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Unit 8 Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming Section A
课型:新课 执笔:审核:时间:
学wantplanwishhopewould like to…法
二 预检测
谈假期计划_________________ 想做某事____________
计划做某事_______________________ 希做某事_________________
周游全国_________________________ 相_________________
回_________________________ 非常想念某_______________
某聚会____________________ 家朋友庆祝生日______________________
三 学合作探究
1Read 1aanswer the questions
(1)Where does Kangkang want to go
(2) Where does Michael plan to go
(3) Who does Maria want to celebrate her birthday with
2Read 1a again and fill out the table Then practice the conversation with your parter
Where to go
What to do
It is cool He wishes to travel around the country and take some

1 Michael Jane Maria and Kangkang are talking about their holiday plans
talk about sth谈某事talk with sb某交谈侧重双方交谈
talk about sth with sb 某事某交谈talk to sb某说(找某谈话)
Eg My mother is talking________my English learning _______our English teacher
holiday plans假日计划
2 I wish to travel around the country and take some pictures
travel around the country 周游全国
around the countryall over the country遍全国
around the worldall over the world 遍全世界
travel (长途)旅行We always travel by plane
travel to +某 某旅行
We travel to Beijing for the work北京找工作
Wish希wish to do sth希想做某事
Eg Everyone wishes _____( have) a happy life
拓展 wish sb to do sth希某做某事
Eg:I wish you ________( play) football with me
Wish sb sth 祝愿某某事Eg:I wish her a happy birthday祝生日快乐
I wish you a good trip祝旅途愉快
Eg Best_______(wish) for you 致美祝愿
3 I hope to get together with them希团聚
get together with sb某团聚聚会 get together 动词短语联欢聚会
We all get together to have a family gettogether聚起开家庭联欢会
4 I’d like to visit some places of interest I want to visit some places of interest
places of interest名胜古迹 Eg The Great Wall is a place of interest in China
There are many places of interest in China
plan to do sth计划干某事 take pictures 拍
EgEach of us is ______(plan)______(travel) by different ways
5I hope you all have a good time 希玩开心
hope to do sth (接定式) Eg:I hope _______(see) you tomorrow
hope +(that)引导宾语句引导词that省略表示实现愿
Eg: I hope (that) you have a good trip 希旅途愉快
1 It’s too hot I want _____ (go) _________ (swim)
2 I wish _____(fly) to the moon (fly)
3My father plans _______(move) to Japan
4Kangkang would like ______ (visit) the Palace Museum(宫)
5 She hopes _______(have) a birthday party




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1. 自学1a 并回答下面问题:(1) What is Wen Wei doing in Picture 1?_______________________________(2) What is Wen Wei doing in Picture 2?__________________ (3) What is Wen Wei doing in Picture 3?________________________

温***季 2年前 上传674   0


(一). 学新单词并能熟练朗读(二) 自学1a 并回答下面问题: (1) What book is Zhou Yan reading?_______________________________ (2) What does Zhou Yan think of English?__________________________

温***季 2年前 上传502   0


一学习目标:○1学习做假日计划.○2学习怎样提建议(What place should I visit?

温***季 3年前 上传654   0


1. 自学1a 并回答下面问题:(1) What is Jane doing? ____________________________________________________ (2) What is Michael doing? __________________________________________________

温***季 2年前 上传455   0


知识点一: People have get-togethers and don’t go to bed until after midnight to the new year.人们团聚在一起,直到新年到来后的深夜才休息。(Section A )【解析】not…until是表时间状语的连词,意思是“直到••••••才”。同义转换含有after的语句通常用这个短语进行替换。

5***蛇 2年前 上传471   0


(1) What does Hu Bin think of his school life? _____________________________(2) How many classes does Hu Bin have in a day? ________________________(3) Does Hu Bin go to the school library every Wednesday? ________________(4) What is Hu Bin’s favorite outdoor activities?______________________

温***季 2年前 上传478   0


1. 自学1a 并回答下面问题: (1) What is Miss Wang doing? ___________________________________________ (2) What are the students doing on the playground?__________________________________________ (3) What is Helen doing over there? ___________________________________________ (4) Where is Sally? ____________________________________________

温***季 2年前 上传485   0


学习目标:1, 学习掌握本话题的重点单词与短语。2, 继续学习一般过去式和动词过去式的不规则变化,能够运用一般过去时简单的介绍过生日的情况。3, 培养学习英语时态的感觉,掌握过去时时态的用法。

温***季 2年前 上传486   0


Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求1.(1) Learn some means of transportation:by bike, by subway, by bus, on foot, by plane, by car, by train, by ship, by boat(2) Learn other new words and phrases:gate, the same to, come on, go to school, Ms., grandmother, group2. Learn adverbs of frequency:often, usually, always3. Review the present simple tense.—Do you often come to school by bike?—Yes. I do./No, I don’t.4. Talk about how to go to school.—How do you usually come to school?—I usually come to school by subway./I always come to school by bus.法制教育:

z***u 4年前 上传3152   0


1.能够用英语正确书写明信片。2.总结动词不定式词组的用法3.继续讨论旅行的话题。4. 继续谈论不同国家的风俗习惯。

温***季 3年前 上传627   0


Unit8 The season and the weatherTopic3 Let’s celebrateSection D(一课时)七年级 英语学科 总计学时:84 主备人: 审核人:______学习目标1. 继续了解中国的主要节假日及其庆祝方式,加深对中国文化的理解。2. 通过阅读完成表格来培养学生通过scanning查询具体信息的习惯一自主学习首先小组预

静***雅 3年前 上传569   0



温***季 3年前 上传817   0

lesson 47导学案冀教版英语七年级下册

一、自我检测根据提示完成句子(达成目标1)1.Tomorrow is the l_____ day of this term.2. I saw some ________(Germany) on the street. They are from ______3.One of the most famous _________(university)in China is called Qinghua University.4.We took many w_________ pictures.5.It’s a nice e__________ for us to go to other countries.

3***猪 1年前 上传344   0


 20XX-----20XX学年度 第二学期 教学备课本 学科: ______________ 年级:_______________ 校名:________________ 教师:________________ 第1周 2013 年 2月 26-3月1日 完成 u

z***u 5年前 上传6859   1


学习目标:1. 能读懂有关旅游的短文并找出相关信息,完成阅读任务。2. 谈论旅游的相关事项。

温***季 3年前 上传529   0


七年级下册知识点总结(仁爱版) Unit 5 Topic1 重点短语 1. on foot   go …on foot = walk ( to )… 2. at the school gate在学校大门口 3. on weekdays 在平日 ,在工作日  4.  on weekends=on the weekend在周末 5. after school 放学后  6

n***s 5年前 上传2618   0

「备课综合」2022-2023学年仁爱版英语九年级下册 Unit 5 China and the World Topic 3 Section B 学案

He is really the pride of China. Section B学案学习目标:1.掌握本课的重点词汇和短语。prize, duty, neither, nor, neither…nor…, around the world, give up, learn…from,…2.语法:继续学习并列连词,就近原则学习both…and…, neither…nor…的用法。3.

文***7 1年前 上传357   0

「备课综合」2022-2023学年仁爱版英语九年级下册 Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 Section A 学案

He is really the pride of China. Section A 学案一、学习目标:1、掌握新单词和新词组:thinker, wise, kindness, philosopher, inf luence, whom, unite, defent, empire, forever, pass away, set up, come to an end. 2、学习用whom

文***7 1年前 上传326   0

「备课综合」2022-2023学年仁爱版英语九年级下册 Unit 5 China and the World Topic 3 Section C 学案

He is really the pride of China. Section C学案导学目标:1.我要掌握新词汇:lawyer,trust,highly,politician,break out,get rid of,set free,shoot,break up,walker,failure,be content with。2.我要了解林肯。3.我要复习和掌握并列连词not onl

文***7 1年前 上传393   0

「备课综合」2022-2023学年仁爱版英语九年级下册 Unit 5 China and the World Topic 3 Section D 学案

He is really the pride of China. Section D学案导学目标:1. 通过当堂记忆考察,大多数学生能够背会本单元的单词,短语和重点句子。2. 通过图片展示,50% 的学生能够谈论世界的著名的景观。3. 通过1a的阅读练习,训练学生找主题和提取关键信息的阅读技巧和能力。4. 通过总结归纳,大多数学生能够掌握并列连词的用法。5. 通过查询资料和相互交流,

文***7 1年前 上传290   0

「备课综合」2022-2023学年仁爱版英语九年级下册 Unit 5 China and the World Topic 3 Section A 学案

He is really the pride of China. Section A 学案导学目标:1、学习并列连词not only…but also…, either…or…的用法。 2、了解各国的重要标志物,同时在学习中拓展视野一 预习默写有关单词及词组:1. 悬挂____________ 2. 澳大利亚人_____________ 3. 在…下面______

文***7 1年前 上传302   0


一.学习目标:(见课件p3)1.学习动词不定式“ to do ”的用法2. 练习怎样预订车票。3.讨论关于旅游的话题。

温***季 3年前 上传523   0

2020-2021学年仁爱版英语九年级下册Unit 6 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature_ 学案(有答案)

授课主题 Unit 6 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?教学目的 学习掌握重点句型了词组,掌握中考常考知识点。重、难点 重点短语prefer和would rather ...than..;be based on;in surprise等。

鬼***笑 3年前 上传637   0

「备课综合」2022-2023学年仁爱版英语九年级下册 Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 Section B 学案

He is really the pride of China. Section B 学案学习目标:1.了解掌握中国的历史人物郑和。2.继续学习who, whom引导的定语从句。一、1a自学指导:精读课文1a,完成下面的分析与练习。1.I am becoming more and more interested in China’s history these days.这些天我对中国历

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