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  merry christmas and best wishes for a happy new year
  · beautiful dream comes true
  · bring you good wishes of happiness this christmas and on the coming year
  · during this season may the loy and love of christmas be yours
  · each christmas brings me wonderful thoughts and memories and you get lots of presents oh well merry christmas
  · greeting you warmly with a wish that's sincere for a healthy happy and wonderful days
  · have a heartwarming holiday warmest wishes for a very merry christmas
  · have a wonderful holiday season
  · here are special greetings and the best of wishes too may christmas and the coming year bring happiness to you
  · hope your holiday is great and your new year a prosperous one
  · hope you holidays are filled with all you favorite things this christmas and all the happiness you could wish for
  · i could always tell that you wrapped santa's presents
  · i hope you will join with me in bringing in the new spring happy holidays
  · in our hearts we'll always be near merry christmas
  · joy to the world wishing you an extremely merry chirstmas
  · joyous christmas warm holiday wishes
  · may happiness follow wherever you go
  · may peace and happiness be with you at this holy chirstmas season and always
  · may magic fill your days and all your dreams come true this holiday season
  · may the blessings of christmas fill you heart with hope and joy
  · may the joy and peace of christmas be with you today and always
  · may the light of our savior's love be with you at christmas and always and all the happiness you could wish for
  · may the light of the holiday season shine brightly in your heart
  · may the magic of this christmas season fill your heart with peace
  · may you be blessed with all things bright and beautiful at christmastime and always
  · may your christmas be merry as a song and your heart be happy the whole year long
  · may your days be filled with love and light wanted
  · merry christmas and all the happiness you could wish for
  · merry christmas and then happy days over and over again
  · peace on earth good will to men
  · season's greetings and best wishes for the coming year
  · sending you wishes for holidays that begin and on a happy note wishing you happiness always
  · sing a song of seasons something bright in all
  · sleight bells are jingling through the night children are singing spirits and bright merry christmas
  · should you see flowers in bloom you would see smiles at a lover of beauty
  · thanks for making every thing right merry christmas
  · the christmas we were going to tell everyone that the real meaning of the season was not gifts
  · the presents are wrapped the stockings all hung all that's left now is the holiday fun merry christmass
  · this holiday season it seems everyone is watching their weight )
  · to be frazzled best wishes for a calm and peacefl and holiday season
  · to wish you all the joy of christmas and happiness all through the new year
  · to wish you happiness at christmas time
  · to wish you happiness for the christmas season and the coming year
  · we wish you a merry christmas & a happy new year
  · wishing you a bright white holiday full of love
  · wishing you a happy christmas and to hope the new year too will be a very prosperous healthy and happy time for you
  · wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful christmas seasons
  · wishing you all the joys of the christmas season and have very happy new year may you enjoy good health in the coming year




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小学圣诞节英语作文  one day ,long ago ,a litter baby was born.his name was jesus.  jesus was a special baby.mang people say he was the son of god.   think that he is born in the sky having a new come in

6***0 13年前 上传711   0


圣诞节英语作文  evely nation has its own folk festivals. those festivals give people a chance to be away from their regular work and everyday worries to enjoy themselves and to develop kindship and fi''ie

x***9 12年前 上传694   0


圣诞节新年贺词  在圣诞和新年来临之际,你平安、快乐、幸福!  warm etings and best wishes for christmas and the new year!  致以热烈的祝贺和良好的,圣诞快乐,新年快乐。  thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful christmas season.  美丽的圣诞节之际,

B***妈 8年前 上传480   0


圣诞节新年贺词大全  merry christmas, my best friend.  祝我的挚友圣诞快乐。  a christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend.  希望圣诞祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。  take your passion and make it come true.  发挥你的热情,让理想变为现实。

q***3 7年前 上传469   0


公司圣诞节新年贺词  友情是香喷喷的大米饭,友情是热腾腾的涮火锅,友情是火辣辣的二锅头。又馋了吧,平安夜咱们聚聚吧。  如果你今年没收到我的圣诞礼物,那一定是因为——你的袜子有个洞!  送你的礼物实在太重,鹿车拉不动,只好亲自送。记得等着我,等着我说……圣诞快乐!  圣诞夜了!无数的星辰亮起,在天空写下你的名字,当雪花飘落时,就能将我的思念与祝福传送给你,愿你平安快乐!  平

k***2 7年前 上传420   0


圣诞节的英语作文:圣诞节奇迹  圣诞节快到了,圣诞节的英语作文怎么写?来这里看看,            下面就为大家提供一份圣诞节的英语作文:圣诞节奇迹的内容。赶快来看看吧。  Christmas is a time for miracles.It is also a time when the dull things of daily life and the forecast of

弥***勒 9年前 上传495   0


圣诞节英语主持词  a,b:good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! welcome to our christmas party!  a,b:晚上好,亲爱的女士们和先生们!欢迎来到我们的圣诞晚会  a:with the snow flakes falling from the sky,  随着雪花从天上掉下来,  a:with the

a***d 11年前 上传655   0


圣诞节习俗英语作文  每年12月25日,是基督徒庆祝耶稣基督诞生的庆祝日,也就是圣诞节。本文是为大家整理的圣诞节习俗英语作文,希望大家的圣诞节过得充实而愉快!  christmas day falls on the twenty-fifth of december. it is a very happy day for many boys and girls. before the te

田***p 12年前 上传707   0


圣诞节祝福信英语  much joy to you in the up coming year.  may the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at christmas and stay with you all the year through.  让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣诞

l***9 10年前 上传744   0


2015年圣诞节英语祝福  wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful christmas season.  愿你拥有圣诞节所有美好的祝福。  wishing you all the happiness of the holiday season.  祝节日幸福如意。  hope all your christmas dreams

l***n 9年前 上传551   0

初中圣诞节英语作文——Merry Christmas

初中圣诞节英语作文――Merry Christmas  merry christmas  it was one of the last days before christmas, and the as sistants in the large store had their hands full serving eager christmas shoppers.  at one

d***2 12年前 上传641   0


2010年圣诞节英语短文  圣诞节英语短文  Christmas   the feast of christmas   it is not easy to pin-point the origins of the christmas feast, today the more important feast of the christmas season in most west

浅***朵 14年前 上传594   0


高中圣诞节英语作文一篇  christmas is one of the most important celebrations of the year for the western countries. it falls on the twenty- fifth of december and has the same importance as chinese new year to

r***3 12年前 上传598   0


圣诞节英语手抄报  christmas is based on the story of jesus’ birth as described in the gospel according to matthew (see matthew 1:18-2:12) and the gospel according to luke (see luke 1:26-56). roman catholic

s***2 13年前 上传613   0


圣诞节英语小诗歌  每年12月25日,是基督徒庆祝耶稣基督诞生的庆祝日,也就是圣诞节。本文是为大家整理的圣诞节英语小诗歌,希望大家的圣诞节过得充实而愉快!  the rose in the wind  james stephens 风中蔷薇花  吉姆肆·斯弟芬司  dip and swing,  lift and sway;  dream a life,  in

无***奈 10年前 上传447   0


圣诞节英语演讲稿the word“chrismas“ is derived from the word “christ mass“ the celebration of the birth of jesus christ____ we are gonging to talk about some traditional customs in the western countries.

w***8 9年前 上传649   0


英语培训机构圣诞节活动  圣诞节是西方传统节日,作为英语培训机构必备的活动之一。通过此活动提高昂立国际教育在本区域的曝光率,提升知名度,从而达到招生的效果。小朋友们的精彩成果展示,既能让家长掌握小朋友的学习状况,更加能展现小朋友的个人魅力和锻炼小朋友与人相处相互协作的能力。结合昂立国际教育独特的教学特色特别设计此活动方案,仅供参考。  一、活动目的:  1、让孩子初步了解西方的节日和

f***6 10年前 上传556   0


圣诞节英语歌曲平安夜  每年12月25日,是基督徒庆祝耶稣基督诞生的庆祝日,也就是圣诞节。本文是为大家整理的圣诞节英语歌曲,希望大家的圣诞节过得充实而愉快!  平安夜,圣善夜!万暗中,光华射,照着圣母也照着圣婴,多少慈详也多少天真,静享天赐安眠,静享天赐安眠。平安夜,圣善夜!牧羊人,在旷野,忽然看见了天上光华,听见天军唱哈利路亚,救主今夜降生,救主今夜降生!平安夜,圣善夜!神子爱,光皎洁

h***4 11年前 上传615   0


圣诞节英语晚会活动方案  一、 活动目的   1、 在圣诞节,这个西方节日中重要的节日里举行圣诞节英语晚会可以加强同学们对西方文化的了解,增加同学们对学习英语的认识。   2、 加强英语的实际运用能力,让同学们的英语口语学习得到进一步的锻炼同时也增加英语学习的趣味性。   3、 加强同学们的团队合作精神,增强同学们之间的交流与沟通。同时,加强同学们与外界的英语交流和学习。  

p***b 13年前 上传629   0


关于圣诞节传说的英语介绍  关于圣诞节传说的英语  叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当……熟悉的旋律,又把我们带入了这一年一度欢乐的时刻,让我们一起重温那美妙的传说吧!  the name christmas is short for “christ‘s mass“. a mass is a kind of church service. christmas is a religious(宗

o***a 12年前 上传441   0


关于圣诞节的英语歌  每年12月25日,是基督徒庆祝耶稣基督诞生的庆祝日,也就是圣诞节。本文是为大家整理的关于圣诞节的英语歌,希望大家的圣诞节过得充实而愉快!  1. do they know it's christmas  世上还有许多孩子没法过温暖的圣诞节,集八十年代英国最当时最红的  的歌手和乐队,非州难民唱的慈善单曲,在英国流行音乐史上极具历史  性纪念意义  2

山***毛 12年前 上传501   0


圣诞节最流行的英语祝福  My wishes come to you with the flying snow.May you be happy at Christmas and always.  我的心和雪花一起,飘落到你的门前,祝福,等待着你;快乐,每一个圣诞。  Merry Christmas.Many happiness returns of the day.  恭贺圣诞

l***w 12年前 上传505   0


关于圣诞节英语演讲  christmas day,the 25th of december,is the biggest festival(节日)celebrated in the christian countries of the world.although everyone enjoys christmas day,it is particularly enjoyed by chil

w***m 9年前 上传438   0


2015年英语组圣诞节活动总结  庆圣诞活动落下帷幕,虽不够百分之百精彩,但在如此短的时间内,撑起这台活动,已经实属不易。  脑海里始终萦绕着一句话:“人心齐,泰山移。”  想起这次活动的源头,要从张校长在11月中旬给我们组开的动员会开始。英语,在我们学校也要有自己的特色。我们回来之后就开始思考,英语学科如何才能有特色?在英语逐步列入主科的范围的形势下,如何进一步激发和维持学生对英语

x***1 9年前 上传516   0


圣诞节来历英语版  christmas is a christian holiday that celebrates the birth of jesus christ. no one knows the exact date of christ's birth, but most christians observe christmas on december 25. on this da

D***w 11年前 上传575   0