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第题 交际语
Albertthis is Jim
[答案]How do you do
Are you a member of the_________
I'm her brother
Are you free this SundayI need to talk to you about our assignment
AI'm at raid not I need to pay a visit to my grandpaand sorry about that
BNoI'm not
CI have already finished it by myselfand you need to find another group mate
Are you ready to take a ride in my new sports car
[答案]Yes I can't wait
Are you ready to take a ride in my new sports car
[答案]YesI'd love to
Are you settling in well here in this city
[答案]Everything is going OKThank you
But actuallyI'm at workSo rather not wait Would you mind taking a message
_____________Go ahead
ANoits my pleasure
BNoI don't mind
CNonot at all
But actuallyI'm at workSo rather not waitWould you mind taking a message
_____________Go ahead
[答案]Nonot at all
Can I borrow your car for a few days_____________
AYesyou may borrow
BYesgo on
CSurehere is the keyEnjoy your journey
Can we_________you anything Coffee Whiskey
Nothank you
CongratulationsI just heard the news about your promotion
AThat's all right
BThank you
CIt doesn't matter
Congratulations I just heard the news about your promotion
[答案]Thank you
Could you pass me the salt and pepper
ANoI don't
BI don't know
COKhere you are
Could you tell me how to get to the Railway stationplease
[答案]CertainlyYou can take the No1bus
Do you know that David injured his leg yesterday
AWho did that
BHow did that happen
CWhat's wrong with him
Do you like seafood
AI don't think so
BNot really
CThat e it I
Do you like seafood
[答案]Not really
Do you mind my smoking here
AYesI do
CGood idea
Do you know that David injured his leg yesterday
AWho did that
BHow did that happen
CWhat's wrong with him
―Did you see the car before it hit you
[答案]NoI didn't
Excuse meHow much is the shirt
AExtra large
BIt sells well
C50 each
Finallythe class is overwanna have dinner together
AI have an appointment at 6 pm
BI would love tobut I have to attend basketball training tonight maybe next time
CLook I need to talk to our professor
GoodbyeJohn Comeback again sometime
AYesI will
B I did
C I do
Happy New Year
[答案]The same to you
Have you got a table for four Waiter
AYes sureThis way please
BHere is the menu
CWe have booked the seats
Haven't seen you foragesMike_____________
Pretty goodEverything goes well
AWhat are you doing
BHow are you
CHow's it going
Haven't seen you for agesMike_________
Pretty goodEverything goes well
[答案]How's it going
HelloCan I speak to Liu Huiplease
AYesI am
CYesyou can
Hello Can I speak to Liu Hui please
[答案]Yes speaking
Hello May I speak to ZhangHua
__________I'm afraid he isn't in at the moment
AOK please wait
BYes I will ask him to answer the phone
COne moment please
HelloMay I speak to Zhang Hua
__________I'm afraid he isn't in at the moment
[答案]One momentplease
HelloMay I speak to Tom
_________He is coming
AWho is that
BSorryhe's out
CHold on a moment
Hi How are you doing
[答案]I'm doing well
Hi I' m SusanNice to meet you
[答案]Nice to meet you too
HiTomhow's everything with you
_________and how are you
[答案]Hmnot too bad
HiWang Xinnice to meet you
HiLiu Hui_________
[答案]nice to meet you too
How about going to the class together
[答案]That sounds great
How about his weight
AHe's big
BMediummaybe a bit on the heavy side
CHe's tall
How about his weight
[答案]Mediummaybe a bit on the heavy side
How are you feeling now
[答案]Much better
How are you getting along with your work
[答案]Quite wellthank you
How do you doGlad to meet you
AFineHow are you
BHow do you doGlad to meet youtoo
CHow are youThank you
I can show you aroundif you like
[答案]SureThank you
I got a promotion in my company
APretty wellI guess
BThat's fine
CCongratulations on your promotion
I have failed the driving test again
AGood luck
BCheer up
CThank you
I hope I can join your company when l graduate from Yale
AYes I’m glad to meet you
BYes you are good
CYou are definitely welcome
I was worried about my driving testbut I passed it
ADon't worry about it
BGood luck to you
CCongratulationsThat’s not easy
I won the first prize in today's speech contest
I was worried about my driving testbut I passed it
[答案]Congratulations That's not easy
If you play basketball on Saturday or Sunday I’d like to play with youHow about this Saturday afternoon
AI’m afraid I can’t do it
BThat sounds great
CI don’t want to play with you
Is that Jim speaking
[答案]This is Tom
Is there anything seriousdoctor
AI’m going to have another check
BNojust stay in bed and drink some water
CYou can go home tomorrow
It is cold todayWhat would you like to do this afternoon
AWell everything is going OK
BI would like to stay indoors
CI'm not interested in it
It’s cold hereDo you mind if I close the window
CI don’t like it
It’s raining outside Can I borrow your umbrella for a momentI need to pick my packages
ASureyou can take it if you want just be careful with it
BMy umbrella is brokenyou can take Andy’s
CYeahbut you should pay me 5 dollars firs
It's so glad to meet you hereHerethis is Cathleenmy fiancee
AHelloyou are so hot
BGood to knowbut I need to leave now
CGood to see you hereand she looks greatwish you a happy life in the future
May I know your address
[答案]SureHere you are
Morningboys and girls Please try your best in today's exam Good luck to all of you
Nice to meet youMrGreenI’m Sandy and this is BradKen and Em
ASee you later
BYou're welcome
CPleased to meet you all
OhnoIts rainingWe can't go skating on the square
AWell done
BWhat a shame
CWhat a surprise
Ohno It's rainingWe can't go skating on the square
[答案]What a shame
OkI'll drink my last can of beer when I drive home
[答案]No wayYou'll be stopped by the police
Please sign here with your signature to give consent to our company for using your person information
HiLi Ming________
ANoI'm not doing it
BOKbut could you tell me more about the purpose of using my information
CMy mom told me not to sign anything outside the school
Seat belts save lives
[答案]It's trueI agree
Shall we play football after class together
[答案]Greatthat's a good idea
Social Work Service Center
HelloMay I speak to Zhang Hua
[答案]Can I help you
Thank you for inviting me
AI really had a happy time
BThank you for coming
COhit's too late
Thank you for sharing this with me
BYou can sharetoo
C My pleasure
Thank you for sharing this with me
[答案]My pleasure
Thank you too much for your lovely gift
APlease don’t say do
BNever mind
CI’m glad you like it
Tomorrow will be fineShall we go out for a picnic
ASounds great
BGood luck
CHave fun
Tomorrow will be fineShall we go out for a picnic
[答案]Sounds great
We need some toothpaste
ALet's go to the bookstore
BLet's go homeCLet's buy some
What does your English teacher look like
AShe looks much like her mother
BShe looks sad
CShe likes singing
What does your English teacher look like
AShe looks much like her mother
BShe looks sad
CShe likes singing
What is so special about this Social Work Center
[答案]It offers help to homeless people
What is your major
What will you buy for the Spring Festival
[答案]I will buy gifts for my family

What would you liketea or coffee
BYesI would
What's the problemHarry
[答案]I can't remember where I left my glasses
What's the weather like in your hometown
Al like the food there
BIts cold in winter and hot in summer
CIt's an ice place
Which direction were you heading
[答案]I was heading from east to west
Which I anguage do you speak at home
AI can speak English and French
BEnglish is my mother tongue
CEnglishmost of the time
Which language do you speak at home
AI can speak English and French
BEnglish is my mother tongue
CEnglishmost of the time
Why are you so happy
[答案]OhI finally got a position in a company
Why did you stop my carpolice officer
You just ran a red light_________
AYour driver's license please
BI just want to
CNo why
Why did you stop my carpolice officer
You just ran a red light_________
[答案]Your driver's license please
Would it bother you if I talked to you for a minute
[答案]Not at all
Would you like another slice of Christmas cake
_________I am full
ANo morethanks
BNothing more
CYes please
Would you like to come to my house for dinner Sunday night
AWellI see
BAll rightThanks for inviting me
CCome onlet's go
Would you like to come to my house for dinner Sunday night
[答案]All right Thanks for inviting me
Would you like to have dinner with my family
[答案]Thank youI'd love to
Would you mind joining us
[答案]Noof course not
You won the first prize in the Physics competition
_______I made several terrible mistakes
[答案]You must be joking
第二题 词汇结构
__________a result of his hard work he gained a d mission to Beijing University
_________day of June is International Children's Day
[答案]The first
_________he left school at 16he still managed to become a great writer
[答案]Even though
_________is David fromI think he's an AmericanBut I'm not sure
__________recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the USwould be higher than the number of English speakers by______year 2090
_________recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the US would be higher than the number of English speaker by______year 2090
_________she wins______losesthis is her last chance
__________students are playing on the ground
AThe number of
BA number of
CMany a
_________students are playing on the ground
[答案]A number of
__________the ice is a good way to make friends
__________you speak_________your English will be in my opinion
AThe less the more
BThe more the better
CThe more the less
A student will probably attend four or five courses during each_________
As a result of his hard work he has_________admission to the Beijing University
As a result of his hard workhe has gained__________to the Beijing University
As a result of his hard workhe has gained_________to the Beijing University
At least 20 people were treated for gunshot wounds in hospitalthree of_________
Bai Mei don't know Liu Huiso Zhuang Hua_________her to Liu Hui
Bankers were__________of a world banking crisis
Bankers were_________of a world banking crisis
Breaking_________ice is a good way to make friends
CNN reported at least 20 people_____________for gunshot wounds in hospital
Awere being treated
Bwere treating
Chad treated
Don't forget to_________your seat belt
Atake up
Btake on
Cput on
Don't forget to_________your seat belt when you're driving
[答案]put on
Everyone in the family__________Chinese food
Everything in it_________that Jacob is a Christian
Everything in it_________that Jacob is a Christian
Go on_________other exercises after you finish this one
Ato do
He did not_________on my proposal about the new project
He did not_________on my proposal about the new project
He gave no________of being a suspect
He had his car__________yesterday
Ato repair
He is respected as a very aggressive and__________executive
He is respected as a very aggressive and_________executive
He made up a good_________for staying at home
He made up a good_________for staying at home
He often gets up late_________Sunday morning
A at
He suggested that the drunk driver_________
[答案]be punished
He told me the thief_________by the police
Ahad been arrested
Bhave been arrested
C was been arrested
He usually_________from headache
He usually_________from headache
He was absent because he_________last night
Cwas drinking
He_________a class when the cellphone rang
Ais having
Bwas having
C has been having
He_________enjoy the concert last Saturday
He_________her a beautiful hat on her next birthday
Bis going to give
He_________her a beautiful hat on her next birthday
[答案]is going to give
He_________in jail because he broke the traffic law last nigh
Awas put
Cwas putting
He_________in jail because he broke the traffic law last night
He_________to Shanghai for I saw him here a minute ago
[答案]can't have gone
His red face suggested that he_________shy
Houyi a capable archershot_________nine of them to save the people and the earth
I am interested in taking_________of homeless people
I am very familiar with himsol recognized his voice_________
I am very familiar with himso I recognized his voice_________
I am_________of your success in your job
I believe you_________a wonderful experience at Yale
Cwill have
I can help you if you have trouble_________your homework
I can_________you to the railway station on foot
I enjoy_________books in the l the library
Cto read
I enjoy_________books in the library
I got a presentan iPad__________my best friend
I had to give_________the chance to work in a big company
I have two brothersOne is a driver and__________is a policeman
[答案]the other
I saw him_________and afterwards he was caught by the police[答案]steal
I thought you_________like something to readsol have brought you some books
I thought you_________like something to readSo I have brought you some books
I was busy_________my English lessons
Ato review
I would like to do the job_________you don't force me to study
[答案]as long as
I would_________any weakness and any fear
I would_________any weakness and any fear
I_________an Open University student
I_________appointed as one of the deputy general managers in my company last week
Cwill be
I_________to see the movie next Monday
Bhave gone
Cwill go
I_________in the Open University of China last year
I_________go to see my teacher next Monday
Cwould like
I’d like to know what time we can get our luggage_________it is in the port
I'm interested_________taking care of homeless people
If it rains tomorrowwe_________to picnic
[答案]won't go
In 2000 she was_________as Associate Deana very important role in the Faculty
It has been ten years since the Labour Party came into________in that country
It offers help to people_________are in need
It's been a(n)_________tradition ever sincePeople celebrate it every year
It's been a(n)_________tradition ever sincePeople celebrate it every year
Jim is one of the most popular_________in my company
Jim is one of the most popular_________in my company
John_________three bottles of beer just now so he can't drive himself home now
Adoes drink
Bdid drink
Cdo drink
John_________three bottles of beer just nowso he can't drive himself home now
[答案]did drink
Kate asks Tom to_________a message for her
Kate_________if she can use Tom's bike
Kids must_________when they walk to walk to school
Aon guard
Bbe on their guard
Con their guard
Kids must_________when they walk to school
[答案]be on their guard
Last but not_________team building is pretty crucial if you want to succeed
Let the victims know that you are_________to help
Listen The baby_________in the next room
Cis crying
Listen The baby_________in the next room
[答案]is crying
London is_________capital of Britainand it is great citytoo
[答案]the a
LookIt_________heavilyWhy not take an umbrella with you
[答案]is raining
Many western festivals are_________at the very beginning
Many western festivals are_________at the very beginning
More than 4000 students from 300 schools through England applied to Cambridge
MsGareis says the activities_________be held repeatedly throughout the term
Never get off the bus_________it has stopped[答案]until
Our classroom is_________beautiful than theirs
[答案]much more
Passersby_________to see the accident
Bwere shocked
Cwere shocking
People can’t live without_________sun
People can't live without_________sun
Peter_________come with us tonightbut he isn't very sure
Peter_________come with us tonightbut he isn't very sure
Please don’t make so much noiseThe baby_________now
Bis sleeping
Police asked students to always be on their guard when_________to school
She_________a teacher in Shanghai last year
She also suggests_________foreign students share housing with American students
She is_________General Manager of_________big company
Ca the
She is ________General Manager of_________big company
[答案]the a
She suggested that the class a_________gathering this Saturday
Bwould hold
She suggested that the class_________a gathering this Saturday
Should I take some medicineNo you to take any medicine
[答案]don't need
Social workers should learn how to_________people
Alook at
Blook into
Clook after
Social workers should learn how to_________people
[答案]look after
Some holidays in the United Kingdom_________back hundreds of years
Someone then suggested they_________the car home
Someone suggested they_________the car homeand said that the exercise we
Awere pushing
Special congratulations go to the winners_________work has demonstrated not only a high academic excellence but also creativity and original thought
StValentine's Day is_________every year on February 14
The_________driver was seriously hurt in the traffic accident
The_________were shocked to see the workers pulling the car along the street
The case happened_________Tuesday afternoon
The CEO_______that Tony was appointed as the manager of the marketing department in today's meeting
The CEO_______that Tony was appointed as the manager of the marketing department at today's meeting
The couple was_________that they could drive home
[答案]so drunk
The couple was_________that they could not drive home
[答案]so drunk
The firefighters are going to_________the cause of the fire
Alook into
Clook down
The firefighters are going to_________the cause of the fire
[答案]look into
The girl_________the case to the police when her parents arrived
Awas reporting
Bwas reported
Chad reporting
The girl_________the case to the staff when her parents arrived
[答案]was reporting
The government_________them with accommodation
The guard wanted to stop the people_________by the street
The gunman stood_________the theater and shoot at the audience inside
[答案]at the front of
The higher the temperature is_________the liquid evaporates
Athe faster
C the slower
The higher the temperature is_________the liquid evaporates
[答案]the faster
The MidAutumn Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth_________month
The MidAutumn Festivalas the name_________falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month
The novel I bought last week is_________of readingI think[答案]worthy
The number of these families has increased_________40 percent in the past ten years
The number of students in our school has increased_________2000
The number of these families has_________by 40 percent in the past ten years
The old lady_________Tom for breaking the window
The old lady_________Tom for breaking the window
The pace of__________growth is picking up
The pace of_________growth is picking up
The police asked students to always be on their_______when walking to school
The police asked the driver to_________the car to have an alcohol test
Cpull on
The police asked the driver to_________the car to have an alcohol test
[答案]pull over
The police responded__________the case right away
The police saw him_________on the ground when they arrived
Ato lie
The police saw him_________on the ground when they arrived
The sales of private cars have increased__________40 percent in the past ten years
The schools informed the parents_________the case immediately
The schools informed the parents_________the case immediately
The street is_________for five cars to go side by side
[答案]wide enough
The traffic accident_________three days ago
Btook place
Cwas occurred
The traffic accident_________three days ago
[答案]took place
The train is running fifty miles_________
[答案]an hour
There are some visitors_________to our marketing department next week
These books date back_________the 15th century
They got there an hour_________than the others
They live next to this mountain for__________
They live next to this mountain for_________
They must try to_________the boundaries of knowledge
They must try to_________the boundaries of knowledge
They often saw me_________
[答案]out and about
They tend to before the abuse and make_________for the abuser
They tend to blame themselves for the abuse and make_________for the abuser
They tend to blame themselves_________the abuse and make excuses for the abuser
They work in the same company and they are_________with each other
They would_________any weakness and any fear
They_________programs to meet the needs of the individuals
Aset up
Bset off
Cset out
They_________some social work at the weekends[答案]do
They_________what kinds of help people need
C find out
This is the village_________I spent my childhood
This is not like himSomething_________be wrong
Tom is considered to be________the other students in her class
[答案]as intelligent as
Tom is good at playing_________piano
Victims of domestic violence usually have_________selfesteem
Video games are_________with children and young people
We are_________the same age
We can't afford a bicycle_________a car
Aeven if
Blet alone
Clet out
We can't afford a bicycle_________a car
[答案]let alone
We fear no deathlet_________difficulties
We lived in the same village then and had an amazing_________together
We need to make sure what topics are proper ones to talk_________in different cultures
WellI heard him_________he'd cover the afternoon shift
WellI hope you_________coming to the party tomorrow afternoon
[答案]are all
What_________Mr mean
When you feel_________you should go to see a doctor
When you feel_________you should go to see a doctor
With the development of sciencerobot cooks_________in our families in the future
Ahas appeared
Cwill appear
You are_________to finish your homework on time
You are_________to finish your homework on time
You_________better let me drive
You_________will have your own room
You'd better_________the car be c a use you are drunk
Alet me drive
Blet me to drive
Cto let me drive
You'd better_________the car because you are drunk
[答案]let me drive
You'll_________have your own room
第三题 阅读选择题
Do you lack friendsDo you want to make more friendsIf soyou may read on
There’s a certain beauty in being a lonely wolfYou have more time to do the things you want to doBut if you want to make more friendsand do things together with themplease consider these suggestions on how to meet people and form stronglasting friendships
Spend more time around people and talk to themIf you want to make friendsyou first need to put yourself out in order to meet peopleFriends seldom come knocking on your door while you sit at home playing computer games
Participate in an online communityYou don’t necessarily need to have a lot of common interests with people in order to make friends with themSocial networking sites such as We chatFacebookTwitterand MySpace are great way to meet new people and learn more about the people you meet
Join a sports teamA common misunderstanding about this is that you have to be realily good at playing a particular sport in order to make friends with others on the teambut not all teams are so comp eveAs long as you enjoy the sport and support your teammatesjoining a local team could be a great way to make new friends
211单选题How many ways the author suggests on how to make more friends
C Two
212单选题If you want to make more friendsfirst you need to
Ajoin a club
Bchat on the intemet
Cput yourself out
213单选题What is the meaning of the word online in paragraph 3
214单选题What is misunderstanding about joining a sports team
AYou have to be good at playing a particular sport
BYou must enjoy the sport
CYou must support your teammates
215单选题The main point of this passage is about
Ahow to talk with friends
Bhow to make more friends
Chow to study English well
England is not a big countryfrom north to south and from east to west it is only about three hundred miles acrossBut for a small country it has a surprising range of climatePeople who have never visited England or who have visited only one part of itoften make the mistake of thinking that it is a cold and wet countryExcept for the summer months of June to Septemberthis is probable true of the North of England and the MidlandIn the southhoweverthe climate is much more pleasant One result is that when people retire form a job in the norththey often prefer to move down to the milder south
Perhaps the warmest part of the country is the southwestwhich consists of the countries of Devon and Cornwall The warm Gulf Steam flows across the North Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico and makes the coastal regions of the southwest of EnglandFlowers and vegetables ripen as much as a month earlier than those elsewhereFarmers in the area obtain a higher price for their vegetables and flowers because they are ready earlierIn winter there maybe probably no snow at all in the southwestThis maybe one of the reasons why the southwest is one of England's most popular holiday areas
211单选题The distance from the center of England to the south coast is about______
Aone hundred miles
Bthree hundred miles
Cone hundred and fifty miles
212单选题England is a country______
Awith a cold and wet climate
Bwith a pleasant climate
Cwith a variety of climate
213单选题According to the passage______
Aflowers and vegetables from Devon are on the market one month earlier
Bfarmers in the southwest grow as many vegetables and flowers as farmers elsewhere
Cvegetable in Com wall ripen as much as am on the are r than flowers
214单选题In the north of England and the Midland______
Ait is cold and wet all the year round
Bit is warm most of the time in a year
Conly the summer is not cold and well
215单选题In winterpeople in Devon and Cornwall______
Ahardly see any snow
Bnever see any snow
Cmay have several feet of snow
In the pastAmerican families tended to be quite largeParents raising five or more children were commonOver the yearsthe size of the family is becoming smallerOne reason for this is an increase in the cost of living

21In the pastAmerican families tended to be__________
[答案]Cquite large
22To parents who take the responsibility for children's expensesthe cost of living increases because______
[答案]Call of the above
23Children whose parents divorced always feel unsettled because__________
[答案]Athey are moved between their parents
24According to the authorthe situations of American families in the future may__________
[答案]Aget better
25The title of the article might be__________
[答案] BAmerican Families
I used to think education was the most important thing in my lifeRecently my attitude has begun to changealthough I still hold that it is essential for everyone in the world todayAs a top junior student in my
21From this passagewe know that the author__________
[答案]Crealizes that it is more important to really develop oneself than just to store knowledge
22By saying that she isa junior studentin her collegethe author means that she is__________
[答案]Aa student in her third year in college
23The author thinks the awards she has received__________
[答案]Cdon't necessarily reflect her real self
24The author fears that she will be of no use to societymainly because__________
[答案]Bshe does not know how to communicate with others
25Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passagewhen the author says that she wants to find a parttime job
[答案]BShe wants to change her lifestyle
Midautumn Day is for families to get together in ChinaPeople show their thanks for the year's harvest and pray for another year of good harvestMoon cake is a traditional gift and food that people give each other during the festival
Midautumn Day was a harvest festival longtime agoThe story goes as follows
Longtime ago there were 10 badly behaved suns in the skyHouyi a capable archer shot down nine of them to save the people and the earth
The hero Houyi went to the Kunlun Mountains and gained a pill from Xi Wang mu the Goddess of the West Xi told him that he would never die after he took the pillWhen he came back home he gave it to Chang'e his wife asking her to keep it safe
While Houyi was away an evil follower tried to stealth epilChang'e put it into her mouth and immediately floated to the moon
Houyi cried for the loss of his wifeHe laid a table in his yard and put out some of Changes favorite foodsMoon cakes are among themPeople then followed and prayed to Chang'e now a goddess to bring them happiness and bountiful harvests
211单选题Midautumn Day is for families to in China
Aget together
Bhave a dance
Cgo to parks
212单选题One traditional gift and food that people give each other during the festival is the______
Bmoon cake
213单选题Why did Houyi shoot down nine suns
AIn order to be a hero
BIn order to have fun
CIn order to save the people and the earth
214单选题Chang’e put the pill into her mouth because______
Aan evil follower wanted to steal the pill
Bshe would never die after she ate the pill
CHouyi asked her to take the pill
215单选题Which of the following statements about Chang’e is not true
AMoon cakes are among Chang’e favor to foods
BChang’e floated to the moon after she ate the pill
One study in the United States found that thirtyeight percent of foreign students said they had no close American friends
Elisabeth Gareis teaches in the Department of Communication Studies at Baruch College in New YorkShe says efforts on how to improve relationships between foreign and American students have yet to be studied in detailBut she says these efforts should begin with the college or university and that these institutions have been working harder
MsGareis suggests that students should be encouraged to take part in different activitiessuch as taking walksgoing on bike ridesfield or camping tripsand attending parties s poring events or film festivals She says such activities should beheld repeatedly throughout the school term to bring students together
She also suggests that foreign students share housing with American studentsShe says if the news students make friends as they begin school they wilco me to feel part of the life and traditions of the universityas well as create long lasting friendships throughout their university career
211单选题According to paragraph onewhat was the percentage of foreign students had no close American
212单选题Who should work harder on improving the relationships between foreign and American students
AAmerican students
CThe college or university
213单选题Which way is a good way to improve the relationship
AStay at domitory all day
BPlay with students from home country
214单选题Does MsGareis say the activities shouldn't beheld repeatedly throughout the term
CNot mentioned
215单选题What is the best title for the passage
AHelping International Students Make Friends
BHow to Study Overseas
CHow to Take Part In Friends' Party
Sank police were investigating a possible child luring case near a primary school

1The two men in the black van_______
[答案]probably wanted to lure Mary
2Mary is probably a_______school student
3_______too the case seriously
[答案]Both of the above
4In order to be safe when going to schoolkids should _______
[答案]take selfdefense sprayers(卫喷雾器)
5This case indicated that_______should pay attention to the safety problems
[答案]the public
Social workers help people overcome problems and make their lives betterIf people are homelesssickor having family problemssocial workers will work with themIf students have trouble in schoolsocial workers help them too

1According to the textwhat is not social workers' job
[答案]to do the housework for people
2For someone with family problemssocial workers will
[答案]find them a parenting class
3Social workers build to provide the help for people in need
4Which of the following sentence is not true
[答案]Most social workers think of their job as boring
5The main point of this passage is about
[答案]How social workers do their job
Ten workers in China pushed their boss's car three miles home after an of ice party because they were all too drunk to driveThe group was enjoying a meal at a restaurant in downtown ChangchunJilin Province(northeast China)When the party was overBoss Zhang Fei found that he was too drunk to driveThen
21The workers pushed their boss's car home in_______minutes
22Drinkdriving was listed as a dangerous offence in China in_______
23Those who break the law may_______
[答案]Cbe put in jail
24People pushing the car along the road would not be classed as drinkdriving because_______
[答案]Athe car engine was not running
25We can infer from the passage that drinkdriving_______the law
[答案]Bis against
The United States is a very large countryIt has many different kinds of landscapes and different kinds of people
In the Eastthe countryside is green and freshHere are some of the first states and some of the big citiesNew York and the capital Washington DCare in the East
In the Souththere is the beautiful city of New Orleansthe capital of jazzIt is sometimes hot hereand the people here are very different from those in the East
The Central Plains of the United States are fertile with big fields of wheat and com
In the SouthWest it is often hot and dryBut the deserts and mountains are beautiful And Califomiaon the West Coastis famous as aparadisestate
The weather in the MidWestnear the Great Lakesis often cold and windyand there is a lot of snow in winter
211单选题Which of the following does the United States have
ADifferent kinds of People
BDifferent kinds of Food
CDifferent kinds of Movies
212单选题Which one is the capital of the United States
BWashington DC
CNew York
213单选题New Orleans is famous for its_____________
CVapor wave
214单选题What are the main crops in the central United States
ARice and Wheat
BCorn and Rice
CCorn and Wheat
215单选题Which part of the United States is usually hot and dry
What do I do at the party
You should always offer to get drinks for other people when you go to get a drink for yourself You should introduce yourself to new people in the groupYou should avoid personal questions ab family until you know them betterGood topics of conversation are filmsbookstelevision program holidaysjobsthe town you are inetc
You should ask for permission to smokesayIs it alright if I smokeOrbetteryou should go outside to smokeMany people don't like the smell of smoke inside
What do l do when I leave
If you are not a close friend of the hostsyou shouldn't be the last to leave
You should sayThank youto the hosts and say It was a lovely partyI really enjoyed myself And then you should go back to people you talked to and sayI was very nice to meet you
211单选题When you go to get a drink for yourselfyou should______
Aintroduce yourself first
Boffer to get drinks for other people in the group
Cask for permission
212单选题You should not talk about______with new people
Athe town you are in
Btelevision programs
Cpersonal questions about family
213单选题People don’t lie the smell of smoke insideso you should______
Anot smoke before you go to a party
Bgo outside to smoke
Csmoke in the kitchen
214单选题______get drinks for other people at a party
AYou should always offer to
BYou should never
CYou should say sorry if you
215单选题You sayIt was very nice to meet youwhen you______
Ameet other guests
Bleave other guests
Cmeet your hosts
第四题 阅读判断题
Are you waiting for your dreams to come true and change your lifeI'm sorry to tell you that dreams won't come trueIt's your goals that can forever change your lifeYou need to set goals in order to turn your dreams into reality
Don't get confused by dreams and goalsDreams are easyThey are free tooHoweverdreams are imaginaryAnd they don't produce tangible resultsYou need to turn your dreams into actionYou need goals to make the visions of your dreams real
Dreams can inspire you but goals can change your lifeGoals are all about actionGoals change you and then change your life
221判断题Dreams always come true[答案]F
222判断题Goals can change your life[答案]T
223判断题Dreams are the same as goals[答案]F
224判断题Dreams can't produce tangible results[答案]F
225判断题Dreams can inspire you but goals can change your life[答案]T
HiI am ZhaoXin from BejngI just enrolled at The Open University last monthNow I'm a freshman at the School of Social WorkAs a social work majorI can help take care of the home les and sick peopletalk to them and accompany themdo the cleaning and other house choresI enjoy helping people and want to live a meaningful life
I love being a social workerl used to look after the elderly at a nursing home when I was in middle school It gives me a feeling of pride to bring happiness to othersI want to make a difference in the world
221判断题Zhao Xin is studying in the Open University now[答案]T
222判断题His major is marketing[答案]F
223判断题He is looking after the elderly at a nursing home nowadays[答案]F
224判断题He wants to change the world and make it better [答案]T
225判断题He is proud of being a social worker[答案]T
In an extended familyall the people share one householdApart from parents and childrenthere may be other family members:grandparentsauntsunclescousinsetcThat is to saya large family may have more than two generationsand often there are more than two adults from different generations of a family

1In an extended familypeople live in different houses[答案]F
2An extend family includes at least three generations[答案]T
3In an extended familychildren are looked after by their grandparents because their parents are traveling around[答案]F
4Extended families can be found all over the world[答案]T
5Children can live happily with their parents and grandparents[答案]T
Joan has been charged with a misdemeanor by asking her 13yearold son to driveputting her child in a dangerous situationIt was Joan's 32nd birthdayso she decided to go out for dinner with her 35yearold boyfriendDonaldas well as her 13yearold sonMikeJoan was so happy that she drank two bottles of wine with her boyfriendWhen it was time to go homeboth Joan and Donald were too drunk to driveThey knew it clearly that both of them couldn't drive home safely after that much wineso they sat in the back seat and asked MikeJoan's 13yearold sonto drive the 2008 Land Rover

1Joan has been charged with driving after drinking[答案]F
2Mike was 35 years old[答案]F
3Joan and Donald were both too drunk to drive[答案]T
4It was the first time for Mike to drive[答案]T
5The police stopped Mike in the middle of the street[答案]F
Last one nighta police officer was waiting outside a noisy bar to look into possible bad behaviorsAt closing timea man walked out unsteadilyfell off the sidewalkand tried his keys in five different cars before he found hisThen he sat in the front seat trying to star this car for quite a few minutesEveryone else left the bar and drove offFinallyhe started his engine and began to pull awayThe police officer came overstopped his carand asked him to do the breath alcohol testThe test results showed a reading of 000This is strangethe officer thoughtHe wondered how that could beThe driver repliedTonight I’m asked to act as if lam drunkNow they are all safe
221判断题The police officer wanted to have a drink[答案]F
222判断题The man who walked out unsteadily from the bar was too drunk[答案]F
223判断题Everyone else left the bar and drove off[答案]T
224判断题The man was too drunk to star this engine[答案]F
225判断题The police officer thought the man was drunk[答案]T
Learning to drive isn’t as simple as people thinkFirst you need a good teacherIts better to have lessons from a qualified driving instructorThese lessons are expensive however but it is worth the money
Proper instructors have special cars with extra mirrors and special controls such as an extra brake pedalThey can use this if you have problems and stop the car themselvesThis gives you confidence when you're learning
As well as worrying about how to use all the controls looking in the mirrors and deciding where you're going you have to workout what other drivers are doingThat’s why its better to learn to drive in the countryside on quiet roads rather than busy roads in town centers
You shouldn't spend too long on your first lessons as there's a lot to rememberIt's better to start with two or three onehour lessons a week then have one twohour lesson a week after thatOf course you also need to get as much extra practice as possibleAsk patient people to help you thoughThen you need to decide on the route before you set off It's also a good idea to discuss what you want to practise each timeMake it clear you don't want any surprises
Concentrate on one thing at a time and you'll quickly become a confident driver
221判断题Lessons from a qualified driving instructor are usually cheap[答案]F
222判断题Proper instructors can stop the car themselves when you have problems[答案]T
223判断题It’s better to learn to drive in town centers[答案]F
224判断题You shouldn't spend too much time on your first lessons[答案]T
225判断题It is better to practice as many as things each time when you learn to drive[答案]T
LOS ANGELESJuly 20 (Xinhua)A masked gunman released tear gas and opened fire into a crowded movie theater in a suburb of Denver early Fridaykilling 12 people and injuring at least 50 otherspolice said
Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates told reporters that the shooteraged 24had been arrested in the parking lot behind the theater

1In the shooting50 people were killed and 12 people were injured[答案]F
2The shooter was arrested[答案]T
3The FBI said that the shooter was from the terror groups[答案]F
4The moviegoers didn't realize the person would shoot at the crowd at first[答案]T
5Only the police went to the mall to help[答案]F
Most of us like chocolate but have you wondered where it comes from or how it is made
Chocolate comes from the AztecsIt was first introduced into Europe by the Spaniardswho lea med about it from the Aztecs at the time of the Spanish invasion of Mexico by Cortes in 1519It was then brought to England around 1657In the United Stateschocolate was first manufactured in 1765By the early 1990sthe USA was producing 12 million tons of chocolate a yearIt is believed that in that yearthe average American ate about 51kilos of chocolate
Chocolate is made from the fruit of the cacao tree which is more commonly known as the cocoa beanThe beans are dried in the suncleaned in special machines and roastedThey are then shelled and ground into chocolate
221判断题Chocolate comes from Europe[答案]F
222判断题Chocolate came into England around 1657[答案]T
223判断题In the United Stateschocolate was first made in 1865[答案]F
224判断题The cacao tree is more commonly known as the cocoa bean[答案]T
225判断题Cocoa beans must be dried and roasted before being shelled and ground into chocolat[答案]T
One study in the United States found that thirtyeight percent of foreign students said they had no close American friends

1A study showed that 38 foreign students had many close American friends[答案]F
2Universities have been working on improving the relationships between foreign and American students[答案]T
3MsGare is thinks taking part in some activities is a good way to improve the relationship[答案]T
4MsGare is says the activities shouldn't be held repeatedly throughout the term[答案]F
5Making friends when they begin school is helpful for the students to create long lasting friendships[答案]T
Susan Brown was in a family way when she was seventeenand became a mother by eighteen
Sadlythe same year her father diedshe was heat broken and had to face reality at a very young ageshe tired hard to take good care of her baby as am other though she herself was still a childShe spent her teenage years in an effort to make her child's childhood happy
Growing up for Susanwas not exactly a family lateSusan smother was only eighteen when she had her daughter In those yearsa very young mother was not as common as it is nowso her mother was laughed at and looked down upon for that Because of thisher father didn’t have feelings for her mother any moreand put Susan into the hands of her grandmotherSusan's grandmother raised her and look care other when she was a teenager
Her poor childhood really shaped the person that she becameEven with the task of raising her babyshe is still able to work full time as a wailress finish high schooland even plans to go to college
221判断题When Susan gave birth to a babyshe was seventeen[答案]F
222判断题Though Susan was still a childshe tried lobe a good mother[答案]T
223判断题Avery young mother in those years was as common as it is now[答案]F
224判断题Susan smother was laughed at and looked down upon by others[答案]T
225判断题Susan sti works hard to live her life[答案]T
The United Kingdom has various bank holidayspublic holidaystraditional holidays and national events scattered across its calendarSome date back hundreds of yearswhile others are more recentHere are just a few of the typical British festivalsThey are also common in many other Western countries
StValentine's Day
StValentine's Day is celebrated every year on the February 14It is the t me to express one's love and for making a proposal of marriage to ones loverTodayStValenti es Day has become popular throughout the woridcommonly known as Valentine’s Day
November 1 is All Saints’ Day in Western countriesThe evening of October 31 is called All Hallows Eveoften called HalloweenHalloween is a favorite festival among kids because they can be naughty and have a lot of fun during the festivalOn All Hallows Evechildren put on scary masks and clothes and walk around to trick others and often visit local houses and ask for candyPeople make papercut Halloween ghostsblack cats and witches as symbols of Halloween
OriginallyChristmas was a religious festivalIt is the birthday of Jesus Christbut over the years it has gradually become an international cultural holidayChristmas is very popular in many Western countriesChristmas is normally celebrated by having a family gettogether and eating a large lunch togetherEven though Christmas is celebrated every year on December 25the Christmas Season usually lasts two weeksDuring this seasonpeople write and send Christmas greet g cards around the worid and exchange good wishes and greetings between people by telephone and Internet
221判断题All festivals celebrated in England can date back 100 years or more[答案]F
222判断题Todaypeople all over the world know StValentines Day[答案]T
223判断题Halloween falls on the end of November[答案]F
224判断题Symbols of Halloween include ghostsblack cats and witches[答案]T
225判断题The birthday of Jesus Christ is on December 25[答案]T
The United States is a very large countryIt has many different kinds of landscapes and different kinds of people
In the Eastthe county side is green and freshHere are some of the first states and some of the big citiesNewYork and the capital Washington DCare in the East
In the Souththere is the beautiful city of New Orleansthe capital of jazzIt is sometimes hot hereand the people here are very different from those in the East
The Central Plains of the United States are fertile with big fields of wheat and com
In the SouthWest it is often hot and dryBut the deserts and mountains are beautiful And Californiaon the West Coastis famous as aparadisestate
The weather in the MidWest near the Great Lakesis often cold and windyand there is a lot of snow in winter
221判断题The United States has various landscapes[答案]T
222判断题In the Norththere is the beautiful city of New Orleans[答案]F
223判断题The Central Plains of the United Stales are fertile with wheat and com[答案]T
224判断题In the SouthWest it is often hot land moist[答案]F
225判断题The weather in the MidWest is often cold and windy[答案]T
We are pleased to announce that the winner of this year's Teaching Award goes to DrMarie

26Marie is the winner of this year's Teaching Award[答案]T
27Marie graduated from Yale University in 1983[答案]F
28Marie was appointed to Professor in 2006[答案]T
29Marie was the president of American Association of Distance Education during 20092011[答案]F
30Marie has done a great contribution to American distance education[答案]T
Zhang Hua is introducing Bai Mei to his middle school classmate Liu Hui
Zhang Hua HiLiu HuiNice to see you hereHow are you doing
Liu Hui OhZhang HuaI'm doing wellHow about you

26Liu Hui and Zhang Hua are familiar with each other[答案]T
27Liu Hui and Bai Mei have met each other before[答案]F
28Zhang Hua introduces Bai Mei to Liu Hui[答案]T
29Only Liu Hui is a student at the Open Umvers1ty[答案]F
30Bai Mei enrolled at the Law School last week[答案]F
第五题 翻译题
A large family may have more than two generationsand there are more than two adults from different generations of a family
Abusers use fear guilt shame to wear you down and keep you under hi or her thumb
Boys' and girls' way of communication also differ greatly
Breaking ice is a good way to make friends
But you knowI had to give up the chance to work in a big company
Don't get confused by dreams and goals
Drinkdriving was listed as a dangerous offence in China in 2014
Drunk driving is a dangerous offence
Even though Christmas is celebrated every year on December 25the Christmas Season usually last st weeks
Even though he left school at 16 he still managed to become the Prime Minister
Growing upfor Susanwas not exactly a fairy tale
He drank some Red Bull in order to stay sober enough to drive
He focused his mind on his lesson
He has drunk too much to drive home safely
He is facing a heavy fine because of running the red light
He is slim with a light complexion
Her father put Susan into the hands of her grandmother
Houyi cried for the loss of his wife
I am very sorry for coming late but something urgent came up at the last minute
I had to give up the chance to work in a big company
I heard you work parttime at the City Social Work Center
I hope l can join your company when l graduate from Yale
I hope I can join your company when I graduate from Yale
I need to find out who helped me
I need to find out who helped me
I used to take care of the elderly at a nursing home when I was in middle school
I want to know when he is leaving for New York tomorrow
I’m not good at making friends with my colleagueslet alone my boss
If she had a car she would give me a lift
In order to be employedyou need to make a very good first impression
In order to be employed you need to make a very good first impression
In those yearsa very young mother was not as common as it is nowso her mother was at and looked down upon for that
In those yearsa very young mother was not as common as it is now
It will not help the situation
Passersby were shocked to see the group
Police asked students to always be on their guard when walking to school
Police asked students always be on their guard when walking to school

She is a very worthy winner of this year's Teaching Award
She says efforts on how to improve relationships between foreign and Amer an students have yet to be studied in detail
She wanted to set up her own company to invest in films
Some of the ticket machines require exact money
Special congratulations go to the winnerswhose work has demonstrated not only a high level of academic excellencebut also creativity and original thought
Susan Brown was in a family way when she was seventeen and became a mother by eighteen
Susan Brown was in a family way when she was seventeen
The authors have insisted that these stories will only ever be available in book form
The longer the trip is the higher the cost of the ticket
The MidAutumn Festival as the name suggestsfails on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month
The new law sees drunk driving as a crime
The possibilities range from cafes to highclass restaurants
Then you need to decide on the route before you set off
There was food and drink on the table but all people had vanish
There's a certain beauty in being a lone wolf
They find out what kinds of help people need
They tend to blame themselves for the abuse and make excuses for the abuser
They thought the attack was part of the show when they saw a person appearing at the theater during the moviepointing a gun at the crowd
They were too drunk to tell him clearly what to do
Those who break the traffic law should be punished
Those who break the traffic law should be punished
We are pleased to announce that the winner of this year's Teaching Award goes to DrMarie Dagenais
What are we supposed to do
What time are you available
You deserve to feel valuedrespectedand safe
You need to turn your dreams into action
You've been working so hard for it
Zhang Dan is good at swimming




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第一类:首句为空白的试题[首字母L]―___________________―Less than 50 miles per hour.[答案]How fast were you driving?[首字母I]―___________________―It's dark brown.[答案]What color is his hair?第二类:次句为空白的试题[首字母A]―Albert,this is Jim.

h***s 2年前 上传3260   0


第一大题 交际用语[首字母音序A]―Are you confident enough?―____________________.[答案]Yes,I think being confident is one of my strong points.[首字母音序A]-Are you thinking of a domestic trip or going abroad?-_____________

h***s 2年前 上传901   0


第一大题 交际用语[首字母音序A]-Are you confident enough?-___________________A.It's nothing serious.B.It doesn't matter.C.Yes,I think being confident is one of my strong points.[答案]C-Are you thinking of a domestic trip or going abroad?-___________________

h***s 2年前 上传821   0


第一大题 交际用语[首字母音序A]-Albert,this is Jim.-_________Jim?A.Pleased to see you,B.How do you do,C.Thank you,[答案]B-Are you a member of the_________? -I'm her brother.A.houseB.household

h***s 2年前 上传5790   0


[首字母音序A]A large family may have more than two generations,and there are more than two adults from different generations of a family.[答案]一个大家庭的成员至少包括三代、含有至少两个来自不同辈分的成年人。[首字母音序A]Abusers use fear, guilt, shame to wear you down and keep you under hi or her thumb.

h***s 2年前 上传2090   0


[2022秋期]3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》期末一体化考试第二大题词汇与结构题库[首字母音序A]__________a result of his hard work, he gained a d mission to Beijing University.A.ForB.AsC.Due[答案]B[首字母音序D]_________day of June is Intern

h***s 2年前 上传762   0


[2022秋期]3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》期末一体化考试第一大题交际用语题库[首字母音序A]-Albert,this is Jim.-_________Jim?[答案]How do you do,[首字母音序A]-Are you a member of the_________?-I'm her brother.[答案]household[首字母音序A]-Are

h***s 2年前 上传765   0


[2022秋期]3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》期末一体化考试第三大题阅读选择题库[试题首字母音序D]Do you lack friends?Do you want to make more friends?If so,you may read on...There’s a certain beauty in being a lonely wolf,You have more time

h***s 2年前 上传10631   0


[2022秋期]3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》期末一体化考试第四大题阅读判断题库[试题首字母音序A]Are you waiting for your dreams to come true and change your life?I'm sorry to tell you that dreams won't come true.It's your goals that can fo

h***s 2年前 上传1815   0


第一大题 交际用语[首字母音序A]-Anything else I can do for you?-______Thank you!A.Yes.B.That's all.C.My pleasure.[答案]B-Are you ready,folks?-___________________A.Yes,I'm ready.I'll have the vegetable salad.

h***s 2年前 上传894   0


[2022秋期版]3894国开电大专科《理工英语1》期末一体化考试题库说明:题目为随机组合。第一大题 交际用语[首字母音序A]-A:________are the most popular things people buy online?-B:Definitely,clothes.A.What do you thinkB.How do you thinkC.How abo

h***s 2年前 上传1562   0


[2022秋期]3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》网上形考任务(单元自测1至8)试题及答案说明:题目为随机。[题目]―Hi! How are you doing?―___________________A.That's all rightB.How are you doing?C.I'm doing well[答案]C[题目]―Albert,this is Jim.―____

h***s 2年前 上传1002   0


3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》期末一体化考试(第五套)第一大题、交际用语(单选题)(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。1.-Hello.May I speak to Tom?-_________He is comingA.Who is thatB.Sorry,he's outC.Hold on a moment[答案]C2.-Can l borr

h***s 2年前 上传1050   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。1.-Is there anything serious,doctor?-_____________A.I’m going to have another check.B.No,just stay in bed and drink some water.C.You can go home tomorrow.[答案]B2.-Which language do you speak at home?-_____________A.I can speak English and French.

h***s 2年前 上传721   0


3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》期末一体化考试(第十套)第一大题、交际用语(单选题)(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。1.It's so glad to meet you here!Here,this is Cathleen,my fiancee.-_______________A.Hello,you are so hot.B.Good to know

h***s 2年前 上传1806   0


3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》期末一体化考试(第二套)第一大题、交际用语(单选题)(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。1.-Do you know that David injured his leg yesterday?-__________________A.Who did that?B.How did that happen?C.What's

h***s 2年前 上传830   0


第一大题、交际用语(单选题)(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。1.-It’scold here.Do you mind if l close the window?-_______________A.Sure,please.B.No,please.C.Idon’t like it[答案]A2.-Do you mind my smoking here?-_______________A.Yes,I do.B.No.thanksC.Good idea.[答案]B

h***s 2年前 上传1093   0


3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》期末一体化考试(第一套)第一大题、交际用语(单选题)(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。1.-What's the weather like in your hometown?-_____________A.l like the food there.B.Its cold in winter and hot in summ

h***s 2年前 上传2906   0


3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》期末一体化考试(第十一套)第一大题、交际用语(单选题)(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。1.-Thank you for inviting me.-_______________A.I really had a happy time.B.Thank you for coming C.Oh,it's too late.

h***s 2年前 上传2247   0


3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》期末一体化考试(第三套)第一大题、交际用语(单选题)(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。1.-It’s cold here.Do you mind if l close the window?-_______________A.Sure,pleaseB.No,please.C.I don't like it[答案]A

h***s 2年前 上传1222   0


3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》期末一体化考试(第六套)第一大题、交际用语(单选题)(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。1.-If you play basketball on Saturday or Sunday, I’d like to play with you.How about this Saturday afternoon?-__________

h***s 2年前 上传1280   0


3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》期末一体化考试(第九套)第一大题、交际用语(单选题)(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。1.-I got a promotion in my company.-_______________A.Pretty well, I guess.B.That's fine.C. Congratulations on your pr

h***s 2年前 上传703   0


[2022春期]3937国开电大专科《人文英语2》期末一体化考试题库说明:题目为随机组合。第一大题 交际用语第一类:首句为空白的试题[首字母I]—____________________.—I agree with you.[答案]I think we should bring back death penalty for serious crimes.―__________

h***s 2年前 上传1500   0


[2022春期]3936国开电大专科《商务英语2》期末一体化考试题库说明:试题为随机组合。第一大题 交际用语[首字母音序A]-As you know,I’m not quite familiar with how to shop online.-It’s a piece of cake! I’ll show you how to do it. 回撤A.Fir

h***s 2年前 上传754   0


第一大题 交际用语[首字母音序A]-Any suggestions for the project? -_______________A.I need your advice on it.B.I advise you to put more hands in this project.C.Thanks for your suggestions.[答案]B

h***s 2年前 上传11111   0