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distinguished judges teachers students
good afternoon everyone
from all the warm applause i am of my classmates have hope i will be with perseverance and tenacity to laugh last
what is life is patience tenacity perseverance is perseverance perseverance is a kind of toward the goal diligently pursue the process a destination never give up the spirit
life is not easy there are test life is not smooth often need to exercise cannot persist in their pursuit for ideal can't keep on carving to efforts will be without a single success
the development of training in the face of10 meters of rock climbing and bungy jumping all the students without fear the courage to climb especially some female students to overcome the physiological and psychological aspects of persistent limit climb bent upward we are going forward courageously try to be the first performance and take concrete actions to interpret the essence and connotation of perseverance
one persistent tenacity is strong from the need of necessary conditions in the face of adversity is from in the face of difficulties do not bow their heads is a heroic performance ancient cloud adversity makes a man wise what makes a hero the setback and the attack for the strong is the driving force and pressure is succeand victory as everyone knows he was arrested and his book zhong ni and qu yuan banished for spring and autumn ode to a left thalamic blindness mandarin sima qian the historical records prison beethoven wrote moonlight sonata be too numerous to enumerate examples but the truth is only one it is perseverance
in his daily sailing kolumb diary is always written with such a sentence we keep going this sentence may seem trivial but contains a profound truth with this advance courageously spirit they marched towards the vast sea acrothe tempestuous waves after savage wilderness overcome go through untold hardships finally found a new continent completed the history of an amazing feat
have one words of song everyone for having heard it many times no experience of wind and rain how to see rainbow the road of life is not smooth but carries a beautiful dream just stick to the direction of life they will be able to create their own or even human miracle
finally i would like to use a poem
ugly bat with thousands of years of hard work was to win the praise of the poet
a buffalo with a million works won the painter's green eyes
we are not born for fame and live to die
we are for the faith and to fight song
thank you
today the teacher wants to talk about the topic of campus beautification now i think there may be some students think beautify the campus our beautiful campus is not it you look at the campus playground clean no paper scraps four words surrounding trees turf building brilliant neat rows of students in bright color beautiful there are beautiful scenery to embrace who dare say our campus beauty ah but today the teacher to tell the truth we are the campus of lethan us there are ugly
next january we will graduate from the school we will enter into the society the environment changes will bring us anything now i can make nothing of it but i know the upcoming is a new life a new starting point
in the middle of an ordinary life always heard about a green hand students setbacks is a terrible word we do not need to care too much a lot of frustration is often a good start some people grow up in the setback someone in the frustration in the fall the key depends on an individual is how to treat to know the world is always relative setbacks will be successful it is what you want to do in the state of mind to face stand up to better themselves just to love be contrite and reform oneself sigh unceasingly can only continue to cry which station on the table not a bunch of sad past frustration often makes them station more stable
i remember that the united states novelist maugham wrote a novel called the blade is that people moving from one state to another state when as a transition from the knife to the other side but the most difficult time is through the edge of the moment i walked past will find the other side of the knife not far from the way we thought impossible
now fast graduation face is going to test establishment at school i often hear someone say we than undergraduate also do not go to test often hear such words i would sniff at in my opinion the undergraduate is fierce but we also is not a coward why not start to abandon usually say opportunity is for those who are prepared here i want to add a sentence the opportunity is given to those who dares and challenges people if we have the courage to challenge again with our 5 years of accumulation we have nothing more than undergraduate moreover our professional ability is stronger than they after all we are spent 5years learning plus we have two internship opportunities have a look not over it we the prerequisites have been far better with them what need is there to be contrite and reform oneself
no matter how difficult as long as we try to find the bright side so no matter how bad trouble will be better otherwise will only make you stuck in misery
the society is like an ocean is vast as broad as the sky we are so vast so lofty social environment how can not find their base point
students let us together under the flag wishes wish our life everywhere man wenming flower wish our own step by step towards civilization
do civilized people always call the pursuit of life




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英语即兴演讲稿范文  i like to look into the mirror. i remember when i was a little girl, i often stood on my toes, trying to find my face in the mirror of the dressing table, which was nearly as high as i w

小***午 7年前 上传490   0


中学英语即兴演讲稿范文  love and take care of nature  on stress  regain confidence  responsibility is a badge of honor for youth  why we study english  whether there’s an afterlife  internet civil

鹨***水 6年前 上传385   0


即兴英语演讲稿文本  i don't think so. printed books won't be abandoned in such a short time. i admit that new technology is developing fast.  many advanced electronic products are gradually take the place

l***i 11年前 上传512   0


即兴演讲稿  各位领导,各位同事,下午好:  今天我很高兴,能站在这跟大家说话,象这样的场面我经历过几次,那时我是乐天派,因为那时年轻,具有活力,笑口常开,至今有同事还怀念我那银铃般的笑声。而现在我是郁闷派,为什么?不是有句话吗,长江前浪推后浪,前浪死在沙滩上。幸好我们组的老师仅把我推到浪尖上,出于对我的照顾,对我的关心与爱心,把这个荣誉给了我,否则的话我就死在沙滩上了。所以我得感谢他们

h***w 12年前 上传695   0


三分钟英语教师即兴演讲稿  各位老师、各位同学:  大家好!  在这世上,有一种最能体现无私意蕴的情感叫做爱心,它能清除悲伤的瓦砾,推倒绝望的断壁,也能点燃希望的灯。做一名人民教师首先就要有一颗爱心,因为教育本身就意味着一棵树摇动另一棵树,一朵云推动另一朵云,一颗灵魂唤醒另一颗灵魂,是以德育德,以行导行,以智启智,以性养性,以情动情的过程。  对于学生来说,教师的爱是一种神奇而又

l***8 9年前 上传340   0


即兴演讲稿的要求  1、对即兴演讲者能力的要求  即兴演讲能力是一种高级的演讲能力,是最能反映演讲者修养和功底的。因为即兴演讲场合常有变化,听众的职业、年龄、生活阅历和文化教养也不尽一致,即使是在一次演讲会的过程中也常常产生各种预想不到的情况。即兴演讲能力强的人,能在错综复杂的场合,泰然自若,侃侃而谈。他们能从当时当地听众的实际情况出发,及时调节演讲内容和演讲方式,从而提高演讲的效果。而

5***2 12年前 上传519   0


即兴演讲稿精选  尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们:  大家好!我演讲的题目是“小事求大善,小节立大德”。  今天的这方舞台只给了我百秒的时间,不过,大家一定都注意到了,刚才,我用了将近10秒的时间整理了我的衣装,并非常郑重地向大家鞠了一个躬。的确,我害怕超时带走我的得分,但我更害怕不甚整齐的衣领带走我给大家的好印象。超时影响的是我的成绩,但有失礼节的表现则会影响我作为一名中学生的形象。我从

j***g 11年前 上传453   0


即兴演讲稿:即兴演讲应该做哪些准备  即兴演讲比赛与平时的演讲比赛区别较大。平时的演讲主要依靠演讲者的表现力,而演讲稿则既可以是自己撰写也可以是别人代 写,准备的时间也较长,可以反复修改,还可反复演练,请高手指导。而即兴演讲除演讲者自身的表现力以外,还必须在规定的时间内(而且往往规定的时间都很短,多则几十分钟,少则几分钟),由自己独立完成演讲稿。平时的演讲比赛,其演讲题目基本是框定的,而即兴

r***o 11年前 上传648   0


3分钟英语即兴演讲3篇 学习英语不应当只限于读写而应当在说上面花点功夫,今日第一我给大家共享一些3分钟英语即兴演讲,盼望对大家有所关心。 3分钟英语即兴演讲一 Some say growing up in rich family promotes childrens personality and character. Some think otherwise. Whats y

天***猩 2个月前 上传95   0


2017即兴演讲稿(4篇)本文目录1. 2017即兴演讲稿2. 精选15年度最新教师即兴演讲稿范文3. 技能大赛即兴演讲稿:如何强化“席位”意识4. 教师即兴演讲稿范文精选  在开始我的演讲之前,请允许我将一个真实的故事,十几年前,一个村庄遭遇洪灾,肆虐的洪水横冲直撞,把无数农家冲毁,许多人在洪水中挣扎。下游的人们在离岸20米的一颗大树和岸边之间拉了一根绳子,形成一道绳坝

s***m 7年前 上传290   0


即兴演讲稿4篇本文目录1. 即兴演讲稿2. 中学英语即兴演讲稿3. 精选教师即兴演讲稿范文4. 即兴演讲稿范文:母爱  非常荣幸我能代表我们工会组的同仁在这里演讲。  我很珍惜这次机会,但我也从没像现在这样发现自己不适合演讲。我实在无法用语言表达此时此刻对自己祖国、对自己学校、对自己亲人、对自己同事、对自己学生、对自己岗位的无比眷恋。屈指一算我在这个集体里已经成长到第

h***i 7年前 上传378   0


最新2015教师即兴演讲稿  弹指一挥间,五年的岁月就在绘声绘色的讲课声中,就在埋头批改作业的笔尖,就在上课铃与下课铃的交替声中滑过。  还记得,小的时候,“老师与学生”的游戏是我的最爱。  还记得,上学以后,能歌善舞的老师就是我心目中的天使。  还记得,中学毕业时,志愿栏里毫不犹豫地写下“师范”。  往事一幕一幕。  15岁,我背着行囊走进师范。在那里,严谨的校风,严格

阿***箱 9年前 上传397   0


幼儿教师即兴演讲稿  我成长我快乐(演讲稿)  各位领导、各位老师:  大家好!  看着新老师在国旗下庄严宣誓,我心潮澎湃,心中无限感慨:真是青春无价!青春万岁!听着郑捷老师的报告,再一次为之震撼和感动:钢铁就是这样炼成的!今天,平凡的我站在这个不平凡的讲台上,讲述最平凡不过的故事,心中更是百感交集。该从哪里说起呢?  从小就觉得老师是一个诗意的职业,或许是妈妈不知不觉的胎教

c***g 10年前 上传546   0


有关教师的即兴演讲稿范文  非常荣幸我能代表我们工会组的同仁在这里演讲。  我很珍惜这次机会,但我也从没像现在这样发现自己不适合演讲。我实在无法用语言表达此时此刻对自己祖国、对自己学校、对自己亲人、对自己同事、对自己学生、对自己岗位的无比眷恋。屈指一算我在这个集体里已经成长到第10个年头了。从带着理想、冲动和激情到现在能冷静、沉着地审视反省自己的工作。我切实感受到了从适应期到成熟期,自己

c***y 12年前 上传528   0


在欢迎军嫂来队时的即兴演讲稿  大家好!  随着今年第8号台风“天鹅”掠过雷州半岛,两只“人间白天鹅”也挟真情而来,飞临南中国海,栖息在军营的屋檐下,在我们这个阳盛阴衰的大家庭,在咱们兄弟的眼球里刮起一股晃眼而美丽的爱情飓风!在座的军嫂不仅漂亮而且贤慧,战友们看,她们深情的目光多像战舰上的航标灯,示意老公在军旅道路上与时俱进;她们飘逸的秀发多像粗壮结实的钢缆绳,牢牢地把老公系在自己心坎上

y***d 12年前 上传672   0


中秋晚会即兴演讲稿范文   尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的各位兄弟姐妹、可爱的小接班人:   晚上好!   我是xxxx的员工家属,很荣幸今天作为代表站在这里发言。   自古中秋月最明,凉风届候夜弥清。又一个中秋佳节到来了,在今天这欢聚一堂的时刻里,我们从来没有像今夜这样特别关爱天边这轮月亮。虽然我们的职业迥异,年龄不同,但是我们都有共同的思念——思念远在异国他乡的亲人;虽然我们来自五湖四海,但

云***丫 9年前 上传985   0


500字教师课堂即兴演讲稿  我是一名教师,一说教师,有人就会在心里隐隐约约地说:“教师,太平凡了。”是的,教师人是平凡的,但事业却是伟大的,因为他们所从事的事业是默默的奉献和无私的牺牲。我为能从事这样的事业而自豪!当我登上那讲台,不,应当是舞台,我似乎觉的两侧的紫色帷幕正缓缓的拉开。最富有生气的戏剧就要开始了。最令我兴奋的是这戏剧拥有一群忠于自己的角色的演员——我的学生们!这戏剧也许是世间

小***衣 9年前 上传446   0


小学教师即兴演讲稿  “仪“是指人的”仪态”;”表”是指人的”外表”,”仪表”顾名思义,也就是指人的外表(包括容貌、姿态、风度等,指好的).”大方”指(言谈、举止)自然,不拘束.”仪表大方”意思就是人的外表、仪态要端庄大方.  有些同学在仪表的姿态、风度方面,和大方的言谈方面做得不够好.上课发言,一定要流畅、大声.声音小的只有蚊子叫一样,那你到底是说给46位同学听还是自己听啊?不流畅,有

M***5 9年前 上传414   0


小学教师即兴演讲稿  尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的老师、同学们:  大家下午好!  今天我演讲的题目是——用爱浇灌教育之花。  记得还是在师大当学生的时候,天天听着、看着师大校训“学高为师,身正为范”,我就下定决心要以此为目标,做一个受学生爱戴的好老师。五年前,我从思想政治教育毕业,踌躇满志地从大学校门里走出来,满怀信心地踏进了这片充满生机的洋溢着妈祖文化的本科院校。  前几天,很

冷***冰 10年前 上传442   0


2015标准即兴演讲稿格式  讲话,这个题目大家可能认为不值一谈。人一生下来就呀呀学语,谁还不会说话呢。说话是一门口才艺术,而且是一门很重要的艺术。语言是文学的工具,文学是语言的艺术。原苏联著名作家高尔基说过:“文学的根本材料是语言”。  在现实工作中,为什么有的人提起笔来扬扬万言,笔下生辉,却说起话来期期艾艾,不知所云;为什么有的人通古知今,知识渊博,却言谈起来反映迟纯,言不及义;为什

l***e 9年前 上传395   0


2017教师即兴演讲稿(4篇)本文目录1. 2017教师即兴演讲稿2. 参考度最新教师即兴演讲稿范文3. 小学教师即兴演讲稿4. 精选小学教师即兴演讲稿范文  “仪“是指人的”仪态”;”表”是指人的”外表”,”仪表”顾名思义,也就是指人的外表(包括容貌、姿态、风度等,指好的).”大方”指(言谈、举止)自然,不拘束.”仪表大方”意思就是人的外表、仪态要端庄大方.  有些

f***9 7年前 上传433   0


教师即兴演讲稿4篇本文目录1. 教师即兴演讲稿2. 三分钟英语教师即兴演讲稿3. 小学教师即兴演讲稿4. 精选最新教师即兴演讲稿:我选择,我追求  尊敬的各位评委、各位同行以及未来的教师们(学院学生):  大家下午好!  抽到这个题目,我笑了。我笑,不是因为这个题目容易,而是因为开学初的一次见闻曾让我思考过这个问题。  开学第一天,我站在校园里,看到我们学校管

w***m 7年前 上传385   0


精选教师课堂即兴演讲稿  我是一名教师,一说教师,有人就会在心里隐隐约约地说:“教师,太平凡了。”是的,教师人是平凡的,但事业却是伟大的,因为他们所从事的事业是默默的奉献和无私的牺牲。我为能从事这样的事业而自豪!当我登上那讲台,不,应当是舞台,我似乎觉的两侧的紫色帷幕正缓缓的拉开。最富有生气的戏剧就要开始了。最令我兴奋的是这戏剧拥有一群忠于自己的角色的演员——我的学生们!这戏剧也许是世间最长

j***l 11年前 上传457   0


即兴讲话  一、即兴演讲概述  即兴演讲因能全面考查面试考生的语言表达能力、自我情绪控制能力、应急应变能力、综合分析能力等能力,越来越多地受到国税和地税公务员面试的青 睐。面试中的演讲类,是指在特定的情境和主体的诱发下,要求考生面对考官组或假定的其他角色,不凭借事先的文稿而立即进行的,以表情达意的口语交际活动。 它又可分为即兴演讲和即兴讲话两类,两者之间的根本区别在于演讲感情更加丰富,可

枫***叶 9年前 上传573   0


教你即兴讲话、即兴演讲的基本技巧!  在现实生活中,为什么有的人提起笔来扬扬万言,笔下生辉,却说起话来期期艾艾,不知所云;为什么有的人通古知今,知识渊博,却言谈起来反映迟纯,言不及义;为什么有的领导运筹帷幄,决胜千里,却讲起话来结结巴巴,辞不达意。相反,有些人貌不惊人,却说起话来口若悬河,滔滔不绝,妙语连珠。以上说法不一定普遍,但在现实生活中确实存在。前者说的是肚子里有“货”倒不出来,后者说

W***2 12年前 上传738   0