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英语专业毕业论文: 任务型教学法




专业       英语
年级      2008级
姓名       余聪
This paper describes some features of TaskBased Learning (TBL) and it raises five principles that should be followed in a TBL lesson teachers’ teaching is for students the task given to students should depend on English culture Teacher should give some tasks students are interested in The task should be according to the level of the students and be from easy to difficult Learning is for using
Key words:TaskBased Leaning task studentcenteredness authenticity interesting using English Aptness
In modern times English is becoming more and more important Many teachers have been looking for ways to change the traditional forms of teaching And they have sought ways to make the classroom more studentcentered and have investigated the different ways in which students can play more active roles The one best known in this domain is called taskbased learning (TBL)
2   Body
211        It Introduces some principles in a TBL lesson
212        Take unit 8 (how was your school trip) from go for it students’ book 2 to illustrate my understanding of TBL in the real classroom
3  Conclusion
It raises five principles in a TBL lesson
4   Reference
    In modern times English is becoming more and more important Many teachers have been looking for ways to change the traditional forms of teaching And they have sought ways to make the classroom more studentcentered and have investigated the different ways in which students can play more active roles The one best known in this domain is called taskbased learning (TBL)
TBL is a pattern of language teaching which was raised by some teaching researchers in 1980s This pattern changes the basic theories of the use of languages into the pattern of class teaching that has actual meaning (Mohammed R Ahmed)There should be some principles in a TBL lesson
1        Studentcenteredness (Mohammed R Ahmed) Materialist dialectics holds that external causes become operative through internal causes Students are the internal causes of learning Teacher becomes operative through students So teachers should always play a lesson for the reality of students
2        Authenticity (Mohammed R Ahmed) The task given to students should be clear and true to make students know what they should do
3        Interesting Interest is the best teacher The task should be closed to life learning experience and society reality of the students And it should stimulate the interesting the curiosity and theist for knowledge of the students to make them know what they should say so they will be active to join in the activities
4        Using English English is a beautiful language if you open your mouth Many students can’t communicate with foreigners fluently after accepting education of nine or ten years Why Because they had no enough chance to practice English is learned by using and leaning is for using So teacher should force students to finish the task in English
5        Aptness The task giving to students should be according to the level of the students The task also should be from easy to difficult
Abovementioned principles are an entirety and they are supplement and complement each other
In my opinion there are some principles in a TBL lesson
1        Teachers’ teaching is for students So teacher should always plan a lesson for students
2        The task given to students should depend on English culture It can make your task more authentic
3        Teacher should give some tasks students are interested in
4        Learning English is a hard process for Chinese students The task should be according to the level of the students and be from easy to difficult
5        Learning is for using Teacher should try to make students get the habit of using English in class
Now let’s take unit 8(How was your school trip ) from go for it students’ book 2 to illustrate my understanding of TBL in the real classroom
Task1   Divide the students into six groups (seven students each group) And ask each group to give an English name for their group Each group must have a watchword In this process each student devotes hisher suggestion to the group In this way student can feel that individual is a part of collectiveness and the success of the collectiveness depends on the effort of individual so each member should try hisher best to achieve the aim of collectiveness
Task2 Warning up
Teacher introduces as a visitor you must prepare for your visiting What should you do before visiting What do you need to take Choose three things you consider them the most important from the circle to complete the form in English In the end each group chooses a represent to give an oral report to class
In this step students take part in discussing to choose three important things It can attract students’ interest In order to achieve a same task students must cooperate with each other
Task3    Find out and study the new words while listening to the tape
Teacher introduces vocabulary is the foundation of a language it plays an important role in our study Now I want each group to find out the new words while listening and next you should study the new words by using dictionary Each group finishes five words The way to teach new words is different from traditional teaching The whole task is finished by students It can embody in studentcenteredness
Task4   Listen for information
Listen and circle the expressions in the box Then listen and repeat(The outcome of this task is the accomplishment of the table in the workbook and give students some advice on how to listen for specific information)
Task5   Interview friends
Ask each team to move around the class and interview different groups’ members to look for information about their last school trip And finish the form each group must interview at least five students
Task6    Read and answer the questions
Read the article (part 3a) and answer the questions below
1        Did class 9 have a great time on the school trip
2        Where did they go
3        What did they see on they school trip
4        How did they return to school
5        Who cleaned the bus after the trip
The aim of this step is that teacher gives some suggestion on how to find out the information they need to students
Task7   Write an email
Write an email to the teacher introducing your last trip In this task students must use a computer (at school or home) to send an email It can train student multiabilities for their future development
TBL is an effective way to study English During using TB we need to decide whether the task is suitable for students whether the task is necessary and whether the task is to be done individual in pairs or in group
With the development of the society teachers should spend much time on researching how to teach because teaching is also endless
1        Mohammed R Ahmed A case study in taskbased approach to syllabus design
2        Zhang Shubo (2004) A lesson Analysis from the View of The taskBased Approach
3        (Go for it ) Junior English Students’ book2
4        Zhang Chunxia A few Ideas of TBL in junior Middle School (Chinese reference)
5    张伯香编1998英美文学选读北京:外语教学研究出版社





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** 工 程 学 院 外 语 系 毕 业 生 论 文   Introduction Translation is a kind of information communication and exchange activity, also a kind of comprehensive and complete information spread. It uses another la

m***o 8年前 上传5659   0


英语专业毕业论文题目参考  一、翻译类毕业论文选题  1.study on translation of trade marks and culture  商标翻译与文化研究  2.the social and cultural factors in translation practice  影响翻译实践的社会和文化因素  3.on the translation of

c***j 12年前 上传555   0


英语专业毕业论文评语  英语专业毕业论文评语一  初稿评语  论文题与论文的内容基本相符,结构基本完整,语言也比较通顺,没有大的语法错误。问题是,全文引用的部分太多,自己的分析太少,有些“分析”有抄袭的痕迹。应当说,完成这篇论文所需的材料已经具备,作者可以在此基础上对材料进行分析归纳以得出自己的结论。  二稿评语  在一稿的基础上有所改进,合并了某些不必要的段落,重拟了论文中

l***7 6年前 上传413   0


英语专业毕业论文提纲规范  临近毕业了,大家的论文写好了吗,下文是英语专业毕业论文提纲,希望大家有所收获!  英语专业毕业论文提纲(1)  一.关于英语专业毕业论文提纲(1)的选题  英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大的方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和翻译学。各个大方向中又可以选择小的方向,具体解释如下:  1.英语文学:选择英语文学的毕业论文选题可以从三个方向进行:国别

花***语 9年前 上传379   0


英语专业毕业论文开题报告  开题报告是提高选题质量和水平的重要环节,是当学生确定毕业论文选瓜方向后,在调查研究墓础上撰写的报请学校批准的选题计划.它主要说明这个课压为何应该进行研究,自己拥有何种条件进行研究以及准备如何开展研究等问题,也可以说是对课题的论证和设计.指导教师应该认真引导学生写好开瓜报告,向学生阐述撰写开题报告的重要意义,并通过开月报告对学生的整个论文情况进行宏观的把握.那么如何

l***0 9年前 上传479   0


2015英语专业毕业论文提纲  一.关于英语专业毕业论文提纲  英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大的方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和翻译学。各个大方向中又可以选择小的方向,具体解释如下:  1.英语文学:选择英语文学的毕业论文选题可以从三个方向进行:国别文学研究、文学批评理论研究和比较文学研究。  在进行国别文学研究选题时,一般选取英国文学或美国文学中的某一经典作家(如海明威

t***n 9年前 上传475   0


英语专业毕业论文选题方向大全  a 英国文学(英国文学的文化研究、作品分析等);  ² 国别文学研究和地域文学研究  ² 文学流派研究 (如:浪漫主义,现实主义,自然主义,超现实主义,存在主义,黑色幽默,意识流,女性主义文学等)  ² 作家研究和文本分析  ² 中外比较文学研究  b 美国文学(美国文学的文化研究、作品分析等);  ² 国别文学研究和地域文学研究 

w***q 11年前 上传1471   0



e***w 6年前 上传1974   0


浅谈任务教学法与多媒体听说教学 **县德泽乡中学魏家宏 摘要:随着现代教育技术的发展,多媒体技术进入课堂辅助教学也日渐普遍。什么是多媒体教学,多媒体英语听说教学中在使用中的优势及弊端及如何克服这些弊端,是当代英语教师应当了解和思考的,本文通过概述任务教学法的基本内容及特点,详细阐述了该教学法在听说教学中的应用,旨在探讨多媒体听说教学的新模式。 关键词:计算机辅助教学;任务教学法;听说教学

d***8 9年前 上传6440   0


在传统教学过程中,教师主导和包办学生的学习,课堂教学以讲授为主;学生是知 识的被动接受者,课后学生要完成大量的机械性、重复性的作业,学生的独立性、创造 性学习能力得不到培养;教学评价以纸质测验为主,学生的学习动机得不到激发和维持。

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任务驱动教学法在电气控制技术 ——实训中的应用 邱显龙         资中县水南高级职业中学   【摘 要】以电气控制实训为例,分析了任务驱动教学法的内涵,详细阐述了任务驱动教学法在实施过程中,应该把握的三个重要环节:即结合教学内容合理设计任务、任务探索实践阶段、任务讨论和评价。指出了任务驱动教学法在实践教学中需要注意的几个问题。 【关键词】任务驱动教学法  电气控制实训  技能型人

q***0 5年前 上传1323   0


毕业论文指导的意义和任务  一、毕业论文指导的意义  首先,毕业论文是大学生在校期间向学校所交的最后一份书面作业,从教师的角度来说,指导学生写毕业论文,是教师对学生所做的最后一次执手训练。大凡一个人第一次独立地完成某项工作,都离不开老师(或家长、师傅和其他人)的指点。对大多数学员来说,写论文在他们的经历当中还是第一次。许多人不理解毕业论文写作的意义,错误地认为,这是学校强加给他们的额外负

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