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六年级上 册英语教案-unit6 keep our city clean 译林版三起




Unit 6 Keep our city clean
Story time & Song time

Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标
1 听懂会读会说keep clean make air dirty smoke rubbish messy dead bin move … away from plant more
2 听懂会读会说日常语What makes … dirtymessy … make(s) …dirty messy What can we do to … We can
3 正确理解朗读话容教师引导帮助尝试复述课文容
4 初步运课学词汇日常语谈城市污染问题说出种解决方案
5 正确演唱歌曲Two little blackbirds

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点难点

Teaching procedures 教学程
Step 1 Greeting & Sing a song
1 Greeting
T Hello boys and girls
S Hello Fiona
T Nice to meet you
S Nice to meet you too
2 Sing a song
T I have two animal friends one named Jack and one named Jill Do you want to meet them
S Yes
T OK listen Here they are (播放歌曲Two little blackbirds遍)
T Do you like this song Now follow me (老师带着学生手势表示歌词容学生边唱边学做动作) This time let’s try to sing and do some actions together
Step 2 Presentation
1 Talk about City A
T A lovely song yes
S …
T (教师利歌曲Two little blackbirds学生提出关鸟话题)
Do you like birds
What birds do you know
Can you see any birds in our city
Where can you see any birds
T I’ll show you some pictures (学生展示组风景优美环境幽雅城市图片然提出问题学生思考讨引入话题) These pictures are of City A What can you see in the pictures
S1 I can see a lot of beautiful flowers and trees
S2 I can see many birds They are flying high in the sky
S3 I can see a clean river
S4 I can see a clean road
S5 I can see a lot of beautiful flowers and trees
S6 I can see some nice houses
S7 I can see some tall buildings

T Do you like this city Why
S …
2 Talk about City B
T OK Now let’s look at some pictures of City B (PPT展示外组城市图片) Is it clean
S No
T It’s not clean It’s dirty (新授dirty学生读遍)
T What can you see in the river (PPT呈现河流图片)
S I can see some fish
T The fish are dead (新授dead学生读遍) And the river is _____
S Dirty (教师口型帮助学生说出新单词)
T The river is dirty There’s rubbish and dead fish (样方法新授rubbish) So rubbish makes the river dirty (展示句子… makes … dirty学生读遍)
T What can you see in the street (PPT呈现街道图片)
S I can see a lot of rubbish
T How do you think of the street
S It’s dirty
T Yes it’s dirty and it’s messy too (展示单词messy) So what makes the streets messy and dirty
S Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty
T Please follow me —What makes the streets messy and dirty —Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty
S (着老师朗读句子)
T What makes the air dirty (PPT呈现组空气污染图片)
S Smoke
T Where is the smoke from
S It’s from cars It’s from factories (教师展示汽车工厂污染图片相应短语)
T So what makes the air dirty
S …
Step 3 Story time
1 Watch and choose
(教师播放课文视频第部分容书第58页容学生初步解课文意观完成两道简单选择题:1) Who are in the passage 2) What’s the title of this passage)
2 Read and find
(教师学生带着问题What makes our city clean读课文第部分进步解课文容教师提醒学生边读边重点句划出学生分组讨问题句型 … makes … dirty 进行回答)
3 Ask and answer
T Look at these pictures of our city Is the city clean What makes our city dirty Talk about it with your deskmates (完成教材第60页Ask and answer)
S …
4 Listen and think
T What can we do to keep our city clean Listen to the dialogue and find the answer
(学生仔细听课文第二部分录音边听边思考问题教师通PPT呈现句型图片关键性动词put walk move plant学生单词组词老师引导出回答We can …)
5 Think and write
T You have so many good ideas Try to write them down (展示教材第60页 Think and write) Now you can begin
S (完成练)
6 Listen and read
7 Retell Story time
T What makes the city dirty
S1 …
T What can we do to keep the city clean
S2 …

Step4 Make a poster
T Better city better life Boys and girls let’s do something to keep our city clean What can we do Let’s keep our classroom clean first Let’s make a poster to keep our classroom clean
(学生组单位合作完成张海报海报标明组组号叶子We can … 写建议写叶子装饰海报谁叶子三分钟完成)

Homework 家庭作业
1 Copy the new words
2 Read and recite Story time
3 Make a poster about keeping the city clean (合作家起完成)

Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)

Unit 6 Keep our city clean
What makes our city dirty
What can we do to keep our city clean
Smoke from cars
the air
We can
take the bus and metro to school
Smoke from factories
the streets
walk to school
move some factories away from our city
the rivers
put rubbish in the bin
plant more trees

节课歌曲导入新知歌曲中两欢快鸟学生子引领干净优美然环境中教师通学生系列话互动逐步引出课话题:城市环境问题接着通组城市图片学生展开城市A讨学生通观察描述干净整洁城市A学生正沉浸美感受中时组协调城市B片适时展现出前城市A形成鲜明学生感官dirtymessy产生联想学生学句型I can see … 开始探讨老师引导逐渐转新句型 … make(s) … dirtymessy进行讨分谈河道街道空气污染源
课文学部分教师篇话分成两部分第部分先求学生带着两简单务观课文视频旨课文第部分初步印象然学生读课文课文作进步解次学生找出该部分中心句What makes our city dirty 文中逐找出答案学生完全解读文基础学生操练教材第60页Ask and answer该环节巩固第部分出现句型Is the … clean What makes … dirty 课文第二部分先听力练形式呈现学生带着What can we do to keep our city clean疑问听该部分教师通PPT呈现句型图片关键性动词put walk move plant学生单词组词学生观察图片提示单词进行独立思考找问题种答案培养学生语言组织力学力然通教材第60页练Think and write巩固部分容分段学完课文学生通形式读完整解读课文教师程中纠正规范语音语调指导学生朗读
1 关注学生课文整体感知细节信息获取
2 关注学生朗读注重指导
3 关注学生合作性学
4 关注学生阅读惯指导学生找关键词句根文意思猜出生词意思




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1.复习并掌握本单元Storytime和Cartoontime的内容,能熟练复述和运用。2.复习并巩固本单元Grammartime所学 a few, a little, a lot of 的用法,能正确运用。3.复习并掌握字母组合ou在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。

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