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―It's dark brown
[答案]What color is his hair?
―Less than 50 miles per hour
[答案]How fast were you driving?
—_______is David from
―I think he's an American But I'm not sure

―Albert this is Jim
―______________ Jim?
[答案]How do you do
―Are you a member of the _________?
―I'm her brother
―Are you ready to take a ride in my new sports car?
[答案]Yes I'd love to
―Are you ready to take a ride in my new sports car?
[答案]Yes I can't wait
―Are you settling in well here in this city?
[答案]Everything is going OK Thank you
―But actually I'm at work So rather not wait Would you mind taking a message?
―_________ Go ahead
[答案]No not at all
―Can we _________ you anything? Coffee? Whiskey?
―Nothank you
―Congratulations I just heard the news about your promotion
[答案]Thank you
―Could you tell me how to get to the Railway station please?
[答案]Certainly You can take the No1bus
―Did you see the car before it hit you?
[答案]No I didn't
―Do you like seafood
[答案]Not really
―Happy New Year
[答案]The same to you
―Haven't seen you for ages Mike ________________?
―Pretty good Everything goes well
[答案]How's it going
―Hello Can I speak to Liu Hui please?
Yes speaking
―Hello May I speak to Zhang Hua?
―___________________I'm afraid he isn't in at the moment
[答案]One moment please
―Hi How are you doing?
[答案]I'm doing well
―Hi I'm Susan Nice to meet you
[答案]Nice to meet you too
―Hi Tom how's everything with you?
―________ and how are you?
[答案]Hmnot too bad
―Hi Wang Xin nice to meet you
―Hi Liu Hui_______
[答案]nice to meet you too
―How about going to the class together?
[答案]That sounds great
―How about his weight?
[答案]Medium maybe a bit on the heavy side
―How are you feeling now?
[答案]Much better
―How are you getting along with your work?
[答案]Quite wellthank you
―I can show you around if you like
[答案]Sure Thank you
―I was worried about my driving test but I passed it
[答案]Congratulations That's not easy
―I won the first prize in today' s speech contest
―Is that Jim speaking?
―No ___________________
[答案]This is Tom
―May I know your address?
[答案]Sure Here you are
―Morning boys and girls Please try your best in today's exam Good luck to all of you
―Oh no It's raining We can't go skating on the square
[答案]What a shame
―Ok I'll drink my last can of beer when I drive home
[答案]No way You'll be stopped by the police
―Seat belts save lives
[答案]It's true I agree
―Shall we play football after class together?
[答案]Great that's a good idea
—Should I take some medicine
—No you to take any medicine
[答案]don't need
―Social Work Service Center
―Hello May I speak to Zhang Hua?
[答案]Can I help you ?
―Thank you for sharing this with me
[答案]My pleasure
―Though I have been drinking I can drive home safely
―No I will be the driver
[答案]When you drink you can't drive
―Tomorrow will be fine Shall we go out for a picnic?
[答案]Sounds great
―What is so special about this Social Work Center?
[答案]It offers help to homeless people
―What is your major?
―What will you buy for the Spring Festival?
[答案]I will buy gifts for my family
―What's the problem Harry?
[答案]I can't remember where I left my glasses
―Which direction were you heading?
[答案]I was heading from east to west
―Why are you so happy?
[答案]OhI finally got a position in a company
―Why did you stop my car police officer?
―You just ran a red light
[答案]Your driver's license please
―Would it bother you if I talked to you for a minute?
[答案]Not at all
―Would you like to come to my house for dinner Sunday night?
[答案]All right Thanks for inviting me
―Would you like to have dinner with my family?
[答案]Thank you I'd love to
―Would you mind joining us?
[答案]No of course not
―You won the first prize in the Physics competition
―__________________ I made several terrible mistakes
[答案]You must be joking





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2020年9月试题及答案1. ―Hi, Tom, how's everything with you? ―________, and how are you? A. Don't mention it B. Hm, not too bad C. Thanks [答案]B

h***s 3年前 上传1071   0


说明:适用于国开电大期末纸质考试,请按照试题首字母音序查找试题及答案。―___________________―It's dark brown.[答案]What color is his hair? ―__________________―Less than 50 miles per hour.[答案]How fast were you driving?

h***s 3年前 上传623   0


3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》期末纸质考试(第一题交际用语)题库(排序版)说明:更新至2021年7月试题。―___________________[2017年7月试题][2019年1月试题][2020年9月试题]―Less than 50 miles per hour.[答案]How fast were you driving?―___________________[内部资料]

h***s 2年前 上传739   0


说明:更新至2021年7月试题。 请按照首字母音序查找试题。―___________________ ―Less than 50 miles per hour.[答案]How fast were you driving?―___________________―It's dark brown.[答案]What color is his hair?

h***s 3年前 上传663   0


―___________________[2017年7月试题]―Less than 50 miles per hour.―___________________[2019年1月试题]―Less than 50 miles per hour.―___________________[2020年9月试题] ―Less than 50 miles per hour.A.How fast were you driving?

h***s 3年前 上传770   0


3937国开电大人文英语2历年期末考试(第一题交际用语)题库(分学期版)2020年9月试题及答案1. ―You blame me for that, don't you? ―No,___________________A. of course not. B. I don't want to. C. I do think you are to blame. [答案]A2. ―I'd

h***s 3年前 上传1143   0


2021年1月试题及答案1.―Thank you very much for your suggestion.―___________________A.You're welcome.B.Thank you the same.C.Don’t do that.[答案]A2.―What are you going to do in the 202

h***s 3年前 上传1451   0


2021年7月试题及答案1.―How are you getting along with your work?―___________________A.Nice to meet you.B.Quite well,thank you.C.I'm ill.[答案]B2.―Would it bother you if I talked to you for a minute?―___________________

h***s 3年前 上传757   0


说明:更新至2021年7月试题。―___________________[2017年7月试题]―Less than 50 miles per hour.―___________________[2019年1月试题]―Less than 50 miles per hour.―___________________[2020年9月试题] ―Less than 50 miles per hour.A.How fast were you driving?

h***s 3年前 上传642   0


--_______________?[2020年9月试题]--It takes about 3 hours.A.When will your train arriveB.How often do you take a train C.How long will the journey take [答案]C--__________________.[2018年7月试题]

h***s 3年前 上传1257   0


说明:资料整理于2021年6月7日。--_______________?[2021年1月试题]--My mother is retired.My father is a manager.A.What are your parents doing right now B.Do your parents still work

h***s 3年前 上传1399   0


3894国开电大理工英语1历年期末考试(第一题交际用语)题库[排序版]―_______will it take me to walk there?[2020年1月试题]―About ten minutes.A.How farB.How longC.How much [答案]B―A:I can put you down for eleven o'clock.Is that OK?[2

h***s 3年前 上传1257   0


2021年1月试题及答案1.--Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening?--_______________.A.No, I already have plans.B.I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight.C.No, I really don't like being with you.

h***s 3年前 上传1253   0


3894国开电大理工英语1历年期末考试(第一题交际用语)题库[分学期版]2020年9月试题及答案1.―Would you please open this suit ease for me?I can' to pen it.―______________A.Yes, please.B.Oh, sorry to bother you.C.Actually I'm not sure.[

h***s 3年前 上传1456   0


3894国开电大《理工英语1》历年期末考试(第一题交际用语)题库2021年7月试题及答案1.―I'm so excited to meet you.May I introduce myself to you?―______________A.Nice to see you.B.Sure, please!C.You are welcome.[答案]B2.―What's your p

h***s 3年前 上传823   0


2020年9月试题及答案1.--May I use your bike for a moment? --_______________.A.By all means B. It doesn't matter C. I have no idea [答案]A2.--Hello, YangLin speaking.

h***s 3年前 上传1168   0


说明:试题已经排序,根据首字母音序查找试题及答案。—_____________.[内部资料]―I mean the best way is using your own mobile phone or computer to operate it.[答案]What do you mean?—_____________.[内部资料]―I mean the best way is using your own mobile phone or computer to operate it.[答案]What do you mean?—_____________.[内部资料]

h***s 3年前 上传702   0


2021年1月试题及答案1.―I'm so excited to meet you.May I introduce myself to you?―______________A.That's right.

h***s 3年前 上传1475   0


3937国开电大专科《人文英语2》历年期末考试(第一题交际用语)题库(排序考试版)说明:试题已经排序,可以根据试题首字母音序查找试题及答案。—____________________.[内部资料]—I agree with you.[答案]I think we should bring back death penalty for serious crimes.―__________

h***s 3年前 上传675   0


3938国开电大管理英语2历年期末考试(第一题交际用语)题库[分学期版]2020年9月试题及答案一、交际用语(每小题2分,共10分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。1. -What's the matter with you? -_______________A. It matters with you. B. Not too bad. C.

h***s 3年前 上传1242   0


3936国开电大商务英语2历年期末考试(第一题交际用语)题库(分学期版)2020年9月试题及答案1.―You want to know about the value added tax, don't you?―___________________A.Yes, you need to introduce it for me.B.Yes, I must know everything

h***s 3年前 上传919   0


[最新]1378国开电大《管理英语3》历年期末考试(第一题交际用语)题库(分学期版)2021年1月试题及答案1.―How did you miss your train? ―___________________A. Well,I was caught in the traffic jam.B. What's your proposal? C. Never mind. [答案

h***s 3年前 上传1441   0


3936国开电大《商务英语2》历年期末考试(第一题交际用语)题库(分学期版)2021年1月试题及答案1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。1.―Your bank is huge!It must have many departments.―___________________A.It's true.Our bank consists of many dep

h***s 3年前 上传654   0


3938国开电大管理英语2历年期末考试(第一题交际用语)题库[排序版]---_______________---It will take at least two weeks. [2019年1月试题]A. How soon will you finish our annual report?B. How often will you finish our annual report?C

h***s 3年前 上传1014   0


一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。1.―What is your major?―___________________A.Li Mei.B.Education.C.A freshman.[答案]B2.―I can show you around, if you like.

h***s 3年前 上传2064   0