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外研版英语八年级上册 Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use.课堂检测题(无答案)




 Module 6 Unit 3课堂检测题
难相信___________________________ 野外___________________________
严峻___________________________ 球___________________________
玩开心___________________________ 制定计划___________________________
做重研究___________________________ 食__________________________
二 单项选择
( )1 There are many rules in Mary’s home For example her parents wont’ allow her
______out late
A to stay Bstaying Cstay Dstayed
( )2 They threw the rubbish into the river But the teacher told us__________the river
A protect Bpollute Cto protect Dto pollute
( )3 ________more money he works harder than before
A Gets BGet CTo get DGot
( )4 The boss made the workers_________for twelve hours a day
A worked Bto work Cworking Dwork
( )5 If prices rise too high the government has to do something________it
Astop Bstopped Cstopping Dto stop
三 根汉语意思完成句子
1 The peaceful music in the CD made the students______________________
2 Mr Li asks the students_____________________in the river because it’s too dangerous
3 The teacher told me_____________________the blackboard
4 She often helps her mother_______________________
5 He stayed at home___________________________his homework
四 语法选择
India is the home of tigers Every year many people are killed by tigers 1 the tiger does not always eat men It likes wild animals 2 It is only when the tiger is old or wounded that it eats men But once it has tasted the flesh of men it goes on killing men 3 food When a meneater such as this is discovered people are very 4 They have to stop 5 in the field
There are many ways 6 such dangerous animals One way is that some men 7
long guns ride on elephants while 8 men drive the tiger towards the 9 way of all is to hunt a tiger on foot Because the man must very brave and can shoot well or 10 would killed by the tiger
( )1AHowever BAnd CBecause DWhy
( )2Awell Bgood Cbetter Dbest
( )3Aat Bwith Con Dfor
( )4Ahappy Bafraid Cexcited Dfriendly
( )5 Awork Bworking Cworked Dto work
( )6Ato kill Bkilling Ckill Dkilled
( )7Awith Bin Cfor Dby
( )8Aanother Bother Cthe other Dthe others
( )9AThe dangerous BThe more dangerous CThe safest DThe most dangerous
( )10AThey Bit Cshe Dhe

五 短文填空
Many people may think that 1 in the zoo are happy and lucky but most of them are sad Do you know why Animals 2 tigers lions and bears usually 3 in forests or mountains They run jump and play 4 their children and catch small animals for 5 But now they have to stay in cages or small rooms in the 6 They do not have to find food by themselves because the zookeepers feed them They do 7 but eat walk
and sleep every day Their 8 in the zoo is quite 9 from that in the forest 10 they are not free





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