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  Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen:
  Today we will go and visit the Yuelu Academy Yuelu Academy is one of the four famous academies in China and it was established by Zhudong magistrate of Tanzhou prefecture in 976AD at the time of Northern Song Dynasty The academy accepted disciples throughout the Song Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasties It was only in 1903 that the academy was transformed from a school of traditional Confucian learning to an insitute of higher learning and in 1926 it was officially named Hunan University
  Early in 1015 Emperor Zhen Zong of the Song Dynasty awarded the academy hid Majesty’s own handwriting Yuelu Academy on a tablet Form then on many famous scholars and great thinkers gave lectures here among them were Zhangshi Zhuxi and WangYangming thus making a great impact on the province’s culture and education Most of the existing buildings here were constructions of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the bulk of the engraved stone plates and inscribed tablets have all been kept intact In 1956 the academy was listed as a historical site at the provincial level and later in 1988 it became a historical site at the state level The last restoration project started in 1981 and the major part was completed in 1987
  Now here we are at the He Xi Platform He Xi means the the splendour of the sunrise It was named by Zhuxi a great idealist philosopher of the Confucian school during the Song Dynasty The platform was first built on the top of Yuelu hill by Zhanshi and later in 1528 a pavilion was built on it But it became deserted with the passing time In 1790 Luodian the master of the academy built a platform at the present site In 1820 the succeeding master Ouyang Houjun renamed it He Xi Platform in order to memory Zhuxi and Zhanshi It was restored in 1868
  On the inner walls of the platform are two big Chinese characters Fu and Shuo which mean blessing and longevity respectively Legend has it that the Character Shuo was written with a broom soaked in yellow mud by a Taoist master at the time Master Luodian was attending a banquet in honour of the examination officials and those dispels who had passed the civil exam Hence it has been regarded as having celestial touch The character Fu was written by Luodian the master himself
  This gate in front of us is the Main Gate the gate was formerly built at the time of the Song Dynasty and was then called Central Gate The main gate underwent both destruction and reconstruction in the course of time The present structure was once thoroughly renovated in 1868
  The characters Yuelu Academy on the horizontal tablet were inscribed by Emperor Zhen Zong of the Song Dynasty It was presented as an award to Zhoushi the master of the academy when he was summoned to the emperor’s presence On both door posts are couplets which read The kingdom of Chu unique home of the talents The Academy of Yuelu the very cradle of all It was composed in the Qing Dynasty by the master of the academy Yuan Jiangang and his disciple Zhang Renjie
  This gate was the Second Gate It was first built in 1527 during the Ming Dynasty It underwent repairs and restoration many times It was completely devastated during the AntiJapanese War In 1984 the gate was restored to its former state
  This is the Lecture Hall where the students had lessons here it was first built at the time of the Song Dynasty and was once named Jing Yi Hall Now it has a more elaborate name The Hall of the Loyalty Filiality Honesty and Integrity because on the inner walls of the hall are engraved four big Chinese Characters loyalty filiality honesty and integrity They were handwriting by the great scholar Zhuxi who once lectured here Others such as the School Regulations the Administrations and Way to Read were masterpieces of the masters of the academy On the two horizontal tablets hanging on top were written
  Learn before you can probe the infiniteness of the universe
  The doctrines taught here in the south are genuine Confucian doctrines
  They were inscribed by the emperor Kangxi and Qianlong respectively during the Qing Dynasty
  The building in front of us is the Yushu Library yushu literally means imperial books so Yushu Library built in 999AD in the early Song Dynasty was a place to keep imperial books Books were continuously sent here during the succeeding dynasties The library was first named Classics Treasuring House in the Song Dynasty Classic Venerating House in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties and finally Yushu Library in the Qing Dynasty It had been repaired and expanded many times and now it has a collection of over twenty thousand Chinese classics This building was rebuilt on its original site in 1986
  The two small pavilions Xi Quan and Ni Lan built during the Song and Ming Dynasties were restored to the right and left of the compound galleries in order to display cultural relics




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岳麓书院英文导游词  good morning! ladies and gentlemen:  today we will go and visit the yuelu academy! yuelu academy is one of the four famous academies in china, and it was established by zhudong, magist

n***3 5年前 上传483   0


岳麓书院导游词  各位朋友大家好!欢迎大家来到千年学府——岳麓书院参观游览,很高兴能够作为这次游览的导游。我们现在所处的地方就是岳麓书院的前门了,请大家抬头看,有一块千年学府的匾,为什么岳麓书院有千年学府之称呢?原来啊,岳麓书院从潭州太守朱洞创建于宋太祖开宝九年,也就是公元976年,距今已有一千多年的历史了,所以有“千年学府”之称。它与江西白鹿洞书院、河南嵩阳书院睢阳书院并称为中国古代四大书

雷***8 12年前 上传464   0


岳麓书院导游词  岳麓山故迹很多,山一脚下有岳麓书院,建于公元九七六年,迄今已有一千余年历史。南宋的理学家朱熹在此讲过学。清风峡是岳麓书院后面一条幽静美丽的峡谷。一线清泉。西池碧水,万木清秀,美不胜收。有名的爱晚亭就在这清风峡中,此亭原名爱枫亭。四周枫树漫山,风景绝佳。清代著名诗人袁枚来此游赏。依唐人杜牧诗中“停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花”的诗句,将亭名改为爱晚亭。  岳麓书院是我国古

李***富 10年前 上传536   0


岳麓书院又一导游词  各位游客:   大家好!欢迎您们来到千年学府――岳麓书院参加游览,我非常荣幸能够作为大家这次游览的导游。我将尽力使大家通过的讲解,对岳麓书院的历史、书院的文化内涵有一定的了解,不足之处还请大家多提宝贵的意见。  (岳麓书院大门口)  岳麓书院位于岳麓山的清风峡口,我们现在所处的这个位置主是岳麓书院的前门口了。请大家往上面看,有一块“千年学府”的匾,为什么岳麓

笨***伙 11年前 上传629   0


岳阳楼英文导游辞  Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen:  Today we will go and visit the Yueyang Tower, Yueyang Tower lies in the west of Yueyang city, nearby the Dongting Lake, it is listed as three famous

a***1 9年前 上传496   0


南岳大庙英文导游辞  Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen:  Today we will go and visit the Nanyue Temple, Nanyue Temple is situated on the northern tip of Nanyue Township and at the southern foot of Chidi Pe

f***s 9年前 上传489   0


关于岳麓山导游词5篇   关于岳麓山导游词(1)   各位朋友:   大家好!很高兴能陪伴大家一起游览岳麓山风景名胜区.   位于长沙市面上湘江西岸的岳麓山,是南岳衡山七十二峰之尾,自古以来就是著名的胜景.“山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。”岳麓册虽然不高,但确是一座文化底蕴浓厚的名山,山上列为省级以上重点文物保护单位的就有15处。清风峡、爱晚亭、麓山寺、白鹤泉、蔡锷墓、黄兴

焦***生 5年前 上传1197   0


凤凰古城英文导游辞  ladies and gentlemen , welcome to Fenghuang, the place where we“re arriving is “one of the two most beautiful town in China“----the old town of fenghuang,  it“s a very important point

l***b 8年前 上传469   0


韶山英文导游辞  Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen:  Today, we will go and visit Shaoshan, the hometown of Chairman Mao. Shaoshan is a small mountain village about 100km southwest of Changsha, the capit

x***2 11年前 上传525   0


东坡书院导游词  东坡书院与五公祠一样,是海南重要的历史人文景观,位于儋州市中和镇东郊,距儋州市区45公里,与洋浦经济开发区近在咫尺。   这里原是北宋大文学家苏拭,对这块土地影响之深,至今人们仍可以深切地感受到。在东坡当年所居住的中和镇一带,大人小孩都熟知东坡故事。这里的人崇尚读书,读书人之间经常诗歌唱和。甚至这里讲的方言称“东坡话“,尾调颇似四川方言。对苏东坡的情感,体现了海南民众对

g***h 11年前 上传753   0


琼台书院导游词  琼台书院位于琼山市府城镇文庄路,相传是后人为纪念海南第一才子、明朝大学士丘浚而建。始建于清朝康熙四十年(1705年,)据传由于丘浚号琼台,人称琼台先生,故书院由此得名。现在是琼台师范学校的校址。   其主楼魁星楼高二层,绿瓦、红廊、白墙,是一座具有民族特色的砖木结构建筑,至今保存完好。魁星楼二楼中梁正中悬挂一匾,上书“进士“二字,字大如斗。这是当年该书院的高材生张日中进

小***逸 12年前 上传642   0


北京颐和园英文导游辞  The tour will take 4-6 hours. The route is as follows:  Out side the East Gate-side the East Gate Cin front of the Hall of benevolence and Longevity- in front of Garden of Virtuous Ha

春***红 11年前 上传547   0


北京故宫英文导游辞  FORBIDDEN CITY(紫禁城)   (In front of the meridian gate)  Ladies and Gentlemen:  I am pleased to serve as your guide today.  This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbi

d***w 12年前 上传558   0


岳庙导游词  位于栖霞岭南麓,初建于南宋嘉定十四年(1221年),原称忠烈庙,经历了元、明、清、民国时兴时废,代代相传一直何存到现在。1978年重新整修,使岳庙更加庄严肃穆。  岳庙是历代纪念民族英雄岳飞的场所。岳飞是南宋初抗击金兵的主要将领,但被秦桧、张俊等人以“莫须有”罪名诬陷为反叛朝廷,陷害至死。岳飞遇害前在供状上写下“天日昭昭,天日昭昭”八个大字。岳飞遇害后,狱卒隗顺冒着生命危险

n***i 10年前 上传568   0


石鼓书院导游词  亲爱的各位朋友们:    大家好!    欢迎各位来到千年学府――石鼓书院参观游览。石鼓书院是我国宋代四大书院之一,是湖湘文化的重要发祥地,它曾鼎盛数百年,名噪朝野,在我国书院史、教育史和文化史上享有极高的地位,正所谓“石出蒸湘攻错玉,鼓响衡岳震南天”。    在石鼓书院前是宽阔的石鼓书院广场,它于2003年10月竣工开放,占地3.18公顷,总投资2380万元,

财***进 10年前 上传417   0


石鼓书院导游词  亲爱的各位朋友们:  大家好!  欢迎各位来到千年学府——石鼓书院参观游览。石鼓书院是我国宋代四大书院之一,是湖湘文化的重要发祥地,它曾鼎盛数百年,名噪朝野,在我国书院史、教育史和文化史上享有极高的地位,正所谓“石出蒸湘攻错玉,鼓响衡岳震南天”。  在石鼓书院前是宽阔的石鼓书院广场,它于XX年10月竣工开放,占地3.18公顷,总投资2380万元,是衡阳中心城区又

小***妈 11年前 上传396   0

**区“大干一百天 岳麓在行动”宣传工作方案


五***5 3年前 上传434   0


中岳庙导游词  中岳庙位于太室山东南麓黄盖峰下,在登封城东4公里处。四周群山环绕,风景秀丽。中岳庙原名“太室祠”,始建于秦(公元前221--207年)。西汉武帝元封元年,游嵩岳时令祠官加增扩建,以后历代均有扩建。唐、宋年间极盛一时。宋末至清初屡有废兴,清乾隆年间对中岳庙进行了一次大规模重修。  现存庙制基本上保留着清代重修以后的规模,中轴线建筑共十一进,中华门、遥参亭、天中阁、配天作镇坊

z***5 11年前 上传508   0


南岳大庙导游词  位团友:  大家好!欢迎各位来南岳衡山观光旅游,很高兴能和大家一起参观有“江南小故宫”之称的南岳大庙,并很荣幸能和大家共度一段美好时光,祝大家游得开心,玩得尽兴!  各位团友,现在呈现在我们眼前的这座宫殿式古建筑群,就是有名的南岳大庙,位于南岳古镇北端,赤帝峰下。它是一组集民间祠庙、佛教寺院、道教宫观及皇宫建筑于一体的建筑群,也是我国南方及五岳之中规模最大的庙宇,占

d***n 9年前 上传454   0


南岳古镇导游词  各位游客大家好:  非常高兴能成为您这次南岳之旅的导游,我将引领您游览南岳最古老的小镇,小镇之古,古在它平整的青石路面上,古在它悠久的文化上,古在它悠然不绝的袅袅檀烟上,古在它淳朴自然的民风上,经过一天的游览,想必大家对南岳大庙的雄伟壮丽;祝圣寺的华丽端庄;祝融峰的巍峨挺拔早已惊叹不已。这些都是组成南岳“五岳独秀”的元素,但是,您来了南岳一定不能不去古镇走一走,虽然,它

晴***4 11年前 上传443   0


中岳嵩山导游词  嵩山是我国著名的五岳之一。古称“外方”,夏、商时期称“嵩高”,西周时称“岳山”,周平王迁都洛阳后称“嵩高山”,五代以后称“中岳嵩山”,与泰山、华山、恒山、衡山共称五岳。要说中岳嵩山,在五岳之中,它东不如泰山雄伟,西不如华山险峻,南不如衡山秀丽,北不如恒山奇崛。然而,山不在高,有仙则名。巩山,以它自己诱人的山川风貌,灿烂的古老文化,独特的演变历史,天然的地质博物,在国内外享有

t***t 8年前 上传363   0


岳阳楼导游词  各位游客:  大家好!欢迎大家游览江南三名楼之一的岳阳楼。  现在耸立在各位面前的就是岳阳楼。楼顶悬挂的“岳阳楼”三字横匾,是1961年毛泽东主席提议,请郭沫若先生题写的。岳阳楼高21.35米,为四柱,三层,飞檐,盔顶,纯木结构。中间的本根楠木大柱从地到顶承载大部分重力,再用12根“金柱”作为内围,支撑二楼,外围绕以20根檐柱,彼此牵制成为整体,飞檐与屋顶用伞形架传载

u***n 10年前 上传373   0


岳飞庙导游词  各位游客:  你们好,欢迎你们来到岳飞庙,我是你们的导游**。  岳飞是中国历史上一位极受敬仰的民族英雄,他的家乡就在本市汤阴县。从京广铁路汤阴站下车,一出站,即可望见雄居于花岗岩基石上的岳飞铜像。  汤阴县有许多与岳飞有关的遗址,岳飞庙就在县城内。岳飞庙始建年代不详,现址为明景泰元年(公元1450年)重建,面积为4000多平方米,殿宇近百间。精忠坊是岳飞庙的头间

丰***泽 11年前 上传399   0



x***2 2年前 上传402   0


《临洮岳麓山老子飞升地辨析》发言提纲  绪  论:多部文献所指的陇西,即今临洮。考古发现,此地马家窑、辛店和寺洼等处的古文化遗址,便是五千年前灿烂的中华文明发祥地之一。根据有关史料、实物和民间祭祀风俗推断,老子出关后在甘肃等地修身传道,最后在临洮县岳麓山“飞升”。所谓“飞升”,乃东汉以来,道教兴起之后的道教术语,即羽化而升仙之说,也就是去世。作为洮西人(康乐县曾属临洮县西乡),笔者查阅了大量

贝***2 3年前 上传560   0