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  precious fouryear university life drawing to a close i feel very necessary to sum up the pros and cons of fouryear university which inherited the good the deficiencies of improvements and make our own way through the review and more is to see to the future take
  academic performance is not very good but i have in the process of learning a lot of harvest first i am a correct attitude towards learning i admitted to the university and others would like to relax properly is severely muffled their own liberation but soon i understand the university need to seriously study see around the students trying very hard to learn i have to dispel their mind the university began learning journey second is the great extent to its own selflearning ability the university is no longer the medium of instruction in high school like spoonfeeding but a lot of lessons about knowledge classroom lectures alone is totally insufficient this requires the practice in the classroom by classroom to consolidate the knowledge acquired to their own research library and is often to check some relevant information cumulatively selflearning ability has been enhanced there is to understand the use of learning at the same time focus on independent thinking to learn only from school is not preoccupied we must learn how to approach method of doing things the good old saying as delegate to delegate to fish and fisheries the purpose of my coming here is to learn how to fish but was easier said than done i for a good many ways to do anything hard thinking in the event there do not know where to ask hard in the study independent thinking as its motto and always keep in mind alert along with learning progress i not only learned the basis of academic knowledge of the public and a lot of professional knowledge i also have a mental qualitative leap in a more rapid control of a new technical knowledge i think this is very important for the future in the learning period i am even more teachers and students to establish a strong friendship the earnest teachers teach i appreciate the fun of learning i close with many students but also to establish a good relationship between the study we should help and mutual assistance in overcoming difficulties i have now a senior is doing graduate design a more tempered the hands of selfanalysis and ability to benefit
  personality has been in the pursuit of the sublimation and pay attention to their own behavior i admire a great charisma and has always hoped to own can be done in the university life i insist that the efforts of the selfreflection and improve their own personality four years i have read a number of books and several books of the perfect personality for their help to the growing awareness of the character of a person is very important bearing on whether a correct outlook on life worldview therefore no matter what the circumstances i have the moral character to the demands of their own no matter when and where i have the credo of pursuing strict with themselves and compliance with it effectively peacetime fraternity students teachers and attach importance to and helpful previously only feel that helping others was very happy is a traditional virtue now i understand reason can be helpful not only casting noble character but also got a lot of their own interests to help other people at the same time also help themselves looking back four years i am very pleased to be able to have a difficult time students who helped them relative i have difficulties in my students also selfless extend a helping hand for teachers i have always been very much respected i am anxious because they help me when guidance without the help of teachers i may not know what course to follow i now realize that if it is a personal moral character conduct as it is the individual responsibility of the whole community a person living in this world the community must assume certain obligations a noble character we can correctly understand their own liability in their own contribution to the realization of the value
  social practice capability has been greatly improved university of four years i participated in a number of school activities and done some social practice participate in the activities of schools realize that more students will increase exchanges with other students and their learning opportunities tempered their interpersonal skills to learn other people's strengths and clearly understand their own weaknesses in addition it has been doing banwei bedroom and long the pressure is also on its own is the driving force i like to do some social activities let university life more colorful done tutoring volunteers salesmen and design etc and sometimes feel tired but le he will not
  sports performance has been very good my physique is not very good but through my practice and understanding of the sport can be very good or the completion of the project professor of physical education i like sports the basic interest of all sports especially football today after four years i have the game to the improvement of quality and legs law and common sense i started from a high contact football relatively late start can be made rapid progress always at the same level playing partners after a period of time come to the fore i think that this may be due to playing good
抱定the determination perhaps there were still points sports talent play football not only a physical exercise and enhance teamwork and collective sense of honor
  personally think that in this world there is no perfect and every person who has his or her own merits shortcomings but the key is the ability to address and use them four years i have been selfexamination summed up a few of their own advantages and disadvantages
  i had the advantage of honesty enthusiasm perseverance character i think that honesty is what sustains a therefore i have to ask themselves is true to our words and the others agreed to certain things completed on time i remember a number of occasions students or teachers about the meet me i promised to be on time arrived at the designated future another location even if there are emergencies never失约 they left a profound image as warm towards people sincerely from primary school to university has been working with students and teachers live in a very good but also very much welcome the students around and many students established a profound friendship in studying knowledge i know the issue should be careful this is my thesis design has fully demonstrated the out i have this characteristic and is not like inadequate work is always a beginning and an end even if the hard things go all out to pursue the best results and that is why i put their own will as a major factor i believe that as long as persistence crowbar can be ground into a needle the biggest enemy of a person other than the person but his own over the years i have been in with their own operations exactly and are fighting their own will in hindsight i do a lot of determination than before but i will not let down these advantages i will conduct the fundamental of life i should continue to maintain and constantly remind ourselves to prosperity
  i personally think that the greatest shortcomings is like bent on dualuse even more instant success like in many things in one breath but not like chewing more rotten even if ultimately can learn but also do their own has been very fatigue now think about this is not good you are in the socalled fine and not in wide if i concentrate on a period of time to a scholarship but not for bo refinement it is believed that more profound understanding and mastery of this knowledge door since i find myself with the shortcomings and problems i often alert ourselves the community can not be bent on dualuse
  through four years of university life i learned a lot of knowledge is more important to have a rapid grasp new things change the thinking of many mature more perseverance of the character a lot of students and teachers and establish a friendship and their exchanges and enhance their own quality recognize their own weaknesses and to try to correct some social practice have greatly improved the ability for the community to lay the foundation for the future
  university life is four years of my life a small section of this line is a section of glittering it includes a sweat and harvest i zoned for lifeline plays a vital role




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英文版毕业感言  precious four-year university life drawing to a close, i feel very necessary to sum up the pros and cons of four-year university, which inherited the good the deficiencies of improvements,

s***3 10年前 上传557   0


英文版学生毕业感言  毕业感言:the sound of silence  hello darkness my old friend.  i've come to talk with you again.  because a vision softly creeping.  left its seeds while i was sleeping.  and the vi

樊***仙 11年前 上传508   0


大学毕业感言2017英文版  这让我恐惧。相比找不到好工作、找不到安定的住所、孤独终身,我更害怕失去现在我们拥有的小世界。这份模糊不清、难以定义的孤独的背面。此时此刻我深切体会到的。  this scares me. more than finding the right job or city or spouse, i’m scared of losing this web we’re

b***c 7年前 上传454   0


大学毕业感言英文版  大学毕业感言(一)  我们没合适的词来形容孤独的背面,但如果有,我要说,那就是我的今生所求。那是我在耶鲁找到的,我感激的,以及我害怕失去的——明早我们在毕业典礼之后醒来,要离开这片地方的时候。  we don't have a word for the opposite of loneliness, but if we did, i could say that

j***d 7年前 上传573   0


毕业感言:小学毕业感言  岁月匆匆,花开花落。小学六年级的学习生活瞬间就要了。即将离开母校,即将离开老师,即将离开同学,我心中充满留恋之情。  忘不了,美丽的母校。在您的怀抱里,从无知变得懂事,从幼稚变得成熟,从胆小变得勇敢。里,受到了的教育;里,养成了遵守纪律、团结友爱的好作风;里,了知识,懂得了道理,里茁壮成长。    忘不了,敬爱的老师。您就如那“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”的春雨,滋

通***一 12年前 上传888   0


毕业感言:初中毕业感言  6月16.17.18.我们坚持到最后。  不管,中考失败还是成功我们得到的更多的是信念,品质。(不以成败论英雄)  那个懵懂的小孩已经懂事了。  或许,中考就不该有遗憾。或许,中考就不该有报怨。  因楦冻觯所以美丽、  迎来的不是初中的结束而是高中的新开始、  不管是去到差的学校还是好的学校、  不变的任然是我们自己所追求的,  去到

F***8 12年前 上传806   0


毕业感言:初三的毕业感言  之前没有感觉到什么 也觉得快点儿毕业吧  不想在看这么多的卷子了、不想在看老师的破脸了  同学也没什么要留恋的 甚至觉得同学录都是多余的  到了毕业的前几天 越来越舍不得了 不管是谁 几乎全班都买了同学录  大家的关系都好不少 平时不说话的也蹲一起“培养感情了”  上课也不怎么好好听 就想和同学在一起说说话 总觉得快分开了 也许以后在也没机会这

利***料 11年前 上传670   0


毕业感言:初中毕业感言佳句  年少时的梦,像朵永远不凋零的花。  岁月席卷,我们却听到时间磨损的声音。  我们似乎还能记得,开始的开始,走进来时那带点茫然带点紧张的眼神。  可在这最后的最后,在我们来不及喘息的伤感里,我们又不得不走了。  踱下教学楼,走过操场,穿过食堂,经过绿树红墙、欢声笑语,流连在路的尽头,我们一再回望。  这或许是我们第一次,也将是最后一次,用从未有

M***P 9年前 上传661   0


毕业感言:小学毕业感言大全  篇一:  校园内每一条路都留下了我们的足迹  校园内每一朵花都变成了一段美好的回忆  那一天我们毕业了象风中的蒲公英奔向各自的前程  离别的那一刻我默默地祝愿  愿你的梦想早日实现  愿我们能相逢在不久后的某一天  篇二:  小学毕业感言50字_毕业感言二  就要吃最后一顿饭了  再举杯不知是来世还是今生  就要在站台

f***e 10年前 上传621   0


毕业感言:毕业感言经典语句  毕业了,青春在无形之中离开,我们即将翻开人生的另一页。  学的珍贵,并不仅仅是这许多的第一次,更重要的是涵盖着许多的最后一次:一生中最后一次有机会系统性地接受教育;最后一次可以拥有较高的可塑性、可以不断修正自我的成长历程;最后一次能在相对宽容、纯洁,可以置身其中学习为人处世之道的理想环境。  就算想念,就算留恋,总要挥手潇洒的说再见,朋友不会总在身边,脚

中***局 11年前 上传683   0


毕业感言:小学毕业感言之曾经  相知是天意,相识是人意,相加便是友谊,有情便有意,我们能聚在一起,因为心有灵犀。  岁月的流逝,证明着我们在一天天的长大。在成长中,我们成为了好朋友。当世界在变,唯有不变换时,我相信,我们还会回到相遇的起点。一朵花中有一个世界,当片片花絮织成了深厚的友谊时,谱下年少时的诗意篇篇。  在以后的日子里,愿你在未来的天空中自由的翱翔,攀登知识的最高峰。 

i***y 12年前 上传732   0


毕业感言:大学毕业感言文章  四年学五六十门课,每科都要达到高中那样的要求简直无法想像。这时候,博采众长为我所用就显得尤为重要。或者形象一点说就是要全面撒网,重点捕捞。比如某一堂课,也许就那么一个知识点或老师的一句话对你产生了影响,让你有所启发,那么这堂课就没白上。有人说课后他又忘了,没关系,你吃过一块肉,过后也不会有多少特别的回味,身体的某个部位也不会立马长出一块肉来,但我们知道,那块肉对

丹***宁 9年前 上传538   0


毕业感言:高中毕业感言  都说高一是关键的一年,进步在此,退后亦是在此。进入高中以前,我记住了这句话。经历了初中毕业后的一个真正轻松了的假期,进入高一,我却怎样也找不回初三时那种紧张又快节奏的感觉了。整个初中,就在不知不觉中度过了,我就那么进入了高一的学习。带着初中遗留下来的一些问题,带着与同学分离的后的情绪,带着既憧憬又有些恐惧的心情,我就那么进入了高一的学习。  大部分学科换了新的老

转***开 10年前 上传587   0


毕业感言:毕业感言佳句  毕业感言:毕业感言佳句(一)  1、栀子花开的季节,挥手分别的时刻,再不见白衣飘飘的年代,再不见爱上爱情的日子,谁会为同桌的你穿上嫁衣,谁会和睡在我上铺的兄弟把酒言欢,不知不觉叹息,叹这不知不觉年纪,毕业了,道一声珍重,不管前路多少风雨,我们永远在一起,永远不会彼此忘记。  2、六月的云朵是飘逸的,飘荡着情怀;六月的阳光是火辣的,炙烤着心扉;六月的风儿是多情

东***熊 6年前 上传498   0


毕业感言:园长致毕业感言  今天,是学前班小朋友难忘的日子,因为他们结束了幼儿园三年的学习和生活,即将成为一名小学生,我和我的老师都为他们感到高兴和自豪,在为他们举办毕业典礼的这个特殊日子,看着熟悉的他们,作为园长,心里有说不出的高兴,也有说不出的难过。  家长朋友,您还记得吗?三年前您恋恋不舍把孩子送到我们这里的时候,今天,我们和您有了同样的心情,舍不得让这53名孩子离开我们,三年的时

y***q 11年前 上传691   0


毕业感言:令人感动的毕业感言  毕业,短暂却能记住一辈子的动词;  毕业,不知道让人开心还是伤心的名词;  毕业,象征着长大成熟的形容词;  毕业,引领我们到下个起点的连词;  毕业,永远也数不完的数词;  毕业,日日夜夜想着却又无法改变的叹词……  毕业了,我却不想毕业了。  如蛹化蝶一般脱胎换骨,走过了漫长而又短暂的两年。两年之中,有悲有喜,有乐有忧,与好友相

s***d 10年前 上传620   0


英文版毕业赠言  1.i am not an outstanding student of yours,but you are the most respectable teacher to me in my eyes. on this special day,i extend my heartfelt respects to you!我不是您最出色的学生,而您却是我最尊敬的老师。在这特别的

风***子 10年前 上传460   0


毕业感言:接近毕业时毕业感言  我嘴里哼着歌曲,可能是《青春纪念册》,也许是《朋友》,我不在乎,我在乎的是今天如果不写下一篇日志来,我将会后悔一辈子。  6年,我也不过仅仅经历了3个6年的日照、雨水。第一个匆匆,因为一切一切也不过是雾里看花,什么都不真切,什么也都不明白,也就不可能在我的记忆里留下什么痕迹;第三个也匆匆,因为我要明白的太多,要背诵的太多,而留给记忆的虽然真切,却失去了它的

t***i 11年前 上传595   0


毕业感言:毕业的感受  前一阵子,在我们昔日大学同学q群里,同学联谊会方秘书长写到:“越走越远的总是岁月,越走越近的总是好友,越来越淡的总是名利,越来越浓的总是友情;XX年即将到来。一句平淡如水的问候,很轻;一声平常如纸的祝福,很真;摘一颗星,采一朵云,装入平安的信封里送给你们。让快乐、好运、健康,在新的一年里时刻围绕着你们!祝大家元旦快乐,新年快乐!“看后颇有感想,是啊,岁月蹉跎,曾经的奋

清***前 9年前 上传499   0


毕业感言:毕业心声  以下是小编大家收集的毕业感言,仅供参考!  感觉是弹指一挥间,我的大学生活就结束了。毕业几年了,心情虽然淡然,但还是有些留恋。这所学校虽不是中学阶段憧憬中的大学,但这里毕竟留有我青春四年的足迹,这所并非令所有人满意的大学,伴我走过了人生中重要的成长岁月。  现在工作了,还有幸留在大学,看着大学的学生在快乐、痛苦,努力、迷茫,心跳、梦幻中悄悄地流失着短暂的四年时光

l***i 9年前 上传484   0

毕业 感言

毕业 感言  1.什么是母校?就是那个你一天骂他八遍却不许别人骂的地方  2.大学就像校门口的公交车,坐上车,去了又回,那是又开始了一个学期;坐上车,去了不 回,就毕业了。。   3.我用一麻袋的钱上大学,换了一麻袋书;毕业了,用这些书换钱,却买不起一个麻袋   4.毕业我们默默的回首,才发现大学就这样混完了!!   5.毕业了,有点想念以前的日子   7.抱着一张大学录

r***2 11年前 上传556   0


毕业感言  四年的时间,不知不觉间已走到了尽头。  曾经是多么的盼望着早些离开校园、离开宿舍、离开课堂、离开书本……离开学生的称呼……,但到了真正不得不离开的那一刹那,才知道,自己对这片土地是多么的留念。在这里,留下了我最最美好的回忆和记忆。  时间可以证明一切,时间可以改变一切,时间可以解释一切,时间可以成就一切。  四年,想想很长,过起来却是如此短暂,往昔依旧,眼前重复的竟然

o***s 11年前 上传489   0


毕业感言  年少时的梦,像朵永远不凋零的花。   岁月席卷,我们却听到时间磨损的声音。   我们似乎还能记得,开始的开始,走进来时那带点茫然带点紧张的眼神。   可在这最后的最后,在我们来不及喘息的伤感里,我们又不得不走了。   踱下教学楼,走过操场,穿过食堂,经过绿树红墙、欢声笑语,流连在路的尽头,我们一再回望。   这或许是我们第一次,也将是最后一次,用从未有过的无比

j***珊 9年前 上传474   0


毕业感言  看着你们的书稿,既有人生感悟,也有师生情感,更有生活中酸甜苦辣的成长经历……  一章章一页页让我很感动,体现了三年来你们在xx成长的经历,是丰富的,是进步的,是真正成长的。其间师生间的故事,生活的曲折经历,都让我为之而想念。读这些优美的文字,仿佛让我看到当初你们灿烂如花的笑脸,纯真质朴的心灵,勇于拼搏的身影。  衷心希望这本书能伴随着xx的每个人,时常再现xx的生活,也希

老***0 11年前 上传625   0


毕业感言:大学毕业感言范文  黄昏。清风。菁菁校园。  四年了,我曾无数次在校园里漫步。然而每一次,我都在想自己的心事,周围的一切似乎都与我无关。然而今天的漫步,我却要睁大眼睛,好好看看这个校园。我要把校园里每一朵花每一棵草都镌刻在我的记忆里。  离校的日子一天天逼近了,校园的一切都朦胧着一种杨柳依依。  图书馆兀立在我眼前。面对高耸的图书馆,我觉得自己矮了下去。刚上大一时,读钱

2***1 11年前 上传486   0