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Emergency Response Plan(应急预案)




Emergency Response Plan(应急预案)
  emergency response plan(应急预案)
  1 scope
  this procedure is developed to effectively prevent and control the occurrence of accidents ensure safety of all personnel and property this procedure defines the stages of prevention response and recovers of emergency response process in accordance of the company’s hazards identified and reduces the damage or impact to alarp
  1 范围
  2 scope of application
  this procedure applies to emergency preparedness and response for all accident incident and emergency in all wison operating locations and sites including those where work is being undertaken on behalf of wison it includes the following items but not limited  to
  a   workshop and construction area of the company
  b   office building office in the workshop and rest areas
  c   warehouse and site work area
  d   working over water (work area the company has management authority for)
  e   self rescue activity when significant accident or emergency occurred nearby endangers safety of our company
  all department and project team as well as interested parties within the scope of the company shall follow the requirements of general principle of the emergency response plan and act in accordance with the emergency response plan in the event of any emergency if there is any conflict between this procedure and national laws regulations this emergency response plan will amend to meet requirements of the above laws and regulations
  a 公司单位工作车间设备制造场
  b 办公楼宇车间部员办公休息场
  c 施工场单位库房现场作业区
  d 水作业区(负理权限作业区域)
  e 周边单位发生重事险情危公司安全时救护活动
  3 organization
  a emergency response command center is the highest command organization of for the emergency work of wison (nantong) heavy industry co ltd the emergency response command center has the decisionmaking right of emergency response
  commander the managing director
  deputy commander the executive director the management representative
  members head of each department
  b emergency response office emergency response office is a routine organization for emergency response work and it develops the work under the emergency commander and is responsible for organizing supervising and managing the detail affairs
  emergency response office director hse manager
  members all members of the hse department
  c  emergency response team emergency response team is the first emergency response organization in case of emergency it ensures the contact and communication with higherup emergency command department implements emergency response work in time and can be divided into emergency squad team rescue team communication and information team guard team etc as per different functions during emergency response while team members report to team leader
  see attachment i for members of emergency response team
  3  组织机构
  a应急指挥中心 :宏强重工限公司应急工作高指挥机构负应急响应决策权总指挥:公司总理副总指挥:执行副总理者代表成员:部门长
  b应急办公室:应急办公室应急工作常务机构应急总指挥领导开展工作负责具体事务组织监督理 应急办公室:安全环保部部长成员:安全环保部全体成员
  4      roles and responsibilities
  41  roles and responsibilities of emergency command center
  a     responsible for organizing and preparing emergency response plan
  b    responsible for leading emergency and rescue works
  c     responsible for organizing supervising and checking the implementation of emergency response plan
  d    responsible for precontrolling potential risks of the company including reviewing emergency materials organizing routine inspection of potential risks reviewing emergency communication resources etc
  e    during emergency response responsible for issuing the order to mobilize various forces to rush to deal with an emergency and participate in rescue and making decision on treatment plan for major accident
  f     responsible for deciding time content and method of external report or application for support
  g    responsible for organizing aftermath treatment of emergency incident and investigation work of accident and preparing countermeasures
  42    roles and responsibilities of emergency response office
  a     responsible for organizing and implementing contents of emergency response plan
  b    responsible for issuing forecast according to available information duly organizing to establish emergency duty room and taking proper emergency preventive measures
  c     responsible for assisting emergency command center under emergency circulating each decision and arrangement coordinating and arranging rescue force of its area and carrying out rescue work quickly and effectively
  d    responsible for reporting implementation of emergency response plan and emergency response under emergency to emergency command center
  e    responsible for drafting emergency drill plan preparing drill program and organizing training and implementation
  43 roles and responsibilities of each emergency response team
  a     responsible for emergency response as per team functions when emergency occurs
  b    responsible for reporting information to emergency response office or emergency duty room at any moment
  c     responsible for participating in trainings and drills as per relevant requirements
  431 emergency squad team
  a     responsible for using each kind of emergency materials to develop emergency rescue and disaster relief works
  b    responsible for eliminating controlling of emergency and preventing influence from being increased and extent from being deepened
  c     responsible for removing hazardous materials or other materials around the accident scene to prevent and minimize leakage
  d    responsible for organizing external relevant parties in the site to provide cooperation in their power
  e    responsible for rescue injured person out of the accident area so as to provide conditions for rescue
  f     responsible for cooperating with external support (fire brigade etc) to carry out emergency rescue and disaster relief
  432 rescue team
  a     responsible for carrying out first aid for injured persons who were saved out from the dangerous area
  b    responsible for providing assistance to external support (hospital)
  433communication and information team
  a     responsible for keeping communication and information circulation among emergency response team emergency response office (duty room) and emergency command center in any case (including the case that it could not use communication equipment)
  b    responsible for counting of emergency evacuation personnel and verifying the number of personnel so as to ensure all personnel have evacuated to safe place
  c     responsible for collecting and providing each kind of information required for emergency response including plot plan list of emergency materials all required contact information (including contact method of relevant person’s families) etc
  434 guard team
  a responsible for closing the area where accident and emergency occurred to prevent irrelevant personnel from entering into the hazardous area
  b   responsible for controlling spread of relevant information to prevent losing control of the information
  4      职责
  41  应急指挥中心职责
  a     组织编制应急预案
  b    领导应急抢险工作
  c     组织监督检查应急预案贯彻实施
  d    负责公司潜危险预先控制包括应急物资审查组织潜危险定期检查应急通讯资源审查等
  e    应急响应中达调动种力量参加抢险救援命令决策重事处理方案
  f     决定外汇报请求支援时间容方式
  g    负责组织应急事件善处理事调查工作制定防范措施
  a     负责应急预案容组织实施
  b    根掌握信息适时达预报组织成立应急值班室采取适应急预防措施
  c     紧急情况时协助应急指挥中心传达项决定部署协调安排区域救助力量迅速高效实施救助工作
  d    负责应急指挥中心报告应急预案落实情况紧急情况应急响应情况
  e    负责拟定应急演计划编制演方案组织培训实施
  a     紧急情况发生时分组职进行应急响应
  b    时消息应急办公室应急值班室报告
  c     求参加训练演
  5      emergency plot plan emergency muster point clinic
  51 see attachment ii for emergency plot plan
  52 four emergency muster points are set within the company as following
  1# entrance of office area
  2# south to the client’s office
  3# east entrance of the company
  4# beside the security box of the quay
  53      site clinic is set at the first floor of attached building of outfitting workshop
  5      紧急面布置图紧急集合疏散点医务室
  1#  行政办公区入口处
  2# 会南侧
  3# 东门1号岗亭旁
  4# 码头岗亭旁
  asee attachment iii emergency contact list for details of contact of all personnel involved in emergency response plan
  b see attachment iv for channels of the company’s radios
  6 通讯联系  
  a 应急预案涉员联系方法详见附件三应急通讯联络表
  b 公司讲机呼频道见附件四
  7 emergency response procedure
  71 emergency response office will collect relevant forecast information of disaster and dangerous situations circulate them in time and organize relevant department to take preventive measures
  72  when accident or emergency occurred site responsible person of the department shall immediately organize personnel to carry out self rescue and estimate the loss level and impact range if there is possibility that the loss is increasing or the impact is enlarging or there is significant loss (accident above disability work injury or significant property loss accident) it shall be delivered to site emergency response team and emergency response office or emergency duty room
  self rescue includes
  a putting out onset of sporadic fire (except those situation may affect the safety of rescue personnel eg with possibility of explosion and deflagration)
  b break water electricity power and gas
  c rescue of injured person
  d removing or isolating hazardous materials
  e taking other emergency measures if self safety can be ensured
  72 site emergency response team shall immediately contact emergency response office or emergency duty room after receiving rescue information from workers and take emergency response as per division of work and instructions of emergency response office during that process it also shall keep in contact with emergency response office or emergency duty room and report information in time
  73emergency response office or emergency duty room shall judge the seriousness of the case and decide whether it needs to report to emergency command center to company level emergency response
  74 emergency command center should immediately inform all departments to perform emergency response after receiving report and command each emergency response team to rush to deal with the emergency with assistance of emergency response office and confirm whether it needs to implement personnel emergency evacuation when implementing emergency evacuation all personnel in site shall go to each emergency muster point responsible person of each department shall make nose count and report the result of nose count to emergency response office or emergency duty room so as to ensure all personnel have evacuated to safe places
  it will depend on development of emergency to decide whether it needs to appeal for support from external
  75 when the emergency is under control remaining hazardous factors shall be eliminated completely to avoid reoccurrence of secondary accident
  76 only emergency command center has the right to declare allclear of emergency
  77see following chart for emergency response levels
  1      应急响应程序
  emergency response levels应急响应级   发生事险情 accident or emergency
  救 self rescue
  第级响应 判断否请求支援 judge whether appeal for support or not
  level 1 response     通知应急办公室 inform emergency office
  区域应急组响应 area emergency response team to take response
  判断否实施公司级响应 judge whether implements company level response
  否 no
  第二级响应        level  2 response         公司级响应 company level response
  全公司应急响应 whole company to take emergency response
  紧急疏散 emergency evacuation
  请求外单位支援 appeal for support from external companies

  第三级响应       level 3 response                          1      accident and emergency response program the followings are the emergency response plan for accident or danger each department shall make detailed response plan according to the principles in the procedure or detailed situations 11  emergency response program for fire explosion when major fire explosion occurs in work site and could not be put out by self but needs rescue from emergency response team a     emergency response office or duty room shall immediately organize members of each emergency response team to take response after receiving report and shall report to emergency command center at the same time b    emergency command center is to decide whether external support is required if required communication and information team shall inform police fire fighting hospital the company signed agreement with work safety administrative department and relevant companies to come for support c     keep contact with relevant parties and supplement materials in time d    evacuate and count the personnel to ensure whether all the personnel have evacuated to safe places e    take effective measures in time to prevent or reduce pollution of disaster to environment f     the gm office shall timely inform insurance company to do site survey and transact settlement of claims 82 emergency response program for storm and flood storm and flood are the nature disasters when storm and flood is forecasted occurred a     emergency response office should circulate the information to relevant departments in time   b    emergency command center or emergency response office shall immediately hold flood control and disaster relief meeting as per requirements of higherup study and arrange detail works of follow control and disaster relief c     emergency response office or duty room shall keep close contact with higherup and meteorological department get information of storm and flood dynamic in time and circulate the information at any moment d    emergency command center or emergency response office should command emergency flood fighting team of each department to do flood fighting work e    emergency response office should immediately contact operation coordinator and warehouse management person asking them to prepare materials and vehicles required for storm and flood protection  f     emergency response office or duty room should keep contact with relevant higher department check the major hazardous equipment and the dikes within its responsible areas in time understand movement of storm and flood and make preparation for dealing with the emergency g    if meet storm and spring tide during marine transportation it shall strengthen fixing of materials and equipment prevent them from being dipped and select nearest wharf to avoid dangers 83emergency response program for leakage of toxic and hazardous materials due to demand of production operation it is possible to use and store certain quantity of toxic and hazardous materials it needs to develop relevant emergency measures for the cases that toxic and hazardous materials enter into human body or endanger work place due to contingency or violation to relevant national clauses regulations and safety operating instructions once a great lot of toxic and hazardous materials are leaked responsible company shall report the occurred accident in time a     emergency response office or duty room shall response immediately after receiving the report as follows a)    depend on criticality of the accident to decide whether it needs to inform the hospital the company signed agreement with to send medical team to accident scene for rescue b)    organize guard team to do site guard work to avoid unnecessary loss c)    inform driver duty room to send required cars and other transportation vehicles b    the department who had accident occurred shall make preparation as follows before arrival of emergency rescue personnel to site a)    immediately take measures to block the leakage to prevent further leakage and diffusion of toxic and hazardous materials b)    if personnel poisoning occurred it shall carry them out of the site quickly if conditions are available it can take measure to make first aids for the patients c)      if the leaked toxic and hazardous materials caught fire or exploded refer to emergency response program for fire and explosion to organize to put out the fire to save life and property d)    obey the command and actively assist relevant department in emergency rescue work 84 emergency response program for major traffic accident when major traffic accident occurred resulting in casualty to several persons and damage to facilities  but could not effectively rescue by self forces and needs support a     emergency response office should enter into emergency work status quickly after receiving report of the major traffic accident a)rescue the injured ones immediately and contact the hospital the company signed agreement with (nantong rich hospital) to come for first aid b)        immediately protect the scene and set guards c)immediately inform local work safety administrative department and police etc to come for accident investigation d)        the gm office should inform insurance company in time to come for survey b    when major traffic accident occurred outside the company a)    the first person who received the information should report to emergency response office in time and the emergency response office shall report to government departments such as local traffic management and work safety administrative department etc and appeal for their help b)    emergency response office shall assign members to the accident scene to find out the details on personnel injury loss and rescue and solve relevant aftermath work c)    report to interested parties in time as per the details d)    the gm office shall contact insurance company in time 85 emergency response program for personnel fall into water once there is person fell into water the personnel in accident scene shall immediately take the following rescue program a     the personnel see the accident must stare at the person fell into water and call for help (the person in water also should call for help) so as to get support from others b    rescue tools and measures can be taken are as follows throw life buoy throw life line the nearest boat approaches to the person in the water pass long rod personnel with good ability in swimming can wear life jacket and rescue (bringing lifesaving appliancest is better if several persons can work together) etc c     report number of persons fell into water location weather driftage and other details to emergency response office and call relevant departments for support such as 110 waterborne police station maritime hospital etc d    after the person fell into water is brought to disembark it shall take measures to keep the person dry and warm move inhouse or send to hospital based on actual situation of the person who is rescued if the person is unconscious breath  and heartbeat stopped  firstaid shall be carried out by the medical staff of the clinic e    send those to hospital for medical treatment and cure 86emergency response program for electric shock there are lots of electric works in site once electric shock occurs in site site personnel shall take emergency measures as follows a     power off immediately or power off after using insulative object (eg dry wood stick etc) to move the electrified body it is not allowed to touch the person who got electric shock or electrified body b    call personnel around for help loudly and contact clinic to come for first aid c     if the person who got electric shock has no breath or heartbeat after separating from the electrified body artificial breathing or external chest compression shall be conducted till 120 ambulance comes d    immediately call 120 for help 87emergency response program for fall from height fall from height some times happen during work at height scaffolding etc once similar accident occurs it shall take emergency response program as follows a     discover shall immediately contact with emergency response office or the hospital the company signed agreement with b    clinic can take first aid measures before arrival of medical team the necessary first aids measures include but not limit t artificial respiration hemostasis external chest compression etc c     after ambulance from 120 center arrives site personnel should assist the medical team in doing first aid work 88emergency response program for emergency medical service a     the company signed medical treatment and rescue agreement with large major hospital nearby (nantong rich hospital) which will open emergency rescue green channel b    when the company has critical patients it shall report to emergency response office immediately and the emergency response office shall organize forces to make rescue work for them a)    dial 120 as soon as possible and inform nantong rich hospital to make preparation for rescue b)    mobilize site rescue forces (manpower vehicle equipment etc) to rush to accident scene at full speed and follow site commander c)    before arrival of doctor clinic shall carry out emergency treatment for critical patients c     site injury rescue plan for mechanical injury any personnel casualty occurs during operation the work unit should report it to emergency response office immediately and emergency response office will enter into emergency work status organize forces and do rescue works a)    inform the hospital the company signed agreement with (or dial 120) immediately to open emergency rescue green channel and make rescue preparation b)    site personnel or clinic shall make emergency treatment as per injury including hemostasis binding up fracture immobilization etc c)    as per state of the injury identify priorities confirm sequence of rescue and transportation take the priority to rescue the injured person who has life risk unitive organization and commander shall be available during hemostasis binding up fracture immobilization and move d)    protect accident scene carry out investigation of site injury status as per authority of accident treatment 89  emergency response program for gas leakage various gases will be used during operation such as o2 co2 fuel gas (acetylene propane natural gas etc) and it is vulnerable to occurrence of leakage incident if the incident is treated improperly it is subject to serious results therefore once the accident on leakage of a great lot of gas occurs it shall take proper emergency treatment measures immediately as follows a     immediately evacuate personnel around the accident place against the wind direction if personnel faint due to poisoning and asphyxiation it shall not go to rescue him or her blindly but must ensure safety of rescuers before carrying out rescue activity b    close gas source as soon as possible c     if it is leakage of fuel gas or oxygen stop all hot works around the incident place immediately d    set barricades around the leakage area to prevent entry of irrelevant personnel e    use ventilation equipment (antiexplosion type) to dilute the gas in the area with gas leakage if necessary use fog water or steam to dilute f     test gas concentration at any moment and do not allow rescuers to enter into the dangerous area when the concentration exceeds safety standard except they had effective protection equipment 810 floodstorm surge  implement in accordance with flood and typhoon prevention emergency response plan 811surrounding accident or epidemic situation impacting the company’s safety a contact with related parties directly or through the administration of work safety healthy bureau environment protection agency and other governmental departments pay attention to the trend of the accident the emergency response office shall assess the likelihood and severity of the impact and shall report to the emergency center  b if there is an accident of the company nearby on duty personnel shall be arranged who should watch the situation closely and keep in contact with government authorities  actions should be taken in accordance with the instruction by the government to prevent the accident impact  c on epidemic situation the company shall carry out the following measures l  isolate the patient immediately call 120 of rich hospital to take patient to emergency room l  disinfecting the places immediately by medical staff and cleaning staff l  report the disease situation to healthy bureau disease prevention and control center and other governmental departments   immediately l  implement appropriate prevention work in accordance with the health bureau center for disease control and prevention and other government departments command 812poisoning poisoning is divided into operating poisoning and food poisoning 8121 operating poisoning a if the onsite staff found that people who are poisoned they should carefully observe the situation on the ground if possible they should immediately shut down the poisoning sources in the case of ensuring their own safety they shall move poisoned person to a safe location if they can not confirm the safety of the environment they shall immediately notify the hse department they should not rescue blindly in order to prevent unnecessary damage bwhen receiving the report of poisoning the hse department  shall organize people use portable selfcontained breathing apparatus entering into the poisonous space to rescue the poisoned people c onsite person in charge should immediately call 120 for assistance he should report details about the place poisoning the situation and arrange officers to meet the people at the road dpoisoning personnel should be moved to the nearest wellventilated and fresh air place to  keep warm eclinic personnel under the poisoning situation adopt injected with normal saline glucose or fed milk etc for emergency disposal and use oxygen bag to provide oxygen f ensure that the patient’ respiratory tract is unobstructed unconscious persons should be biased towards the side of the head to prevent inhalation of respiratory tract caused by suffocation vomit g in the event of respiratory arrest cardiac arrest and other serious conditions the poisoning people should be taken respirators external cardiac massage and other emergency measure immediately to rescue and insisted that 120 arriving 8122 food poisoning a take the poisoning people to the hospital immediately or call 120 for help b report to the company’s leaders and health supervisor  department    if necessary they can report to the police c if the company provide cafeteria stop feeding activities immediately sealed all the suspected food raw materials tools equipment and arranged for security to protect the site against vandalism scene waiting for the government law enforcement agencies 813 eye injuries a if the solid or chemical materials get in the eyes the people may use the onsite eyeswashing equipment by himself b if foreign matter gets into eyes and clean invalid or other eye injury patient should be immediately sent to the clinic c simple treatment should be carried out by the clinic foreign matters must be removed d send the injured person for further treatment 814 ship distress incidents a notify the maritime administration and other departments immediately b notify the surrounding enterprises immediately pay attention to avoidance and navigation safety c cooperate with the maritime administration and other departments to implement emergency relief   815 accident of lifting operation a control the site immediately set up alert prohibit unrelated person to enter and prevent secondary accidents b if there are pressed personnel the forklifts cranes and other equipments should be mustered for rescue falling or collapsing items should be  removed if necessary cutting torch and other equipment available to be ripper in operation process operators should be careful to avoid secondary injuries c after injured people were rescued the emergency treatment should be taken in accordance with method of mechanical injury disposal and injured people should be immediately taken to a hospital or call 120 to come for medical treatment d in the event of the death the site should be reserved to provide conditions for the investigation           816 radiation accidents a turn off the power of radiation devices immediately b suspected persons subjected to radiation damage as well as personnel in the vicinity might be affected should be  sent to hospital for emergency treatment 817  fall from height a immediately notify the agreement hospital (or call 120) to open the emergency ambulance green channel and do rescue preparations b do a good job of alert and prevent unrelated person entering c the clinic conducts a preliminary examination of the injured and have an initial treatment such as dressings to stop bleeding fracture fixation and so on d under normal circumstances moving the injured is prohibited in order to prevent secondary damage caused e if it is a fatality the site should be alerted for investigation 818 burn injury a eliminate or isolate the flame or heat b move the injured person out to a safe place if necessary remove the cloth by scissors if it is chemical fiber clothing sticking to the skin it is forbidden to pulling which should be treated by the doctor c the clinic should examine the injured person as well as other injuries ie if there is damage to head internal organs poisoning or fracture d if it is a slight burn injury cold water should be used to flush the wound to reduce the skin temperature then coated with  egg white sesame oil etc e if it is a serious injury cold water should be used to flush the wound and dry it do not break the blisters call 120 and send the injured person to the hospital for treatment 819 asphyxia accident a if there is a asphyxial person the people around shall observe the surroundings shut off the source of asphyxial gas and move the person injured to a safe place if the situation cannot be confirmed safety hse dept shall be informed immediately it is forbidden to enter into a confined space to rescue when the air in the confined space is not clear b the hse dept shall enter the confined space to rescue injured person wearing a portable selfcontained breathing apparatus c the site responsible personnel shall call 120 for help and tell the 120 center about detailed location person situation and arrange people to guide the medical at the crossing d the injured should be moved to a place with good ventilation and fresh air open the coat (but keep warm) e give oxygen to the injured person with oxygen bag f in the event of respiratory arrest cardiac arrest and other serious conditions the injured person should be taken respirators external cardiac massage and other emergency measure immediately to rescue and insisted that 120 arriving 820 pollution to yangtze river in the case of oil spillage a if there is a slight oil spillage asphalt felt shall be tied to a rope and threw to the river for oil absorption b if there is a serious spillage and report to environmental protection bureau and marine board c move the asphalt felt oil absorption rail and other emergency response facilities to the polluted location using forklift and other equipment d set oil absorption rail in the polluted water region with 30t cranes and mobile cranes the downriver should be more strictly barricaded to prevent or reduce the oil spread e throw plenty of asphalt felt to the oil polluted waters f cooperate with the marine board and other governmental authorities to carry out other emergency response actions g the regained waste oil and  asphalt felt should be treated as the dangerous waste 821 environmental protective facility failure the environmental protective facilities in the company work discontinuously in the case of the facility failure related production work should be paused and repaired by the equipment management dept till the facility can be used again  9 attachments a     attachment 1 emergency organization chart b    attachment 2 emergency plot plan c     attachment 3 emergency contact lists d attachment 4 radio channels8     
事险情处理方案   突发事险情应急处理方案相关部门预案制定原根具体情况制定详细应急响应细     81  火灾爆炸应急处理方案 作业场发生重火灾爆炸身力量法扑救需应急指挥组予救援时:       a     应急办公室值班室接报告立组织应急组成员迅速进行响应时应急指挥中心汇报         b    应急指挥中心决定否需外部支援确定需时通讯联络情报组迅速通知公安消防协议医院安全生产理部门关单位前支援           c     保持方面联系时补充物资   d    员疏散数清点确认员否全部安全撤离   e    时采取效措施防止减轻灾害环境造成污染   f     总办时通知保险公司勘察现场办理理赔手续   82风暴洪水应急处理方案     
风暴洪水然灾害预报发生风暴洪水时:   a     应急办公室时关部门传达信息       b      应急指挥中心应急办公室级求立召开防洪抗灾会议研究部署抗灾救灾具体工作         c     应急办公室值班室应保持级气象部门密切联系时掌握风暴洪水动态时通报风暴 洪水情况         d    应急指挥中心应急办公室指挥单位防汛抢险队做抢险工作       e    应急办公室应立生产协调库房理联系准备防风暴洪水需物资运输车辆         f     应急办公室值班室级关部门保持联系时巡查重点危险设备辖区域江堤时解风暴洪水活动情况做抢险准备           g    水运输程中遇风暴潮时加强物资设备固定防止浸泡选择码头进行避险       83毒害物质泄漏应急处理方案 生产作业需存储定数量毒害物质意外事违反国家关条例规定安全操作规程等造成毒害物质进入体危害工作场情况需制定相应应急措施旦发生量毒害物质泄漏事时事单位应时报                 a     应急办公室值班室接报警应迅速做出反应:     a)    视事危险程度决定否通知协议医院派出医疗队奔赴事现场救护                  b)    组织警戒组做现场警戒工作避免造成必损失          c)    通知司机值班室调动需车辆交通工具   b    事发生单位应急救援员达事现场前应做准备:         a)    立采取措施堵漏防止毒害物质进步泄漏扩散              b)    果发生员中毒应迅速中毒员抬离现场条件采取措施病急救             c)     果泄漏毒害物质着火爆炸参火灾爆炸应急处理方案组织扑救              d)    服指挥积极协助相关单位做抢险工作          84
重交通事应急处理方案     发生重交通事导致死伤设施损毁情况身力量效救护需予救援时:     a     应急办公室接重交通事报告迅速进入应急工作状态      a)    立抢救伤员联系协作医院(瑞慈医院)前急救       b)    立保护现场做警戒      c)    立通知安全生产理公安等部门前公司进行事调查     d)    总办时通知保险公司前勘察        b    公司外发生重交通事时:      a)        获信息第应时应急办公室反映应急办公室时交通理安全生产监督局等政府部门报告求助               b)        应急办公室派出员前现场解员伤亡损失救护情况解决关善事宜工作       c)        根情况时相关方报告       d)        总办时联系保险公司       85员落水应急处理方案       旦出现员落水情况事现场员应立采取救援方案     a     发现员必须盯住落水声呼救(落水员呼救)取支援       b    采取施救工具手段:抛救生圈抛救生绳索船落水递长杆水性员穿救生衣水救助(带救生器具)等等             c     应急办公室报告落水数点气象员漂流情况110水派出海事医院等部门请求协助       d    落水员岸溺水员视情况做出防湿保温进房间送医院溺水员果出现昏迷呼吸停止心跳停止等现象医务室立采取急救措施进行急救           e    员送医院救治   86员触电应急处理方案       现场带电作业较旦出现员触电事现场员应采取应急措施:     a     立断电绝缘物体(干燥木棒等)带电体挑开断电严禁带电情况拉扯触电员带电体       b    声周围员呼救联系医务室前急救   c     触电员脱离带电体已呼吸心跳应立实施工呼吸胸外心脏压急救直
120救护车止       d    立拨120求救 87员坠落应急处理方案      高空作业脚手架作业等危险作业项目易发生员坠落事旦出现类事应采取应急处理方案:   a     发现员应立应急办公室协议医院取联系     b    医务室医疗队未达前采取急救措施必急救措施包括限:工呼吸止血胸外心脏压等       c     120达现场员应协助医疗队伍做急救工作     88 医疗急救应急处理方案      a     协议医院附型重点医院(瑞慈医院)签定医疗救护协议开启紧急救护绿色通道     b    公司出现危重病时应立报告应急办公室应急办公室立组织力量做危重病抢救工作       a)        快拨120通知协议医院做抢救准备      b)        调集现场救援力量(员车辆设备等)全速赶出事现场听现场指挥        c)        医生没前医务室危重病进行紧急处理     c     机械伤害现场受伤救治预案 生产作业程中造成员伤亡等情况时作业单位应立报告应急办公室应急办公室进入应急工作状态组织力量做抢救搭救工作         a)   立通知协议医院(拨120)开启紧急救护绿色通道做抢救准备        b)  现场员医务室根受伤情况首先进行紧急处理包括止血包扎骨折固定等   c)   针伤员伤情区轻重缓急确定救治运送次序优先抢救生命危险伤员   止血包扎固定搬运程中应统组织指挥           d)  保护事现场根事处理权限做现场受伤情况调查工作       89气体泄露应急处理方案      生产程中量类气体氧气二氧化碳燃气(乙炔丙烷天然气等)易发生泄露事处理易导致严重果旦发生气体量泄露事应立采正确应急处理措施:         a     立疏散周围员风方果员发生中毒窒息等情况晕倒盲目前施救必
须确保救援员安全情况进行抢救       b    快关闭气源   c     果燃气氧气泄露立停止附场切动火作业   d    泄露区域周围设置警戒防止关员进入   e    通风设备(防爆型)泄露区域气体进行稀释必时雾状水蒸汽进行稀释     f     时测试气体浓度超安全标准时禁止抢险员进入危险区域非佩戴效防护设备       810 水灾风暴潮     防台防汛预案执行     811 公司造成影响周边单位事疫情 a直接相关单位联系者通安监局卫生局环保局等政府部门安全理事组组织网络密切关注情况发展应急办公室评估公司造成影响性严重性时应急指挥中心报告                               b    针外单位突发事公司组织员进行24时值班密切关注事态发展情况政府部门保持联系根政府部门指令时采取配合措施预防事公司影响       c发生重疫情公司采取措施:   l  立患病员进行隔离拨120瑞慈医院患者送急诊   l  立医务室保洁员场进行针性消毒 l  时卫生局疾病预防控制中心等部门报告疫情     l  卫生局疾病预防控制中心等政府部门指挥落实相应防疫工作       812  中毒事 中毒事分作业中毒食物中毒   8121  作业中毒 a     现场员发现中毒时应仔细观察现场情况应立关闭毒源确保身安全情况中毒员移安全点果确认环境否安全应立通知安全环保部盲目进入救防止必伤害             b    安全环保部接报告立组织员便携式供气呼吸器进入毒空间员设法移出       c     现场负责应立拨120请求救援拨电话时应注意说明详细点员中毒情况安排员路口接应     d   
中毒员应移通风良空气新鲜方注意保暖   e    医务室根中毒员情况采取注射生理盐水葡萄糖者喂食牛奶等方式进行紧急处置氧气袋进行供氧     f     应确保患者呼吸道通畅神志清者应头部偏边防呕吐物吸入呼吸道引起窒息       g    发生中毒者呼吸停止心跳停止等严重情况应立采取工呼吸体外心脏摩等急救措施进行抢救坚持120达止       8122  食物中毒 a     立中毒员送医院救治者拨120前处理 b    立公司领导卫生监督部门报告必时公安机关报告 c     果公司食堂供餐立停止供餐活动封存切疑食物原料工具设备安排保安保护现场防止破坏现场等候政府执法部门             813  眼部伤害事 a     果固体异物化学品入眼先现场洗眼器行清洗   b    异物入眼清洗效者眼部伤害应立送医务室   c     医务室进行简单处理固体异物进行清理   d    送医院进行进步治疗     814  船舶遇险事 a     立通知海事局等部门   b    立通知周边企业注意避航道安全   c     配合海事局等部门实施紧急救援       815  起重吊装事 a     立控制现场设置警戒严禁关员进入防止二次事发生   b    果员压立调集叉车汽车吊等设备进行应急救援坠落坍塌物品进行搬运必时动割刀等设备予破拆作业程中应注意避免员二次受伤         c     受伤员救出机械伤害处置方法进行紧急处理立送医院拨120前救治         d    果发生员死亡事保留现场调查提供条件   816  放射性事 a     立关掉放射线设备电源   b    疑似遭受射线伤害员附遭受影响员送医院进行紧急治疗       817  高处坠落事 a     立通知协议医院(拨120)开启紧急救护绿色通道做抢救准备     b   
现场做警戒关员禁止进入   c     医务室伤者进行初步检查针性进行初步处理包扎止血骨折固定等     d    般情况严禁搬动伤者防止造成二次伤害   e    果发生死亡事立现场进行警戒保护事调查提供条件 818  烧烫伤事 a     立消隔离火源热源 b    迅速烧烫伤员脱离现场果需剪掉身衣服(果化纤衣物黏皮肤勉强拉扯医生处理)       c     医务室检查烧烫伤程度损伤颅脑胸腹脏器官损伤中毒骨折等   d    度烧伤面积轻度烧烫伤立冷水洗浸泡伤处降低表面温度然涂烫伤膏者鸡蛋清香油等   e    果伤情较严重先冷水洗创面擦干果水泡注意弄破拨120员送医院救治     819  窒息事 a     现场员发现窒息时应仔细观察现场情况应立关闭窒息性气体源确保身安全情况窒息员移安全点果确认环境否安全应立通知安全环保部盲目进入救防止必伤害         b    安全环保部接报告立组织员便携式供气呼吸器进入受限空间员设法移出   c     现场负责应立拨120请求救援拨电话时应注意说明详细点员情况安排员路口接应     d    受伤员应移通风良空气新鲜方解开衣扣(应注意保暖)   e    氧气袋受伤员进行供氧   f     发生受伤者呼吸停止心跳停止等严重情况应立采取工呼吸体外心脏摩等急救措施进行抢救坚持120达止       820  油污泄漏污染长江   a     发生轻微油污泄漏时吸油毡绳索系挂牢扔水中进行吸油   b    发生较严重泄漏时立拨环保局海事局等政府机关进行报案   c    
叉车等运输车辆吸油毡吸油围栏等应急装备运污染点     d    利30吨门机汽车吊等设备污染水域布置吸油围栏注意应重点围游方防止减少油污扩散     e    油污污染水域投放量吸油毡吸取油污 f     配合海事等部门落实应急响应措施     g    收回废油报废吸油毡作危险废物进行处置   821  环保设施损坏 公司环保设施均非连续性作业旦发生环保设施损坏者法正常立停止相关生产作业设备理部进行修理直设备修复正常止       9      附件 a     附件:应急组织机构图   b    附件二:应急面布置图 c     附件三:应急通讯联络表 d    附件四:讲机频道




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航行试航应急预案Sea trial emergency prepare procedure

航行试验应急预案 Sea trial emergency prepare procedure 为了确保试航安全吉利,特制定本应急预案,请熟悉并按本应急预案执行: 紧急情况,需寻求外界帮助, 经总指挥批准,船长可使用VHF甚高频与海事部门联系, VHF甚高频号码: 虎门大桥以内用08频 虎门大桥以外用09频 桂山附近水域 09频 公海16频 Try to ensure se

马***可 13年前 上传13367   0

My life plan

My life plan The country is **ine in 20-30 years. What should I do to prepare for such an aweso**e responsibility? How can I to survive in such a co**petitive society? Fro** **y own perspective, the

c***y 13年前 上传13075   0



太古时光 2年前 上传643   0


  **市**剧场汛期安全生产应急预案   一、总则 (一)编制目的 规范安全生产事故灾难的应急管理和应急响应程序,提高剧场的突发事件应变能力,及时有效地实施应急救援工作,尽快控制事态,尽量减少损失,保护国有资产,尽早恢复正常演出秩序,维护人民群众的生命和国家财产安全。 (二)编制依据 依据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》、《国家突发公共事件总体应急预案》和《国务院关于进一步加强安全生

呆***1 9年前 上传8570   0


学生实习突发事件应急预案   为了确保学生校外顶岗实习期间的交通、生命财产的安全,维护正常的校外顶岗实习的教学秩序,最大限度降低突发性事件的危害,根据中华人民共和国《突发公共卫生事件应急预案》有关规定,特制定本应急预案。 一、成立应急领导小组。 组  长: 副组长: 组  员: 二、职责 1、实习科、班主任负责在学生实习前,组织实习学生、家长和实习企业签订实习协议。 2、

z***x 7年前 上传4272   0


  山西潞安矿业(集团) 有限责任公司 高硫煤清洁利用油化电热一体化示范项目 净化装置硫回收单位低压配电室及机柜间       HSE应急预案       编制人: 审核人: 批准人:       山西三建第五工程处 潞安净化装置项目部 2014 年 8 月 6 日           山西三建第五工程处潞安煤制油项目部   目    录

省***花 10年前 上传8318   0



刚***。 5年前 上传2591   0



a***9 6年前 上传15225   0


应急预案 一、适用范围本预案适用于本校发生的重大安全事故。包括学校集会、大型集体活动,春秋游;交通、校舍倒塌、火灾、地震、食物中毒、传染病监控以及学生突发生病;突发摔伤等。二、成立学校应急处理指挥机构为确保安全事故发生后,能够得到及时有效的处理,学校成立专门的领导小组,统一领导学校安全紧急事件的应急处理工作。(一)人员组成学校应急总指挥:彭万龙应急救援小组  组长:通讯联络小组

教***地 2年前 上传768   0


群死、群伤事故应急预案             批  准:   审  核:           编  写:              ××××发电厂   二 0 一一 年 一 月     目   录   1.  总则 2.  预案主要内容 2.1   组织机构及其职责  2.2   危急事件的表述 2.3   危急事件的预防

y***2 5年前 上传1928   0


为维护患者和医务人员的合法权益,保障医疗平安,最大限度地减少医疗过失事故,根据***公布的?医疗事故处理条例??医疗机构管理条例?等政策法规,特制定?医疗风险过失、事故防范及应急预案 ?。

0***狗 2年前 上传1098   0


安全应急预案    安全工作关系到单位干部职工的人身安全,为增强安全工作的责任感、紧迫感,牢固树立常抓不懈的思想,在安全预防领导小组的领导下并结合本单位安全的薄弱环节,组织制定各项防范措施,努力防止事故的发生,制定本预案。    一、应急预案    (一)发生火灾时,要做到及时报警,迅速切断电源,组织人员离开火源、电源,避免更大的危险性发生。    (二)发生火灾情况紧急时,安全

c***s 11年前 上传959   0



1***3 5年前 上传1335   0


SHCIQ3c-XXC711 C版 0次修改 上海检验检疫局网站应急预案 2013年1月10日实施 第2页 共2页  为妥善应对和处置我局门户网站信息安全突发事件、确保网站正常运行,根据《关于印发<上海检验检疫局网站管理办法>的通知》要求,特制定本应急预案。 本预案适用于上海检验检疫局门户网站。   第一条 办公室和信息处每天应安排人员定时对上海检验检疫局网站页面进行检查,遇到异

b***t 11年前 上传10113   0



a***张 6年前 上传2342   0


生产平安事故应急救援预案 编制人: 审核人: 二OO九年十二月八日目 录第一节 总 那么 3第二节 工程部生产平安事故应急救援组织机构 3第三节 工程部生产平安事故应急救援程序 5第四节 各类生产平安事故应急准备与响应 10〔一〕坍塌事故 10〔二〕倾覆事故 11〔三〕物体打击

鬼***笑 2年前 上传511   0



天***飞 4年前 上传1306   0


1、目的: 为了防止天然气在生产使用过程中发生突发性事故,尽可能减少损失和环境污染, 特制定预案; 二、适用范围 :LNG加气站; 三、岗位职责: 1、安全防范及事故处理小组成员 组长:公司经理  副组长:公司副经理、 组员:安全员、设备主管、设备员、加气工 2、组长:负责重大事故的总体协调。  副组长:负责重大事故时的组织人员疏散及人员救护。  组员:   安全主管:负责重

G***y 9年前 上传7220   0


  供热应急预案   为了有效预防供热过程可能出现的锅炉爆炸、管道破裂停热、电气伤害等重大事故,建立健全供热事故应急处置机制,规范供热事故应急管理,最大程度地减少供热事故造成的危害,保障人民生命财产安全。根据《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》、《中华人民共和国安全生产法》、《特种设备安全监察条例》(国务院令第549号)、《突发事件总体应急预案》、《突发事件总体应急预案》、《突发事件总体应急预

市***书 6年前 上传3852   0


  花24平4井环境应急预案                                                         ­­­40651JS钻井队   花24平4井井场四周都是农田,现在正是农作物收获的季节,井场泥浆池可能外溢,井场污水也容易随雨水流出井场,进而污染到附近的农田,可能引发民事纠纷。针对这种情况,我们做出如下措施以作应急之需。 当发生井喷及暴雨、洪灾等

浮***日 9年前 上传7853   0


停电应急预案  一、指点思维:  应急处理预案是应答突发事件,掌握事故发展,下降事故丧失的有效办法根据国度、省市对于增强公共保险应急预防工作请求及《安徽省中小学校学生人身平安事故防备与处置措施》的划定,联合我校可能涌现的不定期停电情形,如遇晚自习或宿舍停电,为了全部住宿学生的安全,学校应相应制订停电应急预案。  二、工作要求:  一旦在晚上有停电突发事件产生,要立刻启动应急处理预

g***o 11年前 上传831   0


停水应急预案  为了确保全校师生在校期间正常的生活和教学秩序,对于校内外自来水管网和电力管网造成的停水、停电事件,我校将按照以下应急方案进行处理。  (一)工作小组:  组  长:谷连飞  副组长:李贤伟 张佛明 钟 洪 黄志塘  组  员:苏伟青 梁思坤 黄木华 宿管员(4名)  (二)工作程序  1、由钟洪和黄志塘查明停水、停电原因是来自校内还是校外,若是校外原因

刘***阳 9年前 上传592   0


小学事故应急预案  为了做好我校特大事故(险情)的应急救援工作,确保师生生命财产安全及校舍财产安全,根据上级指示精神,结合我校实际情况,特制定本预案。本预案适用于汛灾、火灾、踩踏事故、煤气中毒、食物中毒等同类事故。  一、指导思想  在县局、乡中心学校的统一领导下,坚持“预防为主”方针,按照“快速、有效救援”的原则,建立健全应急救援机构,明确责任,最快速、最有效的应对一旦发生的特大事

徐***9 11年前 上传769   0



z***7 3年前 上传554   0

公司生产 应急预案

防范、处理生产突发性事件的应急预案 为了保障 生产秩序正常稳定,不断追求客户满意,对可能发生的生产突发性事件,思想上要高度重视,增强忧患意识与责任感,本着“科学预防、依章管理、分级负责、快速反应”的原则,落实“重教育、勤检查、早发现、除隐患、保满意”的工作要求,认真做好各种突发性事件的防范和处理,特制定如下应急预案: 一 、组织领导                            

w***3 5年前 上传1350   0