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签名:某某(手写签名) 某学某专业 工科学士
联系址:某学某宿舍1栋308室 邮编:510642 手机:8613570382536 固定电话:8602085288150 email:            
软件开发工程深刻理解良优秀专业知识水科阶段已参加导 专业技术水流利英语听说力
家跨国企业实中锻炼良听说 力四六级成绩优异
熟练掌握沟通技巧时具较团 队协作精神
吃苦耐劳责心强耐心细致具 备团队合作精神够工作中承受定压力
yu chen
1308 dormitory wushan rd #483 tianhe district guangzhou510642 8613570382536862085288150
dec9th 2014
dear miss zhang
in searching for employment opportunities on the internet i learned of a job vacancy in the sales representative of your company i believe that my qualifications match the requirements you have listed for the position
i am very organized i am a selfmotivated worker and enjoy working in ge especially trough the past three intern experience in this pleasant workplace with a sound educational background demonstrated and a keen desire to be part of a professional firm i am submitting my resume and wish to apply for the position referred above i hold the belief that i will make positive contribution to ge
you require
i offer
fresh graduate with degree preferred in businessoutstanding leadership skills withgood record of extracurriculumactivitiesexcellent analytical skills and team spiritexcellent interpersonal skills able to communicate with different people quick learner energetic willing to work under pressure and toughenvironment
bachelor in business with competitiveacademic performance
internship experience in differentindustries as well as associationleader
succeed in bringing order out of chaos and cooperate with team colleagues coordinate wide range
crossdepartment associates with different background and opinion familiarize analytical software intwo weeks and complete presentationwithin right agenda as a newcomer cet4 passed micros windows 2014 proficient user certificate

fluent oral and written english skilled pc operator
thank you for your time and consideration and i anticipate the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualification and your needs
sincerely yu chen
机械工程学院college of mechanical engineering
机械设计制造动化 mechanical engineering and automation
1机械制造动化 mechanical manufacturing and its automation
2机械设计理 mechanical design and theory
3机械电子工程 machinery electronics engineering
4车辆工程 vehicle engineering
工业设计 industrial design
机械系 department of mechanical engineering
机械制造工艺设备machinery manufacturing process and equipment
材料科学工程学院college of materials science and engineering 材料成型机控制工程 material shaping and control engineering 金属材料工程 metallic materials engineering
机非金属材料工程 inorganic nonmetallic materials engineering 冶金工程 metallurgical engineering
高分子材料工程 polymer materials and engineering 材料物理 materials physics
材料化学 chemistry of materials
1材料物理化学 materials physics and chemistry
2材料科学工程 materials science and engineering
3材料加工工程 materials processing engineering
4钢铁冶金 iron and steel metallurgy
5色金属冶金 nonferrous metallurgy
电气动力工程学院 college of electrical and power engineering 电气工程动化 electrical engineering and automation 热动力工程 thermal energy and power engineering 培养方:
1热动力工程 thermo power engineering
2动力机械工程 power machinery and engineering
3电机电器 electrical machinery and appliances
4电力系统动化 electrical system and its automation
5高压电绝缘技术 highvoltage electricity an insulation technology
6电气电子传动装置 electrical electronics and transmission
7电工理新技术 theory and new technology of electrical engineering
信息工程学院 college of information engineering
动化 automation
培养方:电路系统 electric circuit an system
电子信息工程 electronic and information engineering
测控技术仪器measurement control technology and instruments
1检测技术动化设备 detecting technology and automatic equipment
2系统工程 systems engineering
3模式识智系统 pattern recognition and intellectual system
通讯工程 communication engineering
1通信信息系统 communication and information system
2信号信息处理 signal and information processing
电子科学技术 electronic science and technology
培养方:控制理控制工程 control theory and control engineering
计算机科学技术学院 college of computer engineering and software
计算机科学技术computer science and technology
物联网工程 networking engineering
软件学院 college of software
软件工程 software engineering
建筑土木工程学院college of architecture and civil engineering
建筑学 architecture
城市规划 city planning
土木工程 civil engineering
水利科学工程学院 college of water conservancy science and engineering
水利水电工程 water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering
农业水利工程(含水利信息化方)agricultural water conservancy engineering
水文水资源工程 hydrology and water resources engineering
agricultural soil and water engineering
hydrology and water resources
hydraulics and river dynamics
water engineering and structural engineering
water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering
harbor beach and inshore engineering
化学化工学院 college of chemistry and chemical engineering
化学工程工艺chemical engineering and technology
(化学工艺源化工精细化工高分子化工方)chemical engineering and technology (chemical process chemical energyfine chemicalpolymer chemistry)
应化学 applied chemistry
生物工程 biological engineering
制药工程(化学生物制药工程方)pharmaceutical engineering
程装备控制工程 process equipment and control engineering
化学生物制药工程方 chemical and biological pharmaceutical engineering direction
矿业工程学院 college of mining engineering
采矿工程 mining engineering
安全工程 safety engineering
资源勘查工程 resource exploration engineering
测绘工程 engineering of surveying and mapping
理信息系统工程 geographical information system engineering
矿物加工工程mineral processing engineering
城市空间工程 city underground space engineering
勘查技术工程 prospecting technology and engineering
轻纺工程美术学院college of textile engineering with academy of fine arts 纺织工程 textile engineering
服装设计工程 clothing design and engineering
艺术设计artistic design
绘画 painting(drawing)
摄影 photography
动画 the animation
电子商务 electronic business
数字媒体艺术 digital media art
文化产业理 cultural industry management
环境科学工程学院 college of environmental science and engineering 水排水工程 water supply and drainage engineering
环境工程 environmental engineering
建筑环境设备工程 constructing environment and equipment engineering
数学学院 college of mathematics
数学应数学 mathematics and applied mathematics
信息计算科学 information and computing science
统计学 statistics
物理光电工程学院 college of physics and photo electricity engineering光信息科学技术optical information science and technology
应物理 applied physics
光源明 light source and lighting
力学学院 college of mechanics
工程力学 engineering mechanics
外国语学院 college of foreign languages
英语 english
政法学院 college of politics and law
法学 law
行政理 administrative management
思想政治教育 ideological and political education
济理学院 college of economics and management 市场营销 marketing and sales
工程理 project management
会计学 accounting
国际济贸易 international economics and trade 物流理 logistics management
体育学院 college of physical education
体育教育 physical education
发热门诊have fever治医师doctorincharge 供应室supply room谢绝入no entering 红灯亮时谢绝入no entering when red light
彩超心电图colorful cardiogramecg住院楼inpatient building 透析血磁endoscopedept护士nueser康复理疗科rehabilitationphysiotherapydept
中药计价china medical price account肛肠科anoproctology
皮肤肛肠男性科泌尿科候诊dermatologyanoproctologymale urology clinic 皮肤科肛肠科男性科泌尿科dermatologyanoproctologymale urology dept 中医科traditional chinese medicine五官科ent dept 男性科泌尿科 male urology dept安全出口exit
预防保健科medical center for health preventionand care
勤科药库logistic roomseore入院登记inpatient admisson 高压氧治疗hyperbaric oxygehation therapy碎石中心eswl center 急救中心emergency center挂号收费registration
中心药房cenreral pharmacy科门诊internal medicine clinic会议室meeting room手外科hand surgery 产科obstentrics dept骨外科orthopedics dept 神烧伤外科neurosurgery plaseric surgey dept
麻醉科anaesthesiology手术室operation room 泌尿肿瘤外科urologic gumorsurgery dept妇科gynecology dept 二科internal medicineward 2产房爱婴中心delivery room科internal medicineward 1洗手间toilet
普外胸外科surgeythoracic surgey dept皮肤科dermatology dept 中医骨伤科traditional mediaine or thopaedics餐厅dining room 配餐室pantry room勤科logistics dept 电工室electrician room接室dermatology room 科候诊 internal medicine pediatrics功检查候诊function exam 中医科候诊tcm clinic放射科候诊radiology clinic 妇科门诊gynecology dept产科候诊obstentrics clinic 肛肠科候诊anoproctology妇科候诊gynecology clinic 产科门诊obstentrics dept五官科候诊ent clinic 外科候诊surgery clinic输液中心transfusion center 皮肤泌尿科候诊 dermatologymale urology clinic检验候诊clinical laborotories 家属休息relation rest room口腔科门诊stomatology clinic 科internal medicinepediaarics镜检科endoscope dept 外科surgrey dept检验中心laboratory center 功检查function exam dept登记处registration 预防保健门诊hygine & public health dept收费处cashier 美容科镜检科门诊 cosmetology dept endoscope clinic
收费健康发证gharge lssue bill of health试敏观察室scratch espial room
财会研究 金融危机企业财务风险产生原 防范分析
海理工学理学院 叶建波
[ 摘 ]08 年金融危机爆发国企业带严重影响 许 企业 没 做 充 分防 御准 备 导致 企业财 务风 险发生面危机样做企业财务风险防范前企业面首问题企业理重点
[ 关键词 ] 信风险 部监控 激励机制 08 年金融 危机 全 球 济带 严 重 影 响 国 企 业 金 融 危 机 普 遍 产 生 程 度 财 务 风 险 国 企 业 历 欠 缺 财务风险意识缺乏效部理控制体系密切相关 国企业产生财务风险原 : 财务监控制度企业财务 理 成功
起着关 键 作 国部 财务监控制度健全财务关系混乱产生企业财务风险重 素 国外发达国 家相 国 部 财务 监控 制度 普 率 较低 企业严格执行理体制完善 缺乏效约束机制导致企业财务风险极易发生 1. 企业财务理系统适应外部复杂边宏观环境 着全球济体化 深入 发展 国 企业 财务 活动 处 全球行业济链中企业财 务 理环 境 变 更 加复杂 变 外 部 环 境 变 化 企 业 带 机 会 利 益 时 导 致 企 业 面 着种风险甚威胁全球 宏观 济 形势 变化 国国 民 济 整体形势变化行业政策变化 行业 景气 度国 家信贷 外汇 政策 调 整 银 行 利 率 变 化 外 汇 汇 率 波 动 通 货 膨 胀 程 度 等 等 素存企业外 变化 企业 难 预见 难 改变 势必影响企业财务活动 利率变动必然会产生利率风 险 包 括 支 付 利 息 风 险 产 生 利 息 投 资 发 生 亏 损 风 险 履行偿债义务风险等汇 率 变动 会直 接影 响 国 进出口 产品 成 民币升 值会 提高 国 出口产 品 成 出 口企 业 利会影响国外贸出口 会减少 外贸 差 反 会提 高 进口产品成进口企业利 通货膨胀企业资金供持续 发生短缺货币性资金持续贬值实 物性 资金相 升 值垫 付成 持续 升高 宏观环境利变化企 业带 财务 风险 实 实 轻 者 实现预期收益重者血 4. 信风险薄弱应收账款拖欠严重 企业客户包括供应方购买方 企业信风险客户性质 体现两方面 现代 社会 市场 竞争 机制 发挥 着重 作想扩市场占率企 业 仅 生产出 合格 产 品 控制 产品成价格时必须巧妙合理运信促销 企 业 扩 销 售 量 销 售 额 盲 目 运 赊 销 策 略 忽 视 客 户款力资信水 调 查 终导致 企业 应 收账 款增加 收 款风险增情况出现蒙受风险损失企业 企 业 需 根 客 户 情 况 制 定 套 信 判 定 标 准 根 判 定 客 户 信情况判否该赊销产品 加强财务风险防范企业须做点: 1. 建立财务风险预警系统 (1 )加强信息理 首 先 建 立 财 务 预 警 理 组 织 机 构 遵 循 专 负 责 职 责 独 立 原 确 保 财 务 预 警 分 析 工 作 够 专 落 实 受 组 织 机构干扰影响 财 务风 险预 警系 统应该 开 放性 仅包 括部财务信息包括外部相关信息 关键系统信息 断更新资料系统断升级 确保 财务 信息 时 性准 确性 效 性 (2 )健
全财务风险缝隙处理机制 财务预警系统关键核心高效率财务风险分析方法 处理 财务风险方法包括应急措施补救方法改进方案三点 (3
)建立财务风险预警计算机辅助理系统 工作量繁杂 求严 格 原财 务风 险预 警系 统 构 建 运 行 应 实 施 微 机 化 理 会 计 核 算 软 件 衔 接 进 行 动 态 监 督减少数采集输入程中错误保证信息质量 (4 )加强培训注重更新 培养企业发展 核 心企 业 定培 养 批高 素质 财 2. 资结构合理资产流动性差 企业资金结构指企业权益资金负债资金固定资 流动资例关系 企业果 出现 投资 筹资 决策 失 误会 导致企业资结构合理会 出现 负债 例 高 流动 资金少 资 金链断裂现象 企业债务例高直接果企业期 时清债务陷入财务困境 中 高负 债率 然 企 业带 高 清利息压力债务成 果企 业营 善 会 导致 企业出 现 资抵债面破产危险 企业融资时必须考虑续 债 力 否 会 流 动 资 金 足 变 现 力 强 导 致 财 务 风 险 发生终导致企业破产悲剧 3. 企业财务部监控制度健全 部财务监控制度作 企业 财务 活动 中 调节 约束 机制企业理系统中具举 足轻 重作 时建 立企 业部 财会研究 注 册 会 计 师 审 计 质 量 够 保 证 公 司 合 理 效 运 会 计 政 策 选择 时法律增强注册会计师审计效力 更加确保公司外 部约束机制 1 健全相关法律法规 完善资市场法制建设 通 政策 法制 方面 减少 会计 利润 操 国颁布证券法标志着 国 市场 步入 法治 市进 入 崭新阶 段 资 市 场 法 制 建 设 完 善 应 出 台 更 加 具 体 法 律 约 束力法律法规规范国资 市场 行 完善 会计 制度 会计 准 国 颁 布 公 司 会 计 准 更 加 完 善 会 计 法 规 存定局限性会计政策选 择 体 然 利 机会 谋求 身 利益 会计政策制定机构应断 完善 会计 政策 减少 会计 政 策选择空间 6 加强理身素质培养 理会计利润操 者 常 安排 参 见 公司 营 相关 学培训等够提高理 身素 质修 养培 养 理者 战略 眼光全局意识 实际 营 理 程中 更加 觉 会计 准 等规定进行理更考虑公司整体利益 2 完善公司绩效考评体系 公司部理员绩效考评财务报表报出数 种考评体系存定局 限性 公司 部应 改善 理 绩效考评体系建立套科学规 范 公司 价值 导 考核 评 价体系全方位考察理员 营效率 该体 系应 该具 较强 综 合性操作性够灵活准确理绩效进行考评 四结语 综述 文章首 先探讨 公 司会 计政 策选择 定 义 必 性 接着分析影响公司价值会计 政策 选择 重 素 探讨 规范 会计政策选择相关策 现 实生 活中相 信 着 国市 场济 发 展 市 场 济 制 度 健 全 着 法 律 监 督 力 断 增 强 公 司 会 计政策选择越越规范 3 健全激励机制 理会计利润操 实 施者 公司 理 物质 精 神两
方面进行合适奖励利理 更 加觉 会 计准 进行 营理采取符合股东利益行 时通种途径引导投资 者追求会计利润化转移追求公司价值化轨道
analysis of the causes and prevention of corporate financial risk in the financial crisis financial risk management accounting research on corporate financial risk analysis of the causes and prevention of financial crisis sea university school of management ye jianbo
[abstract] 2014 financial crisis china's enterprises to bring a serious impact on many companies did not make enough defensive preparations lead to the risk of corporate finance in the face of the crisis zenmeyangzuo corporate financial risk enterprises are facing the most important issue but also the future of enterprise management focus
[key words] credit risk internal control incentives in 2014 financial crisis has serious implications to the global economy china's enterprises in the financial crisis are generally produced with varying degrees of financial risk china's enterprises has always been the lack of financial risk awareness lack of effective internal management control system are closely related china's enterprises generate financial risk for several reasons the success of the financial control system of financial management plays a key role in china the internal financial control system is not perfect and the chaos of the financial relationship is an important factor in a corporate financial risk compared with developed countries the penetration rate of china's internal financial control system is still relatively low some companies can not be strictly enforced due to the imperfections of the management system and the lack of effective restraint mechanism leading to financial risk can easily occur a enterprise financial management system can not adapt to the external complex multilateral macroenvironment indepth development of the global economic integration the financial activities of our enterprise in the economic chain of the global industry the financial management of the environment thus become more complex and volatile external environment changes in business opportunities and benefits at the same time also led to the enterprises are faced with various risks or even a threat such as the global macroeconomic situation changes changes in the situation of china's national economy as a whole the industry's policy changes in the industry boom the adjustment of the national credit and foreign exchange policy changes in bank interest rates foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations inflation the degree and so on these factors exist outside the firm the change is also difficult to predict and difficult to change which is bound to affect the financial activities of enterprises such as changes in interest rates would have interest rate risk including the risk of excessive interest payments resulting in interest the risk of loss and can not meet their debt obligations risks of the investment movements in exchange rates will directly affect the cost of china's import and export products the appreciation of the renminbi will increase the cost of china's export products export enterprises which will affect ourexports which will reduce the trade surplus on the contrary it will increase the cost of imported products unfavorable import business inflation will enable the enterprise money supply the continuing shortage of monetary funds continued to depreciate relative appreciation of the inkind funds to advance the cost continues to rise adverse changes in the macroeconomic environment to the enterprise financial risk is real the light can not achieve the expected benefits and weight who lose everything 4 weak credit risk in accounts receivable owed
to a serious enterprise customers including supplyside and buy side the credit risk of customers to the different nature is also reflected in two aspects in modern society the competition in the market mechanism to play an important role in order to increase their market share enterprises not only to produce qualified products but also to control the cost and price of a good product at the same time need to be smart and reasonable use of a good credit promotions however some companies in order to expand sales volume and sales the blind use of credit strategy ignoring the investigation of the customer's repayment ability and creditworthiness eventually leading to an increase in the receivables receivables increased risk of happening finally at risk and the loss of the enterprise therefore companies need customers to develop a set of credit criteria to determine the customer credit situation to determine whether the credit products strengthen the prevention of financial risks companies should take the following points 1 financial risk early warning system (1) first establish financial early warning management organizations to strengthen information management and follow the principles of the person responsible responsibility and independence to ensure that the analysis of the financial early warning to staff in implementing and not subject to interference from other organizationsand impact and financial risk early warning system should be open including not only the internal financial information including external information the most critical system information to continuously update information systems to constantly upgrade to ensure the timeliness accuracy and effectiveness of the financial information (2) the key and core of the gap of a sound financial risk and the mechanism for handling financial early warning system of efficient financial risk analysis the handling of financial risks including emergency measures to remedy and improve the programs these three points (3) the establishment of computeraided management of financial risk early warning system due to heavy workload and complicated and demanding of reasons financial risk early warning system construction and operation should implement a computerized management and convergence with the accounting software dynamic supervision to reduce data collection errors in the input process to ensure the quality of the information (4) to strengthen personnel training and focus on talent and update personnel training is the core of enterprise development companies must develop a number of highquality fiscal the capital structure is irrational the liquidity difference between corporate capital structure refers to the proportion of corporate equity capital and debt capital and fixed capital and working capital relations if the investment and financing decisionmaking mistakes will lead to capital structure is unreasonable the debt ratio is too high less liquidity funding strand breaks phenomenon a high proportion of corporate debt is a direct consequence makes the companies can not due to the timely discharge of debts being in financial trouble the high debt ratio of course returned to the enterprise to bring the pressure of the high clear interest namely the cost of debt if business is poor it will lead to enterprises insolvent and facing the risk of bankruptcy therefore the financing must take into account the subsequent ability to repay debt otherwise because of the lack of liquidity and liquidity is not strong which led to the occurrence of financial risk and eventually led to the tragedy of corporate bankruptcies 3 corporate financial internal control system is not perfect selfregulation of internal financial control systems as a corporate finance activities the
internal mechanism of selfrestraint has a pivotal role in the enterprise management system the timely establishment of the internal accounting of certified public accountants of audit quality to ensure that the company is reasonable effective use of the accounting policy choices at the same time in the law to enhance the effectiveness of the certified public accountant audit and more to ensure that the external constraint mechanism improve relevant laws and regulations to improve the capital market and legal system through the policy of the rule of law to reduce the manipulation of accounting profits china promulgated the securities act indicates that china market entered a new stage of their law to enter but the legal construction of the capital market should be improved the introduction of more specific legally binding laws and regulations to regulate the behavior of china's capital market improve the accounting system and accounting standards china promulgated the accounting standards is a more complete accounting regulations but there are still some limitations the main body of accounting policy choices can still take advantage of opportunities to pursue their own interestsaccounting policymaking institutions should continue to improve the accounting policies to minimize the space of accounting policy choice train managers to strengthen the quality of the manager is the accounting profit of the manipulator often arranged they see related to the company's learning training etc can improve the quality of managers and selfcultivation and to train the managers of the strategic vision and global awareness the actual management process more consciously in accordance with the provisions of the accounting standards and other management to give more consideration to the interests of the company as a whole 2 and improve company performance appraisal system within the company management performance evaluation based on the financial statements reported data this evaluation system has some limitations within the company should improve its performance appraisal system for managers to establish a scientific standardized to the value of the companyoriented assessment and evaluation system a full range of inspection management of operational efficiency the system should have a strong and operational flexibility accurate evaluation of the performance of the manager conclusion in summary the article first discusses the definition and necessity of the company's accounting policy choices and then analyze the important factors affect the value of the company's accounting policy choices and finally discusses the related countermeasures to standardize the accounting policy choices in real life i believe that with the development of china's market economy and the integrity of the system of market economy as the legal supervision and increased the capacity the company's accounting policy choices will be more and more standardized 3 a sound incentive manager is the manipulation of accounting profits implementers managers from both material and spiritual appropriate incentives managers more conscious management in accordance with the accounting standards to take the best interests of the shareholders behaviors at the same time to guide investors through various means and transferred to the pursuit of accounting profits to maximize the pursuit of the company to maximize the value of the track up
i don't know why i overlooked that problem
i haven't overlooked chinese achievements in science sometimes you are too frank
high birthrates cannot be changed overnight
that book only told a pack of lies
they searched my room and found nothing
when it rained people in that small town had to stay in the house





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A   A-weighted sound pressure level  A声级〔96〕  absolute humidity 绝对湿度〔2〕 absolute roughness 绝对粗糙度〔25〕  absorbate 吸收质〔49〕  absorbent 吸收剂〔49〕  absorbent 吸声材料〔100〕  absorber 吸收器〔85〕  absorptance

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建筑装饰工程施工合同Contract 发包方(简称甲方)Party A: 承包方(简称乙方):上海巧点装饰设计有限公司Party B: i-point design (Inspiration Point Design)根据<中华人民共和国合同法><中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法><中华人民共和国价格法><上海市合同格式条款监督条例>,<上海市建筑市场管理条例>,以

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 建设工程施工合同 发包方(甲方)xxxxParty A: xxxx承包方(乙方)xxxxParty B: xxxx本合同由如上列明的甲、乙双方按照《中华人民共和国合同法》、《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》以及国家相关法律法规的规定,结合本合同具体情况,于xx年x月x日在xx签订。This contract is signed by the two Par

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中英文职位对照表administration(行政部分)administrative director 行政主管 file clerk 档案管理员  executive assistant 行政助理 office manager 办公室经理  executive secretary 行政秘书 receptionist 接待员  general office clerk 办公室文员 sec

t***3 11年前 上传522   0


CONTENTS目 录1 General Provisions 一般规定 51.1 Definitions 定义 51.2 Interpretation 解释 101.3 Communications 通信交流 111.4 Law and Language 法律和语言 121.5 Priority of Document 文件优先次序 121.6 Con

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中文原版 再别康桥 徐志摩 轻轻的我走了, 正如我轻轻的来; 我轻轻的招手, 作别西天的云彩。 那河畔的金柳, 是夕阳中的新娘,波光里的艳影, 在我的心头荡漾。 软泥上的青荇, 油油的在水底招摇; 在康河的柔波里, 我甘心做一条水草! 那榆荫下的一潭,不是清泉,是天上虹; 揉碎在浮藻间, 沉淀着彩虹似的梦。 寻梦?撑一支长篙, 向青草更青处漫溯, 满载一船星辉, 在星辉斑斓里放歌。但我不能放歌,

q***n 9年前 上传7252   0


办公室电话商务用语(中英文对照)  以前的公司一般有总机,由接线员将电话转接到各部门或者个人。现在很多公司拥有类似的前台服务。那么,如果你是在为别人转接电话的话应当怎么说呢。  电话转接  i’ll put you through right now.  我现在就帮你转接过去。  i’ll connect you with the department you want. h

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