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音词: know______ to _______ write _______ sun ______
I ______ for_______ sea__________ aunt ______
义词:look ______ pretty ________ good________
反义词:new _______ big _________ short ________
his ________ these ___________
类词:cat ________ father ________ shirt _________
face __________ read _________
复数:foot _______ goldfish _______ fly _________
he __________
单数:horses________ mice ________ people_________ sheep_______ knives ________ butterflies _________
二 is am are have has填空:
1 Mrs Black _____ got two children Lily is five and Nancy ______ one They _____ beautiful girls They both _____ got big eyes but Nancy _____ got no teeth
2 What _____ it It _____ a red star Ben _____ got five red stars
3 Tom I _____ hungry _____ you got any cakes No but Alice _____ got some
4 Who _____ that boy He _____ Peter Where _____ he from USA Look his hair _______ brown and his eyes _____ blue He _____ got long legs too He _____ very handsome
5 What colour _______ your pencils They _______ yellow I _______ got two blue pens too They _______ nice
6 A Look at the animals What ______ they
B I_____ sorry I don’t know
7 This _____ an insect It ______ got a head It ______ got a body It _____ got six legs
三 求改句:
1 Has Mary got a new car (肯定句)
2 Tom and Peter can run fast (否定句)
3 Miss Zhang is our English teacher (划线部分提问)
4 I can listen and hear with my ears (划线部分提问)
5 Lily is fine (划线部分提问)
6 This is a cup of coffee (改成复数)
7 Her bicycle is yellow (划线部分提问)
四 根实际情况回答问题:
1 Do you look like your mother or your mother
2 How many people are there in your family
3 Which animal do you like best
4 What colour are the zebras
5 Can you cook
6 Have you got a white coat
7 Do you like sports




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三年级第一学期英语周练2:班级________ 姓名 ________ 学号________ 得分_________一、翻译词组:1. 宠物世界:___________ 2. 一个好宠物:___________3. 一只淘气的猴子:___________ 4. 他的名字:______________5. 一只漂亮的鹦鹉:___________

文***7 4年前 上传798   0


三年级第一学期英语周练1一、 用he, she, it, they指代下列人称:Tom___________Alice___________Mr. White___________Miss Green___________Mr. Yellow___________Miss Pink___________this boy___________that woman_

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三年级第一学期英语周周练5班级 _____ 姓名______学号_______一. 词组翻译1.可爱的猴子 ___________ 2.一个闹钟______________3.非常漂亮 _____________ 4.看着他们______________5.爸爸的夹克衫 ___________ 6.我最喜欢的玩具___________7.

文***7 4年前 上传738   0


三年级第一学期英语周练3一、 翻译词组:看上去像我_____________________寻找_____________________________向他表示问候___________________温暖的春天_______________________中秋节_________________________中国新年_________________________在那里_

文***7 4年前 上传598   0


三年级第一学期英语周练4一.写出下列单词的详细形式1. she’s= 2. he’s= 3. it’s=4. I’m= 5. you’re= 6. we’re=7. they’re= 8. I’ve got=

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三年级上册英语试题-第九周 周末卷(无答案)牛津上海版(试用本)

Oxford English 3A M 2 U2 第九周 周末卷Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________I、Read and write (读一读,正确抄写下列内容,注意大小的变化和在需要的地方加上正确的标点符号) look tom and my father can play it very

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Oxford English 3A M 2 U 1 第七周 周末卷Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________I、Read and write (读一读,正确抄写下列内容,注意大小的变化和在需要的地方加上正确的标点符号) who is your friend she’s jill

文***7 4年前 上传722   0

三年级上册英语试题-第二周 周末卷(无答案)牛津上海版(试用本)

Oxford English 3A M1U1 第二周 周末卷Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________一、Read and write (读一读,正确抄写下列内容,注意大小的变化和在需要的地方加上正确的标点符号)how are you today Mrs Wang I’m fine thank yo

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三年级上册英语试题-第五周 周末卷(无答案)牛津上海版(试用本)

Oxford English 3A Module 1 Unit 1 ~ Unit 3 第五周 周末卷Happy National Day!Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________I. Writing(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写及标点符号)hello what’s your name my

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三年级上册英语试题-第十九周 周末卷(无答案)牛津上海版(试用本)

Oxford English 3A 第十九周 周末卷Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________I. Read and write (正确抄写下列内容,注意大小变化和加上正确的标点符号)may i have some bananas mum sure

文***7 4年前 上传738   0

三年级上册英语试题-第十二周 周末卷(无答案)牛津上海版(试用本)

Oxford English 3A M 3 U 1 第十二周 周末卷Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________I、Read and write (读一读,正确抄写下列内容,注意大小的变化和在需要的地方加上正确的标点符号) What’s this it’s my classroom

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三年级上册英语试题-第十五周 周末卷(无答案)牛津上海版(试用本)

Oxford English 3A M4U1 第十五周 周末卷Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________I. Read and write (正确抄写下列内容,注意大小变化和加上正确的标点符号)mum look at this inset what is it it’s a lady

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三年级上册英语试题-第十八周 周末卷(无答案)牛津上海版(试用本)

Oxford English 3A 第十八周 Happy New Year!Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________I. Read and write (正确抄写下列内容,注意大小变化和加上正确的标点符号)hi look at the boat is this yellow no it’s pink

文***7 4年前 上传976   0

三年级上册英语试题-第十周 周末卷(无答案)牛津上海版(试用本)

Oxford English 3A M 2 U3 第十周 周末卷 Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________I、Read and write (读一读,正确抄写下列内容,注意大小的变化和在需要的地方加上正确的标点符号) hi who am i you’re danny yes I’m danny

文***7 4年前 上传775   0


Oxford English 3A M 2 U1- U2 第八周 周末卷Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________I、Read and write (读一读,正确抄写下列内容,注意大小的变化和在需要的地方加上正确的标点符号) who is he he’s my grandfather

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三年级上册英语试题-第十三周 周末卷(无答案)牛津上海版(试用本)

Oxford English 3A M3U2 第十三周 周末卷Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________I、Read and write (正确抄写下列内容,注意大小的变化,并加上正确的标点符号) kitty may i have some peaches please sure here you

文***7 4年前 上传742   0

三年级上册英语试题-第四周 周末卷(无答案)牛津上海版(试用本)

Oxford English 3A M1U3 第四周 周末卷Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________一、Read and write (读一读,正确抄写下列内容,注意大小的变化和在需要的地方加上正确的标点符号) how old are you alice I’m seven

文***7 4年前 上传991   0

三年级上册英语试题-第十七周 周末卷(无答案)牛津上海版(试用本)

Oxford English 3A 第十七周 周末卷Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________I. Read and write (正确抄写下列内容,注意大小变化和加上正确的标点符号)what are they tom they’re chick

文***7 4年前 上传674   0

三年级上册英语试题-第三周 周末卷(无答案)牛津上海版(试用本)

Oxford English 3A M1U2 第三周 周末卷Class _________ Name ________________ No.______ 家长签名__________一、Read and write (读一读,正确抄写下列内容,注意大小的变化和在需要的地方加上正确的标点符号) What’s your name my name’s peter

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Oxford English 3A Final Revision 期末复习1Class_________ Name___________ No________ 家长签名__________I. Listen and choose (选出你听到的单词或词组,把序号填在前面括号内)( ) 1. A. now B. bow C. how( ) 2. A. fine

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Oxford English 3A Final Revision 期末复习2Class_________ Name___________ No________ 家长签名__________I. Listen and write (听录音,填入所缺的单词)1. Hello, my ___________ Russ. ___________ is a picture of my family.

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Oxford English 3A Final Revision 期末复习3Class_________ Name___________ No________ 家长签名__________I. Listen and choose (听录音,选出恰当的应答句)( ) 1. A. How are you? B. How old are you? C. How many?( )

文***7 4年前 上传803   0


三年级单项练习(一)用“have, has, am, is, are”填空1. Who ______ that boy? He ______ Ben.2. Alice ______ my friend. We ______ good friends.3. ______ the cat a long tail? Yes, it ______.4. There ______ a teach

文***7 4年前 上传659   0


Oxford English 3A Exercise 1Name ________________ 根据要求改写句子1. I’m a good boy.(改成复数句)__________________________2. You are very short. (一般疑问句,并否定回答)__________________________3. My father can fly

文***7 4年前 上传921   0


Oxford English 3A Final Revision 期末复习4Class_________ Name___________ No________ 家长签名__________Learning tips1(学习小贴士1)一般疑问句的变化:1、将be动词, have/has, can放在句首。2、like句型句首加Do 。3、用Yes/No回答。4、注意人称的变化,如:I

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