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OEM Cooperation Agreement
This contact is entered on ____________________________ by and between 协议双方_________年 _________月 _________日签订:
Party A
Party B
_____________________________________________ a pany organized and e_isting under the laws of Peoples’ Republic of China and having it’s principle place of business located at ________________________________________________
_____________________________________________ 家根中华民国法律成立营业位___________________________________公司
Whereas 1 Party A is engaged in the business of marketing of
____________________ in [ ]
2 Party B is engaged in developing and manufacture of LED Lighting products
Now this contact witness and it is hereby agreed by and between the Parties hereto as follows
Section 1 Definitions and Interpretation
第条: 总定义
11 Cooperation Manner Both Parties agree that Party A shall sell the products by OEM Meanwhile Party B shall develop manufacture and provide by OEM Products with the brand designated by Party A (the products)
11 双方意甲方OEM方式销售合作产品乙方采OEM方式研发生产提供合作产品合作产品商标甲方授权
12 Definitions
12 定义
121 Products
121 合作产品:指乙方根甲方者甲方客户求设计研发生产_______________________________产品
122 OEM The products with the brand designated by Party A shall be technically based on the products developed and designed by Party B and approved by Party A
122 OEM方式:指甲方授权乙方产品产品载体印制甲方名称商标时甲方权禁止乙方名称商标印制产品
123 Purchase Order
123 订单:指甲方出具乙方订购产品正式文件
13 Duration This agreement shall be for a period of [ ] years from the date of e_ecution unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract
13 协议效期:协议签订日起生效效期 年协议效期满时终止协议中约定终止情况发生时终止
Section 2 Brand and Trademark
21 Party A grants Party B to use the Brand and Trademark on the products
21 甲方授权乙方合作产品甲方名称商标
22 Party B undertakes not to use the Trademark in any way without the e_pressed approval of Party A The Trademark can only used in products as approved by parties
22 乙方双方约定范围方式甲方提供名称商标侵犯甲方名称商标
23 Party A warrants that the Brand and Trademark do not infringe any admissible intellectual property right of any third party Otherwise Party A shall indemnify Party B’s loss and damage result from such infringement (including but not limited to attorney fee any penalty damage or pensation)
23 甲方保证提供名称商标等侵犯权利乙方名称商标
24 Party A shall provide Party B with the corresponding brand symbol brand logo image and other relevant brand andor design The cost of putting the brand on the products shall be for the account of Party B
24 甲方应相应商标商标标识设计相关商标设计提供乙方商标印制产品费乙方承担
Section 3 Products Quality Standards
Party B hereby guarantees that the products provided to Party A will ply with quality standards provided in this agreement county standards Party A’s factory standard or as maybe agreed upon in writing by both parties If the liability of product’s quality is caused by Party A’s directions B will not be with responsibility for the liability
Section 4 Rights and Obligations
41 Party A warrants that it shall not divulge relevant technical materials to a third party In case of violation by Party A of this warranty Party B shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately by giving written notice to Party A
41 甲方承诺会已获悉乙方相关技术资料泄露第三方果甲方违反承诺乙方书面通知甲方权立刻终止协议求甲方赔偿导致损失
42 Party A further warrants that it will not dismantle or dissect the Products or counterfeit the products In case of violation by Party A of its warranty Party B shall have the right to terminate this agreement immediately by giving written notice to Party A When the intellectual property rights of Party B is violated Party B shall have the right to claim the legal andor economic pensation from the Party A
42 甲方进步承诺拆解产品者仿产品果甲方违反承诺乙方书面通知甲方权终止协议乙方权求甲方予相应济赔偿
43 Party B warrants that it shall not directly or indirectly contact with Party A’s customer or sell products whether directly or indirectly to Party A’s customer E_cept the approval of Party A
43 乙方保证直接间接甲方客户联系直接间接甲方客户销售产品甲方授权外
44 Party B warrants that the products do not infringe any admissible intellectual property right of any third party including but not limited to copyright patent andor trade secret
44 乙方保证OEM产品侵犯第三方知识产权包括限知识产权著作权专利权商业秘密
45 Party B warrants and shall provide the technical materials covering the products and shall help Party A finish the corresponding advertising materials and manuals
45 乙方保证提供关产品技术资料协助甲方完成相应说明资料手册
46 Party B warrants and shall provide Party A with relevant written instructions covering technical problems under the User’s Service
46 乙方保证户服务中甲方提供相应书面技术问题说明
47 Party B warrants and shall inform Party A of any a new product
47 乙方保证相关新产品时通知甲方
Section 5 Intellectual Property
51 The intellectual property of the Brand and Trademark belongs to Party A the infringement and all e_pense because of the brand and trademark should be pensated by Party A
51 合作产品中商标知识产权甲方享商标产生侵权责损失甲方承担
52 The intellectual property of Products belongs to Party B e_cept the Brand and Trademark
52 合作产品商标外知识产权乙方享
Section 6 Order
61 The Purchase Order sent by Party A should include the product name price quantity shipment insurance payment and so on And Party B should accept or refuse or request to change it in 5 workdays
61 单合作产品订货甲方乙方发出订单订单容应包括产品品名价格数量货运方式保险付款方式等等乙方5工作日表示接受拒绝求变更超5工作日视接受
62 Once Party B accept the order Party A cannot change or cancel it without without the approval of Party B
62 乙方接受订单甲方意表更取消订单乙方意情况外
Section 7 Payment
第七条: 付款方式
71 The payment shall be paid by Party A to Party B under
_____________________________________________________________________ after Party A has received the goods from Party B
71 甲方应收货物________________________________________________方式付款乙方
Section 8 Termination
81 Either party may terminate this Contact by giving a ________ days prior written notice to the other party
81 方均提前终止协议须提前_____________天书面通知方
82 Without prejudice to either parties’ other remedies either Party shall have the right to terminate the contract forthwith if
82 影响方采取补救措施时方均根条款终止合:

a) Any party mits a material breach or persistent beaches of the Contract and fails to remedy the breach within _________ days of receiving of written notice to do so or
a) 方构成重违约惯常违约接方书面通知________天没采取修正措施者
b) Any party bees insolvent ceases to trade pound with its credits mits an act of bankruptcy petition or bankruptcy order is presented or has a receiver appointed or a resolution or petition to wind up the Party is passed or presented (otherwise than for reconstruction or amalgamation)
b) 方力继续履行合信誉损毁面破产受破产申请命令指定接者结束该方决议申请通提交(重组合外)
Section 9 Force Majeure
91 Force Majeure shall mean all events which are beyond the control of the Parties to this Contract and which are unforeseen unavoidable or insurmountable Such events shall include earthquakes typhoons flood fire war strikes riots acts of governments changes in law or the application thereof or any other instances which cannot be foreseen prevented or controlled including instances which are acceptable as Force Majeure in general international mercial practice
91 抗力事件指预见避免克服客观事件包括然灾害火灾水灾台风海风险意外恶劣天气状况战争动乱暴乱罢工政府部门授权部门法律命令文告法规法令求控制客观事件
92 The Party claiming Force Majeure shall promptly inform the other Party in writing and shall furnish sufficient proof of the occurrence and duration of such Force Majeure
92 方发生抗力事件应时书面通知方该事件开始日期预期结束事件
93 A Party cannot claim any pensation andor damages based on delay or nonfulfillment of obligations by the other Party due to Force Majeure
93 抗力事件方迟延未完全履行合义务方求补偿赔偿
Section 10 Confidentiality
The Parties should
(a) maintain the confidentiality of Confidential Information
(b) not use Confidential Information for any purposes other than those specifically set out in this Contract and
(c) not disclose any such Confidential Information to any person or entity e_cept to its employees or employees of Affiliates its agents attorneys accountants and other advisors who need to know such information to perform their responsibilities
Section 11 Settlement of Disputes
111 The validity interpretation and implementation of this contract shall be governed by the laws of People’s Republic of China
111 协议定义解释履行均适中华民国法律
112 In the event of any dispute controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Contract the Parties shall attempt in the first instance to resolve such dispute through friendly consultations In the event that no settlement can be reached such disputes shall be submitted to Shenzhen for arbitration
112 履行协议产生纠纷双方应友协商解决协商成双方致意提交深圳仲裁委员进行仲裁
Section 12 This contract is issued in both Chinese and English the clauses in which have the same effects
甲方: 乙方:
Shenzhen Hua Ye Group ________________ LtdCo
Signature _______________
Name __________________
Title ___________________
Date ___________________
Signature _________________ Name ____________________ Title _____________________ Date ____________________




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物流合作合同范本  以下物流合作合同范本是由应届毕业生合同范本栏目为大家整理提供,供大家参考。  篇一  物流合同甲方(即托运方):____________________________  乙方(即承运方):___________________________  根据甲方与乙方的共同协商,在遵循《合同法》的基础上,就甲方将发往全国各地的货物交给乙方承运事项制定如下条款:

r***m 10年前 上传990   0


广告合作合同范本  甲方:_________  乙方:_________网  _________与_________网广告合作有关事宜达成如下协议:  投放时间:   甲方在乙方网站广告投放时间为_________,从_________年_________月_________日到_________年_________月_________日。  投放位置:_________

l***6 9年前 上传702   0


合作买车合同范本  合伙人:甲(姓名),性别,×年×月×日出生, 身份证号码: 住址:  合伙人:乙(姓名),内容同上  合伙人本着公平、平等、互利的原则订立合伙协议如下:  第一条 甲乙双方自愿合伙经营×××(项目名称),总投资为×万元,甲出资×万元,乙出资×万元,各占投资总额的×%、×%。  第二条 本合伙依法组成合伙购买车辆,由甲负责办理登记。  第三条 合伙双方共

t***9 11年前 上传852   0



一***9 4个月前 上传161   0


商务合作合同范本  甲、乙双方在平等、友好、自愿、协商一致的基础上达成如下协议,共同遵守。  发包方(简称甲方): (业主) 联络方式:  承包方(简称乙方): (施工工程队负责人)  身份证:        联络方式:  家庭住址:       家庭固定电话:  第一条 工程概况  1. 装潢施工地点:  2. 住房结构:钢筋混凝土;房型_3_房_2_厅_1_套

r***y 12年前 上传727   0



一***9 4个月前 上传116   0


公司合作合同范本  甲方:   乙方:  甲乙双方本着平等互利、优势互补的原则,就结成长期、全面的internet战略伙伴关系,实现资源共享、共同发展,并为以后在其他项目上的合作建立一个坚实的基础,经友好协商达成以下共识:   (一) 权利与义务   1. 甲乙双方皆承认对方为自己的战略合作伙伴,并在彼此互联网站的显著位置标识合作方的旗帜徽标链接或文字链接。   2. 甲

寂***气 12年前 上传727   0


合作办学合同范本  编号 :_________  甲方:_________  乙方:_________  合作办学项目:_________  甲乙双方经友好协商,本着平等互利、共同发展的原则,就双方合作办学事宜达成以下协议:  甲方权利义务:  一、负责提供培训教材,并负责为合格学员办理相关证书,认证手续费、证书工本费由乙方负责。  二、负责对联合办学单位的招生、

x***6 11年前 上传690   0


合作合同范本  甲  方:  组织机构代码:  住 址:  邮  编:   电  话:  乙  方:  组织机构代码:   住 址:   邮  编:   电  话:  甲、乙双方本着互惠互利、共同发展的原则,经过充分友好协商,达成一致,决定共同组建成立一家有限责任公司,并就“xxxxxx”项目的协作生产、市场推广和销售事宜达成协议如下:  一、双方

G***Z 9年前 上传666   0


本租赁合同由下述双方于 年 月 日于中华人民共和国__市签订:This lease agreement, dated the [ ] day of ,20__, Signed in Beijing, People‘s Republic of China by the following parties.

一***9 3年前 上传498   0


外贸合同范本中英文  编号: no:  日期: date :  签约地点: signed at:  卖方:sellers:  地址:address:          邮政编码:postal code:  电话:tel:           传真:fax:  买方:buyers:  地址:address:          邮政编码:postal code: 

w***. 9年前 上传431   0


合伙合作合同范本  订立协议各合伙人:  姓名: ,男,汉族, 年 月 日出生,住址: ,身份证号:  姓名: ,男,汉族, 年 月 日出生,住址: ,身份证号:  姓名: ,男,汉族, 年 月 日出生,住址: ,身份证号:  第一条合伙宗旨:双方共同经营,共同发展  第二条 合伙企业名称:  第三条 合伙企业经营项目和范围:机械加工  第四条合伙期限五年,自 年

y***g 11年前 上传603   0


关于项目合作合同范本   关于项目合作合同范本(1)   项目名称:   甲方:________________   地址:________________电话:________________   法定代表人:________________国籍:________________   乙方:________________   地址:________________电话:__

焦***宝 5年前 上传1114   0


餐饮合作合同范本  合伙人(甲方):姓 名 出生年月 住 址  身份证号码:  合伙人(乙方):姓 名 出生年月 住 址  身份证号码:  合伙人(丙方):姓 名 出生年月 住 址  身份证号码:  合伙人(丁方):姓 名 出生年月 住 址  身份证号码:  合伙人(戊方):姓 名 出生年月 住 址  身份证号码:  鉴于,  几方同意共同投资经营

z***8 9年前 上传680   0


2020年投资合作合同范本导语在不断进步的社会中,随时随地,各种场景都有可能使用到合同,合同协调着人与人,人与事之间的关系。那么相关的合同到底怎么写呢?为大家提供《2020年投资合作合同范本》,欢迎阅读。篇一2020年投资合作合同范本 鉴于乙方与甲方合作中国大陆A、股股票投资的服务,且甲方已向乙方表明其拥有提供该项服务所要求的专业技术人员和技术资源,并同意提供服务,甲、乙双方依据《中华人民共

和***6 3年前 上传729   0


养殖合作合同范本  养殖合同书是指养殖双方当事人通过签订具体明确的有关双方当事人责任与义务、付款方式、解决纠纷等方面,以便双方当事人在出现有关违约情况时,可以依法追究违约人的责任并要求其依法赔偿的一种协议。以下是小编为大家精心准备的:养殖合作合同范本3篇,欢迎参考阅读!养殖合作合同范本一  合伙投资人:____________  姓名________,性别____,年龄________,

文***享 3年前 上传732   0


学校合作合同范本2016  甲方:**学校  乙方:  甲乙双方本着互相合作、共同发展、积极交流、互利互惠的原则,经协商达成如下协议:  一。 甲方可作为乙方的培训基地,为乙方培养和储备乙方所需要的人员,在乙方需要的时候,为乙方优先输送德、智、体全面发展的优秀学生。供乙方选拔和录用。  二。 乙方可作为甲方的就业(实习)基地,在有用工需求时,如甲方学生符合招聘条件,乙方可优先

h***k 7年前 上传439   0


公司合作合同范本二篇甲方: 乙方:甲乙双方本着平等互利、优势互补的原则,就结成长期、全面的INTERNET战略伙伴关系,实现资源共享、共同发展,并为以后在其他项目上的合作建立一个坚实的基础,经友好协商达成以下共识: (一) 权利与义务 1. 甲乙双方皆承认对方为自己的战略合作伙伴,并在彼此互联网站的显著位置标识合作方的旗帜徽标链接或文字链接。 2. 甲乙双方授权合作方在其

D***a 11年前 上传470   0


合作建房合同范本  合同范本一  甲方:  乙方:  甲方购有××市×××国有出让地一块,土地证号: 建设用地规划许可证号:×××号,建设工程规划许可证:×××号;用地通知书:×××号;甲方因资金不足,经甲、乙双方友好协商,一致同意合作兴建一栋七层半住宅楼,协议细则如下:  一、甲方负责提供以上地皮,乙方出资人民币880000元,分得建筑面积约200O的威尔士综合楼a座201

开***采 6年前 上传561   0



一***9 3年前 上传466   0


合作合同范本3篇本文目录1. 合作合同范本2. 股份合作合同范本3. 教学研究中心项目合作合同范文  甲方:  地址:  联系电话:  乙方:  地址:  联系电话:为弘扬中华美食,甲乙双方经友好协商,就双方合作推广“××”事宜,达成如下协议,以资共同遵守。  第一条:本协议中甲乙双方为各自独立的事业者,双方之间不存在任何(包括但不限于共同投资、代理、

零***g 6年前 上传445   0


合同编号:__________技术合作合同(范本)甲方:____________________乙方:____________________ 签订日期:____年____月____日技术合作合同(范本)____(本协议中乙方)使用_____梦网数码科技有限公司(以下简称甲方)的梦网移动商务短信系统技术合作开发组件单机版、网络版及相关版本,

x***n 4年前 上传531   0



一***9 10个月前 上传222   0


培训合作合同范本  甲    方:  法定代表人:  地    址:  邮政编码:  电    话:  传    真:  电子邮箱:  乙方:  法人代表:  地    址:  邮政编码:  电    话:  传    真:  电子邮箱:  本着平等协商、互惠互利、共同发展的原则,甲、乙双方签定本合作协议。甲、乙双方愿意遵守本协议的各项

金***生 12年前 上传419   0


劳务合作合同范本  经友好协商,就乙方在     赴甲方提供企业参加务工事宜,本着平等协商、自愿、诚信合作的原则,为明确双方权利与义务的关系,经双方友好协商,达成如下协议:   一、期限:  1、乙方向甲方推荐实习学生    名,以实际人员到厂计算,输送前由乙方按规定格式将人员名单传真至甲方。  2、乙方根据约定,将符合甲方要求的学生(具体人数由甲、乙双方根据实际情况确定),按约

l***0 11年前 上传547   0