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Units 11—12(九全)
1The bell is r     It’s time to have a rest 
2We are in a     with their decision 
3The doctor asked me to lie down and started to e     my left foot 
4I don’t like sitting on the hard seat It makes me feel u     
5Knowledge is the most valuable w     in our life 
1I’m afraid we have to     (取消) the meeting 
2Knowledge is     (力量) So everyone should study hard 
3Tom got to school late because he     (睡头) this morning 
4Two hours later the firemen got to the     (燃烧着) house 
5 She looked     (苍白) and tired after the accident 
He said it         to rain before they got home 
The president will     an important      
3Tom finished his homework (by yesterday evening改写句子)
Tom         his homework by yesterday evening 
4Don’t open the window please he said to Tom (改间接引语)
He     Tom     to open the window 
5Your living room is very bright (改感叹句)
         your living room is 
a on because she place what
spend save easier seriously
Justin is a 16yearold boy He is thinking about how to 1     his money during the winter vacation He has 2     up about 300 dollars already He plans to buy 3     computer with his money but he also wants to go skating with his friends He can’t do both 4     he doesn’t have enough money What should Justin do 
We are often in these kinds of situations You want to see a concert 5     Saturday but it is also your mother’s birthday and you do not want to let 6     down In this case you don’t have enough time to go to both 7     You must make a decision You must think about 8     should be done first You must consider the following questions 9     
·Which is more important
·Which decision needs my attention more
·Which choice would satisfy me more
After you’ve answered these questions it may be much 10     for you to decide what to do So next time you must make a decision remember to prioritize(优先考虑) 

ⅠA 1ringing 2agreement 3examine 4uncomfortable 5wealth
B 1cancel 2power 3overslept
4burning 5pale
Ⅱ1had begunstarted 
2announce decision 3had finished 
4told not 5How bright
Ⅲ1spend 2saved 3a 4because
5on 6her 7places 8what 9seriously





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Ⅰ.词汇A.根据首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整、通顺。1.For our s    , we shouldn’t be allowed to swim in deep water. 2.Please don’t e     the teachers’ office without knocking on the door. 3.People can not drive until they get the driver’s l    

5***蛇 3年前 上传672   0

2021年新疆中考英语总复习核心词语训练:人教版七年级下册 Units10—12

新疆真题练1. [2018•68] Class begins! Listen carefully and a     my questions. 2. [2016•70] To his s    , his father agreed with him to watch the football match together. 3. [2014•67] The pants are really c    

5***蛇 3年前 上传579   0


Ⅰ.词汇A.根据首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整、通顺。1.They did a s     about how students spent their weekends. Here’s the result. 2.They stood in a r     and welcomed the visitors at the gate.

5***蛇 3年前 上传475   0


新疆真题练1. [2015•70] Some of the children p     cartoons to documentaries. 2. [2020•73] Thank you for giving me the useful     (建议) to learn English.

5***蛇 3年前 上传485   0


新疆真题练1. [2015•67] Don’t be n     in the test. Just relax. 2. [2016•71] Parents always try to     (提供) a comfortable environment for their children. 3. [2016•73] Mother thinks it is a     (浪费) of time to play computer games.

5***蛇 3年前 上传469   0


1. [2020•67] To my surprise, Sam made a d     to study Chinese medicine in Beijing. 2. [2020•70] The young man has no friends here, so he feels l    . 3. [2015•69] Lily has a t    . She has to see a dentist right now.

5***蛇 3年前 上传467   0


新疆真题练1. [2019•69] Mr. Wang asked me to i     myself when I first came to the class. 2. [2017•70] Shopping on the Internet has become more and more p     in our life. 3. [2018•74] The hair band might     (属于) to Linda, because she has long hair.

5***蛇 3年前 上传444   0

2021年新疆中考英语总复习核心词语训练:人教版八年级下册 Units5—6

[2019•68] Don’t make up a story. I have already known the t    . 拓展提升练Ⅰ.词汇A.根据首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整、通顺。1.I called you at seven yesterday, but you didn’t p     up. 2.They have been m     for six years and they have a four-year-old son.

5***蛇 3年前 上传558   0


[2016•67] Many children enjoyed t     in the park yesterday. 2. [2017•75] Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional     (艺术). 3. [2015•71] My father can’t     (忍受) soap operas.

5***蛇 3年前 上传456   0


初三英语总复习资料八种动词时态,有的只要求达到理解层次,有的则要求达到熟练运用层次。至少其中五种时态包括过去进行时是要求达到熟练运用层次的,而且其考查方式肯定不会以某一时态的独立形式出现,而是时态的综合运用,尤其要重视各种时态之间的区别。找出它们之间的不同冠词的用法. 现以冠词为例:1.John was given _______ orange bag for his birthd

蓝郎梦 1年前 上传341   0



4***1 3年前 上传1054   0



阿***6 4年前 上传3001   0



M***森 4年前 上传1565   0


2019中考英语二轮复习完形填空汇编训练共12套 2019中考英语完形填空编习(1) Passage A (2019中考选练) The umbrella is a very common object. It keeps the 1 and the sun off the people. Most umbrellas can be folded up(折叠) so it is

y***a 5年前 上传995   0


中考政治总复习2编辑日期:2012/5/4  作者:通讯员    阅读次数: 41 次  [ 关 闭 ]第二部分:法律常识一、法律60、法律的含义:法律是由国家制定,靠国家强制力保证实施,对全体社会成员具有普遍约束力的一种特殊行为规范。   61、法律的主要特征:法律靠国家强制力保证实施   62、我国法律的本质:法律是掌握国家政权的统治阶级意志的体现;我国法律是工人阶级及其领导下

笑***7 3年前 上传653   0



笑***7 3年前 上传638   0

中考地理人教版总复习一轮复习-课时训练03 陆地和海洋(Word版,含答案)

(三) 陆地和海洋真题冲关1.[2021·南充]如图所示,图中阴影部分表示海洋,非阴影部分表示陆地。字母A、B、C、D四点位于半岛的是 (  )A.A B.B C.C D.D[2021·凉山州]下图是大洲和大洋分布图。据此完成2~3题。2.下列对大洲和大洋的名称及其特点的判读,错误的是 (  )A.①是非洲,是热带面积最广的大洲B.②是欧洲,全在北半球

福***园 9个月前 上传187   0

人教版二年级上册数学 总复习训练试题(无答案)

人教版二年级上册数学总复习训练题一、选择题1.一个数减去46得25,这个数是(   ).A.61 B.21 C.712.( )×3<18中,括号里最大可以填( ).A.5 B.4 C.63.12个点,一共可以连成(  )条线段.A.12      B.32   C.664.用2、3、0这三个数字能摆出( )个不同的两位数.A.2 B.4 C.65.求6与3的

高***本 4个月前 上传181   0


四种时态专项训练1.一般现在时:注意点①主语为第三人称单数( )动词用 ②主语为第三人称单数时动词变化规则直接+s: +es(以 )结尾: -y变i+es:(以 字母+y结尾):

阳***师 4年前 上传876   0


Ted likes music very much. He goes to the school music club and watches other students every Wednesday. He wants to play the piano and join the music club. But all the things are difficult for him because he has no hands. Many people think it's impossible(不可能的)to play the piano with no hands. Ted is also one of them. He thinks he can't play it. But Ted's parents always help him.

温***季 3年前 上传1084   0


March 28, 2021, the fourth Sunday of March9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.Meet in Sunshine ParkCome with your family and neighbors. First let's pick up the rubbish in Sunshine

温***季 3年前 上传866   0


2010年中考英语总复习工作计划  现在里中考的时间越来越近了,所有同学都在拉紧发条,努力学习,希望能够在这个最短的时间里取得学习成绩的一定进步,只要不退步就好。  中考在即,如何在这有限的时间内高效率地完成中考总复习任务并实现2009年中考成绩上一个新的台阶,是摆在大家面前的一个艰巨而又必须完成的工作。  英语在中考中的分数所占比例是很高的,所以我们一定要努力的将英语学好、复习好,

7***2 14年前 上传583   0


最新推荐中考英语总复习资料总汇(完美版)一、名词的数 1.单数和复数  可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。复数形式通常是在单数形式后加词尾“-s”构成,其主要变法如下: (1)一般情况在词尾加-s,例如:book→books,girl→girls,boy→boys,pen→pens,doctor→doctors, boy→boys。 (2)以s,x,ch,sh,结尾的词加-es,例如:b

蓝郎梦 3年前 上传640   0


. My brother Tim and I each have our own room. Tim is messy but I am tidy. By Saturday of each week, the floor of Tim's room would be covered with dirty clothes, books and toys.On Saturday afternoons, Tim and I like to play baseball with our friends. Tim always asked me to help him clean in the morning, and I usua

温***季 3年前 上传983   0

初中成语复习训练75题 部编人教版九年级总复习

1.下列句中划线的成语,运用不恰当的一项是() A.随着美国世贸大楼的轰然倒塌,在阿富汗字典里从此没有了安居乐业,取而代之的是流离失所和难民潮。 B.虽然曼哈顿的大部分公司已经开门,世贸中心周围的公共交通也逐步恢复,但和原先相比,整个曼哈顿岛已黯然失色。 C.在经历了许多挫折后,随着我国加入WTO,他们公司终于正式成立了,这下他可以安之若素了。 D.1998年长江流域的大水灾如果发生在旧社会,肯定会瘟疫流行,哀鸿遍野了。

4***1 2年前 上传354   0