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work summary
i’m xxx a graduate student from xxx university my major is electrical automation i will graduate in july next year before i applied for graduate study i worked in xxx for over a year i have some design experience in my last job as an intern i came to xxx in november 17 counting on my fingers i have stayed here for about four weeks in here i make a brief summary for this four weeks practice work
first of all thanking you for giving me this internship opportunity i had a chance to begin my career in advance at the same time i took part in the two weeks’ training about xxx during the training i was inquisitive and tried to improve myself every day i seriously record the knowledge our teacher
explained while studying specification related to automation design at night so as to prepare for future design work meanwhile i seized every chance to learn from colleagues who participate in projects in this way the technology of automation and ability of practice had been improved
in this way i comprehensively studied the drawing of automation design and understood the culture and regulations of our company i am skilled in the using cad office software although i can't log on the system of xxx xxx i know how to use them for instance i know how to create a loop diagram with xxx
moreover i pay attention to the relationship with colleagues we learn from and help each other i would take initiative to do something when
encountering some problems that i couldn’t resolve i usually ask and learn from them
in short during the period i have grown up a lot both in work and the way of getting along with others i had become more mature and stable consciously i feel i have reached the company's requirements and are still growing and improving in here i gave a summary for passing probation i would like to contribute my knowledge energy and enthusiasm to xxx
yearend is a good time to review your programs to get them ready for the next year typically this time of year things slow down due to the holidays you might have some time to focus on the recommendations below
yearend recap
it is critical that you develop a yearend recap and send it out to as many people as possible
this will let then know your successes as well as challenges in the past year you can use this to brag about the successes which can lead to more support as well as budget
in addition by outlining the challenges you may be able to motivate others to help and or make appropriate changes within their teams that will help you prevent
these problems
annual traffic & sales review
reviewing your inbound traffic and conversions across the year to look for trends or new phrases is a great opportunity to identify new markets keywords or countries that may have been overlooked in the monthly reviews
when you look at the trends over an entire year you can often find months that are higher or lower than normal and can adjust your annual or quarterly plans to maximize these spikes
keyword glossaries
often overlooked are company’s localization glossaries these are master lists of word pairs that are used in machine translation and translation management tools throughout the yearyou may have done a lot of
keyword research and modeling that may need to be added to the glossary as well as words replaced with those which have more demand or better match searcher’s intent
if any new products were added this year they should be added to the glossary as well to make sure that the most relevant versions are integrated
sitewide diagnostics
due the holidays at the end of the year your workload may decrease giving time to review and clean up many of the common errors that accumulate in google and bing webmaster tools
new yearnew tactics lunch & learn
schedule a variety of lunch and learns with your various teams to update them on any new techniques and updates like avoiding panda penalties it is often good to update any new employees that were added in the past few moths on the best practices they may not be aware of
end of life products
especially if you managing search for a large company you should meet with the product teams to identify products that are no longer sold it is common in larger companies and especially in consumer electronics that
as product reach their end of life for marketing they are removed from the site
while they are no longer sold they are still being used by consumers that will need replacement parts services and hopefully upgrades you can create a hybrid page that represents these options for
consumers and replace the previous product page to allow you to continue to capture those still interested in your products
any of these can help find nuggets of opportunities that will help you look good in the first quarter it will also help you to make budget justifications and support additional headcount or agency budgets for specific roles
most importantly you should have a good idea of the overall progress and what opportunities you have for improvement in the new year
航空货运公司2014年终总结(英文版) as 2014 draws to a close a handful of air cargo leaders have taken the time to reflect on a tumultuous year from supply chains ravaged by the japanese tsunami to economic instability permeating the us and the eurozone the airfreight industry has taken numerous hits throughout 2014 but can the lessons gleaned from these difficult times be used to avoid similar fates in the future
in the final installment of the threepart series (view parts one and two here) hong kong air cargo terminals ltd managing director mark whitehead and emirates airline’s divisional senior vice president cargo ram menen discuss the past year and their projections for 2014
what was the most significant storyline of 2014
mark whitehead amid the japanese tsunami and its commercial aftershocks the new zealand earthquake squabbles with the
transportation security administration over deadlines to meet their heightened security requirements and the ongoing saga of surcharges the dominant storyline for us in 2014 was falling tonnages on major routes — particularly those out of hong kong
but we are not convinced that this swath of negative coverage is really justified — we feel there have been too many comparisons to 2014 leading to the impression that 2014 has turned out to be much worse than it should in hactl’s own case we could fall farther and yet still beat our previous peak of 2014 which would be no small
2014 was a postrecession bounce fueled by global restocking so it was always going to be hard to beat but many in the air cargo
industry thought 2014 was a sign of even better things to come and budgeted for incremental growth in 2014 they now have a major problem
ram menen the market slowdown is obviously the topic that has dominated the industry but what is most remarkable about 2014 is the number and diversity of factors that contributed to the slowdown natural disasters such as the tsunami in japan and the thai floods were major events that not only impacted exports and imports in those countries directly but also hit global supply chains production lines in factories were halted due to the sudden shortage of vital components
economic instability has also been a significant issue with the various crises across europe and the politicalization of the deficit ceiling in the us all rocking consumer confidence we also can’t forget the
sustained high cost of fuel which is an ongoing challenge for the air cargo industry on the plus side it was good to see the boeing 7478f enter service while the arab spring heralds a new beginning for many businesses in the region and will stimulate international trade
what lessons have you learned in 2014 that will help you have a successful 2014
menen you can never trust forecasts old rules don’t apply and the new rules haven’t been written the industry is becoming less
predictable every year with more and more challenges arising of course the price of oil is always something we have to contend with but worryingly natural disasters seem to be happening at a more frequent rate while increasingly more national economies are
struggling we are continually learning and every challenge helps us become better prepared to manage whatever new challenges 2014 brings
whitehead as a relative newcomer to this industry (i became hactl’s managing director in september 2014) but a longterm observer of others while working at a senior level i have quickly learned how sensitive air cargo is to the health of the global economy and how reactive it is to consumer demand
air cargo is a business that can boom in response to the release of a single new piece of consumer technology (ie the iphone 4 the latest
playstation or the kindle) or crash because fears of defaults in one small economy have threatened to upset the currency of 16 others i now realize that the major strength of air cargo — its ability to respond to sudden changes in consumer demand — is also its major weakness i’m developing the view that any prediction in air cargo is pointless if it’s based only on a recent or shortlived trend (like the one displayed in 2014) rather than the extrapolation of a longterm picture that has been proven right by history you could say that this risks missing the next major opportunity but i don’t think so it avoids the equally serious risk of assuming lots of additional overhead that could quickly become a millstone if predictions fall short history usually repeats itself and longterm trends of the past which incorporate past peaks and troughs are a much better basis for predicting future trends that alone is not enough however the trick is surely also to factor in additional growth from real prospects of business gains that are within your influence and consider the possible effects of any real or probable threats but you must also accept that the shortterm picture may still be impacted either positively or negatively by totally unforeseen events beyond our control after all that’s air cargo
第四篇:英语教师 英文版求职信
application letter
dear mr ding
through the courtesy of miss wan my college classmate who as a teacher has already worked in your organization i was informed that your organization is in great need of english teacher i am very interesting in such a position
as the resume indicates that my major is english with years of intensive english learning and training i firmly believe that i have built an expansive english knowledge base furthermore i got a teacher certification via selflearning during my campus life which gave me theoretical knowledge about how to be a teacher and how to teach in addition i attempted to teach students during winter holiday in the second year of my college life which offered me the practical experience about teaching therefore i have no difficulty conducting classes in english and feel quiet comfortable working with students
i know there are still many things to learn and i have got everything ready for the upcoming challenges if you give me this chance thank you for your precious time
best regards
sincerely yours
pingyao international photography festival
————the internship report as a volunteer
in september 19th 2014 photographers curators and shutterbugs from 45 countries witnessed the opening ceremony of the the 12thpingyao international photography festival the theme of the festival is returning and exceeding as a volunteer i was honored to join this great project and really felt its excellence and contacting exhibition work without distance enriched my horizon and enabled me to get a loton september 14th 2014 i set out for pingyaothe host venue of the the 12thpingyao international photography festival with other volunteers
the night had shut in when we got to pingyao the ancient city which was named a famous historic and cultural city by the state council and was included in its list of world culture heritage by the unesco in 1997 it was so beautiful that we expected to join the work and try our best to help the festival host successfully lying on the heatable adobe sleeping platform enabled me think of our childhood
as an english translator major student our work was to communicate and do everything about foreigners hosting this activity is a hard work because it includes lots of regular things as well as many unexpected things our main tasks were three first is to meet all of the foreign photographers and curators second is to help the foreign curators install in addition to those the important thing is to translate of course there were lots of trifles this report will introduce some personal experience from crosscultural communication translation and working abilities i really hope that these experience can help students of translation major
crosscultural communication and translation
the next day morning we got up very early after breakfast we got our own tasks i was arranged to help an english couple who are famous photographers and curators organize and install during these process i needed to communicate with them and
knew their requirements and then conveyed their requirements to the workers besides this they were very kind and patient to introduce the thought of every work to me that made me feelinterested in every work rather than only looking at the surface of every work
the other thing was that i had helped the photographers and curators install for two days from singapore during this proceed i could feel the differences among singlishchingish and english it’s difficult for me to understand this kind of english because we often listen to and practice american english and london english therefore we should listen to and practice various kinds of english besides this i also learned lots of singaporean culture and appreciated their precise style of working another work i was assigned was to look after the foreign students help them communicate with the boss of the hotel andother things this was a a tedious process because different students had different requirements but this was also a happy process because we are of the same age have many common topics and we introduced our own culture to each other and i also personally felt that the differences between chinese students and foreign students they are very extroverted while most of us very introverted during this process we are not only ourselves but alsorepresent china so we should improve ourselves and practice more than convey our culture to the world
working ability
one thing i have to refer i was temporally arranged to meet a foreign photographer to the airport on the evening of september 18th because of emergency i knew little about of this photographer and didn’t prepare a big reception card what’s worse i didn’t find him after the airport had landed 20 minutes i found everywhere of the airport but nothing out of frustration i turned to the airport broadcasting station for help howeverafter several broadcastingi couldn’t still find him reluctantly i only
couldseek help from the police but they were also helpless because there was a little information about him at last i only came back with my guilty that kept me up all night it was worth being happy when i knew that photographer had arrived safely the reason why we couldn’t meet him was that he missed the flight however i really learned a lot how to cool myself and deal with things how to return help and know how important the preparation is i really hope this little experience can warn you and improve our working abilities during the daily life
during these days we shuttled in every exhibition areas and helped foreigners solve some language problems we communicated with each other made them know exhibition know pingyao know shanxi and know china so i made following conclusion
(1) read more books and accumulate more knowledge not only in english but also in chinese
(2) listen to various kinds of english and improve our identification abilities
(3) learn how to communicate with others and improve our social abilities and quick reaction abilities
reviewing these days time was short but very full hard but very happy as an translator it was helpful and useful for me to have chances to practice and this practice made me know that it’s difficult for a translator we need to accumulate a lot convey a lot besides translations we need to convey our culture our spirit to the world
pingyao international festival has left me a deep and a good impression i think we these silent volunteers who work in this exhibition must also leave his mark on the exhibition




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教师工作总结 小学(精选多篇)

教师工作总结 小学(精选多篇)第一篇:教师个人工作总结(小学)本文转载自 个人工作总结总结网 最专业的工作总结范文网站教师个人工作总结(小学)又一学期即将结束,在这段边工作边学习的日子里,我凡事都脚踏实地地去做,不弛于空想,不骛于虚声,而惟以为真的态度做踏实的功夫。因此,在这里,我想实事求是地来谈谈自己所取得的成绩与不足之处。首先,作为一名教师,注意培养自己良好的师德,关心和

j***h 12年前 上传587   0



z***c 11年前 上传559   0



简***数 10年前 上传544   0



c***6 10年前 上传623   0



g***g 11年前 上传552   0



e***q 11年前 上传606   0


英文教师工作总结(精选多篇)第一篇:英文班主任工作总结英文班主任工作总结姜微微一 、注重班级环境的营造:英文班班主任在班级管理中注重对班级环境的营造,如英文班初中班主任richard所说:“班级环境创设最重要的是让学生有集体的感觉。对学生来说,班级并不只是一个教室,而还是他们的学习场所,结识新朋友的地方,思考问题,解决难题的地方。班级也是学生们寻找心理依靠,展现集体荣誉感的关

P***C 11年前 上传614   0



叮***铛 11年前 上传642   0


特级教师工作总结(精选多篇)第一篇:特级教师工作总结工 作 总 结这一年,我担任一个重点班和一个普通班的数学课教学工作,同时兼任年级主任一职。工作重,任务繁,但我乐此不疲。我努力做到管理工作与教学工作并重,管理工作为主,教学工作不放松。现将工作汇报如下:一、 以德立身,身正为范作为一名特级教师,我深感责任重大,比别的人更加严格在师德上要求自己。我总是积极参加学校的各种政治学习

冯***总 11年前 上传771   0


教师工作总结模板(精选多篇)第一篇:教师工作总结(模板)成都石室外语学校附属小学2014—2014学年度(下)教师工作总结结,并分析问题存在的原因,提出以后努力的方向和措施。② 班主任还需要就劳动课进行专项总结,如:劳动知识、技能、育人效果等。③ 评价按照“优秀” “称职”“基本合格”“不称职”进行。④ 请年段组长于6月26日前将教师工作总结交到分管行政处(电子文档和

8***1 11年前 上传570   0



张***四 12年前 上传524   0



h***n 10年前 上传572   0

教师工作总结 高中(精选多篇)

教师工作总结 高中(精选多篇)第一篇:高中教师年终工作总结时间飞逝,20xx年的工作也已经接近尾声,为了更好地做好今后的工作,总结经验、吸取教训,本人特就这年度的工作小结一、思想政治表现、品德素质修养及职业道德。能够认真贯彻党的基本路线方针政策,作为党员教师,系统地接受了“保持共产党员先进性教育”培训活动,政治理论进一步加强,党性修养有了进一步的提高;遵纪守法,爱岗敬业,具有强烈

哭***哭 9年前 上传480   0



s***p 12年前 上传430   0



y***0 9年前 上传444   0



j***j 12年前 上传591   0



c***n 9年前 上传509   0


英文教师工作总结英语(精选多篇)第一篇:英语教师英文求职信dear leaders: hello! i am a foreign language college, xx normal xx-class english-speaking, a student, after four years of study and training, i will be completed

s***6 10年前 上传470   0



t***d 11年前 上传725   0



马***林 8年前 上传524   0



d***n 11年前 上传514   0


高校教师工作总结(精选多篇)第一篇:高校教师工作总结####年度工作总结####年,在系领导和同事们的关心指导下,本人认真学习政治理论,刻苦钻研业务技能,较好的完成了教学任务和领导交付的各项工作。期间,共承担4门课程,464学时的教学任务;主持校内课题一项。本人还承担了###班的班主任工作,班级班风、学风良好。现将一年来工作基本情况报告如下:一、思想政治方面 本人坚信共产主义事业

x***9 12年前 上传705   0



1***是 10年前 上传437   0


高二化学教师工作总结(精选多篇)第一篇:高二化学教学工作总结本学期我任教高二(1)、(2)、(6)班的化学,兼任化学教研组长和高二(2)班主任工作,高二化学教学工作总结。在工作中,我认真努力、扎实肯干,各方面都取得了较好的成绩。 一、主持课题研究工作,成效显著。 本学期我担任化学教研组长工作,按学校的要求,以课题研究为核心,我以身作则带领全组教师认真开展课题研究工作,取得了丰富的成果。在

b***n 10年前 上传550   0


教龄教师工作总结德(精选多篇)第一篇:沧州市农村原民办代课教师身份和教龄认定工作沧州市农村原民办代课教师身份和教龄认定工作调 查 笔 录时间:地点:调查人:记录人:被调查人:调查内容记录:被调查人签字:(手印)调查人签字:乡(镇)专项工作领导小组负责人签字:(公章)第二篇:原民办教师身份和教龄认定工作证人承诺书原民办教师身份和教龄认定工作证人承诺书

小***瓜 10年前 上传531   0