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牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)七年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 Making Friends.练习题(无答案)




Unit1MakingFriends 义词
1—Can you complete the information card —Sure
A find B make C finish D choose
2—Where is the supermarket —It’s close to the bookstore
A on the left of B in front of C behind D next to
3—Do you enjoy swimming in summer —Yes It’s very relaxing
A want to swim B like to swim C dream to swim D hate to swim
4Mr Bright is a kind and helpful man
A interesting B friendly C great D silly
5—I’d like a cup of tea What about you —Some coffee please
A want B need C have D drink
6Jack has many hobbies such as playing basketball listening to music
A things I must do B things I want to do C things I hate doing D things I like doing 7Do you enjoy playing computer games Yes I do
A mind B like C want D hate
8Mary comes from Australia
A is from B lives in C goes to D leaves from
9I’d like to be a teacher
A want B need C must D get
10Tom does well in Science
A is good at B looks like C learns about D enjoys
11Is your home close to Jack’s
A far from B near C the same as D different from
12Tom is friendly to the people around him
A happy B angry C kind D sorry
13Is everyone here
A all people B some people C someone D person
16 all over the world
A some countries in B every countries in C Every country in D Some country in
17My dream is to be a basketball star
A things you want to do or persons you want to be B something happens at night
C something bad D ideas or thought
18The girl in a red skirt looks like my sister
A watches B is different from C looks for D is like
1Are the teachers in your school_________________(friend)
2 My hobbies are__________________(listen) to music and_______________(read)books
3Do you often talk about __________(you) in your emails
4I like __________ (make) friends from all over the world
5Ann is 15 years old I’m 13 years old Ann is my _________________(old) sister
6He and his sister both want__________(watch) the latest film
7The twins enjoy _____________(read) comics books
8Are you good at ______________ (paint)
9Jack comes from ___________(German) but he lives in Shenzhen now
10Lily has two efriends from different _______________ (country)
11I have two_________________(hobby) singing and dancing
12—What’s your dream—My dream is________(become) a nurse
13My brother’s hobby is_____ (dive)
14I would like______(play) basketball this afternoon
16He_____(go) to school by bike
17Are you good at________(paint)
18My father and my mother are both________(engineer)
19Lily can you do it all by________(you)
20Do you want to make friends with________(I)
21I want to learn about their names ______(age) and jobs
22If everyone_______(try) his best to help others the world will become more beautiful 23LookThere are many_____________(Japan) in our school today
24Which country do you like_____________(well) China of course
25If you want to make friends with me_____________(email) me please
26Mike hopes_____________(have) an efriend from Guangzhou China
27Lisa’s dream_____________(be) to learn Chinese well and to find a job in Beijing
28Every year some_____________(Germany) friends come to visit our city
29My uncle is good at_____________(tell)stories I like to listen to him
30Everyone_____________(want) to have many good friends
31Weoften_____________(play)on the playground
32He_____________(get) up at 6 o’clock every morning
33He_____________(brush)his teeth every morning
34I want to go to_____________(German)for my study
35When the bell_____________(ring) the students run into the classroom and have a class
36If you want to learn Maths well you need to do more_____________(practice)
37You cannot hand in the paper until the class_____________(ending)
38How often do you brush your teethAt least_____________(two) a day
39Everyone in our class_____________(have) an efriend from other countries
40How do you speak English so well By_____________(watch) American movies 41How many_____________(class)do most American schools have everyday
42What does your aunt do LiLei
She is a Chinese_____________(teach) in a school in Japan
43How can I remember what the teacher says
You should listen_____________(careful) in class

be ________ go __________ have________ do________
keep________ grow________ cut________ come________ hear________ get________ dig________ drink________
eat________ let________ fall________ run________ lose________ feel________ meet ________ put________
give________ fly_________ win________ sit________ sleep_______ tell________ swim ________ ride________ read________ ring ________ run ________ say________
see________ take________ leave ________ break________
blow________ begin ________ forget________ burn________
find________ make________ ride________ stand________
send________ spend________ rise________ write________
speak________ shine________ wake________ buy________
teach________ think________ understand________ know________ catch________ build_______ bring ________ draw________ drive________ smell________ sing________ become_________
friendly ________ world _______ sound______ complete _______ Japan_______ pollute________ dream________ Earth________ kill________ energy_______ problem_______ quiz________
important________ end_____ protect_______ report________ provide_______ practice_______ burn________ fact________
article________ market________ ride________ seldom________ pattern_______ part_______ daily________ elder________
flat_______ age ________ band________ spend________
kick________ trip________ dry ________ wet________

1 名活泼(lively)快乐中学生喜欢交朋友
2 擅长画画喜欢运动时踢足球排球课常参加种样活动(activity)
3 喜欢科目英语数学梦想成名英语老师学努力
4 询问Lily兴趣爱
Dear Lily
My name is Anna and I want to be your pen friend____________________________
Best wishes





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1.认读和理解单词raise,disabled,teenager,offer,suffer,serious, illness,organize,express,pain,lonely,friendship,difficulty, joy,peace,hurt,courage,spirits和短语in need,voluntary work, suffer from,raise one’s spirits。2.根据上下文语境猜测词义,通过进一步阅读,理解三篇汇报的内容。。3.树立服务他人、保护弱者的意识。

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七年级英语上册 Module 1 学案(无答案) 外研版

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1 根据上下文语境猜测词义。2理解问本中有关“春蕾计划”的实施对象、目的、具体做法以及影响等方面的内容。3愿意为公益事业贡献自己的力量。

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学习目标与核心素养 1 根据上下文语境猜测词义。2理解问本中有关“春蕾计划”的实施对象、目的、具体做法以及影响等方面的内容。3愿意为公益事业贡献自己的力量。

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