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  1 I watched a small man with thick calluses on both hands work fifteen and sixteen hours a day I saw him once literally bleed from the bottoms of his feet a man who came here uneducated alone unable to speak the language who taught me all I needed to know about faith and hard work by the simple eloquence of his example Mario Cuomo
  2 It doesn't matter who my father was it matters who I remember he was Anne Sexton
  3 I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection Sigmund Freud
  4That is the thankless position of the father in the familythe provider for all and the enemy of all J August Strindberg
  5 One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters English Proverb
  6A king realizing his incompetence can either delegate or abdicate his duties A father can do neither Marlene Dietrich




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2015父亲节 关于父亲的英文名句名言

2015父亲节 关于父亲的英文名句名言  “one father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.“ -- english proverb  1个爸爸比100个校长还顶用。――英国谚语  a king, realizing his incompetence, can either delegate or abdicate his duties

c***7 9年前 上传480   0


关于父亲节英文名言名句  1. “i watched a small man with thick calluses on both hands work fifteen and sixteen hours a day. i saw him once literally bleed from the bottoms of his feet, a man who came here unedu

爱***间 10年前 上传452   0


有关父亲节英文介绍  对父亲节英文介绍你了解多少呢,看看下文吧!  our father's day is the annual august 8. our father's day origins date back to the republican era. in thirty-four years of the august 8, shanghai, initiated by w

电***队 12年前 上传478   0


父亲节英文作文素材  1.massage chairs are popular gifts for father's day. 按摩椅一向是父亲节的抢手礼物。  2.father, we love you. happy father's day. 爸爸,我们爱您。父亲节快乐。  3. father's day is the third sunday in june. 父亲节在六月的第

石***站 11年前 上传368   0


父亲节赞美爸爸的话推荐  爸爸,你是最棒的!  爸爸,请再拥抱我一次!  爸爸,我讨厌说教,告诉我怎样才能变成富翁!  爸爸,这是我们最珍贵的默契和回忆!  爸爸,你在我心里最最伟大!  愿天下所有的父亲都能够真正的珍爱天下所有的母亲,成为她们相互支撑的一个臂膀。  爸爸,感谢您为我做的一切,我一定会加倍努力工作学习来报答您的养育,我爱您。今天是父亲节,我深深的祝福您

m***u 7年前 上传402   0

亲情美 2015父亲节祝福语

亲情美 2015父亲节祝福语  你是否在父母劳累后递上一杯暖茶,在他们生日时递上一张卡片,在他们失落时奉上一番问候与安慰,他们往往为我们倾注了心血、精力,而我们又何曾记得他们的生日。19号就是父亲节了!感恩就要说出来。小编下面就跟你分享最好的2015父亲节短信祝福语。祝愿全下的爸爸父亲节快乐!   1、献给您无限感激和温馨的祝愿,还有那许多回忆和深情的思念。因为您慈祥无比,难以言表,祝您父亲

八***座 9年前 上传352   0


2022父亲节快乐祝福短信_父亲节赞美爸爸的话精选80句   【1】父亲节欢乐祝愿短信_父亲节赞美爸爸的话   1、这一天,属于每个被称作父亲的男人。他忙劳碌碌地工作,辛辛苦苦的养家,给妻子最暖和的爱,给孩子最伟岸的依靠。祝愿看短信的好男人:父亲节欢乐!   2、父爱如山,连绵而伟岸;父爱如水,刚与柔并济;父爱如风,无处而不在;父爱如光,绚丽而热情;祝父亲节日欢乐

z***3 7个月前 上传135   0


父亲节文章――父亲节的父亲  关于父亲,从小到大,他给我的同学及朋友们留下的印象一直是和蔼可亲,幽默风趣的父亲形象,在我心中的父亲是一个胸怀博大的的父亲,一个伟岸的父亲,他给予孩子太多的爱,虽然表现出来的形式总是默默无语,但我们却能深深感受到。    其实小的时候我并不喜欢接近父亲,我总觉得他是一个有职业病的人,敏感,爱审人,专政……我总是离他远远的,能回避就回避,更多的时候是他在说,我

山***毛 10年前 上传467   0


2022父亲节问候祝福短信,父亲节搞笑短信中英文  父亲节问候祝愿短信 老爸!今日是父亲节,您必须不知道吧?嘻嘻!我帮您在这个特别的日子里,向上帝许了几个愿望,盼望您的肚腩再小点,钞票再厚点,三高再降点,笑容大大滴 老爸,您如一座沉稳的大山,让在外漂泊的我有了坚实的依靠,虽然您的头发花白了,容颜老去了,但你在我心中的形象恒久是最宏大的。今日,在这里我祝老爸及天下全部父亲节日

z***3 7个月前 上传144   0


父亲节祝福语,父亲节贺卡祝语(中英文)  thanks for holding my hand when i needed it。  谢谢您在我需要的时候伸出援助之手。  i love you more than anything else。我爱您胜过一切。  thanks for helping me through the tough times。  谢谢您帮我度过许多艰

胡***令 10年前 上传376   0


英文版父亲节演讲稿范文  英文版父亲节演讲稿范文:  today day is a memorable day, are the annual father's day!  deep sea motherly love, fatherly love heavy as a mountain. people at the same time to celebrate mother's d

x***d 9年前 上传440   0


2015父亲节英文祝福语  2015父亲节——father's day2015快到了。带老爸去父亲节大餐?他一定叫你省点钱。无论你是五岁还是五十岁,对父亲说一句父亲节祝福语是多么容易。来吧!2015父亲节就是机会。小编下面就跟你分享最好的2015父亲节短信祝福语。  1、on this special day, i want to say i'm proud of you,appreci

l***2 8年前 上传519   0


有关英文的父亲节祝福语  有关英文的父亲节祝福语 :  have a very happy father's day.  祝您有个快乐的父亲节。  you are the best dad in the world.  您是世界上最好的爸爸。  i am glad that you are my dad.  真高兴您是我爸爸。  have the best fat

乐***b 7年前 上传316   0


精选父亲节英文祝福语  you are the best dad that a kid ever had.  您是孩子心目中最好的爸爸。  you have been there when i needed you.  在我需要您的时候,您总是在那里。  you have always been so patient with me.  您对我总是那么地有耐心。  t

s***0 11年前 上传532   0


父亲节英文祝福短信  ・i hope you know how proud i am of you, father. happy father's day! happiness always!   ・your eyes show sternness, but more kindness and care. thank you for making me feel important.

f***1 9年前 上传495   0


父亲节国旗下英文讲话稿  the students, next sunday is a meaningful holiday is father's day. on father's day, we should know the origin of it.   1909, bruce lived in washington more than medvedev, in time to

o***q 10年前 上传459   0


精选父亲节英文版祝福语  dad, please embrace me once again!  爸爸,请再拥抱我一次!  dad, this is our most precious memories and understanding!  爸爸,这是我们最珍贵的默契和回忆!  dad, are you the most in my mind the great!  爸

大***1 7年前 上传432   0


父亲节英文祝福语(中英对照)  1.Massage chairs are popular gifts for Father's Day. 按摩椅一向是父亲节的抢手礼物。  2.Father, we love you. Happy Father's Day. 爸爸,我们爱您。父亲节快乐。  3. Father's Day is the third Sunday in June. 父亲节

l***2 12年前 上传538   0


父亲节祝福语英文版  if doctors fail you,your doctors may be these three:rest,happy and moderate diet.   i know my dad is often unable to unequivocal his limitless affection in words,he shows it the only w

l***x 9年前 上传480   0


父亲节中英文演讲稿范文  today day is a memorable day, are the annual father's day!  deep sea motherly love, fatherly love heavy as a mountain. people at the same time to celebrate mother's day and did not f

s***u 8年前 上传546   0


2017年父亲节英文贺词祝福语  your eyes show sternness, but more kindness and care. thank you for making me feel important.  您的眼神看起来很严厉,但更多的是仁慈和关心。谢谢您让我觉得自己如此重要。  thanks for holding my hand when i need it.

s***h 7年前 上传361   0


最新英文父亲节祝福语  父亲节到了。快给父亲献上节日祝福短信!回想起儿童时代坐在爸爸肩上游街的日子,就觉得爸爸真好。有个男人甘愿让你爬到他的头上,这就是你老爸,他永远是最棒的那一个。  my dad my hero 父亲节祝福语  1、on this special day, i want to say i'm proud of you,appreciate all you've d

h***4 9年前 上传312   0


最新父亲节演讲稿(中英文)  最新父亲节演讲稿(中英文)  today day is a memorable day, are the annual father's day!  deep sea motherly love, fatherly love heavy as a mountain. people at the same time to celebrate mother'

m***j 8年前 上传447   0


最新父亲节英文版祝福语  your eyes show sternness, but more kindness and care. thank you for making me feel important.  您的眼神看起来很严厉,但更多的是仁慈和关心。谢谢您让我觉得自己如此重要。  thanks for holding my hand when i need it.  谢

a***z 10年前 上传434   0


关于讲述父亲的名言名句  父亲子女兄弟姊妹等称谓,并不是简单的荣誉称号,而是一种负有完全确定的异常郑重的相互义务的称呼,这些义务的总和便构成这些民族的社会制度的实质部分。 -----【德】恩格斯  亲,不再是从前那个身强力壮的父亲了,也不再是那个退休之年仍目光炯炯, 精神矍烁的父亲了。父亲老了,他是完完全全的老了,生活将他彻底变成了一个老头子。 ――梁晓声   父亲们最根本的缺点在于

j***e 8年前 上传457   0