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  It's Halloween time to dress up in your spookiest best and grab all the fun Hope it's lit up with smiles for you Happy Halloween
  You never know what might happen on Halloween Wait until dark for some spooky surprises The creatures of the night are waiting To my dear pal have a howling Halloween
  Trick or treat what it will be Wishing you a happy Halloween
  My Halloween's happy when I freak out with you Happy Halloween to you my friend
  It's hell lot of fun when I'm with you Happy Halloween to you
  Hope your Halloween is masked with spooky fun just as mine
  Thank you for your very special wish Happy Halloween
  Thank you for making my Halloween so special
  Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun Happy Halloween




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万圣节短信:2017年万圣节英文短信  Its hell lot of fun when Im with you! Happy Halloween to you!  My Halloweens happy when I freak out with you! Happy Halloween to you ...my friend!  Trick or treat what it wi

月***1 7年前 上传466   0


万圣节英文短信二  · I am very happy to know you, know your holiday today, so they did not bother you, this guy is a ghost, please do not say Halloween dinner to celebrate.  * Dear, Congratulations, you w

A***6 10年前 上传474   0


万圣节英文短信四  Today is Halloween, I heard that even the ghosts will be very happy, you feel you still need to continue down what depressed, so show your charming smile it as the devil.  I wish, bits

b***a 10年前 上传596   0


万圣节英文短信三  · I do not want to say, I was lonely, I do not want to say, I am very lonely, because today is Halloween, you and I should come up with a carnival mood to face life.  · Halloween night,

x***u 12年前 上传635   0


万圣节英文短信一  · Festival came, what you waiting for, a mask, lit pumpkins, like a ghost wandering in the street, like it, joy will be yours, my ghost friends.  · Halloween, the devil knows what you'r

凯***哥 11年前 上传485   0


万圣节英文短信  It's Halloween ... time to dress up in your spookiest best and grab all the fun! Hope it's lit up with smiles for you! Happy Halloween!  You never know what might happen on Halloween. Wa

k***s 9年前 上传438   0


万圣节整人短信推荐  11月1日,万圣万胜,祝你爱情事业万战万胜!万圣万盛,愿你健康精力万般旺盛!没有南瓜灯,依然哈路喂。万圣节快乐!  做人要做开心“鬼”,每天嘻嘻又哈哈,生活喜乐融融也;做人要做机灵“鬼”,处事八面又玲珑,日子顺顺利利也;做人要做忘忧“鬼”,烦恼忧愁全抛弃,伤心通通见鬼也。万圣节前夜,我将以上三“鬼”赠予你,愿你的人生从此只有无忧无虑,开心快乐,吉祥如意也!  其

快***娃 12年前 上传411   0


万圣节英文主持词推荐  a&b:ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,  good afternoon!  a: it’s bright and crisp in autumn.  b: we’ve got lots of great achievements in october.  c: we are enthusiastic in oct

不***3 9年前 上传442   0


搞笑的万圣节英文短信集锦  hope your halloween is masked with spooky fun ... just as mine.  your smile lights up our world! wishing you a halloween bright and glowing as you are!  my halloweens happy when i

赵***溪 10年前 上传386   0


万圣节趣味英文短信荟萃  YouneverknowwhatmighthappenonHalloweenWaituntildarkforsomespookysurprisesThecreaturesofthenightarewaitingTomydearpal,haveahowlingHalloween!  Trickortreatwhatitwillbe?Wishingyouahappy

张***林 12年前 上传495   0


2015最新万圣节英文祝福短信  My Halloween's happy when I freak out with you! Happy Halloween to you ...my friend!  It's hell lot of fun when I'm with you! Happy Halloween to you!  Your smile lights up our

x***2 9年前 上传427   0


万圣节英文短信祝福语  Your smile lights up our world! Wishing you a Halloween bright and glowing as you are!  Thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! Happy Halloween!  Thank you for making my Hall

e***n 11年前 上传479   0


万圣节英文祝福语短信大全  thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! happy halloween!  thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! happy halloween!  thank you for making my halloween so special.  

s***d 11年前 上传549   0


万圣节搞笑中英文短信锦集  英文篇:  1.You never know what might happen on Halloween. Wait until dark for some spooky surprises. The creatures of the night are waiting. To my dear pal, have a howling Halloween!

u***6 10年前 上传631   0


2015万圣节英文祝福短信  it's halloween ... time to dress up in your spookiest best and grab all the fun! hope it's lit up with smiles for you! happy halloween!  you never know what might happen on hallowe

鐧***簯 9年前 上传443   0


经典万圣节英文祝福短信  your smile lights up our world! wishing you a halloween bright and glowing as you are!  thank you for making my cauldrons full of fun! happy halloween!  thank you for making my cau

g***o 10年前 上传486   0


万圣节英文搞笑短信集锦  1.You never know what might happen on Halloween. Wait until dark for some spooky surprises. The creatures of the night are waiting. To my dear pal, have a howling Halloween!  2.Trick

1***1 11年前 上传564   0


最新经典的万圣节英文祝福短信  ·南瓜南瓜亮起来,魔帚魔帚飞起来,happy,happy万圣夜!  ·10.31万圣节之夜,我会去找你的……呵呵……吓着你了吗?其实只想对你说-万圣节快乐!  ·万圣节忠督,远离撒旦的方法:只要你心存正念,就算撒旦在你身边,他也不能拿你怎样的……  ·wish you a spooktacular halloween. have a groovy

洛***泉 12年前 上传518   0

万圣节恐怖短信 万圣节祝福短信

万圣节恐怖短信 万圣节祝福短信  万圣节前夜,为你明天的化装舞会而忙碌,特意为你邀请了开心鬼、平安鬼和幸福鬼,只要来参加舞会,你就会开心快乐、健康平安、幸福甜蜜一辈子!  万圣节前夜,送你三道符,帮你降妖伏魔:送你一道平安符,愿你一生健康平安!送你一道吉祥符,愿你一生吉祥如意!送你一道幸运符,愿你一生幸福美满!  万圣节来是鬼节,众鬼出动要小心,我送礼物你收牢,贴身存放保平安,先送吉

s***4 10年前 上传462   0


万圣节短信:万圣节短信精选  ·亲爱的,我一直想拜孙悟空为师学降妖除怪,这样可以让我在万圣节保护你,什么妖魔鬼怪统统放马过来!  ·想你可又害怕见到你,也许你正在哪个角落默默地注视着我,我想抚摸你那没有下巴的脸蛋,啊,鬼啊!  ·小猪小猪肚子凸凸,脚也粗粗脸也嘟嘟,一张嘴巴有进不出,小猪小猪现在何处?万圣之夜气喘呼呼。  ·半夜不要接电话啊………………小心哦!今天可是万圣节哟!

x***l 7年前 上传333   0


万圣节短信:2017年最新万圣节短信精选  你准备好欢快的心情了么,在万圣节的夜晚,我们一起去狂欢,忘记心中的烦恼,让真心在交流中释放。  一份祝福代表一份心意,一份心意代表一份礼物,一份礼物就是我送你的护身符,万圣节的夜晚,即使你孤单一人也不必怕鬼。  我不想说,我很孤独,我不想说,我很寂寞,因为今天是万圣节,你我都应该拿出一份狂欢的心情来面对生活。  万圣节的夜晚,点起你手中

狼***c 7年前 上传374   0


万圣节短信:最新万圣节整人短信  传说今晚,阴魂不散,死光又现,鬼魂四处转!愿鬼听到我的呼唤,半夜来到你床头,苍白的脸,幽绿的眼,干枯的手抚摸你的脸,代我向你说一句:晚安  听说今天是万圣节鬼节啊,大街上群魔乱舞,记得早早回家啊,临睡前把门窗关好啊!  温馨提醒:今天是万圣节,外出最好互叫绰号。以免被“那个”呼唤,被呼唤千万别回头,当没听到。不要拍别人头及肩。否则很容易被上身。 

w***s 7年前 上传398   0

万圣节给女友的短信 万圣节送女朋友的短信

万圣节给女友的短信 万圣节送女朋友的短信  提着南瓜灯,穿上白袍子,挨家挨户要糖果,一个糖果一声祝福,一把糖果节日快乐,不给糖果就捣乱,变成小鬼满屋窜。祝大家万圣节都是一只开心鬼。  提上杰克灯,驱走黑夜,带来光明;穿上化妆服,改变相貌,使妖魔胆颤心惊;骑上扫帚,幻想飞翔,让美梦成真。万圣节到了,愿你玩的开心!  特殊的节日,特殊的你,特殊的道具送给你,南瓜面具戴头上,古老火把举手上

l***o 11年前 上传390   0

2015万圣节短信大全 最新万圣节短信集锦

2015万圣节短信大全 最新万圣节短信集锦  做起事来鬼使神差,大笑起来鬼哭神嚎,走起路来鬼头鬼脑,吃起饭来像饿鬼出牢,喝起酒来醉鬼一条,见到美女又是色鬼一条,小鬼,万圣节快乐!  做个鬼脸,耍个鬼把戏,目的只有一个搏你一笑,不说鬼话,不耍鬼心眼,宗旨只有一个送你祝福,万圣节到,愿鬼斧神工为你雕出快乐生活,鬼使神差为你送去吉祥如意。  做个“开心鬼”,别做“倒霉鬼”;做个“淘气鬼”,

张***0 9年前 上传396   0


万圣节短信:万圣节祝福短信  早点睡觉吧,否则小心遇到不可思议的事哦……万圣节快乐!  喂!你身后站着个人,那是谁?!天哪,他还会跟着你转呢。  不论你今天晚上会看到什么……记住千万不要大叫,因为他会一直在你身边陪着你。哈哈!万圣快乐!!  已经倾慕你好久好久了,从见到你的第一天起,我就决定:非你不嫁,你知道吗,我在阴间好寂寞呀…  别以为我忘了你,比如说今天--万圣节,我第

z***m 6年前 上传371   0