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___________the number of private cars will increase sharply in the coming couple of years[2018年1月试题]
___________the number of private cars will increase sharply in the coming couple of years[部资料]

___________boring old textbooks which are quickly out of dateyou can have an interactive learning experience[2021年7月试题][答案]Instead of
___________languagethere would be no way to communicate and express ourselves[2019年7月试题]
___________modethere are impromptu speechesextemporaneous speechesspeeches from recitingspeeches from manuscriptetc[2019年7月试题]
[答案]In terms of
___________the regular classesyou can also attend many different seminars and take part in many extracurricular activities[部资料]
[答案]Apart from
___________was not very wise[部资料]
[答案]Telling her the truth
___________was very not wise[2018年7月试题]
[答案]Telling her the truth
___________we've no moneywe can't buy it[部资料]
___________you know the person_________the quality of care you can provide[2021年1月试题]
[答案]The better…the higher

A dictionary may define genetics___________simply the science of the study of heredity[部资料]
Apple developed its iPadbased textbooks in___________with major textbook publishers[2018年7月试题]
Apple developed its iPadbased textbooks in___________with major textbook publishers[部资料]
As millions of people_________the Internetcriminals look for potential v1ct1ms online[2020年9月试题]
[答案]have access to
At that time my wife took care of our children aloneand I seldom stayed at home_________being very busy with work[2020年7月试题]
[答案]due to
At that time my wife took care of our children aloneand I seldom stayed at home_________being very busy with work[2021年7月试题]
[答案]due to
Besidesmodern technology also encourages___________and creativity in the business world[2019年1月试题]
Besidesmodern technology also encourages___________and creativity in the business world[2020年1月试题]
Besidesschools seem to be only interested in all the different exams_________the college entrance exams[2021年7月试题]
But the Internet can bring some___________effectstooThe most common onesome teenagers are addicted to computer games on the Internet[部资料]
But the Internet can bring some___________effectstooThe most common onesome teenagers a read dieted to computer games on the Internet[2017年7月试题]
By making learning possible anytime and anywheredistance education is a powerful tool _________supporting lifelong learning[部资料]
By making learning possible anytime and anywheredistance education is a powerful tool to support_________learning[2020年9月试题]
Children are exposed to too much on the Internet without appropriate___________[2020年1月试题]
Children are exposed to too much on the Internet without___________supervision[2019年1月试题]
Do you mind me___________the window beside you[2017年7月试题]
Does the design___________the needs of our users[2018年7月试题]
Does the design___________the needs of our users[部资料]
Drug offenses and addiction can have serious___________for your children[2019年1月试题]
Encouraging the elderly people to participate___________games is very important[2017年7月试题]
For instancethey are often polite___________tone formal in style[2019年1月试题]
Good friends means sharing happiness but also sadness___________each other[部资料]
Hardly had the train arrived at the destination when the passengers___________out in no time[部资料]
Hardly had the train arrived at the platform when the passengers_________out in no time[2020年7月试题]
Have you found that our society has changed a lot and people's lives have become more colorful and more___________in recent years[2020年1月试题]
Having good friends means sharing happiness and sadness___________each other[2017年7月试题]
He asked his neighbor to___________his house[部资料]
[答案]keep an eye on
He asked his neighbor to___________his house[2021年1月试题]
[答案]keep an eye on
He asked his neighbour to___________his house[2018年1月试题]
[答案]keep an eye on
He asked his neighbour to___________his house[2018年7月试题]
[答案]keep an eye on
He asked John___________he could swim[2018年1月试题]
He asked john___________he could swim[2018年7月试题]
He asked John___________he could swim[部资料]
[答案] if
He asked me___________Zhang Hua came to school or not[部资料]
He asked me___________Zhang Hua came to school_________[2021年7月试题]
[答案]whetheror not
He is worth___________[部资料]
He left the company by mutual___________last September[部资料]
He reminded those in_________that their homes could bean open invitation to criminals[2021年1月试题]
―I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week[2018年1月试题]
―Is that___________you had a few days off
I find it hard to complete all the___________while I'm working every day[2020年1月试题]
I have just finished the___________in the online forum[2020年7月试题]
I have just finished the___________in the online forum[2018年1月试题]
I have just finished the___________in the online forum[部资料]
I have no idea___________to make my speech interesting[2018年7月试题]
I have no idea___________to make my speech interesting[部资料]
I have trouble in___________my homework[部资料]
I have worries that my audience may find my speech boring and___________asleep[2019年7月试题]
I have___________some courses and software to my Smart phoneand 1 find they are interesting and easy to use[2018年1月试题]
I have___________some courses and software to my smart phone[2020年1月试题]
I have___________some courses and software to my Smartphoneand I find they are very interesting and easy to use[部资料]
I hope you___________for continuing education in your life[2019年7月试题]
[答案]are making room
I hope you are making___________for continuous education in your life[部资料]
I hope you are making___________for continuous education in your life[2020年9月试题]
I want to know___________[2017年7月试题]
[答案]what his name is
I want to know___________[部资料]
[答案]what his name is
I___________in this room watching te1evision when someone on the door[2019年1月试题]
[答案]was sitting …knocked
I_________in this room watching television when someone on the door[2020年7月试题]
[答案]was sitting … knocked
If you find that you are_________at your kids more often than you want tohere are some tips for you[2020年9月试题]
If you want to make your presentation___________you may use some visual aids[2020年1月试题]
In my opinionour efforts in crime prevention are___________[2019年7月试题]
[答案]not good enough
In the pastit_______very difficult to start a businessbecause of the lack of capital and business information[2019年7月试题]
[答案]used to be
Instead of boring old textbooks which are quickly out of date you can have an_______learning experience[2019年1月试题]
Instead of boring old textbooks which are quickly______you can have an interactive learning experience[2020年7月试题]
[答案]out of date
It helps locals set up a virtual community that they can interact with from the_______of their own home[2019年1月试题]
It helps locals setup a virtual community that they can interact with from the________of their own home[2021年7月试题]
It is an open secret___________he is not a qualified manager[部资料]
It is believed lifelong learning is a crucial response to the challenge of the global ___________economy[部资料]
It is in the afternoon___________he got the bad news[部资料]
It is said that___________2000 factories closed down during the economic crisis[2018年7月试题]
It is said that___________2000 factories were closed down during the economic crisis[部资料]
It's a 1itt1e inconvenient because my mind didn't___________80 but my body didand I find that sometimes my mind follows my body too[2019年1月试题]
It's a little inconvenient because my mind didn't___________80 but my body didand I find that sometimes my mind follows my body too[2020年9月试题]
It's a little_________because my mind didn'tturn80butmybodydid[2021年7月试题]
John asked me___________to visit his uncle's farm with him[2017年7月试题]
[答案]whether I would like
John asked me___________to visit his uncle's farm with him[部资料]
[答案]whether I would like
Join a local support group if you are having trouble understanding how to________discipline[2021年1月试题]
Juveni1es rare1y commit serious offenses while under the_________of an adult[2020年9月试题]
Lifelong learning is both formal and nonformaland the boundaries between facetoface teaching and___________education are increasingly blurred[部资料]
Lily is a good student except___________she is a little bit careless[2018年7月试题]
Make clear to your children your expectations about their school_________[2020年7月试题]
More and more people are now aware that relaxation and stressrelief are_________for life[2020年7月试题]
More than 20 people___________at the Martin Luther King Center in east Wichita Falls to be part of the presentation[2019年7月试题]
[答案]showed up
More than 20 people___________at the Martin Luther King Center in east Wichita Falls to be part of the presentation[2020年7月试题]
[答案]showed up
More than 20 people___________at the Martin Luther King Center in east Wichita Falls to be part of the presentation[2021年7月试题]
[答案]showed up
MrWang___________is coming up to us[2020年9月试题]
[答案]our new teacher
MrWang___________is coming up to us[2018年1月试题]
[答案]our new teacher
MrWang___________is coming up to us[部资料]
[答案]our new teacher
My suggestion is that Tom___________to see a doctor at once[部资料]
No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or___________away[部资料]
Nowadays people spend more time exercising to keep___________[2017年7月试题]
Nowadays people spend more time exercising to keep___________[部资料]
On September 132013the State Council issued a guideline___________the development of China's elderly care services[2019年7月试题]
[答案]to speed up
On September 132013the State Council issued a guideline_________the development of China's elderly care services[2021年1月试题]
[答案]to speed up
One big___________of formal education is the high cost[2017年7月试题]
One big___________of formal education is the high cost[部资料]
One of your biggest struggles is to___________yourself of appropriate expectat10ns[2019年7月试题]
Our son has picked up some bad habitsHe says___________and upsetting words every day[2020年7月试题]
Our son has picked up some bad habitsHe says___________and upsetting words everyday[2021年7月试题]
Our son has picked up some bad habitsHe says___________and upsetting words every day[2019年1月试题]
Parents are working hard___________for arranging money to pay the fees for their kids' university life[2020年1月试题]
[答案]day and night
Parents are working hard___________for arranging money to pay the fees for their kids' university life[2020年7月试题]
[答案]day and night
Parents transmit some of their___________to their children[2017年7月试题]
Parents transmit some of their___________to their children[部资料]
People often work overtime because of too much work_________in queue[2021年1月试题]
People wear___________suits on formal occasions[部资料]
People___________foxes___________clever but sly animals[2017年7月试题]
People___________foxes___________clever but sly animals[部资料]
Public speeches are speeches___________in public for a special purpose such as open class lectures or seminars in a universityetc[2020年1月试题]
Public speeches are speeches_________in public for a special purpose such as open class lectures or seminars in a universityetc[2021年7月试题]
Quizzes are part of the lecture program to keep students engaged and keep them ___________for students to be able to check that they understood what was covered[部资料]
She chose to be a teacherbut personally I'd___________to be a caregiver[2018年1月试题] [答案]prefer
She chose to be a teacherbut personally I'd___________to be a caregiver[2020年9月试题]
She is a___________woman[部资料]
[答案]confident young
She said she___________lost a pen[2018年7月试题]
She said she___________lost a pen[部资料]
She would always come and ask him with a smile whether he needed help_________[2020年9月试题]
[答案]or not
She___________the children not to make any noise[2017年7月试题]
She___________the children not to make any noise[部资料]
Smart phone makes it simple___________us___________take a photo[2017年7月试题]
Smart phone makes it simple___________us___________take a photos[2018年7月试题]
Smartphone makes it simple___________us___________take a photo[部资料]
Some universities offer freenoncredit MOOC s___________to anyone in the world[2018年1月试题]
Some universities offer freenoncredit MOOC s___________to anyone in the world[部资料]
Teach your children not to open the door or answer the phone when they are home_______[2020年9月试题]
That was mainly because children began working at an early age to help___________for the family[2019年7月试题]
The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our livesand requires us to learn ___________every day just to stay current in the workplace[部资料]
[答案]something new
The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our livesand requires us to learn __________everyday just to stay current in the workplace[2017年7月试题]
[答案]something new
The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our livesand requires us to learn __________everyday just to stay current in the workplace[2021年1月试题]
[答案]something new
The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our livesand requires us to learn something new every day just to stay___________in the workplace[2019年1月试题]
The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our livesand requires us to learn something new everyday just to stay_________in the workplace[2021年1月试题]
The better the elderly people are known___________they are[2018年1月试题]
[答案]the happier
The birth rate of the country decreases___________with years[2018年1月试题]
The birth rate of the country decreases___________with years[部资料]
The caregiver should remain___________to the elderly people in need[2018年1月试题]
The company is trying every___________to improve the quality of products[2018年1月试题]
The company is trying every___________to improve the quality of products[部资料]
The development of technology requires us to learn___________every day just to stay current in the workplace[2020年1月试题]
[答案]something new
The exhibition is worth_________[2020年7月试题]
The fact___________that we are behind the other classes[部资料]
The film industry also attracted many young people___________fame and fortune[2020年1月试题][答案]in quest of
The impact of technology on modern life is immeasurable_________[2021年1月试题]
[答案]isn't it
The impact of technology on modern life is___________isn't it[2020年1月试题]
The law_________youthful offenders(age18or under) asdelinquentif they commit offenses[2021年7月试题]
The more people you know___________knowledge you get[部资料]
[答案]the more
The news came___________we won the first prize in the competition[部资料]
The number of women who had given birth to a single child increased___________from only 8 in 1981 to 13 in 2006[2019年7月试题]
The point of speech is not totally_________on the contentbut also on how you deliver the speech[2021年7月试题][答案]depending
The_________between facetoface teaching and distance education are increasingly blurred[2021年1月试题]
There is only one thing that people can't___________youand that is your wisdom[2018年7月试题]
[答案]take away from
There is only one thing that people can't___________youand that is your wisdom[部资料]
[答案]take away from
There's only one police officer per 100 criminals_________statistics[2020年9月试题]
[答案]according to
They don't seem to have done much___________to the flat[2019年7月试题]
They don't seem to have done much___________to the flat[2020年9月试题]
They___________to search when the dogs next door___________to bark[2020年1月试题]
[答案]had just started began
This is an opportunity to___________the reputation of the company[2017年7月试题]
This is an opportunity to___________the reputation of the company[部资料]
This movie is___________that one[部资料]
[答案]as interesting as
This plant can't be exposed___________strong sunshine[2018年1月试题]
This plant can't be exposed___________strong sunshine[部资料]
This plant can't be exposed___________strong sunshine[2020年7月试题]
This will not on1y make them feel goodbut may a1so gain you their respect___________[2019年1月试题]
[答案]in return
This will not only make them feelgoodbut may also gain you their respect_________[2021年1月试题]
[答案]in return
This___________20 of the chi1dren's popu1ation compared to on1y 10 around fifty years ago[2019年1月试题]
This_________20of the children's population compared to only 10around fifty years ago[2021年7月试题]
To tell you the truthsometimes I regret_________a baby so early[2020年7月试题]
Tom won the first prize of oral English contestwhich is beyond his___________[2017年7月试题]
Tom won the first prize of oral English contestwhich is beyond his___________[部资料]
Tony is a young childBut do not___________his ability to learn and reason[2020年1月试题][答案]underestimate
Use software that blocks out certain inappropriate websites___________you can't keep an eye on them all the time[2019年7月试题]
[答案]in case
Use software that blocks out certain inappropriate websites_________you can't keep an eye on them all the time[2020年7月试题]
[答案]in case
Use software that blocks out certain inappropriate websites_________you can't keep an eye on them all the time[2021年7月试题]
[答案]in case
Very frustrating Sometimes it takes me two days to get everything___________[2020年7月试题]
Very frustrating Sometimes it takes me two days to get everything___________[2019年7月试题]
We all tend to think that we are safe in our homesbut_________many homes are not as safe as they are supposed to be[2021年1月试题]
We can certainly deliver highquality education to many students at much___________cost[2018年7月试题]
We can certainly deliver highquality education to many students at much___________cost[部资料]
We consider it necessary___________Tom should improve his behavior[2018年7月试题]
We consider it necessary___________Tom should improve his behavior[部资料]
We found him___________in the laboratory[部资料]
We have worries___________we'11 miss the best se11ing season of the skirts[2018年7月试题]
We have worries___________we'll miss the best selling season of the skirts[部资料]
We live in the Knowledge Agewhich means that the ability to apply the right knowledge ___________1s an important skill[2020年1月试题]
We must keep our classroom___________[部资料]
We often compare children___________flowers[部资料]
We often compare children___________flowers[2020年9月试题]
Wellthat's to sayevery coin has two sides___________technology[部资料]
[答案]so does
Wellthat's to sayevery coin has two sides___________technology[2020年9月试题]
[答案]so does
When we work in a foreign countryit will benefit us_________if we can speak its language[2021年7月试题]
When you are_________of the websitecheck it out before you pay any money[2020年9月试题]
With the changing times and with the cost of living getting higher every single yearhaving a big family is no longer considered a_________option[2021年7月试题]
With the changing times and with the cost of living___________higher every sing1e yearhaving a big fami1y is no 10nger considered a practica1 option[2019年1月试题]
With the cost of living_________higher every single yearhaving a big family is no longer considered a practical option[2021年1月试题]
Without your helpI___________obtained today's success[部资料]
[答案]would not have
You are saying that everyone should be equaland this is___________I disagree[2018年7月试题]
You can contact your local police office to report Internet crimes and they will send a special agent to_________the matter[2021年1月试题]
[答案]look into
You knowelderly people don't want being___________or asked to do things that they don't want to do[2020年1月试题]
[答案]pushed around
You may try some games to play with your audiencebut remember the games shouldn't be too___________[2019年1月试题]
You may try some games to play with your audiencebut remember the games shouldn't be too_________[2021年1月试题]
You'd better___________listening to the teacher in the lesson[部资料]
[答案]pay attention to
You'd better___________to hospital at once[2018年1月试题]
You'd better___________to hospital at once[部资料]
Young people___________62 of University teaching staff[部资料]
Your ability to expand your mind and___________continuing education is critical to your success[2019年7月试题]
[答案]strive for





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说明:更新至2021年7月试题,试题已经排序可以根据首字母音序查找试题及答案。___________,the number of private cars will increase sharply in the coming couple of years. [2018年1月试题][答案]Undoubtedly ___________, the number of private cars will increase sharply in the coming couple of years.[内部资料][答案]Undoubtedly

h***s 3年前 上传760   0


第二大题词汇与结构题库说明:更新至2022年7月试题,适用于2023年1月期末期末一体化、纸质考试。[首字母音序A]A dictionary may define genetics_________simply the science of the study of heredity.A.withB.toC.as[答案]CApple developed its iPad-based textbooks in_________w

h***s 2年前 上传3016   0


2021年7月试题及答案6.At that time my wife took care of our children alone,and I seldom stayed at home_______being very busy with work.A.up toB.as to C.due to[答案]C7.With the changing times and with the cost of living getting higher every single year,having a big family is no longer considered a_________option.A.present

h***s 2年前 上传4045   0


2021年7月试题及答案31.根据要求写作文。Write a passage about an incident you've witnessed.You may follow the ideas given.(1)Describe what happened exactly.(2)Pay attention to who,what,when,where,etc.the incident happened.(3)Offer your advice,if any,to people in similar situations.参考范文: There is a piece of low-lying land in the street near my

h***s 2年前 上传3089   0


首字母A◆________a good listener is very important when you are looking after them.A.BeingB.BeC.As[答案]AA dictionary may define genetics_________simply the science of the study of heredity.A.withB.toC.as[答案]C

h***s 1年前 上传2972   0


一、交际用语(每小题2分,共10分) 1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下面对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。1.―Linda,what's wrong with your grandmother? ―___________________A.She is not retired.B.She hurt her leg.C.She got a new house.[答案]B2.―How does it explain the causes for the increasing juvenile crimes?

h***s 2年前 上传912   0


说明:更新至2021年7月试题;可以根据试题首字母音序查找试题及答案。______________had the bell rung____________ the students took their seats.[内部资料][答案]Hardly;when______________he opened the car door and drove the car away.[内部资料][答案]Unconsciously______________I enjoy most is I can have a holiday from work. [2021年1月试题][答案]What...that______________is well known,Shanghai is a big city.[内部资料]

h***s 2年前 上传451   0


1390国开电大本科《人文英语4》历年期末考试(第二大题词汇与结构)题库(排序考试版)说明:根据试题首字母音序查找试题及答案。_________extravagant eating and drinking and pay attention to thrift and economy.[2018年1月试题][答案]Oppose _________her and then try to

h***s 3年前 上传833   0


说明:更新至2021年7月试题,试题已经排序可以根据首字母音序查找试题及答案。第一大题 交际用语―_____________doesn't it?[2019年1月试题]―Yes, it does. I like the color and style.[答案]The red dress fits me very much ―_____________doesn't it?[2020年7月试题]―Yes, it does. I like the color and style

h***s 3年前 上传4064   0


说明:更新至2021年7月试题;可以根据首字母音序查找试题及答案。―_____________doesn't it?[2019年1月试题]―Yes,it does.I like the color and style.[答案]The red dress fits me very much ―_____________doesn't it?[2020年7月试题]―Yes,it does.I like the color and style[答案]The red dress fits me very much ―_____________doesn't it?[2021年7月试题]

h***s 2年前 上传459   0


说明:更新至2021年7月试题;试题已经排序可以根据首字母音序查找试题及答案。[短文]A class with hundreds or even thousands of students might sound like a teacher's worst nightmare.But a big idea in higher education these days is Massive Open Online Courses,or MOOC s.[2021年7月试题]Some universities offer free,non-credit MOO Cs available

h***s 2年前 上传702   0


说明:更新至2021年7月试题;试题已经排序可以根据首字母音序查找试题及答案。[短文]A class with hundreds or even thousands of students might sound like a teacher's worst nightmare.But a big idea in higher education these days is Massive Open Online Courses,or MOOC s.[内部资料]Some universities offer free,non-credit M

h***s 2年前 上传828   0


A01 A dictionary may define genetics_________simply the science of the study of heredity.A.withB.toC.as[答案]CA02 Apple developed its iPad-based textbooks in_________with major textbook publishers.A.form B.linkC.conjunction

h***s 2年前 上传737   0


国开电大本科《人文英语4》机考题库[珍藏版]说明:资料整理于2023年4月,适用于国开电大期末机考考试。第二大题 词汇与结构AA police officer claimed that the young man had attempted to_________paying his fare.A.avoidB.reject C.refuse[答案]AA police off

h***s 1年前 上传694   0


31. 根据要求写作文。 Write a passage about an incident you've witnessed.You may follow the ideas given.(1)Describe what happened exactly.(2)Pay attention to who,what,when, where,etc.the incident happened.(3)Offer your advice,if any,to people in similar situations.参考范文:

h***s 3年前 上传9894   0


1391国开电大本科《商务英语4》期末纸质考试(第二大题词汇与结构)题库(排序版版)说明:资料更新至2021年7月试题;可以根据首字母音序查找试题及答案。_________behalf of Vancouver C&S Int' l Trade Corp.,I am pleased to invite you and your colleagues to visit us.[2019年1月

h***s 2年前 上传408   0


[2022年秋期版]1390国开电大本科《人文英语4》期末一体化、纸质考试第二大题词汇与结构题库说明:更新至2022年7月试题,适用于2023年1月期末一体化、纸质考试。[首字母音序A]A police officer claimed that the young man had attempted to_________paying his fare.A.avoidB.reject

h***s 2年前 上传1916   0


2021年7月试题及答案二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。6.All students are required to translate this poem_________English into Chinese.A.withB.from C.on[答案]B

h***s 2年前 上传575   0


说明:更新至2021年7月试题,可以根据试题首字母音序查找试题及答案。______________had the bell rung____________ the students took their seats.[内部资料][答案]Hardly;when______________he opened the car door and drove the car away.[内部资料][答案]Unconsciously______________I enjoy most is I can have a holiday from work. [2021年1月试题][答案]What...that

h***s 3年前 上传801   0


说明:更新至2021年7月试题,根据试题首字母音序查找试题及答案。_________extravagant eating and drinking and pay attention to thrift and economy.[2018年1月试题][答案]Oppose _________her and then try to copy what she does.[内部资料][答案]Watch_________is not the ultimate goal for us college students.[2019年7月试题][答案]Diploma

h***s 2年前 上传620   0


说明:更新至2021年7月试题;可以根据试题首字母音序查找试题及答案。_________a vacation is always a good way to get relaxation and refreshment.[2018年7月试题][答案]Taking _________a vacation is always a good way to get relaxation and refreshment.[内部资料][答案]Taking_________an effective manager lies in knowing the right management style.[2021年1月试题]

h***s 2年前 上传542   0


首字母A__________a vacation is always a good way to get relaxation and refreshment.A.TakeB.Being takenC.Taking[答案]C__________a vacation is always a good way to get relaxation and refreshment.A.TakeB.Took C.Taking [答案]C

h***s 1年前 上传523   0


1379国开电大本科《人文英语3》历年期末考试(第三大题阅读选择题)题库(排序考试版)说明:更新至2021年7月试题,试题已经排序可以根据首字母音序查找试题及答案。[短文]A class with hundreds or even thousands of students might sound like a teacher's worst nightmare.But a big ide

h***s 3年前 上传903   0


1379国开电大本科《人文英语3》历年期末考试(第一大题交际用语)题库(排序考试版) 说明:更新至2021年7月试题,试题已经排序可以根据首字母音序查找试题及答案。―_____________doesn't it?[2019年1月试题]―Yes, it does. I like the color and style.[答案]The red dress fits me very muc

h***s 3年前 上传1259   0


[2022年秋期版]1377国开电大本科《理工英语3》期末纸质考试第二题词汇与结构题库说明:更新至2022年7月试题,适用于2023年1月期末纸质考试考试。[首字母音序A]A_________designer is needed.A.full-time B.full timeC.full timing [答案]AA_________designer is needed.A.f

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