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  cathy for embracing our film about love and about tolerance about truth thank you to the people all around the world who have been touched by this message and we are humbled by the other nominees in this category you have made this year one of the most breathtaking and stunning maverick years in american cinema thank you
  wed like to thank lions gate boy did you do a job jon feltheimer and everyone in every office of that building and we would not be here today if it were not for tom ortenberg and for sarah greenberg thank you thank you also to our financiers andy reimer jan korbelin marina grasic bob yari to our producers our partners mark harris and bob yari and don cheadle and bobby moresco thank you don cheadle our partner we wish he could be here with us tonight thank you everybody thank you to my husband to my wife to all of our families
  luc [whistles] it means thank you in penguins id like to dedicate this statuette to all the children in the world who saw that movie in 2041 they will decide to ruin you or not the treaty that protects antartica i will maybe the march of the penguins will inspire them sorry for my
  yves looking out on these tuxedos tonight its like seeing the movie again thank you for this homage thank you very much goodbye thank you thank you
  wow wow all right so im not winning director its the funny thing about winning an academy award it will always be synonymous with your name from here on in it will be oscar winner george clooney sexiest man alive 1997 batman died today in a freak accident at a listen i dont quite know how you compare art you look at these performances this year of these actors and unless we all did the same role everybody put on a bat suit and well all try that unless we all did the same role i dont know how you compare it they are performances and wonderful work and im honored truly honored to be up here and finally i would say that you know we are a little bit out of touch in hollywood every once in a while i think its probably a good thing were the ones who talk about aids when it was just being whispered and we talked about civil rights when it wasnt really popular and we you know we bring up subjects this academy this group of people gave hattie mcdaniel an oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the backs of theaters im proud to be a part of this academy proud to be part of this and proud to be out of touch and i thank you so much for this
  good evening ladies and gentlemen
  thank you thank you so much oh my god i just can’t believe it is it real or just a dream please forgive me i am i am just so shocked and so thankful i never expected this award tonight i’m very grateful to receive this award for best actress
  i can’t begin to tell you how much i appreciate this great honor there are so many people i’d like to thank first of all i want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world i also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years but especially to my acting teacher clark johnson who taught me everything i know
  i want to thank my husband for his understanding and kindness and finally i want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support especially to martin miller for being there when i needed him there are just too many people i should thank and i know i am probably forgetting someone so again i just want to say thank you to everyone who helped me supported me or just listened to me when i needed a shoulder to cry on
  this award means a great deal to me words can’t express how honored i feel at this moment i will remember this night for the rest of my life thank you very much
  witherspoon oh my goodness never thought id be here in my whole life growin up in tennessee i i want to say that and had a wonderful tradition of honoring other artists and musicians and singers and i really feel that tradition tonight it is very important and and i really feel it so i want to thank the academy for this incredible honor i want to say thank you to so many people who helped me create this role everyone at fox cathy konrad james keach for producing the film
  a very special thank you to jim mangold who directed the film and also wrote this character who is a real woman who has dignity and honor and fear and courage and shes a real woman and i really appreciate that it was an incredible gift that you gave me so thank you
  and tbone burnett for helping me realize my lifelong of being a country music singer thank you tbone
  and i want to say thank you to joaquin phoenix who just put his heart and soul into this performance his commitment and passion for this character and for this performance was just remarkable and i feel so to have gone on this journey with you
  im so blessed to have my family here tonight my and my father are here and i just want to say thank you so much for everything for being so proud of me it didnt matter if i was making my bed or makin a movie they never hesitated to say how proud they were of me and that means so very much to a child so thank you mom and dad
  i want to say thank you to my wonderful husband and my two children who should be goin to bed and thank you for loving me so much and supporting me
  i want to say that my my grand was one of the biggest inspirations in my life she taught me how to be a real woman to have strength and selfrespect and to never give those things away
  and those were a lot of qualities i saw in and people used to ask june how how she was doin and she used to say im just tryin to matter and i know what she means you know im just trying to matter and live a good life and make work that means something to somebody and you have all made me feel that i might have accomplished that tonight so thank you so much for this honor
  wow i wish i knew how to quit you first of all i want to thank two people who don’t even exist or i should say they do exist because of the imagination of annie proulx and the of larry mcmurtry and diana ossana their names are ennis and jack and they taught all of us who made brokeback mountain so much about not just all the gay men and women whose love is denied by society but just as important the greatness of love itself thank you thank you members of the academy for this tremendous honor and to everyone at focus features in particular david linde james schamus thank you for your love and support to bill pohlad tory metzger ira schreck joe dapello many thanks and a special david lee and my wife jane lin and my boys han and mason i love you on brokeback mountain i felt you with me every day i just did this movie after my father passed away more than any other i made this for him and finally to my and family and everybody in taiwan hong kong and china thank you
  cathy thank you oh my gosh oh thank you so so much what an amazing night thank you to all of the members of the academy for embracing




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奥斯卡颁奖获奖感言  奥斯卡颁奖英文获奖感言  cathy: for embracing our film, about love and about tolerance, about truth. thank you to the people all around the world who have been touched by this message. and we are

胥***鱼 5年前 上传569   0


奥斯卡获奖者的英文获奖感言  oh my god, this was not an easy film to make. i have to thank all the real life people who shared their stories with me... when i was 13 years old my beautiful mother and father move

周***海 12年前 上传561   0


“文明风采”颁奖晚会的获奖感言  首先,我非常荣幸能作为学生代表去参加江苏南京XX年“文明风采”的颁奖晚会。我获得的是职业生涯规划设计一等奖和征文类“我身边的诚信”二等奖。当徐老师告诉我获得一等奖的时候,我十分惊喜,虽然当时我已经尽了全力,但仍没想到自己会获奖。现在回想起来当时整个编划过程,却还仍历历在目。从一开始的初稿,接着是中途的逐步修改,完善,到最后的定稿,每一步都倾注了指导老师与我的

w***l 12年前 上传428   0


安妮海瑟薇奥斯卡的英文获奖感言  (she dreamed a dream, and accepting her oscar, says: “it came true“.she thanks les miserables director tom hooper, the film's cast and her friends and family.)“i must thank you hug

吴***伟 11年前 上传569   0


奥斯卡金像奖得主获奖感言  第85届奥斯卡金像奖获奖名单   最佳影片《逃离德黑兰》  获奖感言:本•阿弗莱克:我必须提斯皮尔伯格,他是个伟大的存在。还有其他那些获得提名的影片。太精彩了!谢谢每个人!谢谢加拿大!谢谢伊朗!虽然他们现在可能情况不太好!谢谢我老婆,我不怎么跟你相处,但是XX年了,这段婚姻保持下来了,我希望我们能继续保持下去。15年前,我真的不知道我在干嘛,站在你们面前,

青***7 11年前 上传350   0


2018年第87届奥斯卡最佳女配角获奖感言  yes! thank you to the academy for this incredible recognition. it doesn’t escape me for one moment that so much joy in my life is thanks to so much pain in someone else’s. an

灏***瓙 6年前 上传397   0


奥斯卡最佳女主角的获奖感言  以下是kate奥斯卡获奖感言的全文。世界级的演员站在世界级的舞台,讲得挺好,从中可以一窥kate的个性。  “i'd be lying if i hadn't made a version of this speech before, i think i was probably eight years old and staring into the ba

h***0 10年前 上传423   0


奥斯卡奖得主获奖感言  奥斯卡获奖感言精选  “这真是一个终生难忘的时刻,难以言表……成为(奥斯卡奖最佳导演)提名获得者的一员不同寻常,他们都是实力非凡的电影人,他们给我带来灵感。我一直仰慕他们,他们中的一些人我仰慕了几十年。”——最佳导演凯瑟琳·比奇洛(《拆弹部队》)。  “感谢电影学院,并向首位获得奥斯卡奖的非洲裔演员、在《乱世佳人》扮演奶妈的海蒂·麦克丹尼尔致敬……感谢丈夫,感

w***1 7年前 上传423   0


获奥斯卡最佳导演奖的获奖感言  谢谢!非常感谢!感谢“电影之神”,我真的要把这个奖和《少年pi的奇幻漂流》3千人的工作团队每个人分享,我要感谢你完成这个故事,和我分享这个不可思议的旅程。  我需要感谢扬马特尔,写出这本不可思议又鼓舞人的小说,每一个在福斯公司的人,感谢你们的援助,特别是汤姆罗德曼、吉姆纳克路斯,以及伊莉莎白盖伯勒,我的制片吉尔雷德、大卫沃玛,苏瑞吉,你在哪?你是个奇迹!饰

昌***昌 11年前 上传444   0


2018年第87届奥斯卡最佳编剧奖获奖感言  when i was 16 years old i tried to kill myself because i felt different and that i didn't belong. now i'm here, and i want this moment to be for that kid who feels weird or d

x***6 6年前 上传526   0


奥斯卡金像奖得主创意获奖感言  奥斯卡金像奖得主获奖感言  第85届奥斯卡金像奖获奖名单  最佳影片《逃离德黑兰》  获奖感言:本•阿弗莱克:我必须提斯皮尔伯格,他是个伟大的存在。还有其他那些获得提名的影片。太精彩了!谢谢每个人!谢谢加拿大!谢谢伊朗!虽然他们现在可能情况不太好!谢谢我老婆,我不怎么跟你相处,但是xx年了,这段婚姻保持下来了,我希望我们能继续保持下去。XX年前,我

x***g 6年前 上传378   0


先进人物颁奖大会获奖感言  XX新年伊始,有近500名业主参与的“秀兰尚城超级群”推出的一项“评选XX年度先进人物”活动,蒙群友错爱,把“突出贡献奖”授给了我。  接受这个来自社区民众、来自草根的“突出贡献奖”,不亚于接受政府颁发的奖励,因为这凝结着许多素昧平生的邻居对我的信任与厚爱,是真正的民主产物,我感到非常荣幸。我把尚城超级群授予“突出贡献奖”看成是对全体尚城人民乐于团结友爱、相互

n***e 12年前 上传509   0


2014中超颁奖典礼武磊的获奖感言  XX中超联赛年度颁奖会在北京进行。广州恒大包揽最佳球员、最佳教练、最佳射手、在内的8项大奖。其中孔卡荣膺最佳球员;里皮获得最佳教练奖。在其他奖项评选中,金敬道成为最佳新人;李俊荣获“金哨”殊荣;中超公平竞赛奖则颁给了广州恒大、北京国安和上海东亚三家俱乐部。而今年特别增设的“国家贡献奖”由广州恒大、山东鲁能、大连阿尔滨、北京国安、江苏舜天共同荣膺。本文

y***a 10年前 上传424   0


榜样人物颁奖典礼获奖感言  在这丰收的季节,我肩负着家乡父老的嘱托与厚望,远赴xxx参加了中国文化馆榜样人物的颁奖典礼。当我从文化部副部长xx今手中接过沉甸甸奖杯的那一刻,我的心情十分激动。我虽然在乡村文化的工作岗位上,做了一些工作,取得了一些成绩,但却得到了如此之高的荣誉,让我受宠若惊。  XX年1月,我被乡党委政府任命为xx乡文化站站长。从那时起,我就把全身心的精力投入到了自己的工作

b***y 9年前 上传492   0


获奖感言  尊敬的领导、各位老师:  大家好!非常感谢刘校长将这个奖项颁发给了我。能够在市里参评的47名教师中以第3的位次晋级成功,我很高兴,也非常激动。此时次刻,我想用三个词来表达我的心情。  第一个词是感谢。我要感谢刘校长,在各校均报校长的情况下,她却将机会让给了我,感谢党支部王书记多年的培养,感谢x主席和xxx老师连日送交材料的辛劳,感谢在座同志们对我的支持帮助和鼓励,我由衷地

闲***游 11年前 上传732   0


获奖感言  对于这次先进个人奖的评定,我觉得我是幸运的,这是汗水与努力结合的产物,是我对公司尽心尽力的表达,也是领导们对我工作的认可!当然这也不能代表许多同事幕后的努力白费了。公司是大家的,努力也要靠大家努力,只有我们大家携手共进,上下齐心,才能有公司更辉煌的明天!  2012年的钟声已经敲响了!在新的一年里,我们又会迎来新的挑战,新的机会,新的人生。庄子说的好:人生天地之间,若白驹过隙

1***2 12年前 上传744   0


获奖感言  所有都结束了,一切也刚刚开始。历经将近两年的索恩奖学金申请、选拔、颁奖一切的一切画上了句号。  结束了,我感到疲惫不堪,有身体上的,更有精神上的。   因为对奖学金的冲动,当初报了名,因为对梦想的执着,我一直在坚持。   在最后决赛的日子里,有的人放弃了,我也曾说过要放弃,但我知道我是不会放弃的,不是因为一万元的奖金,只是因为我一直的原则“我可以不去开始,但开始了我就

s***g 8年前 上传698   0


尊敬的各位领导,各位同事: 大家好! 得到这个奖励我有点惭愧,我并没有把这个奖看成是我自己的,实际上它也是我们二院所有护理人员的集体的成绩,让我个人来代表而已。 过去的一年里,作为一名护士长,我深知自己的责任重大,工作上勤勤恳恳,踏踏实实,任劳任怨的把工作负责。对患者热心,对医院忠诚,从小事抓起,以身作则。护理工作是一件件小事的汇集,众所周知,护理工作特别是我们内科护理工作既平常又繁琐,我

我***使 9年前 上传7188   0


记者获奖感言  非常荣幸能够得到“优秀记者”这个荣誉,感谢大家对我的信任和支持!一个人的价值在独立的时候无法体现,只有放入群体中才能发挥。在这里,我所收获的一点一滴的进步和成绩,都与大家密不可分。从领导手中接过沉甸甸的荣誉证书时,我知道,我肩上的责任更重了!我会再接再厉,继续做好以后的工作!本文档由香当网(https://www.xiangdang.net)用户上传

A***k 10年前 上传767   0


标兵获奖感言  姓名:杨兴尧  职务:福州解放公司销售经理  入司时间:XX年6月1日  荣誉称号:年度销售标兵  座右铭:不在打击面前退缩,不在困难面前屈服,不在挫折面前低头,不在失败面前却步。勇敢前进!!!  从XX年6月入司到至今,我在建州已度过9年的职业生涯,从一名基层人员到一名中层管理者,一路走来,有过享受成功的喜悦,也有过面临挫折的失落,作为公司开拓市场的一线

s***0 11年前 上传484   0


读书获奖感言  我的《漫谈〈三国演义〉》一帖,在春季读书活动中获奖,着实感到意外。《三国演义》作为四大名著之一,自问世以来即有名家评论,而其主要内容,思想倾向,文学艺术性,在文学界也早有定论。我只是根据前人的观点,结合自己的感悟,进行了加工整理而已,对于获奖,实在惭愧。  我参加春季读书活动的帖子有三篇,其中《再读〈红岩〉》一帖,实在是有感而发,窃以为应比《三国》一帖更有内涵。当今社会,

x***j 9年前 上传857   0


单位获奖感言  昨天参加市直窗口服务创先争优活动观摩推进会,一位部门领导见面说我昨晚的“获奖感言”很有“气势”,哈哈一笑。  此事缘于《我与宿迁共奋进》首届市级机关文化艺术节闭幕式颁奖晚会上,我代表单位上台领奖并按要求说了一句获奖感言。  说真的,之前感觉有点为难,甚至有点尴尬 ,因为这是代表总台面向领导和观众“表态”,既要展现广电人的精气神,还要紧扣“创先争优”主题,用一句话表达,

l***e 10年前 上传713   0


尊敬的各位领导、各位同事: 大家好! 作为一名早在1985年就已经退伍的复员军人,此次能够获得我们**公司2010年度的“优秀退伍军人”荣誉称号,我很高兴,也很激动。仿佛又回到了当年的军族生涯,仿佛又一次踏上了从军的征程。此时此刻,不善言谈的我,只想用三个最朴实无华但却最能代表我心情的词来表达我内心的激动。 第一个词是感谢。我要感谢单位领导和同事们对我的信任、支持、鼓励,还有肯定。我衷心地

l***9 14年前 上传19083   0


作品获奖感言  目前暖暖在写《爱为你流转》,是一本关于青春与回忆、关于爱与被爱的小说,暖暖个人很喜欢这本书,也很喜欢书中的男主角陈焕。  这篇《陪我跳舞吧,lolita》原本是在写完《等待花开的日子》以后写的,为的是满足自己少女时代的梦幻情结。但是因为后来喜欢写都市文了,忙着写《仰望幸福的角度》和《守候瞬间的永恒》,这篇文就暂时搁浅了。  后来这篇文发到腾讯原创频道,每天被读者们催文

t***a 12年前 上传655   0


师德获奖感言  师德模范获奖感言精选  今天,我获此殊荣,心中感到既惭愧又感动。惭愧的是,有很多教师勤勤恳恳,默默无闻的工作,他们很多人做的比我要好的多、优秀的多。感动的是校领导对我工作情况的认可和各位同事对我的支持和帮助。“师德标兵”这个荣誉称号,对我来说,是一种荣誉,更是一种激励。我将在今后的工作中将更加努力地工作以无愧赋予我的这个光荣称号。  十佳师德模范既是一个荣誉,同时也是

h***i 10年前 上传521   0