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2020—2021学年八年级英语册Unit 2 拓展训练
1 They looked very _____ in the idea (interest)
2 After they got on the bus they found two _______ (sit)
3 Help __________ to the fish everyone (you)
4 What we have had is just part of the truth We should try to get __________ information about it (far)
5 A ___________ sight stopped them from going forward (frighten)
6 He seemed very _________ He got a D in the English test (happy)
7 Before you start this work you should try to realize its _________ (important)
8 March 8 is _________ Day (woman)
9 This book belongs to you Where is _____ (me)
10 The visitors are ________ students (main)

Meimei can't go to school today because she isn't feeling well Mum asked her to stay in   1  This morning Meimei went to the   2     3  together with Mum The doctor asked Meimei to   4   her   5   and   6  Ah He looked over Meimei carefully It was   7   serious So the doctor said to herYou've caught a bit of cold Take this   8      9   times a day and drink more   10  You'll feel better soon
三 找朋友
( ) Alice likes travelling but she doesn’t have enough money If there is one way the traveler can save money it would be fine for her
( ) Paul was a student from Korea Japan He is poor in English so he wants to find a website for help He doesn’t mind paying
( ) Peter is going to travel abroad by air during this summer vacation He hopes to get cheap plane tickets and hotel rooms Which website would draw his attention
( ) Mary had a baby last month She is young and don’t know how to care for her baby Which website would help her
( ) Lisa likes go shopping She always feels tired after shopping around She wants to find a website on which she can buy kinds of things she likes

A The site provides hundreds of English reading materials in different levels Whether you are a low beginner or a high beginner you can find something for you here You don’t need to pay Just sign up
B The site offers you a web school to study English The classes are small— no more than 10 students Native teachers are always here to help you We have daytime classes evening classes and weekend classes Just go to our website and see which you’d like to order (订购)
C It is the most popular travel websites in the UK It offers oversea travelers information about British sights traffic culture and so on
D This site tells you how to teach and look after their babies Also many mothers in the site forum (坛) talks about their feelings and give their advice
E This is a wellknown safe online shopping website You don’t need to go out to walk from one shop to another Just click your mouse and pay and sellers will send the things you bought to you in a few days
F Our website can get large discounts (折扣) on plane tickets and hotel rooms You can save up to 70 We negotiate (商议) discounts with our partners and then let you know
G Our website offers you a way of travelling through network Travelers contact people online who are willing to host them online It only cost you little money
On the night of the play Jack was at the theatre early and he was already dressed in a suit of policeman’s clothes long before the end of the first scene He certainly looked the part all right he thought as he admired himself in the mirror
Then he suddenly felt nervous After all it was his first time to have a part in a play How could he face all those people watching the play He put his head in his hands and tried to remember his lines(台词)but nothing came to his mind
A knock on the door made him look up He was to go on stage in the second scene Have I missed my part and destroyed (破坏)the play for everybody he thought to himself But it was only the manager She noticed how nervous he was and suggested he should stand near the stage where he could watch and follow the play It was a good way of getting rid of this nervousness she said
She was right it seemed to work In fact the more he watched the play the more he felt himself part of it
1 Jack played the role of ________ in the play
A a murderer B a manager C a thief D a policeman
2 Jack would play in the ________ scene of the play
A first B second C third D fourth
3 The manager came to Jack to __________
A help him to learn the lines by heart B tell him not to play his part
C play instead of him D help him relax
4 What can we refer(推断) from the passage
A The best way to play well is to remember lines again and again
BJack was not suitable for his role
CThe manager was unkind and unhelpful
DJack didn’t feel nervous any more in the end
Throughout history people had dreamed about joining England and France together Even Napoleon had plan to dig a tunnel (隧道) and reach England One of the first people who tried to dig a tunnel under the Channel (英吉利海峡) was a French engineer called Albert Mathieu His tunnel failed
In 1881 Colonel Beamont and Captain English from Britain also tried to dig a tunnel Their tunnel went six kilometers out into the Channel Queen Victoria stopped them and said (2)法国相连危险 It was a very good tunnel and it is still there today
(3)The new tunnel (ready in 1993) is in fact three tunnelstwo for trains and a service tunnel for fresh air to go in and for men who take care of the tunnels The tunnels are fifty kilometers long forty meters under water Forty kilometers of tunnel are under the sea itself They are the longest undersea in the world
Trains (1) __________ the tunnels _________ 160 kmh People drive their cars onto trains and the trains take them through the tunnel Each train takes 1500 people and there are trains every ten minutes
A special radio station called Channel has started because it is impossible to receive normal signals (信号) when you are under the sea The station sends news to keep people upto date with the world outside’ while they are in the tunnel
1 (1) 处填入适词句子通完整
2 (2) 处汉语译成英语
3 (3) 处英语译成汉语
4 文中找出句义句 They are longer than any other one on the earth
5 写出找出文题句

2020—2021学年八年级英语册Unit 2 拓展训练答案
1 interested 2 seats 3 yourselves 4 further 5 frightening
6 unhappy 7 importance 8 Women’s 9 mine 10 mainly
1bed 2children’s 3hospital 4open 5mouth
6say 7nothing not 8medicine 9times 10water
三 找朋友
A) 14 DBDD
1.travel through at
2it was dangerous to connect with France
3 事实新隧道(1993年绪)三条隧道两条隧道供火车条隧道供新鲜空气进入供顾隧道士
4They are the longest undersea tunnels in the world
5The history of the Channel tunnel





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Section A1. ever → (反义词) never2. shop → (现在分词) shopping3. full → (反义词) empty4. read → (pt.) readSection B→(v.)act 1. active

夏***子 3年前 上传624   0


(  )1.(2020•安徽)—What do you think of your new house built by the local government?—Pretty good.I have a ________ of happiness now.A.warning B.tradition C.feeling D.question

3***猪 2年前 上传341   0


知识点1:have/ has been to, have/ has gone to, have/ has been in的区别(1)have/ has been to:曾经去过,但现在已经回来了。强调以往的经历。常与ever/never/once/twice等次数连用。

温***季 3年前 上传675   0


人教版八年级下册第二单元基础知识Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks.短语1.clean up清扫,打扫【例句】 He often helps his parents clean up their room on weekends.他周末经常帮助父母打扫房间。2.cheer up (使)振作起来,高兴起来【例句】 He cheered

文***7 11个月前 上传343   0


情境选择。( )1.Mike在教室里大声喊你的名字,你对他说:A. Don’t eat. B. Don’t shout.()2.李老师提醒同学们课堂上不要说话,她会说:A. Shh. B. Don’t drink.()3.当别人提醒你不要在图书馆里乱跑时,你会说:A. Don’t run. B. I’m sorry

紫***嫣 2年前 上传890   0



j***4 4年前 上传823   0



t***d 10年前 上传590   0


 拓展训练心得      2010年6月14日我怀着激动万分的心情参加了万仙山的这次拓展训练,这次的拓展训练对我将是人生又个新的起点。我特别感谢公司领导给予的这次机会。我觉的这是公司给予每个员工最好的礼物,意义深远将会影响着我们的人生。  参加的项目有“信任背摔”、“生死电网”“高空断桥”、“毕业墙”、“人生坎坷路”、“红黑博弈”这几个游戏把我们的一生都做了一个总结性的概

两***天 11年前 上传667   0


拓展训练感想  二一年四月十七日,是一个久违的好晴天。这天一早大家就准时赶到公司集合一起坐车去南昌梅岭参加拓展训练活动。我活到50多岁才是第一次听说这新名词,总以为是公司组织我们员工到梅岭山区春游活动,大家一坐上班车就高兴得不得了,你一曲,我一首,一路高歌,一场欢笑,带着好奇而又美好心情来到了梅岭民兵训练基地----南昌拓展训练中心。  S后教练为大家介绍了拓展训练的起源、意义和严格的纪

b***y 10年前 上传617   0


拓展训练有感   或许习惯了吃饭、上班、睡觉的固定生活模式,或许住惯了温暖舒适的房子,或许坐惯了宽敞明亮的办公室,如果没有什么意外来打破的话,生活就这样一如既往地过下去。    人们在年少的时候喜欢追求理想,并不断超越自己。但是,一路走来,再有棱角的石头也会有磨光的时候。从此,人们裹足不前,安于现状,就象一只坐井观天的青蛙一样,再也跳不出禁锢自己的那口井。    我就是这样的一只青蛙。

莫***3 12年前 上传11768   0


一、在本次活动中,最认可的项目 认可的项目有同心协力和模拟墙: 1. 模拟墙和同心协力都有一个共同点,考验的是团队的配合和增强团队团结。 2. 同心协力让我知道,不管是工作还是训练,都需要有团队意识,配合大家,才能把一件事情做好。 3. 模拟墙;让我懂得付出也是一种快乐。   二、通过本次拓展,有哪些方面认识和收获? 1. 通过本次训练找到了自己的缺点在哪里,以后就可以努力改善缺点

t***w 10年前 上传8538   0


心得体会   只有亲身经历的才是难忘的,只有亲身体验的才是最真实的,只有在这种经历和体验中,才会去思考这些工作、生活中的小问题,展开思维去思考人生。 作为智联队长的我,在其他队员的合作帮助下,带领团队取得了一个又一个胜利,很开心、很自豪。原本认为不可能完成的项目,队员们齐心协力顺利完成。那些坚持,那些冲锋,那些甘心做基底的男生,那些坚强不嗔娇的女生。让我铭记于心,启迪我珍惜现在,珍惜身边所

z***s 9年前 上传6340   0


拓展训练感言  xx年10月17日,我会永远记得这个日子,整整14个小时,我们沉浸在训练中,为每一个队友的优秀表现鼓掌加油,为每一颗星的奖励欣喜欢呼,为每一个项目的完成努力付出。我会永远记得信任背摔,高台倒下时,一双双温柔接着我的手臂;我会永远记得,高空钢索上,同伴紧握的手,传递给我的信任与力量;我还会记得,风雨人生路上,那个背着我前行的同伴的剧烈喘息声;我更不会忘记,4.2米的毕业墙下,看

路***员 11年前 上传730   0



c***r 9年前 上传545   0


拓展训练心得  为了更好的沟通学员之间的感情,锻炼学员的身体素质和队员的团队协作意识,河南省郑州市黄河公正处于xx年10月12日组织了一次拓展训练活动,训练目的地位于新乡市辉县万仙山景区,单位大部分工作人员都参与了这次活动。   此次拓展训练的主要项目包括:“高空断桥”、“同起同坐”、“盲人方阵”、“挑战150”、 “月球行走”。人员分为两队,分别是以祝曦为队长的“钓丝队”和以杨肃平为队

5***0 10年前 上传587   0


拓展训练感想 20**年10月12日至13日,我有幸与四十位同事一起参加了由公司组织的一次拓展培训,这两天注定是一个艰难但是着实充满意义的两天,它带给我的不仅是身体上挑战,也给我带来了一笔精神上的财富。这不仅仅是一种单纯的训练,更是一种文化、一种精神、一种理念的传承;是一种思维、一种考验、一种气概的体现。 这不是一次普通的郊游或者娱乐活动,而是活泼生动而又非常具有教育和纪念意义的体验式培训。

f***n 8年前 上传5236   0


拓展训练反思 此次五一小长假我们集体参加了一项当前非常流行的活动--拓展训练,现在看来它既有意义又充满挑战。记得刚听到我们此次的安排时,我们兴奋不已,真人CS、攀岩、自助烧烤,只是看过但没有亲身实践过的项目让我们充满期待,在到达目的地之前我们的心情都是轻松的,我们没有想到有一项艰巨的任务正等着我们。直到真正进行了训练的第一项任务,我才发现其实做什么事都没有这么简单。 此次训练的第一项任务就是

z***0 12年前 上传11661   0



i***y 6年前 上传1673   0


拓展训练心得 2011年9月3日、4日我院全体领导、员工在镇北堡新牛庄园进行了为期两天的拓展训练,此次训练的教练是江湖中传说的“夺命二杨”,他们特别为我们订制了“PA心智巅峰高级拓展训练”。从到达训练基地的那一刻开始,主训师杨睿就告诉我们:在这里我们可以不分大小、不分男女、不分领导和员工,在这里我们都一样,只是普普通通的人,我们可以忘记一切,寻找快乐。两天中我们挑战了十多个项目,分别是战斗鸡、

h***i 12年前 上传11936   0


户外拓展训练心得:我的拓展训练  户外拓展训练心得:我的拓展训练  今天早上8点,我们东芝公司成员相聚在门卫处准备参加期待已久的拓展训练。8点20左右我们大家上车了,伴随着车的缓缓启动,我的心也在期待着~  汽车缓缓行驶了10分左右我们到达大连湾的一个训练基地。我很开心地下了车,带着满心的新奇到了大厅的门口,这个时候见到了教官之一----果之刚教练。听从他得安排我们大家换了身统一的服

m***4 9年前 上传567   0


拓展心得:拓展训练的收获  从来没有想到,一次拓展训练给了我这么多的感受和收获,在生活中,我们往往要做出很多抉择,有些抉择需要的是勇气。在事业上,我们往往去面对很多机遇,把握机遇需要的是决心。越出窘迫后的海阔天空是令人向往的,但是否有勇气和决心迈出至关重要的一步也是很重要的。经历这一切之后,你会发现人的潜能真的是很巨大的。拓展是什么?拓展是石,可以敲出星星之火;拓展是火,可以点燃希望之灯!拓

p***u 7年前 上传544   0


党校拓展训练感想 参加党校学习是个全面提升自己能力的过程,尤其在开学伊始就安排了拓展训练,从中能够深深的感受到市委组织部及市委党校领导对我们学员的高度重视,使我们这些陌生的学员快速融合到了一起,体会到了信任、团结带来的快乐,成功后带来的自信,还有竞争中带来的久违的激情。 上午我们全体学员集中聆听了拓展老师对拓展项目的介绍及活动内容,接着全体学员被分成三个小组,各个小组再分别进行训练前的准备。

h***0 13年前 上传13843   0


参加拓展训练心得  参加拓展训练心得  12月17号气象台报道说今天气温4―7℃ 阴天转小雨,相信今天也是我们团队踏出成长之步的一天!此时此刻队友们已踏上“”快乐之车”那欢笑声转便整个车厢,似乎感觉不到现在是寒冷的冬天。在欢乐的陪同下不知不觉已进入了训练基地的场区内,来到训练基地的这一刻始,我们的所作所为一切都得听教官的指挥安排,你会感觉到此时此刻的你已经被剥削了自由权,哪怕是你说多一句

志***风 11年前 上传609   0


拓展训练体会  一开始开会时说要去xx进行拓展训练,介绍七个项目后,我听完真的是想退出了,不想去了,因为我有恐高的,而且是运动阿白,以前在游乐场里玩过后都是失败告终的。那这次因为和那么多的同事一起去,所以想死就死吧,出糗也没事,就是抱着这种心态去的。  一下车,那里的教练就给我一种非常严肃的感觉,而且纪律严明,像块大冰山,不苟言笑。我们还在相互调侃,教练已经让我们五分钟之后集合了。既来之

x***8 12年前 上传552   0


兰格拓展训练心得  兰格拓展训练心得  4月25号,星期天,公司组织一些新进员工去龙岗兰格拓展中心去参加拓展训练.  关于拓展训练,我有听之前去过的同事说过一些,去之前行政部开会也说了,但是说的有点吓人,好像是个魔鬼训练营一样,公司陈总马上跟大家做了解释,他说拓展训练没有你们想象的那么恐怖,只是让大家去做一些游戏,通过各种各样游戏让大家对自己有更新的认识,对团队精神有更新的认识,有很

z***8 12年前 上传699   0