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五年级下册英语学案-Unit 5 On the beach (无答案)




Unit 5 On the beach

1.学会听说读列词汇:baby blood boat call city clear close cloudy come along fine hurt island most pass by rain rock sand sun sunny too tourist windy

2.学会:问句What's the weather likeHow's the weather答句It's finesunnycloudy谈天气


(1)What's the weather like
(2)How's the weather
(3)It's finesunnycloudy

baby blood boat call city clear close cloudy come along fine hurt island most pass by rain rock sand sun sunny too tourist windy

①What's the weather like
②How's the weather
③It's finesunnycloudy

S1 What's the weather like How's the weather
S2 It's finesunnycloudy

(1)放风筝 ____________
(2)骑马 ____________
(3)海里游泳 ____________
(4)收集贝壳 ____________
(5)骑行车 ____________





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五年级下册英语学案-Unit 2 Life in the Arctic (无答案)

Unit 2 Life in the Arctic【学习目标】1.学会听、说、读下列词汇:come to a stop, early, earth, go fishing, grandma, grandpa, hill, ice, lake, North Pole, polar bear, pull, shopping mall, snow, South Pole, will.2.学会

的***有 9个月前 上传223   0

五年级下册英语学案-Unit 3 Television (无答案)

Unit 3 Television【学习目标】1.学会听、说、读下列词汇:call, different, interesting, nature, only, science fiction, star, sweet, television, thousand, true, usually, want, while.2.学会使用:“sb. likes/doesn't like …(

的***有 9个月前 上传210   0

五年级下册英语学案-Unit 6 Adventures (无答案)

Unit 6 Adventures【学习目标】1.学会听、说、读下列词汇:adventure, afraid, age, alone, bank, be afraid of, born to, coat, cowboy hat, dark, good at, ground, hero, horror film, hot, last. pancake, proud, ride, short

的***有 1年前 上传541   0

五年级下册英语学案-Unit 1 A phone call (无答案)

Unit 1 A phone call【学习目标】1.学会听、说、读下列词汇:ask, before, call, do shopping, Easter Bunny, get, ill, mobile phone, over there, paint, phone box, phone call, programme, see you tomorrow, something, wait

的***有 9个月前 上传228   0

五年级下册英语学案-Module 5 Safety Unit 10 How to stay safe(无答案)

Unit 10 How to stay safe【学习目标】1.学习文章的具体内容.2.了解文章想要表达的含义.【学习重难点】1.了解图片中对话的内容.2.将学习到的英语知识进行应用.【学习过程】一、新知学习1.课文中指出了8条我们在马路上该做和不该做的事,请将它们翻译出来.2.判断下列行为是否正确.A girl crosses the street o

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五年级下册英语学案-Module 5 Safety Unit 9 Be careful (无答案)

Unit 9 Be careful!【学习目标】能听说以下词汇并知道其意思:careful, hurt, sharp, come on, fall down, watch能理解并认读以下句型:Don’t… You may / will… Be careful. Don’t…【学习重点】能听说以下词汇并知道其意思:careful, hurt, sharp, come on, f

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五年级下册英语学案-Module 3 Invitations Unit 6 See you at the party (无答案)

Unit 6 See you at the party【学习目标】1.能听懂、读懂、正确朗读核心词汇:invite, invitation, special, surprise, arrive, begin, call2.理解并掌握句型:I’d like to invite you to... What time should we go / Where should we me

文***7 9个月前 上传206   0

五年级下册英语学案-Module 4 Traved Unit 7 We will go by train (无答案)

Unit 7 We will go by train【学习目标】能正确理解和使用下列句型:Do you have any plans for...? How/When/What will you...?能正确使用一般将来时的特殊疑问句、能谈论旅游计划【学习重难点】能正确使用一般将来时的特殊疑问句、能谈论旅游计划【学习过程】一、自主学习(一)单词回顾乘;由_______

还***法 9个月前 上传192   0


学习水平知识目标细化 识记 领悟 运用 分析 综合 评价目标一 1. 熟练掌握以下词汇与句型:shoot, shot, stone, weak, god, remind, bit, silly, a little bit, instead of, turn … into 目标二 1能够听懂故事并判断是什么故事。2准确表达故事的发生。 目标三 能用所学的知识,与他人谈论故事的发生。

温***季 3年前 上传712   0

五年级下册英语学案-Module 3 Invitations Unit 5 Would you like to go with us(无答案)

Unit 5 Would you like to go with us?【学习目标】能听说以下短语并知道其意思:work on the computer, write a letter, read letter, watch DVD能理解并认读以下句型:Do you want to come to…? Would you like to…? What time should we

还***法 9个月前 上传222   0


Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three yearsPeriod FiveSection B 3a- Self CheckStep 1 温故知新单项选择1. Great changes _______ in China since the mid-20th century. A. took place B. happened

静***雅 3年前 上传571   0

五年级下册英语学案-Unit 5 Sports Day(Part A) 闽教版

Sports Day (Part A)【学习目标】1.学习词汇:meter,fast,try,Sports Day,long jump,high jump等2.学习句型:Who will…?【学习重难点】1.认读和正确书写有关运动项目的词汇。2.能表达自己打算在运动会上参加哪些运动项目。【学习过程】一、新知学习1.It’s too ___(长的).2.Elepha

文***7 1年前 上传461   0

五年级下册英语学案-Unit 5 Sports Day(Part B) 闽教版

Sports Day (Part B)【学习目标】1.学习词汇:proud,well,busy,fall down等2.学习句型:Peter is running 100 meters.【学习重难点】1.准确使用英语讲述正在发生的事情2.根据不同的情景讲述或写出简短的句子【学习过程】一、新知学习1.I'm very ___(骄傲的)of you.2.My fat

文***7 9个月前 上传257   0

五年级下册英语学案-Module 1 Seasons Unit 1 What’s your favourite season (无答案)

Unit 1 What’s your favourite season?【学习目标】能听说以下词汇并知道其意思:colorful, either, winter, autumn能理解并认读以下句型:What’s your favorite season? I like / love / prefer… my favorite season is…【学习重点】重点词汇及句型的运

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五年级下册英语学案-Module 4 Traved Unit 8 Ben's first trip to Beijing (无答案)

Unit 8 Ben’s first trip to Beijing【学习目标】1.掌握本课“四会”单词和短语。2.学习将来时will的表达。3.叙述某一时间将做某事。【学习重点】1.能使用一般将来时will谈论计划。2.将所学的单词、句型运用到实际情景中。【学习过程】一、自主学习(一)单词回顾旅行______ 旅店______ 步行____

文***7 9个月前 上传185   0

五年级下册英语学案-Module 6 Directions Unit 12 I know a short cut (无答案)

Unit 12 I know a short cut【学习目标】能听说以下词汇并知道其意思:cinema, shoe shop, bookstore, market, park能理解并认读以下句型:Where were John and Joan going? How long do they need to get…?【学习重点】能听说以下词汇并知道其意思:cinema,

文***7 9个月前 上传189   0

五年级下册英语学案-Module 2 Plans Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan(无答案)

Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan【学习目标】能拼读并理解单词:travel, mountain, climb, beach, deer能在语境中说出句子:We will / are going to… I can’t wait to do… Have a good time in…【学习重点】单词、短语的读音与理解。句型We are goi

还***法 9个月前 上传187   0

五年级下册英语学案-Module 2 Plans Unit 3 We are going to have an English test (无答案)

Unit 3 We are going to have an English test【学习目标】1.学习序数词并知道它们的意义。知道基数词与序数词的使用区别。2.能用What’s the date?询问日期并尝试用两种方式回答。【学习重点】学习序数词并知道它们的意义。知道基数词与序数词的使用区别。【学习难点】能用What’s the date?询问日期并尝试用两种方式回

福***园 9个月前 上传189   0

五年级下册英语学案-Module 6 Directions Unit 11 Can you tell me the way (无答案)

Unit 11 Can you tell me the way?【学习目标】能听说以下词汇并知道其意思:behind, next to, near, in front of, bank, hospital, station能理解并认读以下句型:Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to…? Is the…on the left or on the

还***法 9个月前 上传206   0

五年级上册英语学案-Lesson 5 What does she do?|接力版(无答案)

Lesson 5 What does she do?【学习目标】1.学会听、说、读下列词汇:people、clever、idea、song、worry、strong、find、teach、policeman。2.学会使用:问句“What does he do?”与答句“He is...”来进行交际。【学习重难点】重点:1.单词的认读。2.功能句的理解。3.对课文的理

的***有 9个月前 上传195   0


----Tim, how about you?----Oh, no, I can’t. I have to prepare for an exam.----What about you, Wilson?----Sorry, I must go to the doctor.----Anna, Kay, can you come?----I can’t. I might have to meet my friend

6***雅 2年前 上传641   0

三年级下册英语学案-Lesson 5 Who is on the left of Mary?|接力版(无答案)

Lesson 5 Who is on the left of Mary?【学习目标】1.能够听、说、认读句型Who is on the left/right of …? …is on the left/ right of…2.能够听、说、读、写四会单词left, right【学习重难点】重点:1.单词的认读。2.功能句的理解。难点:句型:Who is on the

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五年级英语下册Unit5 Whose dog is it?


文***7 5年前 上传1521   0

人教版(新课程标准)选修八:Unit5 Meeting your ancestors Using language导学案(无答案)

一.预习自测:1._______________n.饿死;挨饿2.______________ v.妨碍;打断3.______________ adj.dirty or untidy4.______________vt.删除5.______________ n.幼儿园n. 野兽7._____________ n.厘米8._____________ n.植物学9._____________ v.抓;擦伤;刮坏10.____________ vt.& n.逮捕

文***7 1年前 上传259   0

人教版( )选择性必修第二册:Unit5 First Aid知识点学案(无答案)

知识要点1 technique n.技能;技术;技艺(教材P50) What first­aid techniques do you know of? [例1] The new technique works better than the one it has replaced.[例2] She needs to work on her interview technique if she's going to get a job.[知识拓展]have a technique for 有……的技术technician 技术人员technical adj. 工艺的,技术的;技巧(上)的technology n. 科技,技术technological adj.技术的,科技的

文***7 1年前 上传529   0