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  Good morning ladies and gentlemen I’m very glad to make a speech here Today my topic is I love you China
  Since the day I was born I began to have a proud name—Chinese Since the day I began to talk the most beautiful sentence I’ve ever learnt has been I love you China
  I love you China and I’m so proud of being a Chinese I’m proud that I’ve got the beautiful yellow skin black eyes and black hair I’m also proud that I speak the most beautiful language in the world—Chinese
  I love you China for I can feel the deep love you give me every day every minute Last year I got an opportunity to visit the United States of America During my staying there my father’s boss once invited my family to dinner While at he looked at me and asked Little boy how long have you been in America About a month I answered How lucky you are he said If you were living in China how could you learn such perfect English I smiled and told him proudly that all the students in China are able to learn English at school I saw his surprised eyes and said to myself I’m proud of you China
  There is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world She has red soil big mountainslong rivers and hardworking people she is just like a diamond shinning all the time and she is my dearest country China
  I love my motherland Because I love the different races of my country Each race has its own culture and customsSome people are kindheartedsome people are ggeneroussome people are humourousanyway I can't display evry race of my country but what I want to tell you is that the Chinese people are greatBecause of them our motherland is developing day by day Our country is becoming much stronger tham before
  My country has so many great places of interest which is known not only to every citizen but also to the world When the foreigners talk about China they all extend their thums and sayEnChina is a famous and fantastic country Yesthat'sture We have the Great Wall the world's second longest river the oldest history and the most glorious culture As wa all know China is one of the largest countries in the world when it is snowing in the north the flowers have come out in the south when the people in the south are enjoying the sunshine on the beach the people in the north are skiing on the ice How marvelous it is So now I can speak to the world loudly My country is really great My country is really beautiful
  Today I speak for everyone is homeland in my heart The From my parents who raised my homeland Country Country there is only home country Much more appropriate Say ah So I love my homeland more than all my love Everyone must have heard My Chinese Heart This is the first wellknown songs right In particular has been inside the lyrics have touched me deeply the Yangtze River the Great Wall Mount Huangshan Yellow River heavy weight in my mind at any time regardless of where like the hearts of the pro Yes ah me at any time anywhere please do not forget that everyone must own a Chinese there must be patriotic
  Love my homeland because I love her beautiful landscape Look that Mr LaosheDaxinganling described the boundless expanse of blue water not only could not finish going but also not object to watch she brought up the number of rare birds and animals and the number of literary production It is no wonder that Mr Lao said she did not empty the United States but became one of the concrete construction of the United States Listening always pour it rolling in the Yangtze River water from milk such as the general nourishment of this magical land raising a great nation First visit to the majestic Mount Tai to visit her you would be extremely Ling list of small hills the majestic momentum error indicates that the Chinese nation will be permitted on nations of the world Times and then a peaceful trip to the West Lake water gently she like wonderful and the mind to absorb a large number of rivers of water symbolizing the Chinese nation is not correct that the character of tolerance and generosity of mind
  I love Her love of the motherland is not only plants mountain water but also love her long and splendid history and culture Five thousand years long history the number of Chinese heritage and splendid culture ah Lively and cute characters bearing the success or failure of the Chinese nation Away of the Book of Songs Li Sao Let the Spring and Autumn scene also shows us the Tang Dynasty style often linger in the mind Song Yuan catchy sound of loud reading people at the mouth widely sung the Ming and Qing Dynasties as if the spirit of the novel with me to grow food Historical and cultural homeland you are so colorful so that
  I love the motherland is not only a brilliant longstanding love of the motherlands history and culture but also love the people with lofty ideals of patriotism heroes Also remember the moving story of the clank sake of the general good ear drums also vowed still remember the no life since ancient times who die according to Khan to retain loyalty clearance of the Zhuang bold and heroic image of Wen Tianxiang as if still present still remember Wang Zhongyuan date scheduled for the North division been forgotten the earnest warning Lu You died long before the confession echoed in the mind Zhan Tianyou resolutely not afraid to accept the difficult task is not afraid of ridicule Qian reputation to give up money after a difficult return to its motherland jewel of the unknown soldier Island to the island as their home determined to put an island built Homeland heroes and heroines are all infected with the patriotic feelings of me inspired my patriotism
  Students Let us work together to study right With our excellent performance excellent work by our great motherland the mother returns right Mother never let the motherland at my heart





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2019最迎接不平凡的建国70周年的现代诗歌朗诵范文3篇 迎接不平凡的建国70周年的现代诗歌朗诵范文篇一  我感悟一种雄浑和深沉  在异国他乡升起的一团烈火中  我体会一种祝福和真诚……哦,祖国,您是什么  您就是脚下这块土地  曾经是金戈铁马狼烟四起的山河  曾经是秦汉雄风大唐雄立的巨人  曾经是八国洗劫岗楼林立的疮痍  曾经是赤地千里吃糠咽菜的土地  

浮***华 5年前 上传1638   0



拥***暗 5年前 上传1004   0


平凡岗位见精神,默默无闻显魅力      青春是美丽的,因为它孕育着勃勃生机,岗位是普通的,因为它孕育着高尚和伟大,如果面对高山,会感慨它的气势磅礴;放眼大海,会惊叹它的汹涌澎湃,而今要述说一个欣运人的事迹,因为每当看到她的时候就会觉得她平凡而伟大,她叫吴丽萍,是**市汽车总站长途汽车站的一员,我们亲切的叫她”吴姐”。    斗转星移风雨历程二十多载,吴姐在平凡的岗位上一干就是二十多年,她

h***7 9年前 上传7091   0


山东省教师教育学会“齐鲁教师读书计划”活动征文 《平凡的世界》不平凡的人 内容提要:《平凡的世界》是一部优秀的作品,在短短的几年间已被人们所接受,作品的众多的人物形象也已深入人心。而作品的主人公因其具有的时代性、叛逆性、乡土性、缺憾美等特征更是广受关注,通过对小说人物的评析对上世纪70、80年代的农民的心理及精神世界有了更深入更广阔的认识。 关键词:平凡的世界  人物   形象分析   时

t***5 10年前 上传10587   0



脱***具 3年前 上传1069   0



小***1 5年前 上传1286   0



s***e 6年前 上传1971   0


2019最新国庆热烈迎接建国70周年标语口号横幅2019最新国庆热烈迎接建国70周年标语口号横幅一 1、这是一个除旧立新的祖国。这是一个沸腾上升的祖国;这是一个如日中天的祖国。我的话语多得成一部历史,我的话语多得可组成一片星河,但是说得最多最动情的一句,便是——腾飞吧祖国、祖国吉祥,吉祥祖国。  2、中秋国庆喜相连,家运国运同兴旺。花好月圆福满堂,红旗招展迎吉祥。好事成双财运长,幸福

h***f 5年前 上传1319   0


                          平淡而不平凡                             于春芝     感谢大家给我这个机会,今天我演讲的题目是平淡而不平凡。 **区幼儿园是一个刚刚成立的新单位,因为我是幼师毕业,所以被抽调到幼儿园工作,开始我也有些为难情绪,毕竟在学校工作了10多年,对幼教事业有些茫然,我不知自己能否将这份工作做好,带着这样忐忑不安的心情

n***y 10年前 上传7547   0


七一教师演讲稿:平凡的岗位,不平凡的事业  穿越血与火的历史烟云,历经建设与改革的风雨洗礼,伟大的中国共产党迎来了她87岁的生日。   翻开中国近代史,几多沧桑、几多磨难、几多屈辱、几多抗争。160多年前,西方列强用坚船利炮撞开了古老中国沉重的大门,从此,在这片美丽的国土上,财富任人掠夺、文化任人摧残,人民任人宰割。面对山河破碎,国将不国的现实,多少爱国志士梦寝难安、一代一代,前赴后继地

不***算 10年前 上传659   0


幼儿教师演讲稿:平凡与不平凡  平凡与不平凡  每天清晨,当我们跨进幼儿园的大门,开始了我们一天的工作――不凡的教育与平凡的日常劳动。是的,在不凡与平凡之间,总是存在着天壤之别;因为理想与现实之间,也总是不断地产生着矛盾。在这些差别与矛盾中,我们总要问自己三个问题:  1、我们为什么要工作  作为教师的目的,不只是创造某种物质产品或精神产品,而是根据社会的需要,对幼儿实施体、智、

崔***军 9年前 上传578   0


仓库保管演讲稿:平凡中造就不平凡  工作是平凡的工作,但是能二十几年如一日的把工作做好的人绝对不是平凡的人。***仓库保管员俞文红就是这样一位不平凡的特产女员工。    1988年,俞**来到了**仓库从事仓库保管员工作,这样一做就是二十一年。也许有人会说仓库的工作比较轻松和简单,没什么技术含量,那是因为你不了解仓库的具体工作内容。是的,仓库的工作相对来说比较简单,但是却更需要热心、细心

d***a 12年前 上传608   0


七一演讲稿--平凡的岗位,不平凡的事业  七一演讲稿--平凡的岗位,不平凡的事业 “七一要举行演讲比赛了,你演讲稿准备得怎么样了?”一个同事问起。 坐在桌旁,拿笔的手停住了,从何写起呢?蒙太奇一样的画面从眼前划过,那么清晰,那么近。 画面中,在工业区新修路上,我看到他们冒着酷暑,顶着烈日,查看每一段路基的铺设情况,每一车沥清跟石子的混合搅拌程度,每一盏路灯质量如何,每一根树苗的成果率是否达到

a***s 12年前 上传860   0


在平凡中谱写不平凡 尊敬的各位领导、各位评委、在座的各位女同胞们: 大家好!我叫马芳,很荣幸代表**县司法局参加此次演讲比赛,今天我演讲的题目是《在平凡中谱写不平凡》。 2011年秋天,当我踏上**县这片土地的时候,我的内心一片凄凉, 考取工作的时候我只关注了工作本身,却没想到报考的司法局会把我们一同考进的几名司法员分配到各个乡镇,我工作的条件不算艰苦,但完全陌生的环境、不一样的方言,缺少

o***o 10年前 上传11204   0


演讲稿范文:因梦想你可以不平凡  【大学生励志演讲稿(一)】  同学们:  站到台上来,面对你们“雪亮”的眼睛,虽然我的样子呆头呆脑,可是一点儿也没紧张。因为我知道,我不见得是最好的,但肯定与众不同!今天我演讲的题目就是D“你,与众不同!”  “你,与众不同”这话谁听了都觉着舒服。第一次听人这么说时,我眉飞色舞了好多天,差点儿就把自信膨胀成自负!今天我这么讲给你们听,我想除了得意

q***j 12年前 上传558   0

平凡的工作 不平凡的担当

平凡的工作  不平凡的担当                          忠诚、责任、干净,内含着正确政治方向、政治立场,内含着强烈责任意识、进取精神,内含着高尚精神境界、道德操守。就我们公司员工而言,责任,就是勇于担当、恪尽职守,敢担当、善担当,才能完成公司领导交办的各项任务,才能认真履行好自己的工作职责。 责任担当是成事之要。从大的方面讲,领导干部肩负着重要职务,有职就有责,有责

k***0 9年前 上传8213   0



l***3 6年前 上传13779   0



l***6 5年前 上传1218   0


  平凡的人,不平凡的人生   尊敬的各位领导,各位同事:     大家好! 今天我要给大家介绍的是一位普通的共产党员。论职务,她并不高;论工龄,她并不长;论年纪,她也并不大,可就是这么一位平凡的同志,心中坚守着入党的誓言,在极其平凡的工作岗位上,执着地追求着,无言地奉献着,创造出了不平凡的业绩,成为我们学习的楷模。她就是我们**市**中心的优秀共产党员、鉴证一科科长——高*同志。

l***1 10年前 上传8053   0


   把平凡的事做好就是不平凡     把平凡的事做好,这看似简单的事情,其实在具体的工作中,并不一定能够做得更为尽善尽美、让人满意,尤其是作为**社的一名普通柜员。因为他们每天面对的是不同层次、不同类别、不同需求的客户群体,如果真正地能够做到把每一个微笑、亲切的问候、娴熟的业务操作送给每一位客户,让客户感到有“宾至如归”的温馨,那么我们的服务就是值得客户肯定和认可的。但也许有时也会因为天气的

l***g 11年前 上传11407   0


《让简单的常规不简单,让平凡的小事不平凡》国旗下的讲话范文   尊敬的领导、老师们,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好!  今天我在国旗下的讲话题目是《让简单的常规不简单,让平凡的小事不平凡》。  今天是开学第三周,短短两周来,我们的校园时时处处都洋溢着新气象、新风貌,孕育着新希望。在这里我要感谢全体教师的辛苦付出,新的学期,同学们一定会发现校门口新的变化,为给全体师生营造一个良好的育人和学习环境,

M***7 2年前 上传391   0



(***8 4年前 上传2094   0



星***云 5年前 上传1423   0



鬼***笑 3年前 上传732   0

平凡的世界 不平凡的心——读《平凡的世界》有感

平凡的世界 不平凡的心——读《平凡的世界》有感女职工读书心得 平凡的世界  不平凡的心  ——读《平凡的世界》有感   一群普通的人,演绎着悲壮的人生,平凡的世界,蒸腾着不平凡的真情。中国当代城乡社会生活各阶层众多普通人的形象——劳动与爱情,挫折与追求,痛苦与欢乐,日常生活与巨大社会冲突纷繁交织,一一从路遥的笔下展现开来,《平凡的世界》铺开了一幅普通人在大时代历史进程中一路历尽苦

苏***现 11年前 上传861   0