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译林版(2020)选择性必修第三册:Unit3 Back to the past Reading同步课时作业(含答案)




Unit 3 Back to the past Welcome to the unit &Reading—20212022学年高二英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第三册步课时作业
1The family made an official complaint to a ship's officer which was recorded in the ________(航海日志)
2Shortly after the train ________(离开) the conductor comes to collect tickets
3She volunteered to attend to the worst injured soldier because there was a serious ________(短缺) of nurses
4It was March 11 2011 when magnitude90 earthquake struck Japan and __________() tsunami triggered the largescale crisis
5__________(谐) campus needs every one of us to work together
regardless of set sail for on board insist on on behalf of load with pay a visit to as far as set foot on be remembered as
1 It is thought that Zheng He a Chinese in the Ming Dynasty may have been the first person who  _____________  America from the East
2 All passengers  _____________  are expected to fasten the seat belts when the plane takes off and lands
3 She  _____________  going to Africa to study the animals there even though her family asked her not to
4 To keep the town clean the truck _____________  garbage is prevented entering the town
5 Today he  _____________  a great sculptor painter and architect
6 The day will soon come when man will  _____________  another planet
7 What would have happened had Bob walked farther  _____________  the riverbank
8 The leader will  _____________  a team made up of over200 people
9 They are determined to go into the dark cave  _____________  my warning of danger
10  _____________ our school I would like to express our warm welcome to you
    In early November of 1503 during Christopher Columbus's fourth and final trip to America his ship was seriously damaged in a storm Columbus and his men had to live on a small island for several months while they tried to repair their ship and return to Spain
    At first the local people on the island were very kind to the European visitors giving them all the food and clothes they needed to survive However as months passed the local people became more and more unhappy with their guests who were tricking and stealing from them Finally the locals decided to stop helping Without food or any way to leave the island Columbus's group was soon in serious trouble
    Luckily for Columbus he had a book about the stars and planets on his ship It described the movements of all the objects in the night sky The book written by a wellknown German scientist said there would be a total lunar eclipse(月全食) on the evening of February 29 1504 and how long it would last
    Columbus worked out the difference in time between Germany and North America He then had a meeting with the local leaders just before the eclipse would take place In this meeting Columbus told them his god was angry because the local people were no longer giving food So his god would take away the moon to punish them The moment Columbus finished talking just as he had planned the moon began disappearing
    The local leaders grew panicked and quickly agreed to provide Columbus with food and anything else he wanted But first Columbus's god had to return the moon Columbus told them he would have to discuss the idea with his god on his ship Knowing the moon would stay completely hidden for about 48 minutes Columbus returned just before the moon began to reappear From that day on until they finally left Columbus and his men no longer had any trouble getting the food they needed
1The local people became angry because the Europeans _______
Alooked very different Bhad nothing to trade
Cwere cheats and thieves Dwanted to take their land
2Where did Columbus learn about the total lunar eclipse
AFrom a book BFrom the moon
CFrom his group DFrom the locals
3What did Columbus do after returning to his ship on the night of the meeting
AHe discussed the problem with his god BHe waited for the total lunar eclipse to finish
CHe read about the stars and planets DHe told his men what happened
4What can we learn about the Europeans from the passage
AThey all believed in God BThey never returned to Spain
CThey admired the local people DThey caused their own problems
    The story I'm going to tell you happened two years ago when I was in high school in Poland I came to school early on a sunny day     1     I felt that there was something wrong Students of my class were behaving     2    
    I noticed that Tom was absent from school that day Later I     3     what happened Tom had got sick and had lung cancer a very serious disease It was     4     for my friends and me I couldn't believe that this had happened to him He was so     5     and he was good at sports
    Anyhow he had lung cancer so he had to have a(n)     6     It was successful After that he returned to school and felt very good Twice a month he went back to the     7     for medical examinations just to make sure that everything was going well
    One day the doctors noticed that the cancer had     8     to his brain When I heard this     9     I felt like bursting into tears Why does this happen to him It is not     10    
    A lot of my friends     11     their faith and hope and they even thought that there was no     12     for him to live but they were wrong Tom was eager to live and he said No way I'm not going to     13     I will fight
    The doctors performed another operation on his brain The operation     14     well and now he feels great and everything is fine From Tom's     15     I learned that whatever happens in our lives we can't give up or lose heart
1Athough     Bbut     Cbecause     Dso
2Astrangely     Bbadly     Cnaturally    Dintently
3Aspoke out     Bpointed out     Cworked out     Dfound out
4Adisappointing     Bfrightening     Cshocking     Damusing
5Arighteous     Bhumorous     Cclever     Dhealthy
6Amotive     Bappointment    Copportunity     Doperation
7Astadium     Bhospital    Caccomodation     Dsuburb
8Aadapted     Badjusted     Cturned     Dspread
9Aresearch     Bevidence     Cidea     Dinformation
10Afair     Bperfect     Clegal     Dreliable
11Aheld     Blost     Crebuilt     Dkept
12Aneed     Bwonder     Cchance     Ddoubt
13Agive off     Bgive up     Cgive out     Dgive in
14Awent     Bdid     Cworked     Dperformed
15Amisfortune     Bachievement     Caccident     Dexperience



答案:1set sail for
2on board
3insisted on
4 loaded with
5is remembered as
6set foot on
7as far as
8pay a visit to
9regardless of
10On behalf of

解析:1细节理解题根第二段中However as months passed the local people became more and more unhappy with their guests who were tricking and stealing from them知客越越满客总欺骗偷东西ABD三选项文中没提选C项
2细节理解题根第三段中Luckily for Columbus he had a book about the stars and planets on his ship It described the movements of all the objects in the night skya total lunar eclipse知哥伦布书中解月全食选A项
4推理判断题首先AB选项出现绝化描述all never文中找两选项排AB外通读全文知欧洲欺骗非崇拜C项符合文意第二段中who were tricking and stealing from them判断欧洲欺骗偷东西引起满导致问题选D项

2根文中I felt that there was something wrong文提Tom患严重疾病推知处指班里学表现异常选A
3联系文知作者知Tom患严重疾病found out符合语境
5根文he was good at sports推断出身体健康选D
6根空It was successful段中The doctors performed another operation知处指需做手术选D
7根文medical examinations知月回医院进行两次体检确保切正常
10根Tom幸遭遇空前Why does this happen to him知作者感叹公
11作者许朋友失信心希甚认Tom没机会存活然坚强文章句中give up or lose heart信息提示
13根文I will fight推断出Tom会放弃文章句话重现信息选give up
14根文now he feels great and everything is fine知手术进展利go(事情)进展进行意选A




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