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  after an eighthour ride in the night train we arrived at the dali train station which is in the suburb of the new city of dali we had made hotel bookings to stay in old dali a nice and quiet old town about fourteen kilometers north of new dali it took us thirty minutes by bus to get to our hotel
  it was still quite early in the morning we checked in had a shower and then went outside to try some local snack for breakfast since we had managed to get some sleep on the night train we were all ready for the day's event around nine thirty we caught a local bus and set out for our destination the small town of xizhou
  xizhou is a bai town seventeen kilometers north of old dali this place is wellknown for its many old protected houses and courtyards that survived from the late ming and the qing dynasties the bai people in xizhou are a special breed of the bai community they have been constantly referred to as the jews of the bai a label which all townsfolk happily take to be an honor for it is really a recognition of their gift and skills in making successful business deals now and in the past
  from 1920s to 1949 there existed about 400 families in xizhou all engaged in running some sort of private businesses it was said 200 of the families kept shops locally or in other parts of yunnan while the other 200 traveled across the country to buy and sell and some powerful families even made their way as far as the whole of southeast asia and the subcontinent of india they traded in a variety of things gold silver pearls jade cotton silk natural minerals medicinal herbs tobacco opium and so on over a few decades the merchants from xizhou had built up a great fame and wealth with which they also built nice houses with open courtyards
  by what the locals said there were the great four middle eight and minor twelve families all were wellestablished big merchant firms in the past the top one of the great four the yans' family imported 2000 american dodge cars at one go in the late 1940s at the end of 1949 the communist government came into power and demanded to come into partnerships with the merchant firms so assessments were made of all the rich families and firms all the property of the yans' family both at home and abroad amounted to be over thirtytwo billion yuan at that time
  dali has been frequently hit by earthquakes in history so the bai people had learnt to build their houses in twostoried structures the most popular layout of a residential building is an open courtyard with houses on three sides and a whitewashed screen wall on the fourth side each side of the building is twostoried with three rooms upstairs and three rooms downstairs the middle room downstairs is the living room where the host sees their visitors and guests having a cup of tea and smoking a pipe over a nice chat sealed up and invisible at the rear of that room is a stairway leading to the middle room upstairs in which the family ancestral shrines are kept the rest of the rooms are used then as bedrooms
  at the four corners of the building complex there are usually another four corner courtyards these are much smaller ones used mainly as space for storage or the kitchen one of the corner courtyards would be spared to function as the first gate which opens up to the outside lane or alleyway for the sake of privacy the second gate should be opened on a different wall of the same corner courtyard thus no passersby can peer directly into the life in the big courtyard
  all the open courtyards are paved with stone slates the top part of the walls elaborately decorated with nice ink paintings wooden doors come with carving of auspicious motifs and symbols what impressed us the most were the many potted flowers it seemed all the families are happy to have flowers in their courtyard and they try to pick up specific species that would respectively come in bloom in different seasons
  we visited the courtyard of one of the middle eight the house of the zhaos' a 200meter winding alleyway took us to its secluded premises this complex consists of two parts four connecting courtyards to the left wing which were built in the qing dynasty and a single row of connecting rooms to the right wing which were done in the ming dynasty each courtyard is in rectangular shape with houses erected in the qing dynasty on three sides while the ming part stands to the fourth side the sheltered corridor under the eaves of the ming rooms links up with left wing and serves as an arched passageway leading to each of the courtyards this is a lovely quite isolation in which we believe all residents could enjoy the tranquility and live up to advanced ages
  it was past midday after we have visited four old courtyards and spent much time having a chat with the families though there still remained a lot more we wanted to know about this place we decided to give it a miss and go for lunch in the village square
  we had xizhou baba (baba is a local word for cake or bread) to satisfy our hunger the locals roll out the pastry and put them in large flat cooking pans and then heat them up with charcoal fires from underneath and above the baba takes only a few minutes to cook xizhou baba comes in two tastes one is salty with minced pork and scallions the other is sweet with brown sugar and finely chopped rose petals both are delicious this is one of the best snacks i had for my time in dali
  that was a wonderful day




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大理苍山洱海英语导游词  fellow friends:  hello! toured the dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; now we watch the cangshanerhai, understands the dali's america of scenery.

c***6 9年前 上传507   0


大理苍山洱海英语导游词  Fellow friends: Hello! Toured the Dali old city, initially has feltthis humanities landscape profoundness; Now we watch the CangshanErhai, understands the Dali's America of scenery. <b

廷***廷 8年前 上传510   0


云南大理英文导游词  Welcome, everyone!Today we are going to visit the three pagodas temple of Dali.   Before we got the three pagodas temple, I would like to give you a brief introduction of Dali. Why is

你***撒 10年前 上传588   0


徐州导游词  徐州位于江苏省的西北部,地处苏、鲁、豫、皖四省交界,地理位置十分重要,素有“五省通衢”和“兵家必争之地”之誉。为东部沿海与中部地带、上海经济区与环渤海经济圈的结合部。京沪、陇海两大铁路在此交汇,京杭大运河傍城而过。公路四通八达,为全国重要水陆交通枢纽和东西、南北经济联系的重要“十字路口”。1945年正式设市,现辖丰、沛、铜山、睢宁4县,邳州、新沂2个县级市,云龙、鼓楼、泉山、九

q***i 12年前 上传674   0


苏州导游词  苏州是我国重要的历史文化名城、著名的风景旅游城市,也是中国首批优秀旅游城市。苏州位于长江三角洲中部,东邻中国最大的工业、金融和贸易中心上海,南接浙江,西抱太湖,北依长江。辖区总面积8488平方公里,人口583.9万人,其中市区212.4万人。现下辖张家港市、常熟市、昆山市、太仓市、吴江市、吴中区、相城区、平江区、沧浪区、金阊区,以及苏州工业园区、苏州高新区。苏州境内气候温和,土

d***n 10年前 上传471   0


贵州导游词  壮美大瀑布 多彩贵州风 相信有很多人对贵州的了解始于那句“天无三日晴、地无三里平、人无三分银”的俗语;我想三千八百万贵州各族人民不会认同,因为它的描述与实际的贵州截然相反,“晚上下雨白天晴、公路同乡处处平、人逢节日遍身银”才是真正的贵州。占尽天时、地利、人和,实乃“中国之宝贝”。 根据“贵州”二字写法,乃‘中、一、贝、州’,即‘中国的一个宝贝之州’,一语道破贵州的奇特与珍贵。

h***6 9年前 上传590   0


湄州岛导游词  各位朋友,大家好!你们想知道有位扶贫济困、海上救亲,被历代尊崇为“天上圣母”的奇女子是谁吗?供奉她神祗的祖庙又在哪呢?那么,就请大家跟着我――XXX旅行社的导游XXX一同走进莆田的湄洲岛,去拜谒这位世人景仰的妈祖女神。  湄洲岛距离莆田市区42公里,因形如人的眉毛,嵌于万倾碧波之中,所以得名“湄洲”。它不仅是妈祖从小生活的地方,而且也是闻名海内外的妈祖祖庙所在地。朋友们,

j***1 10年前 上传325   0


兰州导游词  兰州已有两千年的历史,古代曾称“金城”。《汉书.地理志》应勋注曰:“初筑城得金,故曰金城。”还有一种说法“金城池汤”的典故,喻其坚固得名。汉代设金城郡,隋朝时,因城南有皋兰山而更名为兰州。后,几经变故,至清代又为兰州府。辛亥革命后,兰州市从此成为了甘肃省的省会。  兰州市历史文化悠久。早在距今5000年左右的新石器时代,我们的祖先就在这里繁衍生息,从事狩猎和农牧业生产,先后

b***m 9年前 上传479   0


贵州概况导游词  各位游客朋友:  大家早上哈!欢迎大家参加重庆航旅贵州旅游团队。我是大家此行导游员木可。预祝大家旅途愉快!  壮美大瀑布 多彩贵州风 相信有很多人对贵州的了解始于那句“天无三日晴、地无三里平、人无三分银”的俗语;我想三千八百万贵州各族人民不会认同,因为它的描述与实际的贵州截然相反,“晚上下雨白天晴、公路同乡处处平、人逢节日遍身银”才是真正的贵州。占尽天时、地利、人和

6***0 9年前 上传408   0


大理蝴蝶泉导游词  各位游客:  大家好!  《蝴蝶泉边》这首美丽动人歌曲,大家也许早就有所耳闻了吧!这首歌曲是早在上个世纪五十年代末就蜚声海内外的电影《五朵金花》的插曲。这是一部反映白族青年阿鹏与副社长金花在一年一度的大理三月街相遇时一见钟情,来年阿鹏走遍苍山洱海找金花,经过一次次的误会之后,有情人终成眷属的动人故事。歌曲中美丽的金花与英俊的阿鹏约会定情的地方,就是我们马上要游览的

c***6 6年前 上传438   0


云南大理苍山洱海导游词  各位朋友:   大家好!游览了大理古城,初步感受了此地人文景观的深邃;现在我们去观赏苍山洱海,领略大理的山水之美。   首先,我们乘游艇去洱海公园。洱海公园又名团山公园,位于下关城区东北2公里处的团山。它北临碧波万顷的洱海,西与苍山南端的斜阳峰相对。南诏国时,这里是国王的鹿苑。1976年这里新辟为公园,占地1600余亩。山上有动物园和苗圃花坛,广植大理地区的

l***n 11年前 上传325   0


大理崇圣三塔英文导游词  today we are going to visit the three pagodas temple of dali. welcome, everyone!  before we got the three pagodas temple, i would like to give you a brief introduction of dali. why i

吴***光 6年前 上传551   0



米***斗 2年前 上传232   0


万州青龙瀑布导游词  各位旅客朋友:   大家好!   势凌千仞倾江海,气吞万象冲霄汉。  天生青龙大瀑布,相映黄果新奇观。  这几句顺口溜,描述的就是我们即将游览的地方-----神奇瑰丽的长江三峡风景线上的又一颗璀璨明珠----万州青龙瀑布风景名胜区的核心景区青龙瀑布。  青龙风景名胜区总面积60.13平方公里,涵盖万州甘宁乡、凉风镇、渡镇、龙沙镇、柱山乡两乡三镇,由青

l***8 12年前 上传511   0


杭州导游词  各位朋友,欢迎大家来到杭州参观旅游。我是大家本次杭州之旅的导游,大家可以叫我小沈。大家如果有什么意见或者建议呢,可以直接向我提出来,我相信在我的努力和大家的配合之下,杭州之行一定会给大家留下一个美好的回忆的。旅游丰富人生,旅游愉悦生活。那小沈在这里先预祝大家旅途愉快、顺利! 杭州是一个美丽的城市,曾是五代吴越国和南宋王朝两代建都地,是我国七大古都之一,也是浙江省省会,全省政治、

d***0 7年前 上传390   0


荆州古城导游词  江陵,古称荆州,远在太古,中国方圆九州,荆州就是一个州的中心之地,春秋战国时,楚国把楚国都迁到江陵,这里便成了楚国的政治、军事、文化、经济的中心,楚在此建都400多年,历经20代。   江陵是我国为数不多的有古城墙的城市之一。相传为“刘 备借荆州”时关羽所筑。秦汉以来江陵北至长安、洛阳,南下两广,西去四川、云贵的陆上通道必经之路。城南又有长江水运之便,向有“自古兵家重荆

谢***2 10年前 上传455   0


兰州五泉山导游词  各位朋友,大家好!我们将要游览的景点是五泉山,我先给大家介绍一下五泉山的概况。  五泉山的概况  兰州夹在南北两山之间,南面的这座叫做皋兰山,五泉山就是皋兰山的北麓,是皋兰山的一部分。它背靠皋兰,面对市区,海拔1600多米,现在占地面积是27.6万平方米,它比世界上最小的国家梵蒂冈的一半还大。山上现在保存有明清以来的古建筑十多处,1000多间,规模宏大。庙宇楼台依

公***人 11年前 上传368   0


泉州清源山导游词  各位旅客朋友大家好!欢迎大家来到有“秀出东南”之美誉的清源山观光旅游。我是春晖旅行社的导游,我姓林,大家可以叫我小林。在我旁边的这位是我们的司机陈师傅,他有多年的驾车经验,相信我们会有一段愉快而又舒适的旅程。很高兴今天由我们来为大家服务,在这里我先预祝大家旅途愉快。由于时间的限制,我们今天参观的景点是老君岩和清源山第一洞,希望大家玩得开心游的尽兴!  整个景区是由清源

y***a 11年前 上传587   0


扬州个园导游词  各位游客:说起古典园林,大家都会想起苏州。然而,200多年前,江淮古城扬州的园林却要胜过苏州。早在清朝时曾有人对江南名胜作出过这样的评价:“杭州以湖山胜,苏州以市肆胜,扬州以园亭胜。”可见当时江南一带,扬州是以园林之美而著称的。早在汉代,扬州就有规模较大的园林式建筑,以后又有创新,到清代时,由于手工业、商业、交通运输业、盐业都十分发达,加之乾隆的六次南巡,扬州园林迅速兴盛。

z***z 8年前 上传420   0


青州驼山导游词  各位团友:  大家好。我是大家今天的导游小刘,首先,欢迎大家来到青州佛教文化的典型代表景区—驼山。驼山位于青州市西南五公里,与云门山东西相望,因山形似驼,故称“驼山”。主峰海拔 408米,为古青州八景之一,被称为“驼岭千寻“。属于沂蒙山支脉。驼山之所以引人注目,闻名遐迩,不仅仅因为他有陡峭的山峰,古老的松柏以及盘桓而上的“天梯”,更重要的是这里有众多的佛教文化遗址—中国

仙***i 10年前 上传352   0


关于杭州的爱情导游词  一、断桥相会,定情配对  断桥相会,相当年许仙先生于在万军之中,如入无人之境。(说错了,万名香客游人之间)牵柔荑玉手,似探囊取物般轻松。当时只见许仙右手握紧白娘子左手,而白娘子满面羞容留下电话号码0571-87702999。两人“打伞揽住美人腰,  并肩走过情人桥”。游客朋友要记住来断桥游玩,男士要眼疾手快,女生要心灵手巧。讲究的是一见  钟情,心念相通,

冷***山 11年前 上传422   0


连州地下河导游词  连州地下河位于历史文化古城连州市东北26公里处,在粤桂湘三省交界的崇山峻岭之中,是一个亚热带喀斯特地貌的典型巨型天然石灰岩溶洞。经地质学家分析,该溶洞是因2亿年前的地壳运动而形成,现在可游览面积达45000平方米。最高处为47.8米,最宽处为53.6米,洞内四季气温保持在18℃左右,空气清新,冬暖 夏凉,是旅游避暑的圣地。  洞内有无数千姿百态、瑰丽多彩的钟乳石,游览

b***h 10年前 上传525   0


江西抚州导游词  各位游客大家好,我是小李,欢迎大家来到才子之乡抚州参观旅游。 抚州市位于江西省东部,抚河上中游。东临福建,南接赣州达广东,西近京九铁路,北临鄱阳湖,全境东南西三面环山,武夷山脉逶迤东南,雩山山脉绵延西南,地势南高北低,向鄱阳湖平原地区A斜,总面积为1.88万平方千米,总人口约为388万。  抚州历史悠久,隋开皇九年,废郡扩州,以临川郡并巴山郡之一部置抚州,隶属洪州总督府

d***1 9年前 上传438   0


扬州个园导游词  分峰造石当为扬州叠石的一大特色。个园是这方面的代表。该园建于清嘉庆二十三年(1818)两淮盐总黄至筠于明寿芝园旧址重建。清时为马曰璐兄弟二人别墅,小玲珑山馆,二马是安徽祁门人,虽经营盐业,但雅好书画,尤其不惜重金收藏典籍,家中藏书百橱,积十余万卷,《清史列传.儒林传》谓其“藏书甲大江南北”。家中有丛书楼,觅句廊、看山楼、红药阶、透风透月两明轩,至今旧制尚存,故名仍袭。全祖望

g***l 12年前 上传363   0


扬州何园导游词  该园艺清光绪年间任过湖北汉黄道台、江汉关监督(有资料还说他曾任清政府驻法国公使)何芷(舟刀)所造,俗称“何园”。因主人附庸风雅,从陶渊明“倚南窗以寄傲”、“登东皋以舒啸”取意,为“寄啸山庄”。  园分三部分,南部为住宅部分,前后三进,第一进为楠木大厅,二、三进为二层楼房,每进皆为七开间。楠木厅为主人会客之用,此厅极富层次,顶部为单檐歇山,中间三间略高,两旁两间略低,形成

雨***空 10年前 上传482   0