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i 根句意面题ABC三选项中选出划线部分意思接选项字母代号写题前括号中
( ) 1 You must complete your homework before you watch TV
OK I will
A finish B start C borrow
( ) 2 —This story is fun I like it very much
—Really What is it about
A sad B boring C interesting
( ) 3 My house is close to the school so I often go to school on foot
I am sure you are seldom late for school
A far from B behind C near
( ) 4 How often do you hear from your sister
About twice a month
A hear about B write a letter to C get a letter from
( ) 5 He works very hard and he is good at English
I should try my best and learn from him
A is interested in B does well in C studies hard at
( ) 6 The meeting will end at 4 pm tomorrow
That’s good I don’t want to miss my favourite TV programme
A stop B start C last
( ) 7 Do you have a break in the middle of the day
Yes It helps me get relaxed
A party B holiday C rest
( ) 8 When the bell rings we all run to the playground
How excited you are
A makes no sound B keeps quiet C makes a sound
( ) 9 Will you take part in the football game tomorrow
Sure A football fan won’t miss any football game
A join in B get away from C go back
( ) 10 We always have a great time at school
I am happy that you like your school
A are very excited B are very busy C enjoy ourselves
ii 根句子意思面题ABC三选项中选出恰词语完成句子字母代号写题前括号中
( ) 11 _______ is the thing one likes doing in his free time
A Dream B Habit C Hobby
( ) 12 What is your favourite ________ at school
English of course
A subject B advice C message
( ) 13 The fridge is empty now Let’s go to the ______ to buy some food
Good idea
A country B market C factory
( ) 14 Tim will ______ Shenzhen Airport at noon tomorrow
Shall we go there to pick him up
A arrive at B join in C come from
( ) 15 Jack is a nice person and we all like him very much
I wonder if I can _____ him
A look like B hear about C make friends with
( ) 16 What does the man do
He is a famous _____ and has designed many bridges so far
A musician B engineer C artist
( ) 17 Mum I have finished my homework
If you are _____ you can go out to play
A kind B busy C free
( ) 18 What time do you usually ______ in the morning
At about six Then I ride to school after breakfast
A get up B go to bed C go to school
( ) 19 How often do you go back to your hometown
A At about a quarter past ten B In about three hours
C About twice a month
( ) 20 Would you like to go shopping with me tomorrow
A I am sorry to hear that B It’s my pleasure
C That sounds great
( ) 21 ________ apple a day keeps the doctor away
Yes and eating some fruit every day is good for our health
A The B An C A
( ) 22 A little boy wrote_____uand _____mon the wall
A a a B an a C a an
( ) 23 It’s raining Do you have _____ umbrella
A the B a C an
( ) 24 Would you like to go for ______ walk with me
Sure let’s go now
A a B C the
( ) 25 ________ will it take you from your school to the library
About an hour
A How long B How far C How much
( ) 26 __________ book is this
Maybe it’s John’s
A Who’s B Whose C Which
( ) 27 ______ does he usually go to school
On foot
A When B How C Where
( ) 28 Mr Black ________ us English and we all like him
A taught B teach C teaches
( ) 29 The bird usually _______ to the top of the tree and sings happily
A flew B is flying C flies
( ) 30 The teacher told us yesterday that the earth ________ around the sun
A moves B moved C is moving

二 仔细阅读面句子空白处填入单词括号单词正确形式句子
31 The man comes from ____________ (German)
32 He has an ___________ (old) sister
33 Please send my best __________ (wish) to your parents
34 She is good at _____________ (dance)
35 I would like _____________ (go) to the party
36 My dream is ____________ (be) an actor
37 I want __________ (make) friends with you
38 What are your__________ (hobby)
39 My hobby is ___________ (play) table tennis
40 My house is far away __________ my school
41Mary enjoys __________ (listen) to music
42They have __________ (difference) ideas about the problem
43I want to learn more about her _________ (day) life
44_________ beautiful flowers they are
45When will they arrive __________ Shenzhen Middle School?
46I will keep fit by ___________ (eat) less meat
47There are many school __________ (activity) for you
48I always go there __________ foot
49My school is close _________ the supermarket
50Would you like to help him _________ his English

三 完成句子请方框中提供短语正确形式面句子补充完整
be good at make friends with be from go to school be far away from
51 I must work hard so that I________________ all my subjects in the near future
52 Since the train station ________________ my home I had to get up very early to catch the
early bus
53 If you want ________________ others you had better be nice and friendly
54 Where ____________ he ____________ Germany or France
55 The poor child didn’t have enough money________________ He had to teach himself

take part in have a good time go to bed get up be close to
56 My home ________________ to the school so I walk to school every day
57 I am sure we _______________ at the party next week
58 He ________________ very late last night so he felt very tired this morning
59 It’s necessary ______________ different kinds of afterschool activities
60 To do morning exercise he is now used to ____________ early

61 高瘦留着长头发

62 家住山栋房子里

63 妈妈名美术老师爸爸医生

64 姐姐哥哥

65 天搭校车学

66 喜爱科目数学美术科学

67 喜欢学校老师非常友

68 梦想成名工程师

69 喜欢许运动擅长游泳篮球

70 想世界年轻交朋友

71 名初中生喜欢学

72 学校离家总走路学

73 课开始午8点少迟

74 喜欢解世界方

75 午通常学语文数学英语

76 铃声响起时候 朋友跑操场

77 休息1010结束短暂呀

78 午餐午11:50午1230

79 然Tom参加学校乐队练

80 学校总愉快


A single feather can still mean a lot is a Chinese saying It comes from a historic book called Lu Shi(«路史») According to the story a Tang Dynasty official in Yunnan wanted to 81 his respect to the emperor(皇帝) He sent a man named Mian Bogao to bring some 82 to the emperor One of the gifts was a beautiful swan which was a very 83 gift at the time
Mian 84 the swan on his way to the emperor One day he passed by a 85 and wanted to let the swan drink some water But as soon as he set the swan free the swan 86 away leaving only some feathers on the ground Mian was very 87 but he didn’t try to run away He decided to tell the emperor what happened He 88 up a feather and kept going on his trip
When Mian met the emperor he told him what happened and said This swan feather is light 89 it carries my deep respect for you The emperor was happy with Mian’s honesty and sincerity(真诚) He forgave(原谅) Mian
Now people use this saying to show that a good gift doesn’t have to be 90 What matters is the sincerity it carries
81 A take B bring C show
82 A gifts B swans C books
83 Adifferent B valuable C difficult
84 A made jokes about B took good care of C felt proud of
85 A lake B mountain C tower
86 A ran B flew C stayed
87 A excited B interested C worried
88 A picked B put C made
89 A and B because C but
90 A cheap B expensive C special

Friends make our lives better Monkeys feel the same way UK scientists found that monkeys are more likely to survive (生存) if they have close friends
Scientists studied 319 adult female (雌性) monkeys over seven years They observed(观察) the lives of these monkeys including how much time they spent with their friends and how they groomed (梳理) each other’s fur
From their study monkeys who have close friends are more likely to live longer These monkeys are eleven percent less likely to die in a given year
If a monkey has many different friends it means it is popular scientists said Life is easier for these monkeys For example other monkeys won’t drive them away from food They are more likely to be groomed than other monkeys And if problems happen the monkey’s friends will help him or her deal with them
Scientists did the study on an island near Puerto Rico called Cayo Santiago It’s known as Monkey Island or Island of the Monkeys About 1000 monkeys live there Scientists often do scientific research on the monkeys In 1938 they put about 400 monkeys on the island for research Few people live there
91 The underlined sentence tells us _________
A how friends can help us B how important friendship is
C how to live a better life D why monkeys are important
92 Scientists observed monkeys to find out ________
A if friendship is important to them B how long they spend together
C why monkeys groom each other’ s fur D how monkeys live longer lives
93 If monkeys have close friends they will be able to ________
a live longer b eat less food c get help from their friends
d forget their grooming
A ab B ad C bd D ac
94 Which of the following is true
A Scientists from the US spent over 7 years studying 319 adult female monkeys
B The monkeys who have close friends are more likely to live longer
C Those monkeys without friends are 11 less likely to die
D Quite a few people live on the island called Cayo Santiago
95 Which part of the newspaper may this passage come from
A Science Study B School Time C Star Stories D News World
When I was younger I knew my parents had trouble with money We would go to eat at a soup kitchen(救济站) four days a week
One day a new man walked into the soup kitchen and then towards me He asked me what my name was and where I lived I told him my name was Angela and gave him our address Then he left and I didn’t see him again
Later that night on our way home my mom looked very sad She told me that the rent(租金) on our apartment would go up and that my grandma just passed away
As we went into our apartment she asked me to take the mail from the mailbox Inside it I found just two envelopes (信封) I brought them up to my mom She opened the first one and found our rent bill I looked at the second envelope and saw this
Dear Angela and Family
Your Friend
I gave it to my mom with shaking hands and asked her to open it We found several hundreddollar bills inside We couldn’t help crying I had a feeling I knew who it was from but I didn’t want to tell my mom
96 It seemed that the man came to the soup kitchen to ________
A eat his own dinner B bring kids some soup
C give a hand with cooking D find someone in need
97 The mother was very sad that night partly because ________
A her mother just died B their apartment was sold
C they couldn’t eat at the soup kitchen D the man didn’t give them any money
98 The underlined word shaking shows that the girl felt _________
A scared Bexcited C thankful D angry
99 Which of the following is Not True
A The writer and her family went to the soup kitchen four days a week
B The man asked the writer for her name and address
C There was a rent bill in the second envelope as well
D The second envelope may come from the man they met in the soup kitchen
100 Which may be the best title of this passage?
A In the Soup Kitchen B Two Envelopes
C Helping in Secret D A Small Act of Kindness

Do you have any close friends I am sure you do Everyone has a good friend or two I recently learned (101) ________ interesting lesson about the power of friendship
It was a story about two friends a Canadian girl named Jessica Stuart and a (102) __________(Japan) girl named Fukue Stuart’s parents moved to Japan to work (103) _________she was a child After Stuart met Fukue at school they became good friends Stuart often (104) __________(protection) Fukue from bullies(欺凌)
After one year Stuart’s family moved back home Stuart and Fukue stayed (105) ________ touch by writing letters to each other But after two years Fukue’s letters stopped (106) _________(come)
Stuart was confused(迷惑) (107) ________ did the letters stop She began a long journey (108) _________(find) her old friend again Many years later she found Fukue Both girls were (109) _________(adult) by then It turned out that Fukue dropped out of school because she was bullied again after Stuart left (110) __________(luck) they were able to find each other again even after many years apart

1 性格特点
2 兴趣爱特长
3 喜爱科目梦想
4 询问May基情况
Dear May
My name is Li Ming and I want to be your penfriend

1115 CABAC 1620 BCACC
2125 BCCAA 2630 BBCCA

31 Germany 32 elder 33 wishes 34 dancing 35 to go
36 to be 37 to make 38 hobbies 39 playing 40 from
41 listening 42 different 43 daily 44 What 45 at
46 eating 47 activities 48 on 49 to 50 with

51 will be good at 52 was far away from
53 to make friends with 54 is from
55 to go to school 56 is close to
57 will have a good time 58 went to bed
59 to take part in 60 getting up

61 I’m tall and thin I have long hair
62 I live with my family in a house close to some mountains
63 My mum is an Art teacher My dad is a doctor
64 I have an elder sister and an elder brother
65 Every day I go to school by school bus
66 My favourite subjects are Maths Art and Science
67 I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly
68 My dream is to be an engineer
69 I like many sports I’m good at swimming and playing basketball
70 I want to make friends with young people from all over the world
71 I am a junior high school student I love going to school
72 My school is close to my home so I always go to school on foot
73 Classes start at 8 am and I am seldom late
74 I enjoy learning about different places in the world
75 In the morning we usually study Chinese Maths and English
76 When the bell rings I run to the playground with my best friends
77 Break ends at 1010 am How short it is
78 Lunch is from 1150 am to 1230 pm
79 Then Tom and I take part in the school band practice
80 I always have a good time at school

8185 CABBA 8690 BCACB
9195 BADBA 96100 DABCC

101 an 102 Japanese 103 when 104 protected 105 in
106 coming 107 Why 108 to find 109 adults 110 Luckily

Dear May
My name is Li Ming and I want to be your penfriend And I would like to tell you something about myself
I am 13 years old I am cheerful and outgoing I am always ready to help others as much as possible I enjoy reading books in my spare time and I am good at playing the piano I am also interested in learning about different parts of the world My favourite subjects are English and Maths My dream is to be a teacher because being a teacher can help many students which is very meaningful I am working hard to make my dream come true
Would you like to tell me something about yourself I am looking forward to hearing from you soon





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牛津英语 7AM3U5-6监测试卷 (含答案)

( ) 1. -- You don’t have to be nervous. Our new English teacher is very kind.-- I know, but it is my first time to talk with a foreigner.A. bored B. excited C. worried ( ) 2. -- I can only keep the book for a month, so I have to return the book today.-- Yes, or you will have to pay some money.A. come back B. give back C. get out

柒***2 3年前 上传445   0


小升初英语真题精选 (时间90分钟,满分100分) 题号[] 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 得分 一、词汇运用。(15分) A)按要求写单词。(10分) 1. fat (最高级)_______________ 2. much (近义词) _______________ 3. good (最高级) ___

n***s 5年前 上传1027   0



思***1 3年前 上传772   0


新人教版七年级上册英语期末测试卷(满分100分 时间80分钟)一、 单项选择(20分)( )1. –Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you. –Hi, Jim. _______.A. Fine, thank you B. Nice to meet you C. Good morning D. How do you do( )2. –Do yo

文***享 2年前 上传507   0


( ) 1. Riding a bike is good for health, and it doesn’tpollute the air.A. make the air clean B. make the air dirty C. make the air cool( ) 2. --Those buildings are traditional.--Yes. People built them about a hundred years ago.A. not bright B. not beautiful C. not modern( ) 3. -- Will the clubprovide us with food?--Of course it will.A. enjoy B. show C. give

柒***2 3年前 上传483   0


( )1. --This machine works with the power of wind.--Wow, that’s amazing.A.dream B. energy C. practice( )2. --Why didn’t you attend the meeting yesterday, Linda?--Because I was ill and I had to see a doctor.A.think of B. look for C. take part in

柒***2 3年前 上传541   0


 Unit 2Let’s play sports! 单元测试卷 (时间:100分钟;满分:100分) 班级______________姓名___________得分______________第一卷选择题(80分)一、听力部分(每小题1分,满分10分)第一部分听对话,回答问题( )1. Which is the girl’s favourite sport? A. Vo

文***享 3年前 上传776   0


牛津译林英语七年级上Unit3 Welcome to our school单元测试一、单项选择。1、-- Can you see there is _______ interesting book on the table?    --Yes. I like _______ stories in it.     A、a; theB、the; theC、an; anD

文***品 3年前 上传708   0


(   )1.—Look at the news(新闻).What do you think of Academician(院士)Li Lanjuan?—The woman ______ short hair is very kind.A.has B.with C.is D.in(   )2.Does your cousin have long hair ______ short hair?A.and B.but C.so D.or(   )3.Sun Li is a great ______.We enjoy her TV shows very much.

温***季 3年前 上传715   0


 五年级英语第一学期期中质量检测题(时间:60分钟 ) 听力部分一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(听两遍)(1'×10=10’)( )1. A. China B. Canada C. Australia ( )2. A. horse B. house C. mouse ( )3. A. skate

散***辰 3年前 上传785   0


Period 1课题Unit1 Making friends 课型NEW WORDS备课时间1 Period教材分析教学目标1. Students can master how to pronounce the new words and master the meanings of the words .2. Students can use the new wor

思***1 2年前 上传636   0


人教版七年级英语上册期末考试试题(含答案)七年级英语期末考试试题第一卷选择题(50分)I.单项选择。(每小题1分,计15分) ( )1. This is _________ alarm clock. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. We don’t like_________.

文***享 1年前 上传335   0


二、听句子, 选择最佳应答语。(每小题1分, 共5分)(  )6. A. Oh, no! B. Thank you. C. I'm not sure. (  )7. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, she does. (  )8. A. I am OK. B. I like music. C. I need a hat, please. (  )9. A. Happy birthday! B. Sounds good. C. You're welcome. (  )10. A. I have it on Monday. B. I think it's difficult.

M***o 1年前 上传351   0


( ) 1. Next year Tom will go to _____school. He wants to be ____ engineer like his father. A. a; a B. The; an C. / ; an D. / ; a ( ) 2. There are of students in our school and three of them live nearby. A.thousands,hundred B .thousand, hundredsC.thousands,hundreds D .thousand,hundred( ) 3. — Is there __________ in today’s newspaper? — Oh. Nothing.A. interesting anything B. interesting something C. anything interesting D. something interesting( )4. Mrs Wang is looking after her son. The little boy is in bed now.A. ill; ill B. ill; sick C. sick; well D. sick; ill

温***季 3年前 上传822   0



q***a 4年前 上传906   0


知识目标:扩大学生的阅读量和知识面,了解英国有关狗的一些公共规章制度能力目标:1.提高阅读理解能力 2.学会按照字母顺序和提示词,快速在词典中查找单词或短语

温***季 2年前 上传471   0


1. It's my first time to see_______ an interesting film_______ that.A. such; like B. so; like C. such; as D. so; as

3***猪 2年前 上传446   0


一、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1. The two little boys often f______ for toys, but later they play together happily again.2. —What does the company p______?—It makes toys cars. Children like them.

6***雅 2年前 上传443   0


七年级(上)期中测试卷一、单选题(共60分)1.(2分)属于生物基本特征的是( )A.生物都能快速运动B.生物都是由细胞构成的C.生物都能进行光合作用D.生物都能生长和繁殖2.(2分)下列不属于生物的是( )A.蘑菇B.珊瑚C.珊瑚虫D.海带3.(2分)取显微镜的正确方法是( )A.一手握住镜臂,一手托住镜座B.左右任一只手握住镜臂C.右手握镜筒,左手托镜座D.双手托

思***1 2年前 上传652   0


课题 Unit7 课型 Revision 日期 主备 审核 复习目标 1. 掌握7A Unit7的重点词汇、短语和句型。2. 掌握使用some和any进行询问或回答问题。3. 掌握there be 结构的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及肯定和否定回答。4. 学生能了解如何用英语进行购物。

温***季 2年前 上传458   0

牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 2 Let's play sports task 预习学案(无答案)

 7A Unit2 Let’s play sports Task Learning objectives:1. Knowledge objectives:To learn new words and pronunciation. 2.Ability objectives : To write an introduction about one’s hobby。

文***7 1年前 上传293   0


7A unit4错题巩固1. ( ) ----What do you think we can do for our aged parents?—--You _______do anything except to be with them and be yourself. A. don’t have to B. mustn’t C. can’t

福***园 2年前 上传445   0


7AUnit6单元提高练习一、单词辨音1. A. child B. school C. chicken D. watch2. A. plates B. grades C. kites D. lights3. A. tooth B. health C. thing D. other4. A. score B. salt C. snack D.

文***7 2年前 上传580   0

牛津深圳版英语七年级上册 Unit 2 Let's play sports.Reading 导学案(无答案)

七年级上学期Unit 2 Daily lifeReading A A day at school导学案班别:_____________ 姓名:_____________ 学号:___________【Learning Goals知识目标】(一) 知识目标1. 掌握本课的高频词及短语:daily, article, never, table tennis, ride, usual

文***7 2年前 上传500   0

牛津深圳版英语七年级上册 Unit 2 Let's play sports.Writing 导学案(无答案)

七年级上学期Unit 2 Daily lifeWriting导学案: Writing an article about a person’s daily life 班级:__________ 学号:_________ 姓名: __________【Learning Goals知识目标】知识目标:1. 能根据日程安排表完成介绍日常生活的文章。2. 掌握写作的基本过程:构思提纲

文***7 2年前 上传461   0