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1 出国介绍信
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  to whom it may concern as the dean of stonewell college i have had the pleasure of knowing hannah smith for the last four years she has been a tremendous student and an asset to our school i would like to take this opportunity to recommend hannah for your graduate program i feel confident that she will continue to succeed in her studies hannah is a dedicated student and thus far her grades have been exemplary in class she has proven to be a takecharge person who is able to successfully develop plans and implement them hannah has also assisted us in our admissions office she has successfully demonstrated leadership ability by counseling new and prospective students
  her advice has been a great help to these students many of whom have taken time to share their comments with me regarding her pleasant and encouraging attitude it is for these reasons that i offer high recommendations for hannah without reservation her drive and abilities will truly be an asset to your establishment if you have any questions regarding this recommendation please do not hesitate to contact me sincerely roger fleming dean of stonewell college
  at the request of mrxizhen chenmy former student in the department of computer sciencebeijing univof sciencesi am glad to write this letter furnishing my uation ofhis academic aptitude for your referencemrchen is interested in your graduate program in computer sciencei came to know him in september 1987 when mrchen enrolled in my class on fortran iv programminga three semesters’’coursein the class he was one of the most outstanding studentsat the semester final he earned ahigh grade of 81which should beaaccording to our grading systemi also ound him good at other studiesafter the classhe had personal talks with me several times
  he indicated agreat interest in computer hardwarein my opinionmrchen has apotential in computer sciencewhich can be further developedin view of his previous achievements in this collegei am firmly convinced that mrchen will make asuccessful graduate studentyour favorable consideration of his admission will be hi ghly appreciated
出国介绍信(2) | 返回目录
  to whom it may concern
  i am writing this letter to attest to paul’s skills in language and public relations in the four years i have known him i have been consistently impressed with his ability not only to negotiate complex ideas in other languages but also to relate these things in a personable conscientious fashion his manner in these cases is both professional and personal two qualities which i find particularly valuable in a professional setting he has personally helped me in professional negotiation for everything from train tickets to contract information and i have always been able to count on him
  i first met paul in school where he was a student at the university at which i taught he was wellknown to most of the westerners in town who could call from different universities to ask for his help sometimes this help involved translation of professional documents and sometimes it involved personal help in making phone calls many of these westerners continue to call him today even though they live quite far away from him because they have come to trust him very much from this foundation in public relations paul has found positions in various professional capacities and has been highlyvalued in each place he is generally the sort of employee a company finds most valuable in its dealings with both foreign and domestic clients he puts people at their ease with his language ability and manner both of which communicate to people that they can relax and simply communicate
  i would highly recommend paul as an employee his experience and manner are rare and very valuable
  robert moore
出国介绍信(3) | 返回目录
  to whom it may concern as the dean of stonewell college i have had the pleasure of knowing hannah smith for the last four years she has been a tremendous student and an asset to our school i would like to take this opportunity to recommend hannah for your graduate program i feel confident that she will continue to succeed in her studies hannah is a dedicated student and thus far her grades have been exemplary in class she has proven to be a takecharge person who is able to successfully develop plans and implement them hannah has also assisted us in our admissions office she has successfully demonstrated leadership ability by counseling new and prospective students
  her advice has been a great help to these students many of whom have taken time to share their comments with me regarding her pleasant and encouraging attitude it is for these reasons that i offer high recommendations for hannah without reservation her drive and abilities will truly be an asset to your establishment if you have any questions regarding this recommendation please do not hesitate to contact me sincerely roger fleming dean of stonewell college
  at the request of mrxizhen chenmy former student in the department of computer sciencebeijing univof sciencesi am glad to write this letter furnishing my uation ofhis academic aptitude for your referencemrchen is interested in your graduate program in computer sciencei came to know him in september 1987 when mrchen enrolled in my class on fortran iv programminga three semesters’’coursein the class he was one of the most outstanding studentsat the semester final he earned ahigh grade of 81which should beaaccording to our grading systemi also ound him good at other studiesafter the classhe had personal talks with me several times
  he indicated agreat interest in computer hardwarein my opinionmrchen has apotential in computer sciencewhich can be further developedin view of his previous achievements in this collegei am firmly convinced that mrchen will make asuccessful graduate studentyour favorable consideration of his admission will be hi ghly appreciated
出国介绍信(4) | 返回目录
  dear colleagues:
  as a teacher in department of biology nankai university a leading university in china i am very pleased to take this opportunity to recommend one of my favorite students to your phd program
  in september XX miss zhang was my students in general biology the first professional course they take in the field she likes it very much i teach her in an open and interactive manner she is active and passionate about answering class questions miss zhang is bright energetic and enthusiastic girl who loves speaking out her own ideas she never escapes from those points of which she is skeptical apart from that she often puts forward her ideas upon questions and exchanges all of her innovate ideas with me after class
  upon ending of general biology course i asked my students to write an essay upon their understanding of biology i discovered miss zhang’s essay was so impressive and persuasive her careful essay comes from dozens of references to biology literatures in essay miss zhang stretched out her creative thinking upon status quo of biological research and branches in the field of biology all of this speaks to her creative and logical and scientific thinking capability i am gladly to say that miss zhang has a clear understanding about general biology that comprehension has been reflected fully in her essay therefore miss zhang got a full point for her essay in her class and other students took it as model essay for granted
  i believe miss zhang’s industriousness passion and dedication will make her an ideal candidate you are seeking for your program so i highly recommend her without any hesitation to you and i will greatly appreciate it if you could accept her into your program
  sincerely yours
  prof ×××
  to whom it may concern
  as the dean of stonewell college i have had the pleasure of knowing hannah smith for the last four years she has been a tremendous student and an asset to our school i would like to take this opportunity to recommend hannah for your graduate program i feel confident that she will continue to succeed in her studies hannah is a dedicated student and thus far her grades have been exemplary in class she has proven to be a takecharge person who is able to successfully develop plans and implement them hannah has also assisted us in our admissions office she has successfully demonstrated leadership ability by counseling new and prospective students
  her advice has been a great help to these students many of whom have taken time to share their comments with me regarding her pleasant and encouraging attitude it is for these reasons that i offer high recommendations for hannah without reservation her drive and abilities will truly be an asset to your establishment if you have any questions regarding this recommendation please do not hesitate to contact me sincerely roger fleming dean of stonewell college

  sincerely yours




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出国留学介绍信范文  出国留学教授介绍信(一)  dear admissions committee:  among all the students who have received my instruction in the courses of “international marketing” and “strategic management” at abc univer

b***t 12年前 上传393   0


出国介绍信4篇本文目录1. 出国介绍信2. 出国留学介绍信中英文模板3. 精选出国留学介绍信4. 出国留学介绍信怎么写  篇一:  to whom it may concern: as the dean of stonewell college, i have had the pleasure of knowing hannah smith for the last

新***农 6年前 上传304   0


出国介绍信范文4篇本文目录1. 出国介绍信范文2. 出国留学介绍信格式范文英文版3. 精选出国留学介绍信4. 出国留学介绍信大全  英文范文  to whom it may concern,  i am writing this letter to attest to paul’s skills in language and public relations.

l***g 6年前 上传323   0


出国留学介绍信中英文模板  英文版出国留学介绍信  to whom it may concern,  i am writing this letter to attest to paul’s skills in language and public relations. in the four years i have known him, i have been consiste

k***g 12年前 上传503   0


出国实习报告  比起绝大多数同学,我真是幸运的多,第一次真正的实习,就遇上了这么好的机会,既体验了工作的艰辛又感受了异国的文化,所以真的很感谢爱因斯特组织和学校,给我这样一个机会。由于体会太多,不可能在总结中尽述,只能把感受最深的总结一下。    适应篇    在出国前,既兴奋又紧张,有太多的期待和担心,但随着旅程的进行,这种担心(接机的人会否准时,瑞典人是否友善,一个人旅行是否有困

都***人 11年前 上传525   0


出国实习总结  已经毕业工作的我,重新回忆起在日本的实习生活,回忆起与AIESEC的点点滴滴,感觉更像是一场梦之旅。很高兴能在这里和大家分享我的感受,我也会将这如梦般的事业进行下去,与AIESEC一路同行。  一、实习经历  时间:XX年7月6日-9月8日  地点:东京  实习公司:理研机器株式会社  自我拟定课题:日本企业运营模式、管理体制、人际关系,贸易实务  实

雪***2 9年前 上传480   0


员工出国办法 (一) 凡本公司员工因公经核准出国者,悉依本办法之规定办理之。 (二)因公奉派出国人员,于出国前需先立承诺书(如附件一),言明按期归国并继续为公司服务,如在返国三年内自动辞职者,愿无条件赔偿出国期间之费用除以三年平均数额之差额,并放弃先诉抗辩权。 (三)出国人员于返国后,应于二星期之内书面提呈出国经过及观感心得必要时,并由总经理排定时间,向公司内有关部门人员讲解心

l***2 12年前 上传30935   0


出国见习汇报  机场的出口处,手里举着一块牌子,她立刻就认出了我,因为乘客中只有我的长相属于 人种,她热情地向我招手,我随即迎上前去,和她握手并作自我介绍。  在回 的大巴上,通过简短的交谈,我知道她是 的志愿者,正在 的一所college读二年级,学制是三年半,这相当于中国的大专,而当地的大学,即university学制是五年。不过完成三年半的学习后如果她愿意,可以交钱继续读一年半,完

j***3 10年前 上传525   0


介绍信  介 绍 信   :是把自方的同事或业务关系介绍给对方,进行联系和沟通的常用信函。   格式:1.称谓。   2.正文:被介绍人姓名及身份简况;说明事由;后常用“望接洽为盼“等。   3.署名、时间。   ________________________________________________________________   范例:   介绍信

m***d 9年前 上传764   0


介绍信格式范本 [概念解说]   介绍信是用来介绍联系接洽事宜的一种应用文体。它具有介绍、证明的双重作用。   介绍信主要有两种形式,普通介绍信和专用介绍信。   [格式内容]   普通介绍信一般不带存根,正中写 “介绍信“。内容包括:称呼、正文、结尾、署名和日期,并注上有效日期。   专用介绍信共有两联,一联是存根,另一联是介绍信的本文。两联正中有间缝,同时编有号码。   

再***6 5年前 上传1500   0


介绍信  [概念解说]  本文档由香当网(https://www.xiangdang.net)用户上传

平***1 12年前 上传567   0


出国书信的写作要求  出国书信的写作是一项艰苦、繁重而烦人的工作。不少学员在出国书信的写作中绞尽脑汁,东拼西凑,结果还是不尽人意。以下就各种书信的写作规范和要求对本家作一点简单的说明。  a、申请信的写作:申请信是联系的第一封信,内容主要包括对自己的简单介绍,所学专业介绍,希望就读的专业介绍,考试成绩介绍。千万别忘了把你的地址、电话、e-mail地址留在你的信上。  b、person

a***6 10年前 上传528   0


出国致辞第一篇:出国留学出国留学,关于保证金的问题来源:懒羊羊97698 发布时间:2014-10-07 16:13:54参加洋高考虽然在方式上有区别,比如通过、通过ify等等,但在签证环节上,都是一致的,比如今天要谈的保证金问题,只是在国家上有区别。 1、留学保证金就是办签证时的资金证明,当然是签证前就已经存满的存款,主要在签证时给vo看的,……参加洋高考虽然在方式上有区别,比

z***i 9年前 上传530   0


 境外工程劳务用工合同 甲方: 公司负责人: 公司地址:

J***人 9年前 上传20652   0


出国管理 1 范围月度采购计划包含 1.1 公司员工因公出国(境)考察、技术交流、商务洽谈和培训、售后服务等活动过程中涉及到的签证、护照等出国手续的办理 2 控制目标 2.1 确保员工参加商务考察、商务洽谈、技术交流培训、售后服务等活动中涉及出国(境)需求的可控性 2.2 确保员工出国手续办理的高效性和便捷性 2.3 确保达到员工出国活动的目的和有效性 3 主要控制点 3.1 部

d***3 7年前 上传2947   0


出国留学致辞第一篇:出国留学出国留学,关于保证金的问题来源:懒羊羊97698 发布时间:2014-10-07 16:13:54参加洋高考虽然在方式上有区别,比如通过、通过ify等等,但在签证环节上,都是一致的,比如今天要谈的保证金问题,只是在国家上有区别。 1、留学保证金就是办签证时的资金证明,当然是签证前就已经存满的存款,主要在签证时给vo看的,……参加洋高考虽然在方式上有区别

e***y 9年前 上传599   0


专用介绍信  (姓名或单位名称):  兹有我_____所________________________________________同志等_____人前往你处调查____________________ 事宜,请予以协助。  此致    敬礼  __________(章)  年  月  日  本介绍信有效期截至    年  月  日止。  ・介绍信模板 ・介绍

蔡***你 9年前 上传752   0


介绍信格式  书信的另一大类是专用书信,常用的有介绍信、证明信、慰问信、表扬信、感谢信、公开信 、建议书、决心书、申请书、倡议书等多种。  介绍信是用来介绍本单位人员到有关单位去接洽事情、办理公务(联系工作、参观学习 、出席会议、调查事项等)的一种专用书信。持介绍信的人以此作为与对方单位联系工作的 凭证。由于介绍信上一般还有持信人的职务、职称、政治面貌,因此介绍信还有证明身份的 作用。一

l***4 10年前 上传796   0


介绍信的格式  介绍信一般应包括标题、称谓、被介绍者简况、事由、署名日期和有效期等一些内容。具体到不同形式的介绍信的写法,其格式内容也略有差异。(一)手写式介绍信的写法 手写式介绍信包括标题、称谓、正文、结尾、署名等五部分。1.标题 手写式介绍信的标题一般是在信纸的第一行写上“介绍信”三个字,有些也可省略。2.称谓 称谓在第二行,要顶格写,要写明联系单位或个人的单位名称(全称)或姓名,称呼后

X***9 11年前 上传1040   0


介绍信 介绍信是把自方的同事或业务关系介绍给对方,进行联系和沟通的常用信函。   格式:1.称谓。   2.正文:被介绍人姓名及身份简况;说明事由;后常用“望接洽为盼“等。   3.署名、时间。 本文档由香当网(https://www.xiangdang.net)用户上传

c***y 10年前 上传8604   0


就业介绍信  今介绍我院_____届____________________系____________________专业学生__________前往贵单位应聘,请给予接洽!十分感谢贵单位对我院工作的支持!  xx学院学生处       年    月    日  联系电话:  传真:  地址:  邮编:   ・介绍信模板 ・介绍信格式 ・实习介绍信 ・入党介绍信 ・自我介

我***虫 10年前 上传668   0


支教介绍信  尊敬的贵校领导:   您好!我们是南昌大学西北心灵之桥的成员,希望能通过此信使您对我们协会及我们组织的支教活动有一个初步了解。  南昌大学是一所“文理工医渗透、产学研结合”的综合性大学,是江西省唯一的一所教育部和江西省人民政府共建的国家“211工程”重点建设大学,教育部普通高等学校本科教学工作水平评估优秀高校,是目前江西省综合实力最强的高等学府。   以“关爱西北农

1***8 8年前 上传640   0


通用介绍信  (姓名或单位名称):  兹有我_____所________________________________________同志等_____人前往你处调查____________________ 事宜,请予以协助。  此致  敬礼  __________(章)  年  月  日  本介绍信有效期截至    年  月  日止。本文档由香当网(https:

s***2 9年前 上传586   0


介绍信格式  介绍信一般要写清下列内容:   ①称呼:开头顶格写联系单位或个人的称呼;  ②正文:另起一行,空两格写介绍信的内容, 包括持介绍信人的姓名、年龄、职务、政治面貌,要接洽的事项和对对方的希望、要求;  ③ 结尾:写“此致敬礼”一类的敬词;  ④署名:签署单位名称、日期  兹有我单位(单位代码:xxxx)经办人员xxxx(身份证号码:xxxxx),前往你处办理x

想***风 12年前 上传651   0


工资介绍信编号:姓 名 性别 出生年月 参加工作 时间 调出单位 调入单位 执行何种 工资制度调出单位工 资发至日期工 资项 目金 额等级及说明职务工资(岗位工资)  级别工资(薪级工资)  10%  保留津贴  其

5***8 11年前 上传535   0