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19版高考英语精编优选练:“语法填空+短文改错”组合练12套 (六)




精编优选练(六) 语法填空+短文改错组合练6(限时:30分钟)
The saying last man standing refers to a(n) 1____________ (compete) contest or other situation where the field of participants is narrowed until only a single individual remains Occasionally the term may be used to describe a winning couple or team rather 2____________ an individual
The exact origins of the term are 3____________ (certain) Some believe the term 4____________ (original) applied to the last boxer to remain during a match Others claim the term came from old­fashioned spelling bees where participants either gave up 5____________ were judged out and asked to sit Perhaps the most wide use of the term is in connection with a tontine (联合养老制) an agreement in 6____________ a number of persons collectively own something of value often land Interest in a tontine cannot 7____________ (pass) to another party so the last man standing in this case the last person alive gets the entire interest Throughout history tontines have been dangerous investments (投资).
Today the term is used in a number of 8____________ (situation) It may refer to the winner in any 9____________ (give) contest It may even refer to the last person 10____________ (continue) his attempt to achieve a goal after the others have given up
[语篇解读] 文篇说明文文章介绍last man standing语意义起源法
1.解析:考查名词设空处作短语动词refers to宾语前面冠词限定填competition
2.解析:考查固定搭配rather than意非填than
4.解析:考查副词设空处修饰短语动词applied to填originally
7.解析:考查动语态passInterest in a tontine间动宾关系设空前cannot填be passed
答案:be passed 
8.解析:考查名词复数a number of知处应名词复数形式填situations
10.解析:考查动词定式作定语法设空处作the last person置定语填to continue
答案:to continue 
Sorry to learn that you've put on weight Eat too much junk food in McDonald's and KFC must be the reasonI guess
You have to realize that food is not always as health as what was said in the advertisements If you know more about them we will find fried chicken and French fries are rich in fat sugar and salt They can make you to gain weight and become sick
What you ought to have every day are cereal noodles ricefruit and vegetables rather than the junk food Energy­giving food body­building food and protective food makes up a balance diet In word you must have an idea of how a healthy diet should be and stick to it
I hope my advices can help you improve your health
Li Hua
Sorry to learn that you've put on weight too much junk food in McDonald's and KFC must be the reasonI guess
You have to realize that food is not always as as what said in the advertisements If you know more about them will find fried chicken and French fries are rich in fat sugar and salt They can make you gain weight and become sick
What you ought to have every day are cereal noodles ricefruit and vegetables rather than the junk food Energy­giving food body­building food and protective food up a diet In word you must have an idea of a healthy diet should be and stick to it
I hope my can help you improve your health
Li Hua
I lost my last debate in the recent National High School Academic Debate & Speech Tournament held in Shanghai But instead of focusing on my 1____________ (fail) I stopped to reflect on my experiences in the past few years 2____________ a debater
In general preparing for new debate topics usually 3____________(include) brainstorming arguments researching a resolution (解决) and doing debate practice So if you spot a debating group you might see us sitting together after school or even all day at weekends discussing arguments and researching evidence You might also notice us arguing 4____________ (fierce) anywhere we can
Not only are they supportive but my debate friends also have similar passions and interests to mine As we discuss debate topics my fellow debaters and I can talk about anything from 5____________ best way of rehabilitating (改造) criminals to the negative points of free immigration policies However our discussions are more than just a way 6____________ (practice) our debating skills In my mind they help us to become calm and consider 7____________ (win)and solving real problems as well
To me the debating community is a great place 8____________people help each other not only because they're interested in a higher cause but because they care about how people from different 9____________(background)can lead better lives I'm grateful to each of my debate friends and every single minute we got to spend together Indeed my high school life would be incomplete without them So even though I 10____________ (defeat) in my last debate I'm still thankful for being part of my wonderful debate family
[语篇解读] 文篇记叙文作者然次辩赛中失败停反思年作名辩手历作者然觉受益匪浅
3.解析:考查谓致句中语preparing for new debate topics动名词短语谓语动词第三称单数形式
6.解析:考查非谓语动词然讨仅仅练辩技巧种方法处to do形式作定语
答案:to practice 
答案:was defeated 
In my spare timeI often read some books written by famous writers in or abroad I ever read China's Four Great Classical novel such as Journey to the West BesideI enjoy reading Tang poetry
I have been writing from I was nine years old I am remember the first time my parents and I talked about my dream of becoming writer They laughed out happy when they read the short story I write about robots They think that my story is well worth read and that I am good at writing I believe I will achieve their dream
In my spare timeI often read some books written by famous writers in abroad I ever read China's Four Great Classical such as Journey to the West I enjoy reading Tang poetry
I have been writing I was nine years old I remember the first time my parents and I talked about my dream of becoming writer They laughed out when they read the short story I about robots They think that my story is well worth and that I am good at writing I believe I will achieve dream





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2015高考英语试题分类解析(语法填空答案解析)——专题21 短文改错


m***好 8年前 上传522   0


1.The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate “apparently ordinary” people to __________ (usual) effort.2.We should develop our national __________ (defend) system to keep the enemy away.3.The music was out of __________ (harmonious) with the performance.4.Parents should take seriously their children's requests for sunglasses because eye __________ (protect) is necessary in sunny weather.

郭***林 3年前 上传518   0

2022届高考冲刺限时组合训练14七选五 完形填空 语法填空(含答案)

高中英语冲刺限时组合训练14 七选五+完形填空+语法填空 (含参考答案)时间:30分钟 满分:50 分一. 七选五。(每题2分,共计10分) Many people like to eat at a favorite restaurant on their birthday.1. Here are

的***有 1年前 上传560   0


练习(一)When I was a kid, I was the girl __1__ kept the training wheels on my bike as long as possible. Even my younger sister had got rid ___2___them much earlier than me. But as I began to grow older

的***有 7个月前 上传208   0


高考英语短文改错最全套路来袭一 短文改错万能公式  1.谓语动词的错误是历年考试的重点和热点,常见动词错误类型有:  ①一般现在时与一般过去时错用;  ②and前后动词时态不一致;  ③主谓不一致;  ④缺少动词,特别是be动词;  ⑤第三人称单数形式错用;  ⑥主动语态和被动语态错用。  2.名词的常见错误:  单复数名词错用,可数名词与不可数名词错用。  3.连词错误

小***库 4年前 上传553   0


高三语法填空专项练习2(七)John Keats, 1.________ lived from 1795 to 1821, was a well-known and talented English poet. Although he died early, he is one of the world’s most popular 2.________ (poet) of all time

的***有 7个月前 上传149   0


Thomas Stearns Eliot OM was thought 1. (be) one of the most influential poets of the 20th century.He also wrote plays and some important essays about literature.He was born in St.Louis,Missouri,and went to college in Harvard.2.       (spend)

5***蛇 8个月前 上传211   0


1.He plots better than most __________ (novel).2.She has an appointment with her __________ (account).3.Landscape __________ (photograph)usually attempt to convey an appreciation of the world.

夏***子 3年前 上传824   0


备战2022高考英语应用文专题组合训练(三十一)目录内容第一板块打基础——语料积累第二板块打基础——经典句式悟通第三板块练手感——经典句式仿写第四板块练手感——题目练习一. 打基础——语料积累1. free of charge 免费2. charge sb with sth 因某事指控/控告某人3. cheer (sb)up 使……高兴起来4. get close

文***7 1年前 上传370   0


备战2022高考英语应用文专题组合训练(三十二)目录内容第一板块打基础——语料积累第二板块打基础——经典句式悟通第三板块练手感——经典句式仿写第四板块练手感——题目练习一. 打基础——语料积累1. be concerned about 关心…… 2. as far as I’m concerned 就我而言3. draw a conclusion 得出结论4.

文***7 6个月前 上传148   0


冠词专项练习 名词专项练习 代词专项练习 情态动词专项练习 动词专项练习 非谓语动词专项练习 形容词和副词专项练习 介词和介词短语专项练习 连词专项练习 数词专项练习 There be句型专项练习 主谓一致练习 反意疑问句专项练习 并列句专项练习 感叹句专项练习 宾语从句专项练习 定语从句专项练习 状语从句专项练习 综合练习一 综合练习二 综合练习三

C***1 4年前 上传925   0


2022届高考英语定语从句专练定语从句专练一.根据句意,填上合适的词。1. There they met people from other parts of the country, _________ had also volunteered to help.2. The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the po

文***7 6个月前 上传186   0


专题复习语法填空之冬奥(三)That Beijing together with Zhangjiakou succeeded in getting the chance 1.(host) the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, speeds up the development of Zhangjiakou City. Word came 2.the Beijing --

文***7 6个月前 上传203   0


1. 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,并把字母序号填入相应位置。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)A. chance B. next C. off D. hard E. by F. Suddenly G. Luckily H. support l. smiles J. last K. so L. from

夏***子 3年前 上传537   0

高考英语 二轮专题复习语法填空专项训练(含答案版)

练习(一) It is hard to say the first day of school in the United States because __1___the first day of school is and ___2__ happens on the first day of school usually are different __3___ districts (地区

文***7 6个月前 上传214   0

选择填空限时练(六) 教师版

选择填空限时练(六)(推荐时间:45分钟)一、选择题1. 已知集合A={x|x>1},B={x|x<m},且A∪B=R,那么m的值可以是 (  )A.-1 B.0 C.1 D.2答案 D解析 因为A∪B=R,所以m>1,故选D.2. 已知=2+i,则复数z的共轭复数为 (  )A.3+i B.3-iC.-3-i

简***生 11年前 上传450   0

选择填空限时练(六) 学生版

选择填空限时练(六)(推荐时间:45分钟)一、选择题1. 已知集合A={x|x>1},B={x|x<m},且A∪B=R,那么m的值可以是 (  )A.-1 B.0 C.1 D.22. 已知=2+i,则复数z的共轭复数为 (  )A.3+i B.3-i C.-3-i D.-3+i3. 采用系统抽样方法从480人中抽取1

h***b 10年前 上传542   0


【考向解读】 高考短文改错主要考查考生在语篇中综合运用英语知识的准确性,着重考查考生的语言基本功,即:考查考生的词、句、篇和语法的综合水平。其设置的考点灵活多变,知识层次多,覆盖面广,涉及词汇、句法、语篇等方面的语言知识和语意逻辑的运用以及综合辨析能力,是一种在较高层次上考查考生对英语知识的掌握和语言综合运用能力的测试题型。它是针对考生平时学习英语过程中,尤其是写作中常犯的错误而设计的,所以在

蓝郎梦 3年前 上传444   0

高考英语冲刺强化组合冲刺训练29语法填空 应用文写作 读后续写(含答案版)

高中英语强化组合冲刺训练29 语法填空+应用文写作+读后续写 (含参考答案)时间:45分钟 满分:50 分一. 语法填空。(每题1分,共计10分) Fishing is my favorite sport. I often fish 1 hours without getting anything. But this 2

文***7 10个月前 上传276   0

高考英语冲刺强化组合冲刺训练06语法填空 应用文写作 读后续写(含答案版)

高中英语强化组合冲刺训练06 语法填空+应用文写作+读后续写 (含参考答案)时间:45分钟 满分:50 分一. 语法填空。(每题1分,共计10分) I was sitting in a crowded restaurant, enjoying 1 tasty meal with my Chinese family. The atmosphe

高***本 5个月前 上传178   0

高考英语冲刺强化组合冲刺训练28语法填空 应用文写作 读后续写(含答案版)

高中英语强化组合冲刺训练28 语法填空+应用文写作+读后续写 (含参考答案)时间:45分钟 满分:50 分一. 语法填空。(每题1分,共计10分) I was always told that the three Ps, patience, positive thinking and perseverance, were a sure path 1

文***7 10个月前 上传267   0

高考英语冲刺强化组合冲刺训练30语法填空 应用文写作 读后续写(含答案版)

高中英语强化组合冲刺训练30语法填空+应用文写作+读后续写 (含参考答案)时间:45分钟 满分:50 分一. 语法填空。(每题1分,共计10分) I believe being honest is one of the greatest gifts. I know they call it a lot of fancy names, 1

文***7 10个月前 上传216   0

高考英语冲刺强化组合冲刺训练02语法填空 应用文写作 读后续写(含答案版)

 高中英语强化组合冲刺训练02 语法填空+应用文写作+读后续写 (含参考答案)时间:45分钟 满分:50 分一. 语法填空。(每题1分,共计10分) London was awarded 1 2012 Olympic Games on Wednesday, 2 (defeat) European rival Paris

文***7 10个月前 上传277   0



闵***楠 4年前 上传816   0


China covers large areas and has a great 1._________(/pɒpju:’lei∫ən/). Different living habits have always been an interesting topic in the country. Recently, another difference 2._________ northerners and southerners became a hot one: the way they shop at markets.

鬼***笑 3年前 上传612   0