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Strictness is Safeness




Strictness is Safeness
Cao Nai in Ming dynasty had to be an official in the district at his early years Once he slept over at a ruined temple on the journey of escorting a female prisoner who possessed natural beauty He was attracted while looking at her Therefore he wrote Cao Nai shouldn’t do that constantly on paper in order to remind himself to resist the temptation of doing something immoral He wrote and burned over and over again the whole night Disciplining himself with the words till the dawn Hereafter in his official career Cao Nai often restrained himself with the words then he became a generation of famous prime minister eventually
In the warring states period the prime minister Gongyi Xiu of Lu loved eating fish the most People rushed to buy fish to present to him but he did not accept any of those firmly His disciples didn’t understand the reason he said I have to do things according to their means as long as I accept their fish Then it is hard to avoid violating the law and orders of the country
If I was dismissed can I eat the fish again So I will not be dismissed if I don’t accept others’ fish it is the way that I can serve myself with fish for a long time
Two ancient stories although ageold can still make people ponder One resists
woman’s beauty the other refuses being bribed They both originate from selfdisciplined to strictness so they can both be safe and smooth This enlightens people profoundly you should require yourself strictly this is not only your duty to be a person and to be an official but also the guarantee of peaceful life









live through1) live through 渡过;熬过2) live [英][lɪv] [美][lɪv] 居住

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写给8天攻克8000词汇的词汇魔鬼们各位词汇魔鬼训练营的学员大家好: 有如下三点内容需要强调: 第一点,当然还是要感谢大家对于我工作的支持。在魔鬼训练营的成长过程中,受到了无数世俗的阻碍,但这丝毫没有影响整个事态的发展。这个道理很简单,世界上的大多数人是愚蠢的,当你所做的事情是大多数人都反对的时候,有两种可能,要么是大成功,要么是大失败,只要根据常识判断出来这件事情不是大失败,你就必

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