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Module 1How to learn English Unit 3课时训练 2021—2022学年外研版八年级英语上册




Unit 3
1It’s difficult for your little sister     (run) fast 
2Our teachers advise us     (not play) computer games a lot 
3This book is a bit difficultWhy     (do) you read something easy 
4You should     (listen) to your teachers carefully in class  
5Don’t forget to practise     (speak) English every day 
6I asked my teacher     advice on my future course 
7The British often talk     the weather to start a conversation  
8Jack sent a letter     his mother yesterday 
9Please write     your answer in your notebook 
10Lily is looking     some new words in the dictionary 
11—     can I improve my English Mr Wang 
—By using it as much as possible
12Maybe you’re right But I’m afraid I don’t agree     you 
13His dog follows him everywhere all     time  
14努力讲英语(try to do sth)
15天拼写声读新单词意(It’s+n+to do sth)
16忘记正确答案写犯错误旁边(forget to do)
18建议老师询求关提高英语口语建议(advise sb to do ask for)
19现听英语歌曲样(how about)
(  )20Don’t forget     the windows when you leave the room 
Ato close Bclosing Cclose Dclosed
(  )21The phone number is very important     in your notebook or you’ll forget it 
AWrite down it BWrite it down CLook up it DLook it up
(  )22Our teacher often advises us     the habit of making notes while reading 
Ato develop Bdevelop Cto developing Ddeveloping
(  )23Please give me some     on how to learn English well 
Aplan Bmessage Cadvice Dsuggestion
(  )24Why not     an English club to practise     English 
Ajoin speaking Bto join speak Cjoin speak Dto join speaking
(  )25Ma Li didn’t watch TV last night because there wasn’t     on it 
Aanything interesting Binteresting something
Csomething interesting Dinteresting anything
(  )26Harry invited me     with him when his parents were not at home 
Astay Bstayed
Cstaying Dto stay
(  )27The boy failed the exam again because he made some     
Amistakes Bdecisions
Cplans Dsuggestions
(  )28I have nothing     to take but my mother has some     things to carry 
Aelse else Bother else
Celse other Dother other
(  )29I can’t answer this question so I want to ask my teacher     help 
Awith Bin Cto Dfor
Today I had to give a report in my class and I had been  30  to do so for a long time Mum came out of the kitchen askingAre you  31 my dear Yes I answered quietly  32  in fact I wasn’t ready On my way to school I could feel my heart beating I hated this I went into Mrs Owens’ class She was smiling and saying  33  to all her students as she did every morning 
Hi Sam she said to me as I walked into the  34  Hi I said and quickly sat in my seat I looked at the  35  The time was near Mrs Owens started Sam it’s time for you to show  36  Show myself Oh no I got up slowly looking at the ground as I  37  to the front Then I  38  Everyone was looking at me Mrs Owens knew I was  39  so she came beside me and put her hand on my back 
She said to the class Sam has worked very hard on his  40  and I know it is a very interesting one Then she turned to me and askedSam  41  do you like best about your report on Sydney 
I  42  about the fun things I have read about Sydney before and I started to talk I talked and talked until the class was over and I was not nervous at all  43  was great fun Everyone  44  when I finished my talking and Mrs Owens was smiling 
In fact I can do better than I think I can—if I try I am proud of myself
(  )30Aafraid Bsad Cglad Dterrible
(  )31Alate Bready Chappy DOK
(  )32ASo BAnd CBut DBecause
(  )33Athanks Bgoodbye Csorry Dhello
(  )34Aschool Bpark Cclassroom Dkitchen
(  )35Adesk Bclock Cbook Dground
(  )36Ahimself Bmyself Cyourself Dourselves
(  )37Aflew Brode Crushed Dwalked
(  )38Alooked down Blooked up Ccame over Dcame down
(  )39Aglad Bfunny Cnervous Dthirsty
(  )40Areport Bbook Csubject Dmagazine
(  )41Awho Bwhere Cwhat Dwhy
(  )42Alearnt Btalked Cwrote Dthought
(  )43AI BHe CShe DIt
(  )44Aplayed Bcheered Cstood Dcried
Ⅵ[2020·衢州] 阅读理解

Learning English
Your online space for English study

Hey everybody I’m Lily your online English learning adviser Do you have any questions with learning English What are your biggest problems

2 1
English is my favourite subject I’m good at reading and writing but I don’t do well in speaking and I’m having a lot of trouble with my listening Any advice

0 1
My English is better now But my handwriting still isn’t very good I’ve still got some work to do on that

2 0
I am outgoing and like outdoor activities But the virus has made this more dangerous I have to stay at home all day long It’s boring

3 1
When sayingOpen the window I have to think about who I’m talking to and then decide whether to say Open the window please or Could you open the window please or even longer Would you mind opening the window please That’s really hard

1 1
For me vocabulary is my biggest problem—there are just SO MANY new words I can’t keep all the new vocabulary in my head HELP
(  )45The topic of the forum(坛) is      
ADoing Sports BKeeping Healthy
CMaking Friends DLearning English
(  )46Mike’s problem is how to      
Aimprove handwriting
Buse English properly
Cpronounce words beautifully
Dremember new words
(  )47Whose answer is not about the topic
AHelen’s BSam’s CMary’s DJack’s

Ⅰ1to run 2not to play 3don’t
4listen 5speaking
Ⅱ6for 7about 8to
9down 10up 11How
12with 13the
Ⅲ14Let’s try to speak English as much as possible
15It’s a good idea to spell and read new words aloud every day
16Don’t forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes
17Writing to your American friends in English is a good way to learn English well
18I advise you to ask your teacher for some advicesuggestions about how to improve your spoken English
19How about listening to English songs now
Ⅳ20A 考查非谓语动词forget to do sth表示忘记做某事(某事未做)forget doing sth表示忘记做某事(某事已做完)选A
21B 考查动副短语辨析句意电话号码非常重记笔记否会忘记 write down意写记宾语代词时放writedown间look up意查找查询符合句意选B
23C 考查名词辨析句意请关学英语建议plan意计划数名词message意信息数名词advice意建议数名词suggestion意建议数名词some接数名词数名词复数选C
24A 考查固定搭配句意什加入英语俱乐部练说英语呢Why not do sth意什做……呢practise doing sth意练做某事选A
25A 26D 27A 
28C 考查elseother区句意没什东西妈妈东西other修饰名词位名词前else修饰定代词位选C
29D 考查介词辨析句意回答问题想寻求老师帮助ask for意请求(予)选D
Ⅴ旨意 作者班里做报告感紧张Mrs Owens鼓励作者终成功做报告
30—34 ABCDC 35—39 BCDBC
40—44 ACDDB
Ⅵ45D 旨意题坛容标题知坛题关学英语选D
47C 细节理解题题提问谁回答题关标题Learning English知次讨题英语学根Mary栏容I am outgoing and like outdoor activities But the virus has made this more dangerous I have to stay at home all day long It’s boring知Mary回答容性格爱活动安排题关选C




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1. Function: To be able to understand conversations about space travel and identify specify information.2. Structure: To talk about recent events in space travel with the present perfect and already, just and yet3. Key vocabulary – earth, moon, news, planet, reach, yet, project, no problem, latest, on, space travel, none Key structure – I’ve just made a model spaceship for our school project. Has it arrived yet? Astronauts have already been to the moon.

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