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(高考)英语综合提升训练及标准答案2019 精选




(高考)英语综合提升训练标准答案2019 精选

  1One third of the country ________ covered with trees and the majority of the citizens ________ black people
  Ais is Bare are
  Cis are Dare is
  [解析]第空语 the country 单数 is第二空 the majority of the citizens 复数动词连
  2It is reported that many a new house ________ at present in the disaster area
  A are being built B were being built
  C was being built D is being built
  [解析]考查谓致时态many a+单数名词作语谓语单数形式时间状语 at present 知现进行时态house build 间动关系现进行时态动语态句意:报道目前受灾区正建造许新房子
  3Such poets as Shakespeare ________ widely read of whose workshoweversome ________ difficult to understand
  A are are B is is
  C are is D is are
  [解析]考查谓致分析句子成分知第空格语 poets谓语动词复数第二空格前面 some 指代数名词 works第二空格应该复数题选择A项
  4Either you or one of your students ________ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow
  A are B is
  C have D be
  [解析] tomorrow 知应该 be+to do 结构表时态eitheror意者……者……句子谓语保持致语 one of your students谓语动词单数选B项
  5Dr Smith together with his wife and daughters ________ visit Beijing this summer
  A is going to B are going to
  C was going to D were going to
  [解析] together withalong withas well aswithbutbesidesexceptlikeincluding 等连接语谓语动词数前面语数致题谓语动词语 DrSmith 致单数根时间状语 this summer知般时选A项
  6—Why does the lake smell terrible
  —Because large quantities of water ________
  A have polluted B is being polluted
  C has been polluted D have been polluted
  [解析]quantities of作语谓语动词复数
  7The teacher together with the students______ discussing Reading Skills that ________ newly published in America
  A are were B is were
  C are was D is was
  [解析]together with 连接语采前致原Reading Skills 书名词单数动词
  8 The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities ________ rising steadily since 1990
  A is B are
  C has been D have been
  [解析]the number of 作语谓语动词单数since 1990 现完成时连
  9At present one of the arguments in favour of the new airport ________ that it will bring a lot of jobs to the area
  A is B are
  C will be D were
  [解析]one of 作语谓语动词单数
  10—Did you go to the show last night
  —Yeah Every boy and girl in the area ________ invited
  A were B have been
  C has been D was
  [解析]every+单数名词+ and (every)+单数名词作语谓语动词单数
  11As a result of the serious flood twothirds of the buildings in the area ________
  A need repairing B needs to repair
  C needs repairing D need to repair
  12A survey of the opinions of experts ________ that three hours of outdoor exercise a week ________ good for one's health
  A show are B shows is
  C show is D shows are
  [解析]a survey 作语谓语动词单数时间作语谓语动词单数
  13We live day by day but in the great things the time of the days and weeks ________ so small that a day is unimportant
  A is B are
  C has been D have been
  [解析]the time 作语谓语动词单数
  14Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture but when and where ________ yet
  A hasn't been decided B haven't decided
  C isn't being decided D aren't decided
  [解析]when and where 作语谓语动词单数yet 现完成时连
  15—Have you heard the latest news —No what ________
  A is it B is there
  C are they D are those
  [解析]news 数名词 it 代
  16 The construction of the two railway lines ________ by now
  A has completed B have completed
  C have been completed D has been completed
  [解析]the construction 作语谓语动词单数
  17The company had about 20 notebook computers but only one third ________ used regularly Now we have 60 working all day long
  A is B are
  C was D were
  18Most of what has been said about the Smiths ________ also true of the Johnsons
  A are B is
  C being D to be
  [解析]most of what 作语谓语动词单数
  19 A poet and artist ________ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon
  A is B are
  C was D were
  20The father as well as his three children ________ skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter
  A is going B go
  C goes D are going
  [解析]as well as 连接语谓语动词采前致原
  21Two hours away from the tall buildings of New York ________
  A some of the world's largest bears live
  B lives some of the world's largest bears
  C do some of the world's largest bears live
  D live some of the world's largest bears
  [解析]some of the world's largest bears 句子真正语
  22The library along with bookstores ________ reading materials It's open from 900 am to 400 pm on weekdays
  A provides B is providing
  C has provided D provided
  [解析]along with 作语谓语动词采前致原
  23The number of people in the world ________ about 6 billion and large quantities of waste ________ each year
  A total has been produced B totals is produced
  C totals are produced D total are being produced
  [解析]the number of 作语谓语采单数形式quantities of 作语谓语采复数形式
  24Every possible means ________ to prevent the air pollution but the sky is still not clear
  A is used B are used
  C has been used D have been used
  [解析]means every 修饰该处单数形式谓语动词单数
  25It is reported that more than two ________ died in the accident
  Ahundred people Bhundreds people
  Chundred peoples Dhundreds peoples
  [解析]考生认 two 面名词应复数错选BCD事实hundred 数词表示确切数量时单数形式面接介词 of 表示概数时复数形式people 意时身复数概念加s意民族正确答案A
  26He spoke at the meeting and said that three years in high school ________ not long
  Abe Bare Cis Dbeen
  [解析]考生认句语three years谓语动词应复数形式错选B实表示时间距离温度等单位名词做整体作语时谓语动词应第三称单数形式正确答案C
  27She collected ________ I did for the Hope Project the other day
  Athree times as many money as Bthree times much money than
  Cthree times more money than Dthree times many more money
  [解析]考生会认A项符合倍数表达方法错选A事实money 数名词AD项首先排BC中出现 than形容词应较级B项正确答案C
  28In our class Bill is the only one of the students who ________ from America
  Acome Bcomes
  Chave come Dare
  [解析]考生认先行词students句谓语动词应复数形式答案误选ACD事实 one of 前面 the very the only the best 等修饰语时定语句谓语动词形式 one 决定正确答案B
  29Our headmaster and secretary of the Party branch ________ going to Beijing this evening
  Abe Bare
  Cis Dwill be
  [解析]考生认语Our headmaster and secretary of the Party branch两谓语动词应复数形式错选B实处secretary前没限定词处语指谓语动词单数形式根句子结构知处 is going to 表示正确答案C
  30Each boy and each girl ________ to help the old man
  Awant Bis wanting
  Care wanting Dwants
  [解析]each+单数名词+and each+单数名词作语时谓语动词单数形式根语境知处应般现时正确答案D句意:男孩女孩想帮助位老
  1As is often pointed out knowledge is a twoedged weapon which can be used______ for good or evil
  A similarly B properly
  C equally D widely
  [解析]similarly 相似类似properly 合适恰equally 相等等widely 广泛句意:正常指出样:知识双刃剑善恶句意知C项正确指善恶率等
  2At the meeting they sat very ________ and had a ________ talk but I didn't know what they were talking about
  A close close B closely close
  C close closely D closely closely
  [解析]close 作形容词指亲密作副词意指具体 closely 作副词意紧密句意会紧挨着坐着亲密交谈知道谈什知选A项第空 close 副词第二空 close 形容词指亲密密切
  3In the future the US policy is likely to be strongly determined by internal developments in a number of key states ________ China and Russia
  A particularly B namely
  C absolutely D eventually
  [解析]particularly 特尤namely 说absolutely 绝eventually 终句意知A项正确
  4—You all like your English teacher
  —Yeah she devotes herself ________ to teaching and it earns her a good reputation
  A originally B extremely
  C obviously D entirely
  [解析]句意:—喜欢英语老师—全部精力投入教学中赢名声originally 原始初extremely 极端obviously 明显显易见entirely 完全句意知D项正确
  5Foreign teachers would like students to ________ ask questions submit theories or to debate any required reading materials
  A hopefully B gradually
  C truly D eagerly
  [解析]hopefully 希gradually 逐渐truly 真正eagerly 急切句意:外国老师想学生急切提问题提出理辩求阅读材料语境知处表示学生心渴提问题 eagerly 正确
  6—I played basketball for a whole morning yesterday and felt pretty good
  —You will be healthier if you exercise more ________
  A regularly B extremely
  C fluently D annually
  [解析]regularly 定期规律extremely 极端fluently 流利annually 年度句意:—昨天午篮球感觉相错—果定期进行锻炼会更健康句意知A项正确
  7China is no longer ________ a production base it is also one of the most important consumer markets
  A partly B merely
  C shortly D totally
  [解析]partly 部分定程度merely 仅仅shortly 久快立刻to tally 完全整句意中国生产基重消费市场知B项正确
  8—What do you think of the film 2012
  —Well it's good At least it's ________ the one I saw last time with Jean
  A as bad as B not as good as
  C no worse than D not better than
  [解析]句意:—认电影2012样—嗯错少次 Jean 部差as bad asnot as good as……样no worse than……差not better than……句意知C项正确
  9—Are you used to your new job
  —Well yes It's not as good as I expected ________
  A though B but
  C too D either
  [解析]句意:—适应新工作—预想though 作副词意然放句末逗号原句隔开符合句意
  10His parents ________ did not look after him very well the elbows of his jacket and his boots were badly worn
  A generally B gradually
  C actively D apparently
  11Jim went to answer the phone ________ Harry started to prepare lunch
  A However B Nevertheless
  C Besides D Meanwhile
  [解析]句意:Jim 接电话时Harry 开始做午饭A然B然C外D时根前句逻辑关系应选择表示列关系D
  12We only had 100 and that was ________ to buy a new computer
  A nowhere near enough B near enough nowhere
  C enough near nowhere D near nowhere enough
  [解析]句意:100美元离买台新电脑钱差远呢not anywhere near nowhere near:far fromnot at all 远非绝固定短语
  13In this lecture I can only give you a purely ________ view of how we can live life to the full and make some suggestions about the future
  A private B personal
  C unique D different
  [解析]句意:次讲座中日子充实提供观点未发展提供建议语境四选项含义判断选B项personal 私:personal belongings 私财产外三选项含义:private 私私私秘密隐秘反义词 publicunique 唯独二独特different
  14Mistakes don't just happenthey occur for a reason Find out the reasonand then making the mistake becomes ________
  A favourable B precious
  C essential D worthwhile
  [解析]句意:错误偶然发生发生原找出中原犯错误价值favourable 赞成意倾支持某某事物令高兴肯定precious 宝贵珍爱讲究essential 必质重worthwhile 值值花时间金钱精力:Nursing is a very worthwhile career护理工作值干职业句意判断知选D
  15It was a nice house but ________ too small for a family of five
  A rarely B fairly
  C rather D pretty
  [解析]句意:套错房子五口家说太四选项中 rather 修饰 too三选项 too 连全排
  16I'm not surprised that he became a writer Even as a child he had a ________ imagination
  A clear B cautious
  C funny D vivid
  [解析]句意:成作家感惊奇孩提时想象力丰富vivid 生动逼真栩栩生clear 清晰清楚明白cautious 心谨慎慎重funny 滑稽诙谐 vivid 形容想象力
  17It seems that living green is ________ easy and affordable A small step makes a big difference
  A exactly B fortunately
  C surprisingly D hardly
  [解析]句意:似绿色生活方式出意料简单廉价步会(然资源)影响surprisingly—unusually or unexpectedly 寻常出意料exactly 精确确切准确fortunately 幸运hardly
  18—Do you think it's a good idea to make friends with your students
  —________ I do I think it's a great idea
  A Really B Obviously
  C Actually D Generally
  [解析]句意:——认学生交朋友意——实真认错意You use actually to emphasize that it is trueactually实际句子中起加强语气作really 真正obviously 明显generally 体
  19It took ________ building supplies to construct these energysaving houses It took brains too
  A other than B more than
  C rather than D less than
  [解析]句意:建造节住宅仅仅需供建筑材料需智more than 意仅仅other than 常否定句相 butrather than less than 少
  20John is very ________—if he promises to do something he'll do it
  A independent B confident
  C reliable D flexible
  1Drug abusing may have some side effects on one's health however it is not always ________ if he stops it timely
  Apermanent Btemporary
  Cavoidable Dbeneficial
  [解析]permanent 永久句意:滥毒品健康副作然果时停止副作非总长久temporary 暂时avoidable 避免beneficial 益
  2—Credit cards are ________ useful when travelling
  —True They save us the trouble of taking too much cash
  Afinally Bnearly
  Chardly Dparticularly
  [解析]particularly 尤特句意:信卡旅行时尤
  3When we put the suggestion to him he thought highly of it and was ________ about its immediate application
  Acurious Bcontent
  Ccautious Denthusiastic
  [解析]be enthusiastic about ……热心curious 奇content 满足cautious 谨慎
  4The captain ordered his men to save only essential supplies before the ship sank ________ the food cooking equipment candles bedding and clothes
  Aspecially Bexactly
  Cparticularly Dentirely
  [解析]句意:船长命令手抢船沉前拯救必需品尤食物炊具蜡烛寝具衣物particularly 意 特specially 特殊exactly 确确切entirely 完全
  5 Glasses are ________ and must be handled with great care
  A heavy B smooth
  C flexible D fragile
  [解析]句意:玻璃易碎品轻轻放heavy 重smooth 熟练flexible 灵活弯曲fragile 易碎句意知D项正确
  6The students in the international school are encouraged to voice whatever opinions they have and question authority which helps to develop their______ thinking
  Acautious Bcasual
  Ccareful Dcritical
  [解析]critical 批判cautious 谨慎casual 便careful 心
  7What was considered impolite years ago has become ________ now
  A accessible B adjustable
  C unbelievable D acceptable
  [解析]句意:年前认礼貌事情现已接受accessible 进入接adjustable 调整unbelievable 思议acceptable 接受句意知D项正确
  8—What do you think of the concert
  —There was nothing special it was only ________
  A average B usual
  C normal D common
  [解析]句意:—认演唱会样—没什特处般average (智力表现等)般均usual 通常normal 正常common 常见普通句意知A项正确
  9Actually there are lots of jobs ________ in the western part of China
  A available B accessible
  C adorable D admirable
  [解析]句意:事实中国西部许工作机会available 获accessible 进入达adorable 值爱慕爱admirable 令敬佩极出色句意知A项正确
  10Your letter will get ________ attention They know you're expecting the answer
  A careful B common
  C instant D general
  [解析]句意:信会马关注知道盼着回复careful 心认真common 常见instant 立刻马general 体般句意知C项正确
  11When the weather is fine watching TV all day is not a ________ way to spend your time
  A worth B sensitive
  C worthwhile D convenient
  [解析]worth 值作表语sensitive 敏感敏worthwhile 值作定语表语convenient 方便句意句中缺成分知道C项正确
  12 Just like fingerprints each person's DNA is ________ unless he has a twin
  A unusual B normal
  C various D unique
  [解析]句意:指纹样非孪生兄弟姐妹然DNA独二unusual 寻常normal 正常various 种样unique 独特独二句意知D项正确
  13His knowledge of French was ________ for the job although he was not fluent in the language
  A adequate B abstract
  C available D appropriate
  [解析]句意:法语知识份工作说足够然法语讲流利adequate 足够胜abstract 抽象available 达获appropriate 合适恰句意知A项正确
  14 The problem is how ________ the drug abuse remains in America
  A regular B practical
  C severe D obvious
  [解析]句意:问题美国滥毒品严重regular 惯常规律practical 实severe 严重obvious 明显句意知C项正确
  15 Many students find ________ jobs during their summer holidays to obtain some working experience
  A permanent B comfortable
  C temporary D stable
  [解析]句意:许学生暑假期间找时工作获工作验permanent 永久comfortable 舒服temporary 时暂时stable 稳固句意知C项正确
  16 The zoo worker told the visitors that in the case of a highly ________ animal performance training is easy and not so painstaking
  A intelligent B interactive
  C internal D initial
  [解析]句意:动物园工作员告诉游客碰高智商动物情况时训练表演容易费劲intelligent 聪明interactive 相互作相互影响internal 部里面initial 开始初句意知A项正确
  17—What do you think of investing in today's stock market
  —There are many risks but also many ________ gains
  A potential B confidential
  C influential D preferential
  [解析]句意:—认投资现股票市场样—许风险处潜获利机会potential 潜潜confidential 机密机influential 易受影响preferential 优先优优惠句意知A项正确
  18________ the boys were shouting and singing
  A Happy and excited B Happily and excited
  C Happily and excitedly D Happy and excitedly
  [解析]句意:高兴兴奋男孩子喊唱分析结构知处形容词作状语表示语 the boys 状态A项正确
  19After climbing up the top of the mountains the three of them sat there ________
  A hungry and tiredly B hungrily and tiredly
  C hungry and tired D hungrily and tired
  [解析]句意:爬山顶三坐累饿语境知处形容词作状语表示语 the three of them 处状态C项正确
  20After the long journey the Smiths returned home ________
  A safely but tired B safe but tired
  C safe and tiring D safely and tiring
  [解析]句意:长途旅行史密斯家回安全疲惫语境知处应形容词作状语表示语 the Smiths 状态选B项C项 tiring 修饰
  21His first book is of great use for our course But his latest one is ________ worth reading
  A better B more
  C much D very
  [解析]句意:第书更值读be well worth doing 值做某事well 较级 betterA项正确
  22The Chinese women's volleyball team was the champion in the 16th Asian Olympic Games but the Korean women's volleyball team was only ________ beaten
  A nearly B narrowly
  C hardly D slightly
  [解析]句意:中国女子排球队第16届亚运会冠军韩国女子排球队险胜利nearly 接narrowly 险差点hardly slightly 稍微略微be narrowly beaten勉强败言外意差点赢
  23—What time do we have to be at the gate of the museum
  —________ the visitors begin to check in
  AImmediately BQuickly
  CHurriedly DGradually
  [解析]immediately 引出时间状语句意…………
  24It's likely that she will be______ from punishment as our teacher has been convinced by her excuse
  Aabsent Bdistant
  Cdistinct Ddesperate
  [解析]be absent from 逃脱……
  25 On snowy days you have to drive very ________ to avoid traffic accidents
  A cautiously B neatly
  C smoothly D properly
  [解析]句意:雪天心翼翼开车避免交通事cautiously 心谨慎neatly 整洁smoothly 利稳properly 合适恰句意知A项正确
  26She not only entered the competition—she ________ won it
  A hopefully B especially
  C actually D exactly
  [解析]hopefully 希especially 特尤actually 事实竟然exactly 确切句意进赛竟然赢知处表示意想结果 actually表示竟然
  27When Helen saw her tutor nod ________ to her she calmed down and went on with her performance
  Aencouragingly Bamazingly
  Cinterestingly Daccordingly
  [解析]encouragingly 鼓励句意:海伦导师鼓励点头静继续演出
  28With everything destroyed in the flood he felt ________ hopeless and killed himself
  Ahardly Bluckily
  Csincerely Dtotally
  [解析]totally hopeless 完全绝
  29—I'm not feeling very well Barton To tell you the truth I'm tired of the present life
  —I suggest you do some ________ exercise to keep fit
  Anormal Bgeneral
  Ccommon Dregular
  [解析]regular 规律符合句意general 般common 常见normal 正常
  30Teachers' Day is a festival based more on the ________ aspect than the material level and the stress on gifts has caused it to lose its original meaning
  Aphysical Bmoral
  Ccultural Dspiritual
  [解析]spiritual 精神句意:教师节更精神物质基础节日礼物压力已丧失初意义





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3套高考英语综合提升训练与答案2019精选 2019年高考英语综合提升训练及答案(一)   [1] The headmaster hurried to the concert hall only _________ the speaker   [译文] 校长匆匆来到音乐大厅,结果发现演讲者早已走了。   A. to find; left   B. to find; gone   C.

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(高考英语)高考英语综合提升训练及答案2019精选两套 2019年高考英语综合提升训练及答案(一)   [1] The driver drove _______ hit at a big tree and the car came to s stop.   [译文] 驾驶员开车太不小心,撞上了一棵大树,车就停下来了。   A. too carelessly to    B. care

y***a 5年前 上传1005   0


(高考语文)语文综合提升试题及答案2019精选两套 2019年高考语文综合提升试题及答案1   一、选择题   1、依次填入下列各句横线处的成语,最恰当的一组是( )   ①英拉是泰国第一位女总理,她穿上高跟鞋身高超过1.70米,显得身材高挑,在泰国女性中称得上 。   ②元明清书法家的书法都很有法度和功力,技法娴熟,流利美观,但就是缺少一种力量、缺少一种 的精神气象。   ③英国大

y***a 5年前 上传923   0


2019整理中考英语模拟试卷及标准答案   一、语文知识积累(1-6题,每题2分,第7题8分,共20分)   1. 下列词语中加点字的注音完全正确的一项是( )   A.殷红(yān) 压轴(zhú) 证券(quàn) 叱咤风云(zhà)   B.菜畦(qí) 讪笑(shàn) 果脯(fǔ) 爱憎分明(zēng)   C.姊妹(zǐ) 抖擞(sǒu) 嫉妒(jì) 提纲挈领(qiè)

y***a 5年前 上传1764   0


精选2019年全国卷Ⅱ高考英语压轴试卷附解析 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的

y***a 5年前 上传2220   0


精选2019年高考英语押题卷1带答案 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语(押题卷1) 注意事项: 1.本试卷分选择题、填空题和解答题三部分,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷和答题卡相应的位置上。 3.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号.非选择题用黑色

y***a 5年前 上传1728   0


2021届高三地理综合题能力提升训练(十四)1. 阅读图文资料,完成下列要求。(22分)湖南省辰溪县地处亚热带季风气候,年降雨量多,光热条件好,适宜稻花鱼生长,被誉为“稻花鱼之乡”。2014年以来,辰溪将“稻十鱼“作为产业扶贫主打项目,统一种苗、统一技术,推广高标准无公害种养模式,对农产品开展深加工,产品深受消费者青睐。2018年,辰溪稻花鱼获得国家农产品地理标志认证,2019年举办了辰溪第

静***雅 3年前 上传710   0


英语作文万能句子 1. We ' re often told that ......But is this really the case ?  我们经常被告知......但事实真是这样吗?  2. People used to ......however , things are quite different today .  过去,人们习惯......但,今天的情况有很大的不同。

蓝郎梦 3年前 上传581   0


1. It's (is/has been) two years since he left China.2. It's (is) the first time that I have visited Shanghai.3. have/has been to …曾经到过某地 have/has gone to …去了某地

s***g 1年前 上传403   0

高考语文语用综合训练(含答案) (1)


福***园 7个月前 上传176   0


2022高考英语阅读之说明文提升模拟训练(A)Cosplayers(角色扮演者)can invest considerable time, money and effort into making best head-to-toe presentations that are one-of-a-kind. But what inspires cosplayers to present the

静***雅 3年前 上传643   0


备战2022高考英语应用文专题组合训练(三十一)目录内容第一板块打基础——语料积累第二板块打基础——经典句式悟通第三板块练手感——经典句式仿写第四板块练手感——题目练习一. 打基础——语料积累1. free of charge 免费2. charge sb with sth 因某事指控/控告某人3. cheer (sb)up 使……高兴起来4. get close

文***7 1年前 上传310   0


备战2022高考英语应用文专题组合训练(三十二)目录内容第一板块打基础——语料积累第二板块打基础——经典句式悟通第三板块练手感——经典句式仿写第四板块练手感——题目练习一. 打基础——语料积累1. be concerned about 关心…… 2. as far as I’m concerned 就我而言3. draw a conclusion 得出结论4.

文***7 4个月前 上传114   0


高考重点词形变化训练4(ca—co)1. casual adj. 不经意的;偶然的→        adv. 偶然地  2. caution n. 谨慎→        adj. 小心的;谨慎的→cautiously adv. 谨慎地 3. celebrate v. 庆祝;庆贺→        n. 庆祝活动;庆祝  14. centre/er n. 中心;中央→        ad

郭***林 3年前 上传531   0


2019版高考数学二轮复习小题专项训练【与】2019版高考数学二轮复习分专题限时提速训练 2019版高考数学二轮复习小题专项训练 高考小题专练(01) (满分:80分 时间:45分钟) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.已知集合S={x|x>-2},T={x|x2+3x-4≤0},则(?RS)∪T=(  )

焦***宝 5年前 上传960   0


时差 将一盏电灯放在桌子上代表太阳,在电灯旁放置一个地球仪代表地球,拨动地球仪模拟地球运动。读图回答1~2题。 1.该实验能够演示的地理现象是(  ) ①昼夜的交替 ②四季的更替 ③运动物体偏向 ④地方时差异 A.①②          B.③④ C.①④ D.②③ 2.图中P地(  ) A.位于晨线上 B.位于昏线上

文***7 5年前 上传1271   0


2019高考语文巩固提升试卷及参考答案   一、现代文阅读(35分)   (一)论述类文本阅读(本题共3小题,9分)   阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。   20世纪的中国文学,基本是在作为一个框架的“中国”内部展开,是对这个框架内部的个人或群体的书写,而此框架本身并未成为作家们自觉描写的对象。“中国”可以表现为人,可以表现为山川大地,可以表现为辽阔的疆土,也可以表现为悠久的历史。但综合

y***a 5年前 上传2122   0


新视野大学英语视听说教程4第二版答案Unit 1 enjoy your feelings!Basic listening practiceKeys: CBDADl Listening InTask 1 what a clumsy man!Keys: ACDCBTask 2 causes of depressionKeys:(1)families (2)chemic

z***u 1年前 上传365   0



夏***子 2年前 上传253   0



n***s 4年前 上传1574   0


高三语文学科导学案编号 009 使用时间 编制人 授课内容(1课时)班级 姓名 小组学习目标 024古诗词--综合训练 导学流程【教学目标】1.通过训练进一步掌握诗歌鉴赏题的常见解题思路与方法;2.通过训练能够进一步提升学

福***园 6个月前 上传255   0



夏***子 6个月前 上传197   0


绝密★启用前2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试理科综合能力测试注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1

教***心 9个月前 上传227   0


2022年高考英语作文合集对垃圾食品说不 Say ‘No’ to Junk FoodWalking along the street, it could be easily observed that youngsters tend to visit fast food stalls selling burgers and soft drinks or street stalls sell

的***有 5个月前 上传160   0


高考英语单词记忆一adventure ;n.& vt.冒险;词中词 :venture 冒险;投机 risk; danger; adventurous adj.喜欢冒险的;充满危险的airplane ;n. 飞机;联想: aircraft 飞行器;飞机; disappoint ;v. 失望;泄气;词中词appoint 指定;委派argue ;vi. 争论;争吵; 近义deb

火***2 12年前 上传1545   0