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双城记英语稿a tale of tow cities




A Book Report on A Tale of Two Cities
It was the best of times It was the worst of times’ Tale of Two Cities begins with the first sentence has been quoted numerous times Dickens expressed his concerns by describing the French Revolution which brought disasters to the people and the general public A revolution two cities which presented two countries and several people who were in the storm constitute the main elements of the novel
Dickens thought that revolution is an oppression replaced by another kind of oppression a direct bloody riots replaced by another riots
In the story the descriptions of the riots of the public and the storming of the Bastille which showed bloodiness cruelness cunning viciousness attract people most Of course as humanitarian Dickens also pointed out the medicine to save the world Love This love was reflected in the novel including kinship love and friendship These were private feelings Also it included a kind of love which abandoned aristocracy to save the common people
I like Carton so much Actually Carton is the embodiment of Charles Dickens This was a degenerate young person who was disappointed because of the darkness of the society When his friends were in danger when his beloved woman’s husband was about to be executed by the guillotine he suddenly appeared without thinking about his safety
This is the love of Christ in order to redeem himself and die in sin Before dying carton said It is a far far better thing that I do than I have ever done it is a far far better rest that I go to than I have ever known’
Some people say Tale of Two Cities is a monumental work if there were not Carton’s presence and actions in the novel It would lose its value and brilliance I totally agree with them









l***s 9年前 上传354   0


《双城记》读后感第一篇:双城记读后感;a tale of two cities26#8221; is one of dickens26#8217;s most importantrepresentative works.the novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the french revolution

9年前 上传452   0


双城记读书笔记  最近读了一本书,《双城记》。《双城记》的故事很精彩,比时下很多电视剧精彩多了,无论是生动的程度还是悬疑性。与狄更斯相比,时下国内的很多作者的灵魂显得孱弱得多,苍白得多。国内的文学作品或影视作品结果一般都很光明,好人好报,恶人恶报,有情人终成眷属。《双城记》里,有情人虽生活在了一起,好人卡囤却为此上了绞刑架,可怜的小裁缝也蒙冤上了绞刑架。蒙冤的人,内心不是愤懑不平的,而是平静

j***u 9年前 上传469   0



z***2 9年前 上传507   0

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英语专业自荐信参考A尊敬的领导: 您好! 感谢您在百忙之中审阅我的求职申请。         入校以来,我坚持刻苦学习,通过四年的积累,拥有了作为一名跨世纪师范大学生应该掌握的理论基础知识和专业知识。        在担任班级干部期间,注重锻炼自己的组织领导和协调合作的能力,积极热情地开展工作,在同学中享有一定的威望。         同时,我也利用课余时间加强对自己

独***楼 9年前 上传502   0



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《A Very HungrySnake 》英语绘本教学设计

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《双城记》读书笔记摘抄  众所周知,法国大革命是人类史上的一个血的印记。而《双城记》真实地描绘了统治阶级的凶残和腐朽。通过阅读《双城记》,我深深的感受到了法国大革命时期法国统治阶级与广大人民之间的尖锐矛盾,体会到了作者狄更斯的思想“鲜血无法洗去仇恨,更不能代替爱”。  《双城记》以法国大革命为背景,描绘了十八世纪的一位医生梅尼特从监狱中重获自由,和女儿一起到伦敦生活,五年后,他们在法庭上

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w***n 3年前 上传614   0