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鲁教版七年级下册Unit 8 I‘ll help to clean up the city parks.练习




Unit 8 I'll help to clean up the city parks
1 That old man can't see anything He is b      
2 They are very busy today so they have to c       their plan
3 We take the t       to Qingdao for vacation every year
4 Helen has an i       in pop music She likes it very much
5 This is not the end of my j       for I will go travelling to Beijing tomorrow
6 His uncle does well in        (饲养) some cows and sheep on his farm
7 Tom and Jack are the dogs'        ()
8 Amy was quite        (兴奋) about the great news
9 —How do you get to school—I take the       (火车) to school
10 My aunt dislikes chatting on QQ She writes        (信件) to others
二 单词适形式填空
1 We often see some        people in the street in some poor countries (home)
2 Joe has a great        in Science and he often has good marks on it (interesting)
3 Bill has a        leg and has to stay at home for a month (break)
4 The supermarket is        (open) all day It's a nice place for shopping
5 We feel        (excite) about the good news
6 —I really dislike the way he speaks—I know the        (feel)
7 I am so sorry that I don't have enough time        (carry) the heavy boxes for you
8 I        (volunteer) there for the next two weeks
9 These        (project) are about our Chinese culture
10 Your sister looks        (clever)       (catch) the early bus he got up early
11 My daughter hopes        (go) to college
12 The teacher often tells us       (not surf) the Internet
13 I'm sorry        (hear) that
14 Kate has enough money        (buy) her favorite skirt in the clothes shop
15 A student may have to find more time        (study)
16 I found it interesting        (play) with the cat
17 My mother tells me        (not watch) too much TV
18 All the people are very surprised        (know) the bad news
19 Many people who live in the city often go out        (breathe) fresh air on weekends
三 单项选择题
1The doctor told the nurse _____ the temperature of the sick child first
Atook Btakes Cto take
2—Do you climb mountains every day
—Yes _____ a little exercise I'm so out of shape
Ato get Bgetting Cget
3—Please remember _____ your English book with you tomorrow I want to borrow it—OK no problem
Abring Bbrings Cto bring
4Parents and schools are sometimes strict but remember they make rules _____ us
Ato help Bhelping Chelp
5Our teacher asked us _____ soccer on the street
Ato play Bnot play Cnot to play
6We need _____ a foreign language well
Alearn Blearning Cto learn
7She said she hoped _____ her daughter
Ato see Byou to see Cseeing
8It's better for us to use solar power _____ the car
Adrive Bdriving Cto drive
9—Can Amy's little sister count the numbers
—Yes but she often _____ a long time _____ to one hundred
Atake to count Btakes count Ctakes to count
10Tina decided _____ at home last Sunday because it was rainy
Ato stay Bstaying Cstay
Mario and Helen are classmates They believe volunteering their time _____ (help) others in need is a good way_____ (spend) their free time
Mario loves animals He volunteers at Animals Helpers a group set up to help _____ (able) people He helps to take care of the special trained dogs there Volunteering there makes his dream come _____ He can do what he loves to do and help others at the same time
Helen plans _____ (volunteer) in an old people's home this summer She says a lot of old people are _____(alone) and people should care _____ them In fact she did it last summer She told funny stories to cheer them_____ and listened to the old people as they told stories about the past and how things _____ (use) to be She got a strong feeling of _____ (satisfy) when she saw the look of joy on the old people's faces
Tell me what you are going to do on Sunday morning Jim Mr Wang asks
I'm going to see a new movie It's an English movie about the life of the students in America Bill tells me it's interesting
After seeing the movie what are you going to do Mr Wang asks I'm going to read Chinese Jim says Do you like it asks Mr Wang Chinese is not easy for me but I like it very much I am going to work hard at it After lunch I'm going to have English and other subjects I think I can do better than before
Then what about Sunday evening Mr Wang asks After supper I'm going to help Han Mei with her English She wants my help Jim says
You are going to have a busy day says Mr Wang
1Jim is going to _____ on Sunday morning
Asee a new movie Bhave English
Chelp Han Mei with her English Dhelp Mr Wang do housework
2The English movie is about _____
Athe life of the students in England Bthe life of the students in America
Chow to read Chinese Dan interesting student
3Jim thinks _____ but he likes it a lot
AChinese is hard for him BChinese is easy for him
CChinese is hard for Bill DChinese is not easy for Mr Wang
4Jim is going to help Han Mei with her _____
AChinese Bother subjects CEnglish Dhomework
5Mr Wang and Jim may be _____
Afather and son Bmother and son
Cbrothers Dteacher and student




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英语八年级下册Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks.基础知识练习(word版,无答案)

Unit 2 Section A I.Words志愿者 ________ 标志,信号_________ 通知;注意到_________孤独的_________ 几个;一些_________ 午夜______________旅行___________ 募集___________ 独自;单独

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Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks.Section B(2a-2e)练习题(含答案)

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1. The sellers in the shop should be kind to the c .2. His mother has been ill for a p of time.3. Don't believe in a s or online information easily.4. It's impolite to read others' p letters without permission.

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