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  My favourite season
     Can you guess which season I like best Well let me tell you My favourite season is summer In the summer the weather is hot and sunny and I can go swimming in the sea I really like swimming I can put on my sunglasses I think I' m cool when I wear the sunglasses I can also eat my favourite fruit and icecream in the summer
     Summer is great for me I like summer do your like summer
  My Favourate Season
  How glad I am that summer has e
  I like summer best because I can have a very happy time then Every summer I stay at my uncle's house in the country for some time and enjoy the life there I can also catch worms that are not found in cities In addition we can see many kinds of birds I think the country is certainly a better place than the city for vacation
  Summer is my favourite season
  my favourate season
  Every timewhen the sun shining brightlyI know summer is ingThough it is very hotI still prefer summerIn hot summerI like lying in the sunshinesometimesBecause it's too hotI always stay for fifteen minutesAlwaysyou can see lots of people swimming in the seaor in the swimming poolI like playing with my friends in the swimming pool and enjoy the happy time
  Most people hate the sunshine in summer because it's too hotbut I just like itIt makes me feel happybright and warm
  Spring is my favourite season At that time every day is full of vitality
  The voice is covered with a green clothes quietly came to earth open the doors of the spring the whole world is refreshed
  Morning came to the grass the grass brother leaned out of the green heads under the call of the mother earth like you just wake up the baby open your hazy sleep greedily sucking the nature has given the sunshine rain and dew The fog of the distance to ing here The morning of the spring is so dim the birds chirp started a beautiful day
  At noon the sun with its gigantic gentle light into our heart In the distance a farmhouse bamboo forest The old man the children in there to chat play The river is not far away there is a group of ducks in the river water game also head first into the water down from time to time for food See this picture I can't help but think of the poem the three two bamboo peach blossom outside the spring duck prophet
  Night night to go to work it together with the stars between the clouds and we play hide and seek Farmhouse is very quiet at night the pig also fast asleep beside circles of cattle nor uttered a moo sleepy beast let a person feel very quiet
  Simple farmhouse in the vibrant spring is really a beautiful picture
  My favorite season is spring
  When spring es Snakes wake up They find their tasty food White rabbits run on the grass Many fish are in the river
  Spring is beautiful and green In spring the air is fresh the sky is blue the clouds are white I often wear a red sweater and blue jean I can fly kites on the green grass In March we can plant trees In spring the weather is always sunny and warm usually I go shopping Sometimes I go hiking and climb mountains I like spring
  Spring is my favourite season At that time every day is full of vitality
  The voice is covered with a green clothes quietly came to earth open the doors of the spring the whole world is refreshed
  Morning came to the grass the grass brother leaned out of the green heads under the call of the mother earth like you just wake up the baby open your hazy sleep greedily sucking the nature has given the sunshine rain and dew The fog of the distance to ing here The morning of the spring is so dim the birds chirp started a beautiful day
  At noon the sun with its gigantic gentle light into our heart In the distance a farmhouse bamboo forest The old man the children in there to chat play The river is not far away there is a group of ducks in the river water game also head first into the water down from time to time for food See this picture I can't help but think of the poem the three two bamboo peach blossom outside the spring duck prophet
  Night night to go to work it together with the stars between the clouds and we play hide and seek Farmhouse is very quiet at night the pig also fast asleep beside circles of cattle nor uttered a moo sleepy beast let a person feel very quiet
  my favourate season
  there are four seasons in a yearspringsummerfall and winterin springi think it's warmand in summmer is too hotfall is a good seasonbecause it's coolwe can climb hillswinterit's coldso that wo have to keep warmin these i like springbestbeacuse i can dress beautiful skirts and colthescertaily
  Of all the four seasonsI love summer most
  Firstly summer is my most favourite season because the longest vacations of the year are in summerI can have a lot of fun during summer vacations include of camping with friends and family members going to the beach or swimming at public pools traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally
  Secondly summer is a pleasant season for all kinds of cold foods and juicy fruits Ice cream is our all time favourite dessert Yeh I love ice cream so much I have to eat some ice cream almost everyday in summer There are a lot of fresh fruits selling everywhere Watermelon is proudly rated to be the most demanding fruit in the season All kinds of iced drinks are greatly demanded in summer
  my favourate season
  My favourite season is summer I often wear my shorts and Tshirt Sometimes I wear my jeans In summer it is often sunny and hot Sometimes rainy in summer I usually swim with my father Sometimes I eat icecream at home
  I like summer bestIn summerthe weather is sunny and hotI can eat my favourite food—ice creamsI'm very happyI like swimming in the pool with my friendsIn summerthe flowers are beautifulthe grss is very greenI can have a picnic with my parentsAnd we have fun
  I like summer bestDo you like ittoo
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我最喜欢的动物(作文20篇)  我最喜欢的动物文(一):  我喜欢的动物有很多,比如黑白相间的大熊猫,小巧玲珑的仓鼠活泼可爱的金鱼……其中,我最喜欢的就是小猫了。  小猫的名字叫喵喵,它个头不高,妈妈说,它才五个月大。它有一身洁白如雪毛,软软的,亮亮的,让你忍不住想去摸摸它。圆圆的脑袋上竖着两只三角形的耳朵,大的眼睛水灵灵,小小的鼻子和一个樱桃小嘴,真是可爱极了。  别看它小,它可是一个

四***廷 4年前 上传552   0


我最喜欢的花作文(精选多篇)第1篇:我最喜欢的花 作文  有人喜欢报春使者迎春花,有人喜欢散发着清香的桂花,有人喜欢光彩夺目的一串红,有人喜欢身姿娇艳的月季。要问我最喜欢什么花,我会毫不犹豫地回答:“我最喜欢菊花!”我爱菊花,因为它的坚强。每逢秋天来临,树叶从树上纷纷落下来,其它鲜花们都神气不起来了,唯有它迎风而立,傲霜怒放。好像在说:“我才是最棒的!因为我不畏严寒。”我爱菊

m***j 12年前 上传438   0


我喜欢的季节(作文20篇)  我喜欢的季节作文一):  每一年都是春夏秋冬四季循环;每一个人都有自我喜欢的季节。而我喜欢的季节就是秋天和冬天。  秋天,虽没有春天花儿般的光彩,虽没有夏天清风的凉爽,虽没有冬天大雪纷飞的美景。可是,我却喜欢秋。菊花,在百花凋零的时候开放。而百花凋零的时候是秋天。就像诗人白居易的的《咏菊》:一夜新霜着瓦轻,芭蕉新折败荷亲。耐寒唯有东篱菊,金栗初开晓更清。就像诗

四***廷 3年前 上传511   0


我最喜欢的小动物作文15篇  我最喜欢的小动物文(一):  我很喜欢小动物,比如:小狗、小猫、仓鼠、乌龟……但我最喜欢的小动物是我的好朋友———小金鱼!  那三条小金鱼是我从游乐园钓回来的。我给它们取了三个名字,分别是:泡泡、动动和静静。叫泡泡的最小,是红白相间的,它喜欢吐泡泡。叫动动的长得胖胖的,异常好动,经常欺负另外两条金鱼。叫静静的,顾名思义,就很安静了(所以会被动动欺负)。这三条金

四***廷 3年前 上传597   0


二年级我最喜欢的植物作文(5篇)  欢迎借鉴参阅,下面是优悦小生精心为大家收集整理的资料,下载后可以自行删除、添加、修改等编辑,希望对您的使用有所帮助,您的努力学习必定能创造更美好的未来!【篇一】二年级我最喜欢的植物作文  我喜欢的植物有很多,比如梨花、梅花、菊花、桃花等,其中我最喜欢桃花。  桃花远看像一朵粉色的云朵,近看就像一只粉色的蝴蝶停在树上。桃花粉粉的,摸上去软软的。有的已经完

优***生 2个月前 上传100   0


我最喜欢的经典作品作文(精选多篇)第1篇:我最喜欢的经典作品 作文我最喜欢的经典作品本文档由香当网(https://www.xiangdang.net)用户上传

h***o 11年前 上传441   0


我最喜欢的玩具二年级作文20篇  我最喜欢的玩二年级作文(一):  我最喜欢的玩具是魔方。  魔方是我的一位教师送我的礼物。它一共有红色、白色、黄色、蓝色、绿色、橙色六种颜色,同时也有六个面儿。当我拼好一面的时候,我就异常的开心,我感觉自我完全被这个魔方给迷住了。之后就不停地转呀拧呀,十来分钟后,我又拼好了绿色的那一面。我能拼出两面了,我兴奋极了!经过反复的练习,我最终拼好了六面,我就高兴

四***廷 3年前 上传655   0


我最喜欢的一节课初二作文800字  导语:作文对于在校学生来说,是学习好语文的重要组成部分。我们每次考试得用到作文,它在各级语文考试中,是卷面分最高的题目,因此它的重要性可想而知。下面是优悦小生精心为大家收集整理的资料,下载后可以自行删除、添加、修改等编辑,希望对您的使用有所帮助,您的努力学习必定能创造更美好的未来!【篇一】我最喜欢的一节课初二作文800字  初二的秋天,我们分了班。这是的

优***生 3个月前 上传108   0


我最喜欢的一句名言作文20篇  我最喜欢的一句言作文(一):  我最喜欢的一句名言是:“关心是一种付出,关心是一种奉献,关心是一种美德,让我们从一点一滴的生活小事做起,学会理解,学会关心,学会做人。”这句话是我在书上看到的。当时,我并不了解这句话的深刻含义。之后,我问了妈妈,她说:“你不懂是因为你从未真正关心过别人,试试吧,你会懂得的。”我听了妈妈的话后似懂非懂的点了点头。  走到学校,我

四***廷 3年前 上传424   0


我最喜欢的一首歌(作文25篇)  我最喜欢的一歌作文(一):  世间的完美莫过于静静聆听一曲悠扬的旋律。飘下的一阵雨丝是一曲轻柔的乐曲;泉水畅流是一曲欢快的乐曲;风儿拂过柳叶是一曲缠绵的乐曲。在我们生活中,随处都可听见各种各样的曲子。  在我心中也温存着一首值得聆听一生的歌曲--摇篮曲。或许有人会说我幼稚,可我却不以为然。这首曲子是那样的普通,它不是一首情绪激昂让人振奋的歌,也不是一首缠缠

四***廷 3年前 上传516   0


我最喜欢的一句名言  一句闪光的名言会影响和改变你的一生,它富有哲理,耐人寻味,指导着你的学习生活。 我最喜欢的一句的名言是“人生有两出悲剧:一出是万念俱灰;另一出是踌躇满志。”它是英国著名的讽刺戏剧家和评论家肖伯纳说的。它的意思也就是说:人生有两种不幸的遭遇,一种是一切想法与打算都破灭了,还有一种就是自己对自己的现状与取得的成就非常得意。   在人生的征途中,懒惰之性总会冷不防地侵袭你

y***3 12年前 上传648   0


二年级我喜欢的季节作文(6篇)  欢迎借鉴参阅,下面是优悦小生精心为大家收集整理的资料,下载后可以自行删除、添加、修改等编辑,希望对您的使用有所帮助,您的努力学习必定能创造更美好的未来!【篇一】二年级我喜欢的季节作文  秋天是收获的季节。田野里的庄稼和果园里的果子都别有一番景象,不信,你就跟我看看。  到了庄稼地,只见一棵棵高粱排着整齐的队伍向我们微笑。随后,玉米地里的玉米见我们只在高粱

优***生 2个月前 上传94   0


二年级作文我喜欢的季节(4篇)  欢迎借鉴参阅,下面是优悦小生精心为大家收集整理的资料,下载后可以自行删除、添加、修改等编辑,希望对您的使用有所帮助,您的努力学习必定能创造更美好的未来!【篇一】二年级作文我喜欢的季节  在一年四季中,美丽的秋天是我喜欢的,秋天不仅风景好,而且水果都成熟了,空气中都带着香甜的水果气息,金黄的秋天真是令我们心旷神怡。虽然春天有鲜艳的百花争相开放,夏天有繁茂的大

优***生 3个月前 上传94   0


初二英语作文-我最好的朋友(六篇)篇一:我最好的朋友英语作文I have a best friend.She has long,straight,black hair,big,black eyes and a small nose.She is very thin and kind,she is cute,too. Her English and Chinese is very good

陌***归 2年前 上传747   0


我的梦想英语作文(精选多篇)第一篇:我的梦想(英语作文)i have a dream : i want to be a lawyer .the reason i want to be a lawyer r is i think this profession is very important and meaningful. if i am a lawyer, i will can co

小***女 9年前 上传861   0


我的暑假英语作文(精选多篇)第一篇:我的暑假——英语作文我的暑假(my summer holidays ? i like the summer holidy so much. last summer,i ’amgoto shen zhen for my holiday, which is also a city of seashore like haikou. i enjoyed h

h***f 11年前 上传602   0


一年级我最喜欢的一本书200字作文(4篇)  欢迎借鉴参阅,下面是优悦小生精心为大家收集整理的资料,下载后可以自行删除、添加、修改等编辑,希望对您的使用有所帮助,您的努力学习必定能创造更美好的未来!一年级我最喜欢的一本书200字作文1  我最喜欢的一本书是什么?你们猜猜看,猜不着吧,其实就是笑猫日记,这本书的主人公是一只会笑的猫,笑猫会很多的表情都是用笑来表达的,它会微笑,苦笑,冷笑嘲笑皮

优***生 2个月前 上传154   0


口语交际:我最喜欢的人物形象一、明确交际话题阅读文学书籍或观看影视作品时,我们常常会被其中的一些人物吸引或感动,你最近阅读的书籍有____________ ____________ ____________,观看的电影有____________ ____________ ____________。给你留下深刻印象的人物是____________________。二、提出交际要求搜

x***q 4年前 上传2657   0


我最喜欢的一句名人名言  成功后的喜悦和辉煌往往是人们所向往,所追求的。但当你经过一番周折后,达到了自己所期待的愿望,那么又将做什么呢?  “成功的快乐在于一次又一次对自己的肯定,而不在于长久满足于某件事情的完成。”这就是我最喜欢的名言。  有一种人,只是一味的沉浸在昨日的辉煌,而不愿意尝试更多的喜悦,其实他们只是害怕多次失败所换来的代价会再次重演,于是选择逃避,安于现状。比如吴王夫

p***p 10年前 上传722   0


口语交际 我最喜欢的人物形象【教学目标】 1.愿意把自己喜欢的文学书籍或影视作品中的人物形象与同学交流,有表达的兴趣和欲望。2.能够利用整理的信息,用普通话把喜欢的人物是谁、出自哪部影视或文学作品、这个人物鲜明的特点以及喜欢这个人物的原因等有条理地讲清楚,态度自然大方。3.能借助图片或实物选择别人可能感兴趣的内容讲述,提高口语交际能力。4.认真听别人讲话,了解讲话的主要内

x***q 4年前 上传1992   0

口语交际 我最喜欢的人物形象


D***0 4年前 上传4614   0


我的家乡英语作文(精选多篇)第一篇:我的家乡英语作文英语作文 我的家乡my home town is a beautiful place. it stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.but in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. ma

1***1 9年前 上传686   0


我的梦想英语作文18篇  我的梦想英语作文(一:  Dream, as the ideal kite, with we yearn for the blue sky, fly。 My dream is to bee a great scientist, to benefit the people。  Remember once, my father and I played badmint

四***廷 4年前 上传1332   0


我的朋友英语作文15篇  我的朋友英语作文(一:  My best friend:  My best friend is very beautiful。She has long staight hair。She is tall and thin。She doesn't like others girl。She likes wearing jeans best。I never look he

四***廷 3年前 上传773   0


★My Favourite Book Everyone has his own favourite book, I am also. The book I like best is ‘Harry  Potter’which is written by an English single mother author—J.K Rowling. It’s very interesting. I li

安***队 5年前 上传3795   0