多彩,老师讲课,电教课,劳动课。在接受了党的洗礼之后,我应该思考我应如何端正我的入党动机和怎样争取早日加入中国共产党。  入党动机就是入党的目的,中国共产党是中国工人阶级的先锋队,在不断探索中国救亡图存的历程中,体现出了她诞生的必然性,她是社会的产物,顺应着时代的发展,我想,她只会欣欣向荣,生

z***i 9年前 上传563   0


优秀中秋节英语作文   中秋节马上就要到了,同学们会不会因为要写中秋节作文烦恼呢?不用愁,这里就为你提供准备一篇初中生中秋节英语作文范例的文章内容,可以参考一下!   初中生中秋节英语作文范例   the mid-autumn or moon festival is one rich in poetic   moon cakes came on sale shortly before f

m***i 9年前 上传1424   0


中秋节英语作文欣赏   中秋节英语作文   the mid-autumn festival   the mid-autumn is a very important chinese festival. it falls on the 15th day of august. a few days before the festival, everyone in the family will

k***t 10年前 上传780   0


介绍中秋节的英语   he Mid-Autumn Festival   The Mid-Autumn Festival has all interesting history. Long ago in one of the dynasties of China there was a king who was very cruel to the people and did not mana

水***辘 8年前 上传921   0


七夕情人节用心对待亲爱的  白天可以没有太阳,夜晚可以没有月光,严寒酷暑可以抵挡,艰难坎坷意志可抗,凄清寂寞令我心慌,唯恐你不在我身旁,七夕来临,爱我请你给我力量。  好久没见,但你的格言我始终谨记在心:馒头诚可贵,包子价更高,若有烧排骨,两者皆可抛。可爱的损友,七夕情人节快乐!  不求门当户对,但愿夫唱妇随。不求爱情完美,但愿比翼双飞。不求一生富贵,但愿夜夜相陪。你的梦幻妩媚,让我

梦***军 9年前 上传446   0