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Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum
Period 3(Section A 4a—Section B 1d)
1Peace and development are two main     (题) of the world 
2In the amusement park you can see many exciting     (供骑游乐设施) 
3There are a     (两) of girls waiting for you 
4There are lots of     (德国) in our school 
5Zhejiang is one of the most beautiful     (省) in China 
1—How about     (visit) the West Lake this Sunday 
—Sounds great
2The movie is so moving that I     (see) it twice 
3Although I     (be) to Jinyun before I want to go there again 
4MrWang     (go) to Hangzhou last Saturday He will come back tomorrow 
5You can see the Disney characters     (walk) around the park 
Almost everyone likes to travel to somewhere interesting when they’re free Traveling is part of our life Modern life is  1  without traveling The  2  way of traveling is by air With a modern airline you can travel in one day to places But it  3  a month or more to get to these places a hundred years ago 
Traveling by train is  4  than by air but it has its advantages(便利) You can see the country you are traveling through Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining cars They make it even the longest journey  5  
Some people prefer to travel by sea  6  it is possible There are large liners and river boats You can visit many other countries and different places Traveling by sea is a very pleasant  7  to take a holiday 
Many people like to travel by  8  You can make your timetable you like by  9  You can travel three or four hundred miles  10  only fifty or one hundred miles a day just  11  you like You can stop  12  you wish—where there is something interesting to see at a good restaurant where you can  13  a good meal or at a hotel to spend the night That is  14  traveling by car is popular for pleasant trips while people usually take a train or a plane when they are traveling  15  business 
( )1Aimpossible   Bpossible Cgood Dbad
( )2Afastest Bcheapest Cslowest Dcleanest
( )3Aspent Btook Cdepended Dasked
( )4Afaster Bquicker Cslower Dcleaner
( )5Anervous Bboring Cenjoyable Dtired
( )6Aif Bwhether Cunless Dsince
( )7Aplace Bday Cway Dtravel
( )8Aboat Bfoot Ccar Dbike
( )9Ahimself Byourself Cmyself Dherself
( )10Aor Band Cbut Dfor
( )11Ato Bfrom Cas Dwith
( )12Awhatever Bwherever Chowever Dwhichever
( )13Aenjoy Bwish Clove Dchoose
( )14Awhat Bwhy Cwhen Dwhich
( )15Ain Bwith Cfor Dat
On the first day of the New Year 2019 I made up my mind to go to Thailand to teach English as a volunteer At the beginning all I cared about was traveling and seeing the country I didn’t know how fantastic my life would be in the coming months
My journey began with attending(参加) TESOL certification course in my home state of New York last February After 3 weekends of study and another 40 hours’ study online I received my TESOL certificate
I was asked to contact Philip who is Program Director of the Teach in Thailand After discussing with Philip I chose my school and after many months of excitement I finally flew to Thailand in early April and I couldn’t wait to explore(探索) the country
After a few weeks of single travel I met up with Philip and the other new teachers in my program in Bangkok It was great to meet other people who were on the same journey as me see some cool sights and walk in Thailand’s cities After that I attended the week⁃long training At the end of the training I was sent to my school—Anuban Buriram Primary School
I truly love my job—I teach Grades 5 and 6 and I have the cleverest and most active kids in the world It’s a truly fantastic thing that you can see the difference you make in someone else’s life right in front of you
Buriram is a small city with green rice farms People here are more friendly than anyone I’ve ever met—I’ve never been anywhere where a smile is so easily received where everyone you pass is so friendly to say Hello and Good morning I’ve been taken out to countless dinners and been lent a guitar a camera and I am given Thai treats(款) and the most delicious fresh fruits many times a week I only hope to repay them in the future
( )1Where do I come from
AThailand BAmerica
CEngland DChina
( )2What did the writer do right away after arriving in Thailand
AHe traveled around Thailand by himself
BHe had a discussion with Philip
CHe attended a course in Bangkok
DHe met with other volunteers
( )3In the last paragraph the writer is trying to show     
Athat Buriram is small but very beautiful
Bthat the Thai treats are fresh and delicious
Chow friendly the Thai people are
Dhow he wants to repay the people who helped him
( )4The writer wrote this passage in order to     
Agive some advice to future volunteers
Bencourage more people to travel in Thailand
Cshow the readers how to become a volunteer
Dtell us his voluntary experience in Thailand
Most Goods Are Priced in Hong Kong Dollars
When Is the Hong Kong Shopping Festival
The Best Three Buys in Hong Kong
Where Are Shopping Areas
Opening Hours in Hong Kong
Where Can You Buy Souvenirs
  Hong Kong is a shopping heaven(天堂) During the Hong Kong Shopping Festival in July and August each year Hong Kong puts on special events and the stores put on sales for the festival
Hong Kong is a city with many shopping malls department stores and street markets but shopping areas are mainly in Hong Kong Island and Kowloon
Hong Kong is one of the best shopping places in the world The best three buys are clothes cosmetics and electrical appliances As the goods are tax free the prices are always lower than those found in other countries
When you shop in Hong Kong you will find the currency(货币) symbol It looks like the symbol of US dollars but it always refers to Hong Kong dollars rather than US dollars You can exchange your currency for Hong Kong dollars at any authorized(授权) money exchanger
There are many street markets in Hong Kong Exploring street markets is a way to experience the local people’s lifestyle and buy souvenirs The famous street markets are Stanley Market Ladies’ Market and Temple Street Market
Retail shops generally open from 10 am to 7 pmevery day But most department stores and shopping malls in major tourist areas will stay open until 930 pm or even later Please check the opening hours before you pay them a visit

Period 3(Section A 4a—Section B 1d)
1German paintings 2an amusement park with a special theme
3exciting rides 4walk around the park 5take a ride on the boat for several days 6another province in China 7visit the Palace Museum 8have been to the Bird’s Nest
二1themes 2rides 3couple 4Germans 5provinces
三1visiting 2have seen 3have been 4went 5walking
四1—5AABCC 6—10ACCBA 11—15CBABC





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一、词组翻译1.变得寒冷                         2.从……买到某东西                     3.搬到                      4.回到家乡                       5.至少已经20年                      6.自我记事起                       

5***蛇 2年前 上传395   0


1.Lucy h     being late, so she always gets to school early. 2.Would you please look after my children w     I do the shopping? 3.My parents share their c    . Dad cooks meals and Mom sweeps the floor.

5***蛇 2年前 上传356   0


1.Could I use your CD player?(作肯定回答)     ,          . 2.My friend Judy lent the English book to me.(改为同义句)I      the English book      my friend Judy.

5***蛇 2年前 上传477   0


八年级下册英语第一单元练习题 一.填空1There are too many children ____( 咳嗽)in her class today2Ben is ___(躺)-on the grass and enjoying the sunshine.3Everyone has two ____(脚)4If you have a _____(胃疼),you should not

x***2 4年前 上传773   0


1判断下列说法是否正确(1)一根硬棒就是杠杆( )(2)杠杆可以是直的、弯的或者其他形状的( )(3)在力的作用下,能绕着固定点转动的硬棒叫杠杆( )(4)动力、阻力只能分别作用在杠杆支点的两侧( )

6***雅 2年前 上传319   0


八下期末练习题一、选择题1.当时,在实数范围内没有意义的式子是( )A. B. C. D.2.若,则的取值范围( )A. B. C. D.为任意实数3.如图,矩形 ABCD 中,AB=3,AD=1,AB 在数轴上,若以点 A 为圆心,对角线 AC 的长为半径作弧交数轴于点 M,则点 M

福***园 1年前 上传218   0


1. 情境适当你选入的词不光词形要正确,意思要准确,还要符合该场合的情境,如文章讲述的特定的文化,习俗传统和礼貌等等。

3***猪 2年前 上传380   0

人教版八年级物理下册 第十二章 简单机械 (1) 练习题(含答案)

人教版八年级物理下册 第十二章 简单机械一、单选题1.如图所示,每个钩码的质量均为50g,在轻质杠杆C处挂2个钩码,则在D处挂几个钩码,杠杆恰好在水平位置平衡。(    )A. 2个                                       B. 3个                                       C. 4个                

福***园 1年前 上传428   0

人教版八年级数学下册 16.1 二次根式 同步练习题(word版、含答案)

2021——2022学年度人教版八年级数学下册 第十六章 二次根式16.1 二次根式 同步练习题一、选择题1.式子在实数范围内有意义,则x的取值范围是( )A. B. C. D.2.当为何值时,在实数范围内有意义( )A. B. C. D.3.下列各式中,正确的是( )A. B. C. D.4.己知,则的值是( ).A. B.3

的***有 1年前 上传317   0


人教版八年级下册生物期终试题(含答案)人教版八年级下册生物期终试题一、选择题1、蜻蜓的发育属不完全变态发育,其发育过程比完全变态少了一个什么时期(  )      A、卵     B、幼虫     C、蛹        D、成虫2、20世纪70年代以来,生物科学的新进展、新成就如雨后春笋,层出不穷。为了解决不孕症,1978年诞生了世界上第一例“试管婴儿”。为了证明高度分化的动

a***p 11年前 上传653   0


一、用have been to, have gone to或have been in的适当形式填空1.I       the museum twice, so I don’t want to go there this time. 2.—Hello! Is Sally in?—Sorry. She       Shanghai.

5***蛇 2年前 上传401   0


1.有来自学校足够的压力                   2.浪费他们的时间                3.为了取得好成绩                    4.对某人而言没有必要做某事                    

5***蛇 2年前 上传376   0

Unit1SectionB同步练习 人教版八年级英语下册

Unit 1 SectionB一、单项填空1. More and more teenagers have poor eyesight,so parents and teachers should take action the situation from getting worse.A.stop B.stopping C.stopp

高***本 1年前 上传401   0


1. 掌握本单元的重点单词2. 掌握本单元的重点短语3. 掌握本单元的重点语法4. 掌握本单元的重点句子和作文

夏***子 1年前 上传379   0



夏***子 3年前 上传609   0


一、单选题1.大熊猫的性别决定与人类相似,大熊猫的体细胞中有21对染色体,雌性大熊猫正常的卵细胞的染色体组成为(  )A.20条常染色体+X B.20对常染色体+XC.20条常染色体+Y D.20对常染色体+XX2.关于人的细胞中染色体,下列说法不正确的是( )

s***g 11个月前 上传253   0

12.1杠杆课时练习题 人教版物理八年级下册

1.一杠杆正处于平衡状态,如果在这个杠杆上再施加一个作用力那么该杠杆:(  )A、仍有可能平衡,只要这个力加在阻力这一边B、仍有可能平衡,只要该力加在动力作用点和阻力作用点之间C、仍有可能平行,只要这个力的作用线通过支点D、杠杆不可能平衡,因为多了一个力

3***猪 3年前 上传465   0


1. 根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词) (1)Putting rubbish into different rubbish bins is a way of ________(保护)our earth.(2)Last weekend, our whole family celebrated my mother's ________(四十)birthday.

英***1 1年前 上传273   0


()1. How do you like __________ new school rule? Please give me __________ honest opinion.A. /; the B. the; an C. the; a D. /; an()2. —I didn’t pass the math exam because I wasn’t careful enough.—What a __________! Be more careful next time.A. point B. shameC. toy D. board

静***雅 3年前 上传816   0


1. Too much __________ (甜的) food is bad for your teeth.2. The teacher will __________ (检查) our homework tomorrow.3. The old things in my grandparents’ room bring me many __________ (回忆).4. Jeff’s family is having a yard sale. The old book is only fifty __________ (分).

静***雅 3年前 上传807   0


1. There will be a new __________ (铁路) between these two cities in the future.2. You are good friends, so you should be __________ (诚实的) with each other.3. The children have __________ (清理) out their rooms. Now they are clean and tidy.4. Eric is thirteen years old. He is a student in a __________ (低年级的) high school.

静***雅 3年前 上传878   0


2d Role-play the conversation.Mandy: Lisa, are you OK?Lisa: I have a headache and I can't move my neck. What should I do? Should I take my temperature?Mandy: No, it doesn't sound like you have a fever. What did you do on the weekend? Lisa: I played computer games all weekend.Mandy: That's probably why. You need to take ________ away from the computer.Lisa: Yeah, I think I sat in the same way for too long________ moving.

夏***子 3年前 上传2051   0


1.Westerners use _________(刀) and forks to eat.2.He usually goes to school on f__________.3.Little kids can't be in ________(限制) of their life.4.Those great mountain ________(攀登者) come from America.5.-What’s the m_______? -I have a stomachache.

3***猪 1年前 上传367   0


It was Mother’s Day and I was shopping at the local supermarket with my five-year-old son, Tenyson. As we were 1 , we realized that only minutes earlier an 2 woman had fallen over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground. 3 was with her, but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock. 4 , a lot of people stopped to help out.

5***蛇 2年前 上传394   0



文***享 3年前 上传1113   0