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二完形填空( 8 分题1 分)
阅读面短文掌握意然短文题 ABCD 四选项中选择佳选项
Grow in high school
High school is a time to find out who you are what you’re skillful of and what you hope yourself to be in the future

Last year I found myself lost in Algebra (代数) I truly didn’t find math the least bit 13 so I gave up trying Most of the homework tasks and tests were big trouble to me and I would get so upset that I could not get the topic I ended that year with a D I knew I could do better and that grade did not represent me so I signed up for our school 14 for students who were behind in their studies like me It was a 4week program and I was ready for a 15 I also asked my math teacher Mr Shuster for more help I needed his guidance to help me better understand the materials I knew that with belief in myself I would become 16 Finally I turned my D to a B in the following exam This experience made me realize that no matter how hard something is that you’re going through there’s always a way around it with hard work
Albert Einstein didn’t 17 speaking until he was four reading until he was seven and was thought to be mentally ill He went on to win a Nobel Prize (诺贝尔奖) We often hear stories of other people’s successes However we don’t seem to understand how they got there The only way to truly know who you are as a person is to think over and over on your 18 Did I let them push me down or did I overcome them Once these blind points are recovered you can act on them and 19 If you can build on your failures you can use them as a stepping stone I learned that I could do more than I thought because of this High school has 20 me into the knowledgeable confident person I am today
13. A.enjoyable B.skillful C.surprising D.popular
14. A.homework B.subject C.program D.assignment
15. A.discussion B.challenge C.business D.method
16. A.successful B.professional C.beautiful D.scientific
17. A.spend B.start C.finish D.hear
18. A.skills B.steps C.dreams D.problems
19. A.spread B.decide C.improve D.promise
20. A.thrown B.brought C.voiced D.shaped
1316 ACBA 1720 BDCD

阅读面短文 掌握意 然短文题ABCD四选项中 选择佳选项
The Bread Lesson
I've been feeling stressed out since I found out I wasn't able to enter the swim team Now I'll have to___13___ for a whole year to try out again that might as well be a million years
I think Dad knew I was feeling ___14___ He asked me how things were going I said OK even though I didn't feel OK at all He looked at me for a moment and then he said it was time for me to help
Dad headed to the kitchen and took out his large mixing bowl and told me to stir(搅拌)while he was ___15___ the materials He threw in a large handful of flour(面粉) He then put salt into the bowl Dad isn't big on measuring He knows exactly how much of each thing to use without thinking and the bread always turns out great
After we mixed everything and made a dough(生面团) we waited for more than an hour for the dough to slowly double in size Next we deflated(放气)the risen dough We divided it into two and waited for it to___16___ again Afterward we put the dough into pans and waited another hour for the dough to double one last time Dad said the waiting was always the hardest part because of the sharp sweet smell coming from the yeast You can't help putting the dough ___17___ into the oven but if you do the bread will be small and hard The most important lesson of all is learning to be___18___ Dad explained
While we waited we sat and talked It felt good to open up and share our___19___ I started enjoying the quiet time with Dad My father taught me how to bake bread but I think I learned to appreciate the slow passing of time I learned to___20___and let the bread rise
13 A rest B wait C search D race
14 A safe B stupid C serious D stressful
15 A adding B counting C tasting D touching
16 A dry B rise C soften D change
17 A carefully B cleverly C directly D successfully
18 A honest B patient C helpful D creative
19 A mistakes B backgrounds C dreams D thoughts
20 A relax B train C imagine D compete
13 B 14 D 15 A 16 B 17 C 18 B 19 D 20 A

Young Scottish brothers take on a list of 500 adventures
For Ollie and Harry Ferguson life is an adventure For the past four years the brothers have been working to 13 a list of 500 challenges and experiences
The idea came about actually from the boys their father MacNeill Ferguson said The boys were just asked one day if they could 14 some cool things for us to do as a family They put forward some impossible ideas firstly like going on a trip to Mars International Sausage Day and all kinds of 15 kids requests They built the list to a hundred then kept finding new things we wanted to go and try until it got up to 500 They’re all listed on the brothers’ Facebook page
So far they have built an igloo explored the wilderness and sent their Lego men to the depths of the ocean and into outer space Perhaps their biggest 16 is playing out right now on the high seas Last year Ollie and Harry launched(水) a toy ship from the Scottish coast The ship named Adventure sailed across the North Sea to Scandinavia It then began a ride on a Norwegian boat and was launched 17 this time off the coast of west Africa It’s equipped with a tracking device(踪器) allowing the brothers to 18 every step of the sailing But the battery(电池) on the tracking device is becoming weak so Harry and Ollie hope a passing ship 19 their boat and is able to recharge(充电) its battery allowing the adventure to continue
Harry where would you like the boat to go Ferguson asked Without (a) 20 that would be China because we all love China Harry answered He thought that even there are so many difficulties the boat will reach China
13 A finish B choose C check D change
14 A hear of B keep off C come up with D get used to
15 A shy B strange C useless D traditional
16 A memory B journey C invention D adventure
17 A yet B again C even D ever
18 A cancel B take C copy D follow
19 A sells B leaves C notices D protects
20 A doubt B trust C mistake D surprise
1316 ACBD 1720 BDCA





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二、完形填空(共 15 题, 每题1分, 计 15 分)阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Daisy was in the bathroom. She was _16_her teeth and the tap was on. Water was pouring into the washbasin and vanishing down the drain. "Turn that tap off, "a voice said _17_. Daisy froze. She looked around, but saw

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Where did the moon come from?How much do you know about the moon? Is it older or younger than the Earth? Where did it come from? Let me take you back to the earliest days of the Earth, four and a half billion (十亿) years ago. At that time, the Earth had no moon. It was moving around the Sun alone.

6***雅 1年前 上传248   0


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One day a professor (教授) entered her classroom and told her students about a surprise test. The students took their seats and waited for the 29 to begin. The professor put a test paper on each student’s 30 with the text facing down. She then asked them to turn the paper over and begin.

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上海市黄浦区2019-2021年三年中考二模英语试卷分类汇编完形填空上海市静安区2021年下学期九年级中考英语二模试题B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12 分)Bored No MoreMost people are spending their time at

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During the Jin Dynasty (265-420), there was a child named Che Yin. He was smart and loved to read. He grew up in a poor family and couldn't 26.____ lamp(灯)oil to study at night.

5***蛇 1年前 上传343   0


“What's this-Ben is playing the role of Mr. Zuckerman?” My 1.____burned at hearing my name. It was my classmate Lily, talking to her friends "What 2.____does it make? "said one of her friends. "You'll be playing the leading character, not Mrs. Zuckerman."

6***雅 1年前 上传228   0


Lots of people in the world live on houseboats. People sleep,cook, eat, and sometimes work on them.The Uros people in Peru make floating houses from the plants that grow in the lake. First, they make a floating island for the house to stand on and then they make a house, all from plants!

3***猪 1年前 上传410   0


根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。Body image — the way people feel about their looks — is a big problem for many young people today. According to a study, more than half the teenage girls in the USA think 16 should be on a diet (节食), and almost one in five teenage boys are 17 about their bodies and their weight.

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一、单项选择(共15 题, 每题1分, 计 15 分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 1. China is ____________developing country which has become stronger and stronger these years. A. a B. an C. the D. /2. Look! The children are having so much ____________ playing hide and seek in the flower sea. A. joke B. fun C. knowledge D. skill

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A British man has learned the skills needed to perform Beijing Opera, making the audience (观众)enjoy his lively performance of the Monkey King.

5***蛇 1年前 上传319   0


During the period of pandemic (COVID-19), I've never been to a real movie theater. My ___1___ (person) theater is now a Disney membership, a computer screen, and a bag of popcorn.

6***雅 1年前 上传252   0


1.The British are known for their bad t________ because they have too many sugary foods and drinks. 2.When you've a_________ the invitation to a party or a dinner, it's polite to bring small gifts with you.

6***雅 1年前 上传261   0


[1] If you dropped a piece of fruit in the toilet, would you think about eating it again? What if you dropped it on your computer keyboard? Your computer keyboard could be 74. ①________ for your health if you eat at your computer, if you sneeze on your keyboard, or if you sit down to surf the Internet without first washing your hands. Bacteria(细菌)can live everywhere, even in some unexpected places.

5***蛇 1年前 上传314   0