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2010 写作素材




2010 写作素材
I would like to be a volunteer in my spare time My reasons are as follows
First of all it is a good virtue to help others even in modern society We all need others’ help in case we get into trouble Secondly we are able to better ourselves by helping others because we gain valuable experience and build up our confidence while serving others What’s more volunteering makes us feel better about ourselves thus making our life more enjoyable More importantly we can make the world a better place to live in by volunteering to improve it
In summary volunteering can make a difference to our life so I think it is very rewarding to be a volunteer
国学生业成功率低全球性金融危机影响外学生工作选择认应该优先选择喜欢工作擅长部分相反班学生事进行讨请客观介绍情况谈谈法 观点 理
部分 喜欢擅长重 兴趣老师精通擅长性会增加等
部分 擅长喜欢重 擅长更容易成功天努力培养兴趣 …………
注意:1 短文须包括点 适度发挥
2 开头已写 计总词数
3 词数120左右
Recently the students in our class have discussed the following topic which is more important for college graduates to choose jobs being interested in it or being good at it
Recently the students in our class have discussed the following topic which is more important for college graduates to choose jobs being interested in it or being good at it
Some agree that the love of job is very important because interest is the best teacher People are often willing to do what they like doing If you are not good at it in the beginning you can work hard and gradually improve your skills to make you good at it Others hold their view that if you are good at it you have more chances to achieve success very soon While you work you can do all you can to gain the interest in it little by little
From my point of view I think we should make full use of our strengths to change them each other regardless of the fact that you like it or you are good at it
1 时外出戴口罩少群集中公场 避免接触病等
2 勤洗手保证充足睡眠锻炼运动等
3 词数 120字左右
4 文章开头已出 计入总词数
参考词汇 猪流感swine flu 口罩 face mask
Swine flu has come to our School However there is no vaccine to protect its virus How do we protect us from it
Swine flu has come to our School However there is no vaccine to protect its virus How do we protect us from it
We advise that you should wear face mask and avoid going to the crowded place when you go out We remember not to be in close contact with the patients infected with swine flu On the other hand the best way to stay away from this virus is to wash your hands often and make sure that you have enough sleep At the same time we should do more exercise so that we can build up our body
We are sure that we must overcome the threat against swine flu as long as we take proper measures and insist on taking exercise every day
1 介绍惯坏惯
2 惯卫生关系:惯卫生基础 惯会导致传染疾病传播AIDSSARS H1N1流感等
3 法……
It is generally believed that different people have different habits Some people are addicted to habits like drinking and smoking while others pay special attention to healthy diet and never taste things like alcohol and cigarettes
It goes without saying that there is close relationship between personal habits and public health On the one hand good habits serve as the necessary basis of public health that is to say without good habits public health can’t be guaranteed On the other hand infectious disease is the natural result brought by dirty habits like AIDS SARS H1N1 flu and so on
Personally I think it is high time we placed emphasis on improving personal habits and public health If we mind our manners and behave ourselves well there must be a bright and encouraging future
Protection of Environment
1 目前环保存着许问题
2 保护环境
3 国政府做量工作
4 法
There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air water and soil the polluted air does great harm to people’s health The polluted water causes diseases and death What is more vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities
To protect the environment governments of many countries have done a lot Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution Therefore governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today
In my opinion to protect environment the government must take even more concrete measures First it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education Second much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice because more people means more people means more pollution Finally those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves
1 情况2 原3 果4 措施
词数 100~120
One day Sun Wukong together with his master and brothers was walking across a river Suddenly his master fell off the horse by the bad smell of river water They found the water so dirty that they could hardly breathe
A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straight into the river which made the river water polluted In this way most of the fish in the river were killed If the river water all over the country is polluted like this no living things will exist in the water Now more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is Our government is doing her best to take measures to fight against pollution We expect that the water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long
全世界环境问题变越越严重请根漫画容面求China Daily写封信反映情况提出保护环境建议
2 字数求 120左右
口膨胀population expansion度开发overdevelopment
Dear editor
Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world _________________________________________________________
Yours truly
Li Hua
Dear editor
Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world
With the development of industry and agriculture cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas Because of population expansion and overdevelopment resources has become less and less Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man’s existence
We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment
Yours truly
Li Hua





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写作素材【历代评曹】许劭:清平之奸贼,乱世之英雄。——《后汉书》 (裴松之注引孙盛《异同杂语》作“治世之能臣,乱世之奸雄”)陈寿:“汉末,天下大乱,雄豪并起,而袁绍虎摉四州,强盛莫敌。太祖运筹演谋,鞭挞宇内,揽申、商之法术,该韩、白之奇策,官方授材,各因其器,矫情任算,不念旧恶,终能总御皇机,克成洪业者,惟其明略最优也。抑可谓非常之人,超世之杰矣。”——《三国志》 孙权评价曹操:“其

s***3 8年前 上传915   0



i***l 10年前 上传1112   0


mba写作素材1、 司马迁【善于观察、责任、选择、苦难、挫折、变通、转折、自我认知、意志顽强、平静的心境、心态、积累知识、转折、坚定地目标、把命运转化为使命、务实求真】让司马迁以残缺之身登临历史的高峰,以一已之力铺展开两千五百年的辉煌史卷,令后人再用两千年将他敬仰。【知识的积累、务实求真】司马迁20岁开始壮游天下,足迹遍布大江南北,访求无数山川古迹,累积了丰富的知识,极大的开

d***2 12年前 上传830   0


写作素材(时间)★ 把活着的每一天看作生命的最后一天。 --海伦·凯勒★ 明日复明日,明日何其多!日日待明日,万世成蹉跎。世人皆被明日累,明日无穷老将至。晨昏滚滚水流东,今古悠悠日西坠。百年明日能几何?请君听我《明日歌》。★ 4、《杂诗》【晋】陶渊明盛年不再来,一日难再晨。及时当勉励,岁月不待人。★ 节省时间,也就是使一个人的有限生命,更加有效,而也即等于延长

s***6 12年前 上传974   0


写作素材1新马高级中学2008-2009学年度高一语文学习材料语文基础知识、写作素材积累(一)一、给加点的字注音皑皑.雾霭.和蔼.艾.蒿关隘.暧.昧令嫒.碍事谙熟黯然盎然鏖战拗断拗口 .......二、找出下列词语中的错别字并改正按装甘败下风自抱自弃针贬泊来品脉膊松驰一愁莫展穿流不息精萃重迭渡假村防碍幅射一幅对联天翻地复言简意骇气槪一股作气悬梁刺骨三、近义

安***7 9年前 上传902   0



l***g 11年前 上传1080   0


英文写作素材Look before you leap. First think, then act. 三思而后行。It is never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,犹为未晚。Light come, light go. 来得容易,去得快。Time is money. 时间就是金钱。A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难

c***0 11年前 上传832   0


SAT写作素材SAT写作素材沈阳中睿瑾成国际教育——SAT写作素材:The CrusadesTheme:both sides of an issueThesis:Everything has its benefit and its drawbackSubject:The CrusadesDetail: The Crusades, profoundly altering

j***v 9年前 上传719   0



王***朝 2年前 上传1047   0



阿***囧 12年前 上传727   0


写作素材整理篇写作素材整理篇人物春秋篇1.王石:从“企业家”到“弃业家”【素材再现】 万科董事长王石,创业之初,做过饲料中介,卖过玉米;赚到第一桶金后,又搞过服装、手表、饮料、印刷等等。之后万科逐渐收缩战线、聚焦于住宅开发,并发展成为中国第一住宅开发商。王石可以说是中国最成功的“企业家”之一。可就在1999年2月他辞去总经理职务从万科淡出,登山、航海、探险,做慈善。2011年3月

9***5 9年前 上传586   0



z***小 12年前 上传784   0



l***6 8年前 上传787   0


从素材到写作内容1共 103 页从素材到写作内容 故 事 导 引 学生用书P29两个锦囊成名的李贺 清晨,一个破落小院的柴门咯吱一声开了,从里面走出一个小厮,只见他背着一个破旧的锦囊,牵着一头又老又瘦的毛驴,毛驴上坐着一个同样瘦瘦弱弱的少年书生。这一主一仆,就这样悠闲地踱向了村外的世界。 一<a name=baidusnap0></a>路上</B>,流连于青山秀水,徜徉在繁华街市,穿行过闾巷

6***0 10年前 上传663   0


小学作文写作素材写事作文一:写家事 一、写家里事的作文类型1.写家里的日常生活,表现家庭生活中有意思或有意义的内容;2.写参加家里的劳动或跟家里人学习家务;3.写发生在家庭中的一件事,反映出家庭成员的个性素质或思想品质;4.写我与爸爸妈妈之间发生的事情,说明自己从中受到的教育和启发;5.写家庭中的突发事件,来抒发自己的一种情感。二、写家里事的参考题目1.《爸妈

s***g 9年前 上传659   0


综合写作素材1. 投入资金政府切实加强对00事业的资金投入力度,建立完善的000事业资金投入长效机制。切实突破阻碍00发展的资金瓶颈。要严格规章制度,保证专款专用、保证资金封闭运行、阳光运行,审计和纪检机关要加强对资金使用情况的监督检查,做到资金运行到哪里,审计监督就跟进到哪里。2. 投入人力(劳动力、人才)要加强00人才队伍建设。引进人才和培养人才并重,建立健全人才进入机制、培

h***1 8年前 上传560   0



白***6 12年前 上传606   0



培***取 9年前 上传563   0



l***g 11年前 上传512   0


sat写作素材整理Lincoln & Helen Keller & Forrest Gump:In addition, through experiences of lives burgeon the individual achievements in the future. Instructions and inspirations in the early time of one’

h***d 10年前 上传550   0



m***8 10年前 上传791   0



z***n 10年前 上传446   0


四六级写作素材一些a range of ; a variety of ; a series of ; an array of无数innumerable ; countless许多plenty of ; many ; much ; a great deal of ; a lot of ; ample非常多(大)的tremendous依序列举list in sequence时

素***妍 11年前 上传538   0



唐***老 11年前 上传575   0


议论文写作素材议论文写作素材一、宽容1.名言:一个伟大的人有两颗心:一颗心流血;另一颗心宽容。------纪伯伦不会宽容别人的人,是不配受到别人的宽容的。——贝尔奈世界上最宽阔的是海洋,比海洋宽阔的是天空,比天空更宽阔的是人的胸怀”。 —— 雨果2、事例唐朝谏议大夫魏征,常常犯颜苦谏,屡逆龙鳞,可唐太宗宽容为怀,把魏征看作是照见自己得失的“镜子”,终于开创了史称“

w***d 11年前 上传429   0