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  as a graduate of an institution of higher education i have a few very basic expectations chief among these is that my direct superiors have an intellect that ranges above the common ground squirrel after your consistent and annoying harassment of my coworkers and me during the commission of our duties i can only surmise that you are one of the few true genetic wastes of our time
  asking me a network administrator to explain every little nuance of everything i do each time you happen to stroll into my office is not only a waste of time but also a waste of precious oxygen i was hired because i know how to network computer systems and you were apparently hired to provide amusement to myself and other employees who watch you vainly attempt to understand the concept of cut and paste for the hundredth time
  you will never understand computers something as incredibly simple as binary still gives you too many options you will also never understand why people hate you but i am going to try and explain it to you even though i am sure this will be just as effective as telling you what an ip address is your shiny new imac has more personality than you ever will
  you walk around the building all day shiftlessly looking for fault in others you have a sharp dressed useless look about you that may have worked for your interview but now that you actually have responsibility you pawn it off on overworked staff hoping their talent will cover for your glaring ineptitude in a world of managerial evolution you are the bluegreen algae that everyone else eats and laughs at managers like you are a sad proof of the dilbert principle
  since this situation is unlikely to change without you getting a full frontal lobotomy reversal i am forced to tender my resignation however i have a few parting thoughts
  1 when someone calls you in reference to employment it is illegal for you to give me a bad recommendation the most you can say to hurt me is i prefer not to comment i will have friends randomly call you over the next couple of years to keep you honest because i know you would be unable to do it on your own
  2 i have all the passwords to every account on the system and i know every password you have used for the last five years if you decide to get cute i am going to publish your favorites list which i conveniently saved when you made me back up your useless files i do believe that terms like lolita are not usually viewed favorably by the administration
  3 when you borrowed the digital camera to take pictures of your mothers birthday you neglected to mention that you were going to take pictures of yourself in the mirror nude then you forgot to erase them like the technomoron you really are suffice it to say i have never seen such odd acts with a sauce bottle but i assure you that those have been copied and kept in safe places pending the authoring of a glowing letter of recommendation (try to use a spell check please i hate having to correct your mistakes)
  thank you for your time and i expect the letter of recommendation on my desk by 800 am tomorrow one word of this to anybody and all of your little twisted repugnant obsessions will be open to the public never screw with your systems administrator why because they know what you do with all that free time
  wishing you a grand and glorious day




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外企员工优秀的辞职报告  尊敬的张总:  您好!   十分抱歉我没有按照您的要求写市场推广计划,而是写了这篇可以称之为离职申请书的东西。因为我觉得这个比市场推广计划要重要一百倍,无论是现在还是将来,公司的成败都在这一念之间……  提笔千言不知该从何说起,来sh已经一年零四天,我想您和我一样为我高兴,因为当初一个连公关都不知道是什么的丫头终于可以进入这个圈,能够为自己谋得一份赖以生

o***y 11年前 上传390   0


外企英文辞职报告范文  外企英文辞职信范文 sample 1   company name or letterhead   address   city, state zip   date   addressee   address   city, state zip   dear   effective october 1, i will assume

l***e 12年前 上传548   0


 EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK 2003-2004 Table of Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 Employee handbook receipt District information……………………………………………………………………………………..….8

y***6 12年前 上传27470   0


《员工手册》(外资企业样本) 第一章 总 则 1、本手册是本公司全体员工的指导规范和行为准则。 2、本手册解释权属中心办公室。 3、本手册自200x年x月x日开始实施生效。 第二章 员工守则 1.1本公司为健全管理制度和组织功能,特依据外商投资企业劳动人事法规和本公司人事政策制定本手册。 1.2 凡本公司所属员工,除法律法规另有规定者外,必须遵守本手册规定。 1.3 凡本手册所

z***n 14年前 上传11852   0


外企公司的英文辞职信  外企公司的英文辞职信怎么写?小编给大家分享两篇范文,仅供参考!  范文一:  dear mr.  please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the gert institute. i plan to leave my job here on september 30, 19–, taking

l***6 11年前 上传598   0


外企员工工作英语自我评价  1.easy-going and congenial, with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-spirit.  2.completed all the courses in the specialized field, obtaining good command of theoretic kn

d***9 12年前 上传1048   0


 2021年外企员工年终工作总结撰写人:___________日 期:___________2021年外企员工年终工作总结时间一晃而过,转眼间到公司快三个月了。这是我人生中弥足珍贵的一段经历。在这段时间里各级领导在工作上给予了我极大的帮助,在生活上给予了我极大的关心,让我充分感受到了领导们“海纳百川”的胸襟,感受到了大发人“不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹”的豪气。在对__肃然起敬的同时,

y***3 10个月前 上传205   0



h***1 6个月前 上传216   0


应聘外企英文求职信(精选多篇)第一篇:应聘外企的求职信以下文章来源于范文网,在写求职信的同时范文网为你推荐一篇相关英文求职信做为参考。现在的求职者都不知道怎样写一份求职信,那么范文网为您提供大学生个人英文求职信范文为写求职信时参考。注意一切请以自己的真实情况填写求职简历,请继续详细阅读以下文章。april 13,2014room 212 building 343tsinghu

w***0 11年前 上传418   0


想要找份好工作么?我知道下面这几家公司是大家都想去的,不过,要进这些公司可是不容易。除了自己要有实力,准备工作也要做好。下面是这些著名公司面试的代表性题目,你可得看清楚了、仔细揣摩哦!  IBM代表性考题  1. Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5years?  2.What are your short & long

快***吧 9年前 上传543   0


应聘外企,英文简历怎么做?  英文简历是进入外企的“敲门砖”,很多时候“用”与“不用”全凭你简历上寥寥数语就能作结论。如何写好应聘外企的求职简历就显得尤为重要。   语言简练 对于求职者来讲,目的明确、语言简练的简历是求职外企行之有效的基础。如在教育背景中写相关课程时,不要为了拼凑篇幅,把所有的课程一股脑儿地都写上,如体育等。   千万别搞错顺序 包括求职者的姓名、性别、出生年月等,与中文简

l***d 12年前 上传388   0


外企职员英文辞职申请书  dear mr.wong,  re:resignation from the pos to settlement clerk  i would like to let you know how much i have enjoyed my last three years at the hero company.hero company is an inva

s***a 6年前 上传416   0



q***h 12年前 上传397   0


外企的敲门砖--英文求职信第一篇:外企的敲门砖--英文求职信the reason why i stand here confidently is that i have a warm and democratic family. my patents, who are my first teachers, are different from others. they gave me a

z***h 10年前 上传411   0


外企翻译员英文求职自荐信(精选多篇)第一篇:外企翻译员英文求职自荐信dear manager,i learned from the newspaper that your company wanted to hire an english translator. im interested in this job very much. id like to get this job.

文***z 12年前 上传597   0


2018年外企辞职报告4篇本文目录1. 2018年外企辞职报告2. 外企工作人员英文辞职报告范文3. 外企英文辞职报告范文4. 外企员工辞职报告范文  dear mr.wong,  re:resignation from the pos to settlement clerk  i would like to let you know how much i hav

朵***3 6年前 上传415   0


如何写英文辞职报告  dear friends of ** beijing team,  i am so sorry to offer my departure to you all but i have to. the title of this email produced an extraordinary sequence of mental images. vivid memor

d***a 9年前 上传474   0


英文辞职报告模板  to: robert smith, sales manager   from: bob fu, sales development   date: may 6, XX  subject: terminating engagment   mr. smith, i have worked in the sales development as a salesm

h***h 9年前 上传491   0


中英文辞职报告  nameofemployeedepartmentdatejoined   身份证号:职位:合同到期:   i/dno.positiondateofend   辞职原因:(请员工本人填写)最后工作日期:   resignreasonlastworkingday   备注:《员工手册》规定,员工在合同期内离职需提前1个月书面通知或以一个月工资代替通知期,按劳

别***3 11年前 上传405   0


英文的辞职报告模板  sample 1   company name or letterhead   address   city, state zip   date   addressee   address   city, state zip   dear   effective october 1, i will assume the positio

栖***下 11年前 上传462   0


 PIC Sample Company Policies And Procedures January 2004 Printing Industries of California 5800 South Eastern Avenue, Suite 400 P.O. Box 910936 L

d***1 15年前 上传13330   0

2017年员工的评语 英文

员工的评语 英文  1.该员工作为搅拌室员工,积极进取,工作成果显著,多次得到该 部 门 班 长 的 好 评。  as a mixing room worker, he works with remarkable achievements and gets good praise from his monitor often.  2. 该员工工作成绩进步大,悟性较强,能很快适应新的岗

j***8 7年前 上传353   0


车站员工辞职报告  尊敬的领导:   您好!   我很遗憾自己在这个时候向公司提出辞职。   来到车站一年有余了,在这很感谢各位领导的教导和照顾!这里是我踏进社会的第一步,在这里,我学到了很多为人处事的道理。  离开车站,离开曾经一起共事的同事,很舍不得,舍不得领导的关心和信任,舍不得同事之间的那片真诚和友善。  可是,人生数十年,弹指一挥间。一枯一荣,皆有定数。这里或许

s***0 9年前 上传745   0


员工辞职报告实例  尊敬的xxx人事负责人:   首先无可非议的要郑重感谢贵厂提供了近一个月的工作机会。   本人承诺的工期是一个月,因此在迫不得已要走之前必须留下一个条理清晰,言之有理的辞职信,交待提早离开的原因。很简单的一个,意外。   我所经历的意外首先一个是工作分配方面,我是从来没有一个当搬运的心理准备,理所当然的缺乏生理准备;无论从多方面考虑,我都不是一个很适当的人。当

y***x 9年前 上传689   0


老员工辞职报告  尊敬的公司领导:  您好!  很抱歉也很无奈,因为个人的原因,今天不得不提笔来写这份《辞职报告》!  与日播公司一起走过了将近6个春、夏、秋、冬。过去的5年多里,公司给予了我许多学习和锻炼的机会,从中开阔了眼界、增长了见识。我对公司和您给予的关心和帮助表示忠心的感谢!  可因为家庭的某些特殊原因,我只能做出这样的决定。当想到不能再继续与同事了多年的战友共同并

g***y 12年前 上传714   0