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  spring festival is the most solemn year the biggest festival one to the spring festival packed the streets hanging men women and children face a smile to enjoy the festive fun
  the color of the street is also much more colorful than usual seen fluttering colorful flags colored business slogans banners fluttered in the breeze hanging at the entrance of a shopping mall only raise the red lantern a quick glance it was warmer blue sky a colored balloon only in the sun's shining bright eyecatching the breeze and the wind blowing the size of balloon wind dance but also seems to passersby nodded store cheerful scenes through glass doors and windows into the eyes of passersby people could not help with the color of people into one lunar new year festival by adults even children's festivals children's toys books stationery counter is unusually crowded the children to the wave of another wave who took the beloved toys leaving laughter
  our family had finished dinner then to waitime in front of the television to watch spring festival we have watched with relish evening programs colorful comic sketch let us into the new year singing dancing along with singing and dancing for us magic acrobatics let us praise click one's tongue into the climax of the evening dangdang when the clock struck twelve and the new year here i secretly wish to promise china's total education network documentation channel hopes in the new year to the next level of my performance
  look has become a fireworks outside world invites the window is particularly brilliant look beautiful fireworks mix it some like a meteor shower and some like starry sky and some such as flamboyant how much like sky gardens these people can see the fireworks dizzying china education network documents the total channels to the sky too colorful embellishment
  will christmas replace the spring festival?
  christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in china christmas cards become popular with students people hold christmas parties and exchange christmas girts a lot or tv and radio programs about christmas are on meanwhile the spring festival is less appealing (吸引力)to youngsters thus some people wonder whether christmas will replace the spring festival
  this worry is fairly unnecessary why ? one reason lies that christmas only affects christianscollege students and jointventure (合资企业)workers another reason is that christmas is mostly celebrated in cities few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic(带异国情调) festival by contrastthe spring festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family
  i thinkit is natural that with increasing exchanges with the westa lot of western holidays have been gradually introduced into china for us chinese we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals for centuries chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome the beginning of a new year and we will treasure the spring festival forever
  new year party
  on new year's eveour class had a party the atmosphere was good it was out of the ordinary from the very begining the boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance we saw a boy named li xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap then with three resounding(响亮) crow of a cock echoing in the hallthe hall was again brightly lit in a snap
  thenthe representative of the bedroom zhu guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation he added that li xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken they left us all in confusion and it was our monitor who was quickwitted(机智) he shouted our the day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn the hall after that
they had another item this time li xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle while he was standing therethe other three stood around himeach bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees it was an idiom this time i got it right:the dog stands out among a group of chickens




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关于春节的英语作文带翻译  关于春节的英语作文带翻译一:  �会  在除夕,我们班有一个聚会。气氛好。它是寻常从一开始。从一间卧室男生给一个不寻常的表现。我们看到名为李新民在突然关闭所有的灯单元一个男孩。然后用三个响亮的(响亮的)的回荡在大厅里鸡叫,大厅明亮又在瞬间点燃。  然后,卧室的朱国章代表要求我们猜测了有关上述情况的诗。他补充说,李新民单是出生在狗年,其他三个都在鸡年

c***a 11年前 上传567   0


最新关于春节的英语作文三篇  关于春节的英语作文:春节的礼物_1200字  my happy spring festival after the new year’s eve dinner with my family, we began to sit down in front of the tv, and enjoyed XX cctv spring festival gala. a

z***a 10年前 上传568   0


关于春节的英语作文3篇  关于春节的英语作文(1):  spring festival is the most solemn year, the biggest festival. one to the spring festival, packed the streets, hanging men, women and children face a smile, to enjoy t

滴***1 10年前 上传508   0


关于2016年春节的英语作文800字  关于春节的英语作文:new year party_800字  on new year's eve,our class had a party. the atmosphere was good. it was out of the ordinary from the very begining. the boy student from one be

迎***儿 8年前 上传498   0


关于春节拜年的作文  关于春节拜年的作文  我最盼望的日子——春节终于来到了,因为在这喜庆的节日里,我们小孩子有好东西吃,有新衣服穿,有压岁钱花,有小伙伴玩……最让我感到快乐的还是给乡亲们拜年了。  大年初一的三四点钟,我就迫不及待地催爸爸起来了。(我们这里的风俗是新年第一天有家里的男主人放开门鞭和烧团圆饭)好不容易等到喝完团圆茶后,我就找了几个方便袋迫不及待地准备出发了。妈妈开玩笑

啾***子 11年前 上传621   0


关于春节的作文  关于春节的作文之一:  今天是正月初一,到处洋溢着一派喜庆的气氛!仿佛连空气都充满了幸福的味道。。。只见家家户户都张灯结彩,门前贴着春联,阳台挂着红灯,亲戚们聚在一起吃团圆饭,举杯敬酒祝福以后工作顺利、学习进步、合家欢乐!路上人们穿着节日的盛装,打扮得漂漂亮亮的去向亲朋好友拜年。一见面的第一句话就是“新年好呀!”,为了在新年之际图个好彩头!我们也不例外!妈妈爸爸带着我去

大***1 9年前 上传493   0


关于春节过年的作文  关于过年的作文:回爷爷家过年_350字  今天,我特别高兴,因为,我要回爷爷家过年了。  回爷爷家要坐汽车,于是,我和爸爸、妈妈到车站去等车,爷爷家在德阳,所以我们要坐德阳的车,可是,我们等了很久,车子还是没有来,我们就去问工作人员,原来是高速公路堵车了,汽车要晚点。于是,我们又等了很久,我已经等得不耐烦了,我很着急,怕天黑以前到不了爷爷家。我盼呀盼,车终于来了

兔***9 9年前 上传704   0


关于春节的作文1200字:春节印象  关于春节的作文:春节印象_1200字  在这个少雪且日渐温暖的季节里,春节不知不觉掩埋了平淡的日子,迎面扑来。看着墙上新买的挂历,数着本世纪最后一个春节临近的日子,不禁感叹岁月匆匆,流逝的又是一个平静而忙碌的一年。  年近而立,孩提时代积攒的或多或少的好印象随之趋淡,不再是鞭炮烟花水饺压岁钱的年代,不再憧憬自己又长了一岁,见识又多了一成,与其说春

疯***石 9年前 上传624   0


关于春节的作文600字  关于春节的作文之一:  中国梦,我的梦-----年年过个美好的春节  春节,是我们最喜欢的节日,我天天盼望春节的到来。有句熟话说得好“日有所思,夜有所梦”。每次都能梦到过年的情景:  早晨,我正在享用昨晚准备好的糕。然后穿上我一直忍住没穿的新衣服。  到了拜年的时候,我高高兴兴地掺着弟弟去给老太奶拜年。到了那儿,我依然如故的对老太奶说了些祝福语,然后

h***1 11年前 上传586   0


关于春节的英语笑话精选  关于春节的英语笑话精选如下:  01.:how long will the next bus be?  b:it's about 45 feet.  这是玩得文字游戏。用中文就没劲了。翻成中文就不好笑了。  02.a: i have seen your face somewhere?  b: yes, it has always been jus

d***w 12年前 上传522   0


小学生关于春节的作文  龙潘宏  同学们,我最近闻到了一种“味道”,你们猜猜这是什么味?你们一定会说:闻到味道又不是有多稀奇的事,味道不就是香味.臭味,难道还有其他的味道不成?为什么味道上面要打引号呢?别急别急,听我慢慢道来。  大家都知道马上就有一个盛大的节日要来临了,那就是中国最热闹的传统节日――春节。在春节的前几天,你细心观察周围,你就一定能找到这种“味道”,只不过它在和你捉迷

迷***虫 11年前 上传534   0


关于春节的小学生作文  中国人有许多传统节日,其中我最喜欢的是过春节。  就说去年的大年三十,爸爸忙着贴春联、贴年画。我就和妈妈兴高采烈地上街备料准备做年夜饭。街道上十分热闹,家家户户贴着“倒福”、挂着灯笼。人们穿着节日的盛装,面带笑容地走进大小商场。到处是热烈祥和、繁华喜庆的节日气氛,真令人心潮澎湃呀!  春节最令人高兴的时刻莫过于与家人吃年夜饭了。知道年夜饭中必有什么吗?当然是鱼

柳***州 10年前 上传713   0


关于春节除夕夜的作文  关于除夕的作文:除夕之夜话团圆_550字  窗外,那礼炮、那爆竹、那烟火,成为一道道烟火最迷人的季节,此起彼伏,美不胜收,耀眼夺目,绚丽无比。  山外,中华儿女庆新春,欢欢乐乐、迎新春,喜气洋洋、贺新春,添福添寿。长城内外,大江南北,鼓乐齐鸣,一片欢腾。  海外,那一盏盏灯火,那一张张笑脸,那一颗颗爱国心,牵动着亿万华人的心。我们彼此心连心,手挽手,共同创

项***涛 10年前 上传521   0


2011关于春节的作文2篇  快乐春节  顾 娟  盼啊!盼啊,眼看春节就快到了,想到这,我不由得笑了起来,在春节前,人们个个喜气洋洋,个个精神饱满。逛街的人络绎不绝,有的在买年画,有的在买年货,有的坐着火箱围着火炉看电视,还有的人在打麻将打扑克,不一而足。  反正街上五彩缤纷,各种各样的人都有,各种各样的货物都齐全,琳琅满目,人们恐怕想买什么都难选择!  春节前,家家户户都

萌***机 11年前 上传541   0


最新关于春节作文五篇  关于春节的作文:放花炮的联想_500字  每年春节大家都要放花炮,那五彩缤纷的礼花如一朵朵美丽的鲜花,那噼啪作响的鞭炮似滚滚春雷。  大年三十晚上,我和哥哥、妹妹再楼下开阔的广场上放花炮。哥哥拿出一个瓶状的礼花,只见礼花似银丝一条升上云端。再深蓝色的夜空中,绽放美丽笑脸,似壮观的流星雨散落而下,如画卷。我拿出一捆手摇的花,用打火机慢慢靠近,几秒钟后,顶端滋出五

z***9 8年前 上传404   0


关于元旦的英语作文  january 1st is new year's day. it's a great day for all the people throughout the world. as the saying goes, “a good beginning is half the battle“. so, many people go all out to celebrat

n***e 9年前 上传593   0


关于友谊的英语作文第一篇:关于友谊的英语作文_friendship一、关于友谊的英语作文 friendship关于友谊友谊是一种人际关系。交友是人的一种本能。患难之中,我们需要朋友帮助、支持和鼓励。取得了成绩,我们也需要朋友分享欢乐、。友谊又是我们可以享受的最大乐趣之一。友谊蕴含真诚、热忱、怜悯、挚爱和乐于助人之意。在人的一生中,如果不认真谨慎地力求交结正直的朋友,他就不

a***s 12年前 上传764   0


关于重阳节的英语作文  the 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional chongyang festival, or double ninth festival. it usually falls in october in the gregorian calendar. in an ancient and mysterious b

天***哥 11年前 上传585   0


关于暑假的英语作文(精选多篇)第一篇:暑假英语作文练习暑假英语作文练习p311、 亲爱的。。。上个星期我访问了北京。我太兴奋了,以至于我上个星期天晚上无法入睡。我起得很早,整理好背包准备旅行。在我的背包里,我放了照相机、一些衣服、手机等等。我乘火车化了大约35小时的时间到达那里。 我参观了许多名胜古迹例如长城、十三陵、天安门广场、故宫、天坛和颐和园。我玩得很高兴,因为它们是如

l***g 9年前 上传564   0


关于教育的英语作文(精选多篇)第一篇:超级孩子教育英语作文it is undeniable that every parent expects his or her child to become an outstanding person in the future.especially in the contemporary society,fierce competition ev

爱***你 12年前 上传710   0


关于环保的英语作文(精选多篇)第一篇:环保英语作文man and his environmentin modern society, we tend to become more and more aware of our living environment or physical environment, because we is not clean as before. so

霓***风 11年前 上传518   0


关于手机的英语作文(精选多篇)第一篇:使用手机英语作文dear editor,nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. some students think that it is easy to use them to keep in tou

杨***平 11年前 上传911   0


2016春节作文:难忘的春节  【春节作文】春节心微冷  北京的冬天,有点凉。今年没有回老家过年,一家三口独在没有亲人的异乡跨年,缺少那已许久未感受到的气氛——大家过年时的热闹。  过年,如不能与亲人们团聚,以现在的生活而言也没有其他的意义了。过年的活动无非是,三人一起吃一桌大餐,看乏趣的春晚,屋外只有易冷的灿烂烟花,大家好像都懒得放鞭炮。应该早已不再心怀期盼。亲朋好友隔着道道马路,

x***飞 8年前 上传633   0


小学三年级关于春节的作文  每年春节,都是烟花绽放的季节。大年夜的晚上,我刚吃过年夜饭,就听见外面“碰碰碰”的声音响个不停。我连忙出去一看,只见天空中的烟花就像各色的星星一样,不停地眨眼睛。有的烟花像几颗流星,闪着耀眼的光彩,在漆黑的天空上一掠而过;有的烟花像闪亮的照明弹一样,把天空照的亮堂堂的・・・・・・这些漂亮的烟花呈现在我眼前,好美啊!  我连忙叫爸爸也给我放。爸爸拿出烟花,放在外

a***6 12年前 上传444   0


二年级关于春节的作文  今年,我一放假就去外婆家过春节。今年的春节跟往年不一样,大年三十晚上下了一夜的大雪,给大地穿上了厚厚的、洁白的冬装。  初一一大早,我兴高采烈地在晒谷坪上和哥哥及小朋友们打起了雪仗。哥哥做了一个大雪球向我扔过来,我一闪身躲过了。突然,又一个雪球飞过来,砸在我手上。在这同时,我的一个又大又结实的雪球也在哥哥的身上开了花。哥哥刚把身上的雪拍干净,不知又从哪里飞来一个雪

y***7 8年前 上传546   0