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班级: 姓名: 分:
I单项选择 (20分)
( )1 — I      you can be better this year
— Thank you I hope so
A discuss B decide C believe D disagree
( )2 Tom feels much better now because he ________ some medicine for cold
A.bought B.ate C.took D.made
( )3 — Did you play a part in      the movie yesterday
— Yes I did
A act B acts C to act D acting
( )4 Tim will visit our school      two weeks
A in B during C before D after
( )5 It is not good to ask women about __________ questions such as ages and marriage
A.personal B.physical C.difficult D.easy
( )6.The TV show was very______ and they all got______
A.boredbored B.boringboring
C.boredboring D.boringbored
( ) 7.—He got an A in last week's math test
—It is ______His math is always the worst
A.true B.simple
C.impossible D.possible
( ) 8.Lucy always stayed up late __________ she is often late for class
A.For example B.For this reason C.However D.Although
( ) 9.Not everyone can keep a dairy so only __________ of us are good at writing articles
A.some B.all C.none D.many
( ) 10.There______ a meeting next Monday means They______a meeting
next Monday
A.will bewill be B.will havewill have
C.will bewill have D.will havewill be
( ) 11.It ______ that everyone ______ to laugh
A.seemsloves B.seemlove
C.seemslove D.seemloves
( ) 12 Once they are busy people may sometimes __________their birthdays
A.forget about B.think of C.talk about D.have to do with
( ) 13 The scientist believes there will be ____ cars and ______ dirty air
A less fewer B fewer less C few fewer D less less
( ) 14 _________ yogurt do we need for the milk shake
A.How B What C.How many D.How much
( ) 15 The place is very calm and ______ I really like it
A crowded B polluted C dangerous D peaceful
( )16 Your father is sleeping _______ the TV a little
A Turn on B Turn off C Turn down D Turn up
( )17 I’m sorry There is only _______ juice in the bottle
A a few B a little C few D little
( )18 It’s easy ______ a banana milk shake Let me help you
A do B to do C make D to make
( )19 — May I have ______ piece of bread with butter I’m not full
— Certainly Here you are
A other B the other C another D the others
( )20 —__________ are you going to learn English —By reading and writing them
A.When B.Why C.How D.Where
Please look at the boy with long hair in the picture He is a talented boy 21 Mike He comes from New Jersey the US He likes instruments very much at a very 22 age
At the 23 of 5 he started to play the drums When he was seven years old he 24 to play the guitar Now he is thirteen years old and he 25 play the guitar the drums the bass guitar and the piano Many of his classmates call him a talented and 26 boy
He comes from a special family and many of his 27 members like music very much His father is a 28 And maybe because of his influence(影响) Mike likes instruments 29
If he had more hands he could probably give a concert by 30 some of the net friends said
( ) 21 A went B called C had D liked
( ) 22 A little B short C young D new
( ) 23 A age B year C end D beginning
( ) 24 A fell B planned C hated D learned
( ) 25 A can B must C may D will
( ) 26 A excited B clever C serious D poor
( ) 27 A college B home C family D school
( ) 28 A driver B scientist C doctor D pianist
( ) 29 A also B too C either D neither
( ) 30 A him B own C himself D themselves
Dear Li Jun
I’m really glad to receive your letter You said you were learning to cook Is it interesting I think if you want to keep healthy food is very important You’ll study better if you try all kinds of different foods especially vegetables and fruit I eat them every day
You asked me how to make a milk shake There are different kinds of milk shakes such as apple milk shake banana milk shake and carrot milk shake Carrot milk shake is my favorite because carrots and milk are both good for my health Before starting we need a carrot a cup of milk some ice and two teaspoons of honey Of course we need a blender
Now let’s start First wash the carrot and cut it up Next put the carrot the milk some ice and two teaspoons of honey into the blender Then turn on the blender for only one minute Finally pour the carrot shake into a glass and drink it It’s delicious
I want to learn how to make some Chinese food such as dumplings Could you teach me
Write soon
( )31This letter is about ___________
A how to make a fruit salad B how to make a milk shake
C how to make a sandwich D how to make dumplings
( )32________ kinds of milk shake are mentioned in the letter
A Five B Four C Three D Two
( )33What kind of milk shake is Alice’s favorite
A Apple milk shake B Banana milk shake
C Strawberry milk shake D Carrot milk shake
( )34Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the letter
A Milk and ice B Sugar and yogurt
C Carrots and honey D Alice eats fruit every day
( )35Which of the following is NOT true according to the letter
A Alice can cook Chinese food B Li Jun is learning to cook
C Alice thinks carrots are good for health D Alice eats fruit every day
One dayafter school Bill walked past the shop on the street corner as usual.He stopped to look at the front row of shoesand he felt sorry for himself.He really wanted to have a new pair for his birthday.
He sadly walked away and thought of what to tell his mother.He knew she would give him anything if she could.But he also knew she had little money.He decided not to go home at oncebecause he looked worried and he didn’t want his mother to worry about it.So he went to the park and he sat on the grass.Then he saw a girl in a wheel chair.He found that the girl moved the wheels with her hands.Bill looked at her carefully and was surprised to see that the girl had no feet.He looked down at his own feet.It was much better to be without shoes than without feet.he thought.It was not right for him to feel so sorry and sad.He went away and smiled thinking he was luckier in life.
( )36.Bill was sorry that ________.
A.he forgot to bring any money B.he couldn’t get a new pair of shoes
C.the shoes in the shop were too large D.he had to work every day[源学科网ZXXK]
( )37.Which of the following is true
A.Bill had a poor family. B.Bill’s mother didn’t love him.
C.Bill’s mother had much money.D.Bill’s mother often bought presents for him.
( )38.Why didn’t Bill go home at once
A.Because he left his key at home.
B.Because he was tired and wanted to have a rest.
C.Because his mother was at work.
D.Because he didn’t want to give his mother any trouble.
( )39.In the parkBill found the girl ________.
A.without hands B.without feet C.walking sadly D.sitting on the grass
( )40.At last Bill ________.
A.decided to buy a new pair of shoes B.1eft the park sadly
C.thought he was luckier than the girl D.didn’t know what to do with his old shoes
IV 词正确形式填空(10分)
 we enough housework come book will be think fly like

What will the world be like in the future In my idea a lot of what we see in science fiction films will 41 true
    I think there will be 42 cars for people to park on top of buildings If this happens there won't 43 any more traffic jams I believe that most houses will be green because we’ll only use the energy(量) 44 wind and solar power(太阳) In the future I think robots will do most of our 45 so life will be easier There will be robot teachers too and children will take laptop computers to school instead of 46 No one really knows what our life 47 be like All we need to do is to believe in 48 After all as Albert Einstein once said I never 49 of the future It comes soon 50
41 __________ 42 __________ 43 __________ 44 __________ 45 __________

46 __________ 47 __________ 48 __________ 49 __________ 50 __________

51 The report has no relation to our school rules (改成义句)
The report has ___________ to ___________ with our school rules
52 His family is going to move somewhere quiet (改般疑问句)
__________ his family going to move ___________quiet
53 Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep (改成义句)
Sometimes the resolutions may be ___________difficult _________ people can’t keep them
54 He is going to have a school trip next week (划线部分提问)
___________ is he going to ___________ next week
55 I am going to start learning to paint next week (改成义句)
I am going to ____________ ___________ painting next week
56 Sally will be a singer in six years (划线部分提问)
__________ __________ Sally be in six years
57 They’ll play tennis with Lucy (改般疑问句)
__________ __________ play tennis with Lucy
58 He thinks there will be more cars (改否定句)
He __________ __________ there __________ be more cars
59 There were some trees near the river (next year改写句子)
There__________ __________ some trees near the river next year
60 Will they stay at home on Sunday(做否定回答)
__________ __________ __________
VI 词汇考查 (13分)
61 Let’s have a __________(讨)about our homework
62 Cook it at a very high ______________(温度) for a long time
63 Would you like another hamburger?No thank you I’m f_______
64 Uncle Wang is an e___________ in this factory
65 Jackie Chan is f____________(著名)for his action movies
66 The earth is one of the sun’s __________(行星)
67 Today the p_________ is getting worse and worse Many lakes are dirty now
68 Robots will have different __________(形状) in 20 years
( 二)括号里词适形式填空(5分)
69 I’m going to keep on __________(study) English hard
70 Rush Hour is a ____________ (success) action movie
71 At the ____________ (begin) of the term we made plans to work hard
72 I think talk shows are ___________(education) than sitcoms
73 Don’t play soccer in the street children It’s too ___________(danger)
VII 括号里动词适形式填空空词数限(5分)
74 Would you mind ___________(close)the windows
75 I often see the boys _________( play) football on the playground
76 My father __________ (leave) for Beijing in a week
77 My sister wants to be a singer when she finishes __________ (take) singing lessons
78 My grandfather________ (send) me a postcard from Tokyo last summer




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 第六章 项目顾问、销售、代理的策划营销      销售阶段是检验前几个方面的策划营销工作的重要标尺,同时,他又是自成一体的的严密科学系统。      一 销售周期划分及控制      1、销售策略   .营销思想(全面营销):   全过程营销   全员营销   .销售网络:   专职售楼人员(销售经理、销售代表)   销售代理商(销售顾问)   兼职售楼员   .

a***i 11年前 上传25619   0


1. 英国发动鸦片战争的根本原因是( )A.保护鸦片贸易 B.割占中国领土C.打开中国市场 D.争取外交平等2. 《南京条约》被迫开放的通商口岸有( )①广州 ②天津弱 ③厦门 ④福州 ⑤南京 ⑥定海 ⑦宁波 ⑧上海A.①②③④⑤ B.③④⑤⑦⑧ C.④⑤⑥⑦⑧ D.①③④⑦⑧

初***5 3年前 上传674   0


(时间:45 分钟满分:100 分) 一、请你选择(下列各题的 4 个选项中只有 1 项是符合题意的。每小题 3 分,共 30 分) 1.宪法与国家前途、人民命运息息相关,捍卫宪法尊严,就是捍卫党和人民共同意志的尊严;保证宪法实施,就是保证人民根本利益的实现。这体现了( )①国家尊重和保障人权②宪法规定和保障公民的基本权利

s***g 2年前 上传537   0


北师版 八上7单元测试一、填空题1、如图1,直线AB、CD被直线EF所截①量得∠3=100°,∠4=100°,则AB与CD的关系是_______,根据是_____________②量得∠1=80°,∠3=100°,则AB与CD的关系是_______,根据是________________2、如图2,BE是AB的延长线,量得∠CBE=∠A=∠C①从∠CBE=∠A,可以判定直线_____

s***o 2年前 上传458   0


三角形 测试题(总分:100分 时间:90分钟)一、选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题3分,共30分。每小题只有1个选项符合题意)1.现有3 cm,4 cm,7 cm,9 cm长的四根木棒,任取其中三根组成一个三角形,那么可以组成的三角形的个数是(  )A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个2.下列判断:①有两个内角分别为50°和20°的三角

思***1 1年前 上传361   0


八年级下册英语unit 1单元测试卷一.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句中单词。1. My sister is always strict with h 2. If you have some t , you can ask your friends for help.3.Look! The old woman is f down.4. S

还***法 5个月前 上传144   0


第1章章末检测一、选择题(共10题,共30分)1.如图,已知AE=CF,∠AFD=∠CEB,那么添加下列一个条件后,仍无法判定△ADF≌△CBE的是(  )A、∠A=∠C B、AD=CB C、BE='DF' D、AD∥BC2.如图,D在AB上,E在AC上,且∠B=∠C,那么补充下列条件后,不能判定△ABE≌△ACD的是(   )A、AD=AE   B、BE=C

思***1 1年前 上传483   0


1.第十三届全国人民代表大会第五次会议表决通过了关于修改《中华人民共和国地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法》的决定,审议和批准全国人大常委会工作报告、政府工作报告、最高人民法院工作报告、最高人民检察院工作报告等。这说明( )A.全国人大是我国的最高国家权力机关B.人民代表大会是我国的根本政治制度C.人大有最高立法权、决定权、监督权D.国家一切权力属于全国人民代表大会

s***g 3个月前 上传176   0

人教版八年级下册语文 第二单元 达标测试卷

第二单元 达标测试卷八年级语文·下(R版)  时间:100分钟 满分:100分一、积累与运用(34分)1.阅读下面的文字,完成练习。(6分)农谚说:“到了惊蛰节,锄头不停歇。”惊蛰,是二十四节气中的第三个节气,标志着zhòng春时节的开始。一声霹雳醒蛇虫,几阵潇潇染绿红。惊蛰时节,草木méng发,和风吹拂着勤劳的人们——此时,中国大部分地区进入春耕时节。(1)给加点字注音,根据拼音写出

文***7 3年前 上传641   0

人教版八年级下册道德与法治 第2单元 达标测试卷

第二单元达标测试卷八年级·道德与法治 下册(R版)  时间:60分钟 满分:100分一、选择题(每小题3分,共45分)1.中铁第四勘察设计院26岁的女工程师葛钰荣获“湖北五一劳动奖章”。这表明我国公民依法享有(  )A.姓名权 B.名誉权 C.荣誉权 D.财产权2.小明的爸爸在打工时不慎从高处摔下,导致瘫痪,不能出去正常工作,也赚不到钱,这使得小明家的生活遇到了很大困难。当地居

文***7 3年前 上传691   0


八年级语文上册第一单元测试卷(语文版含答案)共六个单元 第一单元测试卷 时间:120分钟  满分:120分 一、积累运用。(24分) 1.下列加点字的注音有误的一项是( C )(2分) A.嘶哑(yǎ)  隘口(ài)  蹲踞(dūn)  荒莽(mǎng) B.山巅(diān)  蝉翼(yì)  安慰(wèi)  疲倦(juàn) C.凝望(níng)  樵夫(jiāo

焦***宝 5年前 上传1811   0


  2014年“安全安庆建设年”活动总结   今年农委在市委、市政府和县委、县政府的正确领导下,坚持以科学发展安全发展为主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,深入开展“安全安庆建设年”活动,强化科技支撑,夯实安全基础,标本兼治,安全生产状况持续稳定,现将活动总结汇报如下: 一、“安全安庆建设年”活动情况     一是强化组织领导,活动部署到位。为切实深入开展“安全安庆建设年”活动,农委领

w***9 10年前 上传6922   0



f***a 9年前 上传446   0

《好卷》第一单元 达标测试卷

第一单元达标测试卷基础百花园(40分)一、给加点的字补充音节。(8分)w____ zh____ s____ l____芦苇     霸占     麦穗    鹅卵石sh____ d____ g____ b____霎时 顿时 滚动 崩裂

x***q 4年前 上传852   0

《好卷》第二单元 达标测试卷

《好卷》第二单元 达标测试卷

🌿***8 4年前 上传990   1

《典中点》第五单元 达标测试卷

第五单元达标检测卷第一部分:积累运用(74分)一、 我会拼,在拼音下面写出汉字。(10分)二、 我会读句子,还会选择正确的汉字画上“——”。(4分)1.春天到了,辛勤的小蜜(峰 锋 蜂)正“嗡嗡嗡”地把花蜜采。2.每到清明节,爸爸妈妈就会带我去祭祖扫(幕 墓 慕)。3.今天,我终于学会了蛋(吵 抄 炒)饭。4.妹妹目不转睛地(叮 盯 钉)着那件粉色公主裙。三、

x***q 4年前 上传1659   0

《典中点》第八单元 达标测试卷

第八单元达标检测卷时间:60分钟 满分:100分第一部分:积累运用(72分)一、 我会拼,在拼音下面写出汉字。(10分)二、 我会读句子,给带点的字选择正确的读音,画上“——”。(4分)1.你吃了我,就是违(wéi wěi)抗了老天爷的命令。2.弟弟大声嚷(lǎng rǎng)着:“我的比较少一点儿!”3.教室里太闷(mèn mēn)啦,快把窗户打开。同学们都闷(mèn mēn)

x***q 3年前 上传2126   0

《典中点》第三单元 达标测试卷

第三单元达标检测卷时间:60分钟 满分:100分第一部分:积累运用(72分)一、 我会看拼音写词语,把字写漂亮。(10分)chuán dǐ chuāng wài píng jiǎng chèng gǎn rán hòu 二、 我会给加点的字选择正确的读音,打“√”。(8分)1.妈妈睡着了,我发(fā 

x***q 4年前 上传1227   0

第五单元 达标测试卷

第五单元达标检测卷时间:90分钟 满分:100分一、基础训练营(36分)1.读拼音,写词语。(10分)2.我会写同音字。(6分)【fàn】 (   )围 吃(   ) 广(   ) 罪(   )【tì】 代(   ) 鼻(   ) 抽(   ) (   )头【zǐ】 (   )色 (   )细 (   )孙 花(   )3.比一比,再组词。(5分)    

x***q 3年前 上传527   0

《典中点》第一单元 达标测试卷

第一单元达标检测卷 时间:60分钟 满分:100分 一、基础训练营。(50分) 1.选择正确的拼音填空。(4分) (1)   二月春风似(   )剪刀。 春天像个害羞的小姑娘似(   )的。 (2) 春天来了,南瓜种(   )子发芽了。 邓小平爷爷亲手栽种(   )的柏树已经长大了。 2.

x***q 5年前 上传1714   0

《典中点》第八单元 达标测试卷

第八单元达标检测卷时间:90分钟 满分:100分第一部分:积累运用(41分)一、读拼音,写词语。(6分,每词1分)lòu yǔ mò fēi qǔ huò chèn shān kuā jiǎng  fù zé(   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (    )二、选择一个最正确的答案,把序号填在“(  )”里。(11分,每空1分)

x***q 3年前 上传840   0

《典中点》第三单元 达标测试卷

第三单元达标检测卷时间:90分钟 满分:100分第一部分:积累运用(42分)一、选择题。下面各小题均有A、B、C、D四个备选答案,请按题目要求选择一个正确的答案,将序号填在“(  )”里。(15分)1.下面带点字读音不正确的一项是(  )A.呻吟(yín) B.倾斜(qǐng) C.住宅(zhái) D.叶柄(bǐng)2.下列加点字的读音与“铺路”中的“铺”字的读

x***q 4年前 上传1273   0


第五单元 达标测试卷时间:60分钟 满分:100分 参考答案: 第五单元达标测试卷一、 二、1.凉 习习 欢乐2.夕阳 间3.跑 身体4.玉石三、四、 叫 咬 蚂 蜻 蛛 拔 提 拍 跳 踢踩 C A B D五、1. 2.3. 六、示例:拍 踢 丢七、1.田间 捉害虫2.林中 吃竹叶3.喜鹊 空中 呱呱叫八、1.一清(

x***q 4年前 上传946   0

第五单元 达标测试卷

第五单元达标检测卷时间:90分钟 满分:100分一、 基础训练营(31分)1.下列注音和汉字完全正确的一项是(  )(2分) A.脚腕(jiǎo wàn) 吐痰(tù tán) 严监生(yán jiān shēnɡ)B.颧骨(ɡuàn ɡǔ) 搂住(lǒu zhù) 扳不动(bān bú dònɡ)C.揪住(jiū zhù) 刷浆(shuā jiānɡ) 小胖墩儿(xiǎo

x***q 4年前 上传806   0


第一单元达标检测卷时间:90分钟 满分:100分一、 基础训练营(35分)1.给加点的字选择正确的读音,打“√”。(9分)老翁(wēng wēn) 徐徐(xú xú) 倘若(tǎng tǎn)杂交(zhá zá) 朴素(bǔ pǔ) 剥削(bāo bō)宿舍(sù shù) 绮丽(qí qǐ) 应和(hè hé)2.读拼音,写词语。(12分)

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