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  evely nation has its own folk festivals those festivals give people a chance to be away from their regular work and everyday worries to enjoy themselves and to develop kindship and fi''iendship the spring festival is the chief holiday in china while christmas is the most important redletter day in the western world
  the spring festival and christmas have much in common both are prepared hefiorehand to create a joyous atmosphere both offer a family reunion with a square feast and both satisfy the children with new clothes lovely presents and delicious food however the chinese spring festival has no religious background while christmas has something to do with god and there is santa claus with white heard to bring children presents the westerners send each other christmas cards for greetings while the chinese people pay a call on each other
  nowadays some of the chinese youth has begun to celebrate christmas following the example of the westerners perhaps they do so just for fun and out of curiosity




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圣诞节英语作文  evely nation has its own folk festivals. those festivals give people a chance to be away from their regular work and everyday worries to enjoy themselves and to develop kindship and fi''ie

x***9 12年前 上传605   0


圣诞节习俗英语作文  每年12月25日,是基督徒庆祝耶稣基督诞生的庆祝日,也就是圣诞节。本文是为大家整理的圣诞节习俗英语作文,希望大家的圣诞节过得充实而愉快!  christmas day falls on the twenty-fifth of december. it is a very happy day for many boys and girls. before the te

田***p 11年前 上传604   0


高中圣诞节英语作文一篇  christmas is one of the most important celebrations of the year for the western countries. it falls on the twenty- fifth of december and has the same importance as chinese new year to

r***3 11年前 上传538   0

初中圣诞节英语作文——Merry Christmas

初中圣诞节英语作文――Merry Christmas  merry christmas  it was one of the last days before christmas, and the as sistants in the large store had their hands full serving eager christmas shoppers.  at one

d***2 12年前 上传556   0


圣诞节的英语作文:圣诞节奇迹  圣诞节快到了,圣诞节的英语作文怎么写?来这里看看,            下面就为大家提供一份圣诞节的英语作文:圣诞节奇迹的内容。赶快来看看吧。  Christmas is a time for miracles.It is also a time when the dull things of daily life and the forecast of

弥***勒 9年前 上传433   0


关于圣诞节的英语作文集锦  关于圣诞节的英语作文一  christmas is one of the most important celebrations of the year for the western countries. it falls on the twenty- fifth of december and has the same importance as chin

粉***j 10年前 上传403   0


★My Favourite Book Everyone has his own favourite book, I am also. The book I like best is ‘Harry  Potter’which is written by an English single mother author—J.K Rowling. It’s very interesting. I li

安***队 5年前 上传3786   0


My Reflections after Reading ‘What Is Poverty’   What is poverty? I keep asking myself after reading the essay with sorrow and sympathy. As far as I am concerned, poverty both has merits and demeri

c***e 5年前 上传1770   0


圣诞节的作文600字  我有一个笔记本,里面的内容是极有条理的数学笔记。但每次合上它时我总是会想到温馨的圣诞节。这都怪封皮上闪着星光的英文字母,让我的联想无限地延伸。所以当我累了就会看看它,默念一句“”,这样我的心里就会泛起一点点温润的色彩,即使不能化解疲惫也还是会带来些许清凉的慰藉。  其实比起圣诞节我更希望拥有一个祥和热闹的春节。就像很久很久以前满足于热腾腾的饺子和覆盖了整个世界的爆

l***t 11年前 上传400   0


圣诞节作文300字  12月25日是圣诞节,妈妈告诉我:圣诞节并不是中国传统的节日,它是西方国家一年中最盛大的一个节日,相当于我国的春节。  来到大街上,每个角落都让人感受到过节的气氛。几乎所有的商场都摆着圣诞树,有的放在门口,有的摆在大厅。圣诞树呈塔形,穿着一件绿衣裳,身上挂着的一个个小铃铛,轻轻一碰,叮当、叮当发出动听的声音;金色的小灯,好像天上眨眼的星星;五颜六色的小灯笼,一闪一闪

g***r 9年前 上传397   0


圣诞节的作文400字  12月25日,是使我最值得回忆的一天。到了圣诞节,一件童年傻事从我脑海中浮现出来。  那是一个快乐的圣诞节的夜晚,我看了一部美国科幻片,是讲了圣诞节时,圣诞老人是怎样送礼物的,美国的人们是怎样收礼物的,我看的津津有味,我便也想得到圣诞老人送的礼物,于是行动了起来。  a.我本来想把一床被放在烟筒下,躺在上面等着礼物的到来,可出问题了(我家没烟筒啊!)哎!对了,

l***2 11年前 上传479   0


圣诞节的由来作文  2015年圣诞节就要来了。你知道圣诞节的由来吗?今天就以作文的方式为大家介绍一下圣诞节的由来,有兴趣的不妨看一下。  世界上究竟有多少节日?恐怕谁也说不清。但世界上哪个节日影响最大,流传最广?答案却是明确的,这就是圣诞节。  地球上有140多个国家和地区庆祝圣诞节。节期从12月24日一直到第二年的1月6日,是世界上流传范围最广,参与的人数最多的节日。可以说,圣诞节

小***康 9年前 上传472   0


圣诞节来历英文作文  christmas is a christian holiday that celebrates the birth of jesus christ. no one knows the exact date of christ's birth, but most christians observe christmas on december 25. on this d

s***3 9年前 上传370   0


圣诞节的作文300字  今天是圣诞节,晚上,爸爸对我说:“要是你今天晚上很快睡着的话,可能圣诞老人看见了,就会悄悄地把礼物放在你的枕头旁边。我入睡了,我先假装睡着,其实我睁着一只眼看看圣诞老人有没有来送礼物。过了一会儿,我真的睡着了,梦见圣诞老人,悄悄地走进来,把礼物放在我的枕头旁边,就走了。我想圣诞老人一定是要去给别的小朋友送礼物了吧?早上,我醒了,看见枕头旁边真的有礼物,还是个可爱的音乐

r***7 12年前 上传391   0


关于春节的英语作文  the lunar new year  the lunar new year is a great occasion to the chinese people. it lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the workers

蓝***天 10年前 上传832   0


2013年高考英语作文必备120个黄金句1. It is important for everyone to learn English well in our rapidly developing world.在这个迅速发展的世界里,对每个人来说,学好英语是非常重要的。 [额外成就感] 同样句型包括:It is important/(necessary, difficult,

x***q 11年前 上传755   0

my dream 英语作文

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