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江苏省无锡市东林小学2019-2020学年度六年级上册英语 6AU7-8单元测试卷(无答案)- 牛津译林版




江苏省锡市东林学20192020学年度六年级册英语 6AU78单元测试卷
1 A plane B gate C same D plan
2 A meet B zebra C next D tree
3 A most B old C come D coal
4 A lion B ride C Chinese D rich
5 A much B useful C music D student
6 A throw B know C window D how
7 A foolish B good C cook D foot
8 A ground B cousin C house D shout
11 a very important festival in the US
12 cook us something good
13 reuse a bottle to make a toy
14 How useful the water is
15 World Environment Day is on 5th June
1 There______ much coal and oil _______ Earth
A is under B isn't on C aren't in
2 We shouldn't eat too _____ in the evening It's bad_____ us
A many for B much for C much to
3 Su Hai ______ an email ________ her efriend Anna yesterday
A gets to B gave from C got from
4 Tom ____ water _______ his face every day
A use to clean B uses cleans C uses to wash
5 What _________ you going to do tomorrow morning I’m ____ to the park
A do go B are going C are go
6 My parents _____ some new clothes _____ me last week
A buy to B brought for C bought for
7 ______ your sister going to draw a picture this evening Maybe she is
A Does B Are C Is
8 To keep the river clean we should not ____________
A put rubbish in the bin B swimming C throw rubbish
9 Did you _________ last National Day holiday Yes I did
A eat moon cake B watched fireworks C eat tangyuan
10 Christmas is _____ holiday in the UK
A most important B the most important C very most important
1 Long long ago there ______ (be)a king He _____ (go)to the forest one day
2 What places ______ you ________(visit) in Beijing
I'm going to Visit Summer Palace
3 We shouldn’t _______(waste) _________ (paper)
We can _______ (write) on both sides of it
4 I'm happy ______ (be) your friend I want _______ (know) your name
5 It will be ________ (sun) tomorrow Let's go ______ (climb)
6 The boy is very _________ (excite)about the football game
1 What are you doing A I didn't sleep well last night
2 When shall we meet B Children’s Day
3 How often do you go to school C I'm making a cake
4 What's the weather like today D At twelve o' clock
5 where are you going E We're going to the library
6 Why are you so tired F I’m sick
7 What holiday is coming G It's windy and cold
1 She often watches films at weekend (next weekend改写句子)
She is going _______ _________ a film next week
2 Liu Tao is going to Xi'an tomorrow (划线部分提问)
__________ is Liu Tao_________ tomorrow
3 We are going to watch fireworks this evening(划线部分提问)
________ are you going to _________ fireworks
4Mike got an email yesterday (改般疑问句)
_________ Mike _________ an email yesterday
5My father is going to give me a red packet(改义句)
My father is going to ______ a red packet _______ me
1 should students love the all Earth()
2down people not cut should many too trees ()
3 New it's going Chinese to next be Year week ()
4 buy going you flowers you are with mother to ()
5 my at family going are party have a Christmas to ()
Christmas _____ ________ All the children are __________
On _______ ___________ ________of Chinese New Year we are going to _______ ___________
It is going ________ ___________ National Day holiday ________ week we are _____ _____Beijing
What are they _________ _________ ____________at the MidAutumn Festival
They are going to eat ________ ___________ and ________ _____________ _______________
Gao Shan and Yang Ling are talking about their Chinese New Year holiday
G Hi Yang Ling How are you
Y Not so good
G What's wrong with you
Y The new term is coming but I have too much homework to do
I want to do but I have no time
G Why
Y Well you see It was Chinese New Year last week My parents have many friends and relatives(亲戚) I don't know all of them But I have to visit them every day
G Me too So many parties I do nothing but eat
Y Yes The same food the same drinks I'm fatter Right
G A little It's not interesting But I think it's better than school days
Y No I think school days are better
G Then you' d better finish your homework before the new term comes
1 Gao Shan and Yang Ling like Chinese New Year very much
2 Yang Ling doesn't want to do her homework
3 Yang Ling visited a lot of her friends at Chinese New Year
4 Yang Ling likes school days better




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江苏省无锡市东林小学2019-2020学年度六年级上册英语 6AU3-4单元测试卷(无答案)- 牛津译林版

江苏省无锡市东林小学2019-2020学年度六年级上册英语 6AU3-4单元测试卷一、辨音。(5分)1.A arm B park C. car D quarter2. A. come B number C. but D home3. A her B. worker C. brother D. sister4. A. climbed B. talked C. picked D

文***7 4年前 上传490   0

牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit 7 Films 课时练习(无答案)

9A U7 Films短语1. 你做梦 ___________________________________2. 如此…以至于… ___________________________________3. 适合… ___________________________________4. 在电影行业 ___________________________________5. 宁

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译林版四上英语-Unit 1I like dogs 译林版(无答案)

第一次作业一、英汉互译。1. 这些玩具熊猫 2.a lion under the tree 3.看那只狗 4.It’s time for class. 5.两只可爱的猴子

始***欢 3年前 上传757   0


一、 大小写字母转换。(12分)1、 ABC 2、 abd 3、 Bcda

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一.字母练习。 (一)按字母表顺序默写前四个字母的大小写。 (二) 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。Cc Bb

始***欢 3年前 上传761   0

译林版五上英语Unit1 goldilocks and three bears单元测试卷(无答案)

译林英语 五上 Unit 1goldilocks and three bears 单元测试 name 一、选择正确的字母或字母组合将单词补充完整,并写出汉语意思。(10分)( )1. h__ ___se A.ou B.uo C.au ______

始***欢 3年前 上传605   0


7AUnit6单元提优练习一、单词辨音 1. A. heavy B. meat C. treat D. bean2. A. talk B. salt C. chalk D. all3. A. orange B. pork C. important D. order4. A. change B. geography C

文***7 2年前 上传569   0


1. 她是一个聪明的女孩, 最后,她设法使母亲改变了想法。 She is such a clever girl that she to change her mind finally.2. 我哥哥一弄清楚飞机什么时候到,就给我打了个电话。My brother gave me a call when the plane arrived.3. 由于时间有限,他没有别的办法只能缩短了他的演讲。 He his speech because of the time.

3***猪 3年前 上传875   0


第一单元练习题一、英汉互译1. 男孩们和女孩们_________________ 2. 喜欢狗_________________3. 那只猴子_________________ 4.动物玩具_________________5. 一头可爱的大象_________________ 6. 有一个蛋糕_________________7. would like ______

始***欢 3年前 上传686   0

牛津译林版九年级英语上册 Unit6 TV programmes Reading 1校本练习(word版无答案)

9A Unit6 Reading 1校本练习一、根据句意和提示写出单词 1. The more ____________ you go, the better you will understand the magic of music. (音乐会)2. Zhang Yimou is one of the most famous ____________ who has won lots

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译林版六上英语六上Unit 1单元检测卷无答案

听力部分 (共30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,听两遍。 (10分)( ) 1. A. match B. magic C. Maths ( ) 2. A. was B. were C. where ( ) 3. A. pick B. quick C. trick ( ) 4. A. these B. those C. this ( ) 5. A. other

始***欢 3年前 上传928   0


7A Unit 1【单元测试卷】一、 短语翻译(每题1分,共10分)1、 read this book 2、热爱阅读3、a new school _____________ 4、擅长英语 __________________5、do your homework ___________ 6、欢迎来我家7、over there _________________

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高中牛津译林英语 模块二u2词汇过关(无答案)

高中牛津译林英语 模块二Unit 2 单词默写训练1. 冒险,冒险经历__________________ adj.________________爱冒险的2. 安排________________ n._________________3. 不同寻常的___________________________4. 航班,空中航行__________________5. 骆

文***7 5年前 上传1085   0

牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit 7 Films Reading I校本练习(无答案)

9A Unit 7 Reading I校本练习一、词汇1. People all consider Hepburn as one of the excellent _____________ in the world. (演员)2. The girl’s beauty and charm caught the director’s ________________. (注意)3. I

福***园 1年前 上传330   0

牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit 4 Growing up课时练习(无答案)

 9A U4 Growing up短语1. 长大 2. 挂在心上;惦念 3. 做完某事 4. 直到...才 5. 一…就… 6. 在不同的时代

福***园 1年前 上传333   0

牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 2 Let's play sports task 预习学案(无答案)

 7A Unit2 Let’s play sports Task Learning objectives:1. Knowledge objectives:To learn new words and pronunciation. 2.Ability objectives : To write an introduction about one’s hobby。

文***7 1年前 上传284   0


2021-2022学年第一学期八年级英语期末模拟试卷(2)(满分:100分)一、单项填空(每小题1分,共10分)(   )1. --- Will Dad be back home at 6 o’clock this evening? --- He should, but he _________ not. Sometimes he exercises after work.

的***有 1年前 上传359   0

牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit 4 Do it yourself Task练习题(无答案)

牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit 4 Do it yourself Task练习题一、词汇:A.根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1. The teacher told us not to s_________ the picture on the desk. 2. Please keep it s________. I don’t want to make others

还***法 2年前 上传440   0

牛津译林版七年级英语上册 Unit 8 Fashion 检测题(无答案)

七A Unit 8检测题一、根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词 1. The ________ (模特)look smart in blue.2. Our homework ________ (包括)reading and writing.3. Kitty like wearing the blouse, and it is really________(昂贵的).4. There are

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牛津译林版英语七年级上册 Unit 2 Let's play sports Integrated skills 预习学案(word无答案)

7A Unit2 Let's play sports Integrated skills Learning objectives:A. Knowledge objectives:To learn new words and their pronunciationTo get some information about how to play sports.B. Ability o

福***园 1年前 上传330   0

牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit 8 Detective storiesGrammar 校本练习(无答案)

 9A Unit 8 Grammar 校本练习一、词汇运用 1. The film had been on for fifteen minutes when we got to the cinema in a ______. (匆忙)2.If you are in a hurry to do things, you will ____________ make mistak

文***7 1年前 上传491   0

牛津译林版英语九年级上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems.课时练习(无答案)

9A U3 Teenage problems 短语1. 使某人发疯 2. 亲密朋友 3. 得低分 4. 感到困 5. 管理你的时间 6. 一名九年级的学生

文***7 1年前 上传308   0

Unit4 课时练习2022-2023学年牛津译林版七年级英语上册无答案

7AUnit4 课时练习Comic strip & Welcome to the unit一、 单项选择1. --- What do you usually have _________ breakfast, Peter? --- Milk and eggs.A. about B. for C. on D. with2. Hobo just doesn’t know ______

文***7 2年前 上传563   0

牛津译林版八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends.导学案(含知识讲解与习题,无答案)

Unit 1 FriendsPart One Welcome to the unit学习目标1.掌握重点单词believe, magazine, honest, secret, tidy, polite的用法。2.掌握重点句型:Can I have something to drink? Can I have some more food ? Do you talk to him/h

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牛津译林版九年级英语上册期末复习卷(Unit 5-Unit 6 )无答案

牛津译林版九年级英语上册期末复习卷(Unit 5-Unit 6 ) 一.单项选择 ( )1.—Betty, do you know if Tony ______ the photo competition? —He will, I think, if he ________ his project on Australia. A. enters

福***园 2年前 上传407   0