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诚信英语演讲稿 篇7诚信英语演讲稿 篇8诚信英语演讲稿 篇9
Ladies and Gentlemen My topic is Honesty
As a correspondent of the Qingdao Morning News I visited Dr James Gilman the President of the International Committee for Marco Polo Studies in England In this picture this is James and this is me and we are looking at a dragons tooth This is a true story
65 years ago James lived in Qingdao Then he was only 5 years old He often visited the Aquarium and was fascinated by a creature on display there which he thought was a dragon He was afraid of its sharp teeth and wanted one to keep as a treasure
In the late 1930s when the Japanese occupied Qingdao his family had to leave On his last day in Qingdao he ran to the Aquarium and pulled out one of the teeth from the dragons mouth
He kept the tooth for the next 65 years but the feeling of guilt at having stolen it was there in the background all through his life It was always on his conscience and the feeling intensified as he became older Finally he decided to put right his childish error In 20xx he visited Qingdao and returned it to the Aquarium with his sincere apologies He received a warm welcome
诚信英语演讲稿 篇10
Ladies and Gentlemen
My topic is Honesty As a correspondent of the Qingdao Morning News I visited Dr James Gilman the President of the International Committee for Marco Polo Studies in England In this picture this is James and this is me and we are looking at a dragons tooth This is a true story
65 years ago James lived in Qingdao Then he was only 5 years old He often visited the Aquarium and was fascinated by a creature on display there which he thought was a dragon He was afraid of its sharp teeth and wanted one to keep as a treasure
In the late 1930s when the Japanese occupied Qingdao his family had to leave On his last day in Qingdao he ran to the Aquarium and pulled out one of the teeth from the dragons mouth
He kept the tooth for the next 65 years but the feeling of guilt at having stolen it was there in the background all through his life It was always on his consience and the feeling intensified as he became older Finally he decided to put right his childish error In 20xx he visited Qingdao and returned it to the Aquarium with his sincere apologies He received a warm welcome
When James visited Qingdao I accompanied him all the time and reported on his visit I was deeply touched by his honesty It has taught me a lot I think to err is human The important thing is to have the courage to admit and correct ones error
Honesty is a vital quality of human behaviour So we should try to keep an honest mind in everything we say and do I would like to say to all of my friends Lets be honest people of good moral character
Thank you
诚信英语演讲稿 篇11
As is vividly depicted in the picture with a clear cracking sound two bowls clashed into each other in which the shinning one keeps its integrity whereas the shabby one breaks into pieces Just like being symbolically revealed in the set of drawing the fact that the intact bowl as a symbol of solyinvested companies overwhelms the broken bowl representing the stateowned companies with collision standing for fierce companies profoundly indicates that it is time that our stateowned companies entailed reform especially after chinas entry into WTO when facing solyinvested companies abroad
To the popular mind it is immediately assumed that when reform in stateowned companies is argued it is car industry that is meant To account for the abovementioned phenomenon several points should be figured out For one thing some of car industries once enjoyed the glorious past They have however gradually lost their market shares when soly invested companies were sweeping into domestic market For another in order to turn the corner the leaders of them should adopt the policy of reform such as acquisition reengineering and introduction of advanced technology and concepts of management No better illustration of this idea can be thought than the example mentioned below No 1 Motor Vehicle Plant has witnessed from predicament to rejuvenation through none other than effective steps mentioned above Therefore no issue is as critical to individual and national survival and prosperity as reform in stateowned companies
Accordingly it is vital for us to derive some positive meanings from this thoughtprovoking picture It is hence necessary that efforts be made to follow the spirit of reform concerning stateowned companies On one hand the government should make law to perfect irrational rules and regulations being visible in reform process On the other hand the leaders of stateowned companies should enhance the awareness of reform Only by undergoing these steps can our more stateowned companies become members of Top 500 in the world which indeed has gone to the heart of maintaining good momentum of national economy growth
诚信英语演讲稿 篇12
With our world developingmore and more people neglect how to conduct theirselvesWhat is the most common reflection of this phenomenon is dishonestywhich is now seriously influencing relationship between people
Being dishonest can do harm not only to others but also to ourselvesthuswe must get aware of the importance of boycoting itTake the case of the Sanlu powder for exampleAfter drinking Sanlu fake powderlots of babies got sick and had big headsneverthelesstheir bodies still thinPeople hateful too muchthe Sanlu corporation expectedly get punished and never have choice to make up their faults
When it comes to the significances of being honestI considerwe will make good relationship bewteen otherssuch as in the school in the busineand in the societyFurthermoreonly if we are honest to others can others become friendly to usThereforecultivate a virtue of honesty and we will get better





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青春与诚信英语演讲稿  敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们。大家好!今天我们演讲的题目是《让青春与诚信通行》在青春的道路上,诚信是每一个人必不可少的东西。诚信是一种坚不可摧的信念,是一种品德,更是人类一声的追求。  一个人有了诚信,就有了真正的生活的动力的核心,人并不能做到百分之百的诚信,但人只要遵守自己的诺言对待他人。就已经是一种高尚的品德了,对于我们来说,正值青春年华,更要秉承这种品质。我们所

a***n 11年前 上传528   0


如何写好英语演讲稿无论在学习还是工作中,我们都会接触或用到各类英语演讲,小到课堂作业和工作汇报,大到会议发言和职位竞选。那么如何才能打造一篇精彩的英语演讲稿呢?下面笔者就以乔布斯2019年斯坦福大学毕业演讲稿为范本来具体剖析一下英语演讲稿的写作要点,帮助大家了解其基本写作要领。I’d just turned 30.”数据很直观,能让听众更直接地认识和理解演讲内容。   结尾有“道”,画龙点睛

/***. 4年前 上传655   0


诚信演讲稿范文500字〔精选16篇〕 诚信演讲稿范文500字〔精选16篇〕 诚信演讲稿范文500字 篇1 “不好啦,不好入库!我那最心爱的尺子不见了!那可是我最珍贵的东西呀!'圆圆难过地喊叫着,一边叫还一边哭着。她的好伴侣葵花嘟嘟赶忙赶了过来,劝慰着她说:“圆圆,别哭了,我们再帮你买一把,好吗?'“不,那是我的东西,你是不懂的!'圆圆对葵花嘟嘟说。 这时,欢快豆蹦蹦跳

静***雅 1年前 上传196   0


诚信演讲稿800字〔精选17篇〕 诚信演讲稿800字〔精选17篇〕 诚信演讲稿800字 篇1 大家上午好,我今日国旗下演讲的题目是:诚信——从你我做起。 下面先给大家讲一个有关“诚恳节〞的故事:美国有一个州每年的5月2日人们都要过“诚恳节〞。据说是为了纪念一个叫旦南的小男孩。旦南5岁时双亲去世,被一个贪财的酒店老板诺顿收容。8岁那年的一个晚上,小旦南觉察了诺顿和他的老

静***雅 1年前 上传195   0


青春与诚信英语演讲稿青春与诚信英语演讲稿  Beloved teacher, dear students. Hello, everyone. Today our topic is let the youth and integrity pass in the path of youth, integrity is one essential thing. Good faith is a ki

和***6 3年前 上传445   0


关于诚信的作文六篇 【篇一】 行走于世间,我们面临着太多的诱惑。拒绝诱惑的方法是——选择诚信。 诚信,就是诚实守信。说起来容易,做起来可有点难,要拿出曾子杀猪时的坚决。华盛顿在父亲大发雷霆时站出来承认错误的勇气……这些非一般人所能及,但我们还必须选择诚信。 在一个飘浮着橘黄光景的美丽黄昏,我去文具店买了一本作文本。因为顾客较多,营业员阿姨想尽快让顾客买到物品,便让我自己拿。我拿了本子以后

/***. 5年前 上传876   0


诚信的演讲稿  近年来,人们对诚信的呼吁越来越强烈,这也许并不是中国古人的诚信记录比现在好得多,而是现在人们的诚信意识在缓慢地苏醒。这恰如分蛋糕一样,早些时候,我们的面前其实没有蛋糕,所以大家一团和气,没有什么可以争执的东西。现在我们所处的时代,大概是有了一个蛋糕可供众人分配,但蛋糕不够大,并不能保证每一个人可分得心满意足的一块,况且又没有特别清晰可信的分蛋糕的规则,结果众生你争我夺甚至尔虞

D***g 9年前 上传497   0


诚信演讲稿:诚信考试,诚信做人  时间过得很快,开学仿佛还是昨天,转眼间本周我们就要期中考试了。考试是检验同学们学习成果的最好方式,更是展现我们学校优良学风的重要窗口。考试也是一种考验,一种让我们敢于正确评价自己,勇于承认学习上的失误和不足,严于自我约束的考验。满怀信心地迎接期中考试,争取优异的成绩,是我们共同的心愿,为了我们在期中考试中能够获得成功,我希望大家在以下几个方面要做好充分的准备

s***8 9年前 上传551   0


精选2016诚信演讲稿:诚信做人,诚信考试  尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:  大家好!  今天我国旗下演讲的题目是“诚信做人,诚信考试”。  风来了又走,花开了又落,又是一秋繁华!时光飞逝,不经意间,本学期的学习已步入尾声。我们迎来了期末考试,自古以来考场上少不了二字,便是诚信。“诚信做人,诚信考试”说出来就像是天经地义一般平常。诚实守信是每个学生所应遵守的准则。自古以来,读书人都

h***8 8年前 上传644   0


诚信演讲稿――人人讲“诚信”,世界更美好演讲稿  老师、同学们:   大家好!我演讲的题目是《人人讲“诚信”,世界更美好》。诚信,就是要诚实、守信用,对自己、对他人、对集体要有责任感。它既是中华民族的传统美德,也是我们每个人应该做到的最起码的道德标准。我们的父母和老师常常用他们的言行教导我们:“从小就要做一个有诚信的人。”记得在元旦前夕,为了让教室的环境布置更漂亮些,我请求妈妈抽空到班上

s***m 9年前 上传499   0


诚信的英语作文15篇  诚信的英语作文(一):  Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act。 He who lies and cheats is dishonest。Those who gain fortunes not by hard labour but by other means is dish

四***廷 4年前 上传908   0


会计诚信演讲稿 ——诚信,升腾着民族的希望  尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的同仁: 大家好! 我叫XXX,来自XX县财政局,今天我演讲的题目是《诚信,升腾着民族的希望》。 诚信一词,古以有之,从“一言九鼎、一诺千金”到“言必行,行必果”;从曾子杀猪取信于子到刘邦守义约法三章;从樊无期舍身守信到诸葛亮以诚受托孤。悠悠千载,诚信始终是中华民族的优良传统,是中华儿女的高尚品德。 记得前年

h***n 11年前 上传10343   0


尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:  大家上午好!  今天很荣幸能够站在这个舞台上,今天我演讲的题目是:《诚信做人,诚信考试》  诚信就是待人处事真诚、诚恳、讲信誉,诚实守信。诚信

自***路 2年前 上传403   0


大学生诚信演讲稿:谁给诚信标个价  XX年广东省高考大规模作弊案曝光,而当年的考题正是那个关于“抛弃诚信”故事;火刃2年北大社会学系年轻教授王铭铭的专著《想象的异邦》约有十方字的内容抄袭自主教授本人参与翻译的《当代人类学》;XX年河南省所有高校结成了科技诚信联盟;么狈年宁波大学毕业生在他们的毕业论文上郑重申明:本论文纯属个人研究成果,如发现有剿窃,本人愿承担一切后果。   说到这我不禁想

z***0 8年前 上传471   0


诚信演讲稿:以诚信为荣  在社会主义市场经济的条件下,“假”、“虚”、“骗”正在成为一种“公害”。似乎“骗”能“发财”、“虚”能“升官”,谎言正在误国。为此,需要大力提倡求真务实的“诚”德。市场经济是“契约经济”,订立“合同”与遵守“合同”,都讲究一个“信”字。人无信不立,家无信不睦,业无信不兴,国无信不宁。  一、何谓诚信? 诚信,从一定意义上说,是忠诚老实、遵守信用的简称。诚信包含了

落***舞 11年前 上传847   0


诚信演讲稿:诚信值千金  同事们:  大家好!  今天我们一起演讲的题目是诚信值千金。   诚信是中华民族的美德,是我国自故以来尊奉的道德原则,一个人只有诚信才能得到别人的信任和尊敬。那什麽是诚信,顾名思义就是:诚实守信。市场经济不仅仅是法制经济,更是诚信经济。离开了人类的诚实本性,不讲道德信誉,市场经济的大厦就宛如建立在失去坚实基础的沙滩上,任何风吹潮涨都会使大厦顷刻崩塌。从而

A***e 12年前 上传596   0


诚信演讲稿:诚信迎来灿烂的明天  各位领导,同志们,大家好:  今天我演讲的题目是,我以诚信为荣,努力做好本职工作.我所以选择这个题目,因为我是商业战线上的一名员工,我的岗位和职责是负责食品的质量和安全.商业是社会经济的一个细胞,它联系着千家万户的利益,关系着国计和民生.作为商业企业的一名员工,以诚信为信条,以货真价实为准则,人才能立,事才能成,业才能旺,国才能强.xx倡导的“八荣八耻“

风***然 10年前 上传451   0


学生诚信演讲稿――人人讲诚信  老师、同学们:   大家好!我演讲的题目是《人人讲“诚信”,世界更美好》。   诚信,就是要诚实、守信用,对自己、对他人、对集体要有责任感。它既是中华民族的传统美德,也是我们每个人应该做到的最起码的道德标准。我们的父母和老师常常用他们的言行教导我们:“从小就要做一个有诚信的人。”   记得在元旦前夕,为了让教室的环境布置更漂亮些,我请求妈妈抽空到班

h***3 11年前 上传712   0


诚信演讲稿:什么是诚信  诚信是社会最普遍也是最基本的伦理价值需要.当今社会,不仅经济活动需要诚信,党风,政风和行风建设也都需要诚信.党的xx大报告明确提出,要以诚实守信为重点,加强全社会的思想道德建设.那么,什么是诚信  诚信是由“诚“和“信“两个概念组成的.诚,就是真诚,诚实;信,就是守承诺,讲信用.通俗地讲,诚信就是说老实话,办老实事,做老实人.诚实守信是中华民族的传统美德.哲人的

L***6 12年前 上传607   0


诚信演讲稿――诚信,守住心灵的契约  随着社会的进步,人们诚信的意识也在逐步增强。诚信是什么?农民说,诚信是秋天里结出的丰硕果实;老师说,诚信是师生之间白玉般纯洁的感情;工人说,诚信是劳作后生产出质高价优的产品。简而言之,诚信是个人的立身之本,民族的存亡之根。诚信是雨,洗涤着人们心灵的尘埃。诚信是雷,震撼着人们虚伪的灵魂。诚实守信,是中华民族的传统美德,它早已融入了我们民族的血液中。  

樱***源 11年前 上传465   0


诚信演讲稿:诚信之国  中国是个五千年的文明古国,诚信一向是中国人引以为傲的美德,“人无信而不立”,童叟无欺的故事熏陶了我们几千年。然而,近年来,信用违规的事情却不绝于耳。有家报社曾做过调查,信用危机位居腐败之后成为阻碍中国经济发展的第二大因素,信用危机导致企业生产经营成本增加15%。这不能不让人感到恐惧。试想,生活在一个无信用的社会中,你的眼睛还可以相信谁?衣食住行,你在消费之前必须确认:

k***a 12年前 上传626   0


诚信演讲稿:诚信赢得未来  大家好!今天我谈谈公民道德的一个话题——诚信。  说到诚信,我想起小时候听到的“狼来了”的故事,从中懂得了好孩子要诚实,不能说谎。我又想起了去年的高考作文题:有一个年轻人跋涉在漫长的人生路上,到了一个渡口的时候,他已经拥有了“健康”、“美貌”、“诚信”、“机敏”、“才学”,“金钱”、“荣誉”七个背囊。渡船开出时风平浪静,不久便风起云涌,小船上下颠簸,险象环生。

a***n 10年前 上传492   0


诚信演讲稿:社会需要诚信  各位同仁,大家好!  我叫x x ,来自车管科,我演讲的题目是《社会需要诚信》。  所谓诚信,就是指诚实守信,表里如一,言行一致。  诚信这一做人准则一直被世人深刻理解并传承。大教育家孔子说过:“人而无信,不知其可”,美国科学家思想家本杰明•富兰克林也说过;“一个人失足可以马上站立起来、失信将永远难以挽回”。《狼来了》这部家喻户晓的童话,也被译成其他语

j***p 7年前 上传433   0


诚信演讲稿:诚信的明天会更好  亲爱的老师、同学们,大家好!  我今天演讲的题目是《诚信的明天会更好》。我们的祖国是一个有着悠久历史、灿烂文明的大国。中华民族是一个勤劳、勇敢、智慧、开放的民族。在50xx年的历史长河中,中华文化哺育着中华儿女。传统的信用文化像一颗璀璨的明珠,光照人间。诚信是中华民族宝贵的精神财富。诚信是中国人民的光荣传统和  崇高美德。诚信具有强大的向心力和凝聚力。

B***n 11年前 上传604   0


3.15诚信演讲稿:诚信与我们  尊敬的老师、同学们,大家好:  今天我演讲的题目是3.15・诚信与我们:  当三月温和的阳光迎春飘洒,一切美好的食物都在不断地萌发、成长。从雷锋纪念日到三八妇女节,从植树节到“三・一五”国际消费者权益日,三月除了带给我们转醒萌发的草木,也带来了诚信与责任对我们的拷问  下面我给大家讲述一个行业背后的黑幕:在一个造纸厂院子里,堆放的垃圾纸足足有上百

l***0 11年前 上传529   0