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外研版五年级下册英语 专项训练 词 汇




词 汇
(  ) 1 A drank    B gave     C find
(  ) 2 A ticket B take C bring
(  ) 3 A north B easy C east
(  ) 4 A June B rest C July
(  ) 5 A singer B dancer C teach
二[山东省潍坊市]读读 选出画线部分类项(5分)
(  ) 1 —What is this
—It's a dictionary
A book   B pocket   C piece
(  ) 2 After the show we went to a restaurant We all ate hamburgers and chips
A June B another C before
(  ) 3 She was a dancer many years ago
A women B actor C stick
(  ) 4 At night you can see stars
A noon B light C right
(  ) 5 Ann can speak English well
A south B sheep C sleep
1 He__________(eat ate) a big cake last night
2 I like to__________(reading read) a book about food
3 She is__________(learn learning) English now
4 Let's __________(make made) a home library
5 (Have Has) __________ you got a blue T-shirt
四[山东省德州市]读读 选择单词适形式填空(10分)
1 Two years ago my sister __________(teaching taught) English
2 I'll __________(take takes) you to school
3 There__________(be are) lots of books and a pen on the desk
4 Daming often__________(have has) breakfast at school
5 Why are these actors__________(wearing wears) these clothes
五[河南省洛阳市]根句意汉语提示完成句子(注意单词正确形式) (10分)
1 He__________(工作) in the fields many years ago
2 She couldn't read or __________(写)
3 Did she learn any foreign__________(语言)
4 She had eggs and sausages for__________(早餐)
5 Let's __________(放) these dictionaries on this shelf
6 It'll be __________(容易) for you to carry
7 Did you go with your__________(父母亲)
8 Miss Green goes to work by__________(出租车)
9 The__________(妇女) are going to the theatre tomorrow
10 Tom__________(说) English very well
六[山东省潍坊市]读读 请根句意首字母提示补全单词(10分)
1 I saw Lily yesterday She w a blue skirt
2 — W are you going to Beijing
—Next month
3 You can a me some questions
4 I d a dragon on a piece of paper yesterday
5 The box is too h Who can help me carry it
6 —My mother goes to work at eleven o'clock every night
—It's very l
7 —I'm going to Guangzhou to visit my uncle this Sunday It is his birthday
—Great Have a s____________ trip
8 I'm from China I can s______________ Chinese
9 My father goes to w____________ at eight o'clock every morning
10 It's 6 45 It's a q____________ to seven
A library  B forget  C worry D a lot E have a rest
(  ) 1 We're all tired now Please __________
(  ) 2 —I can't send an email Can you help me
—Don't __________ Let me help you
(  ) 3 The dictionary is very useful It helps me__________
(  ) 4 Please don't __________ to see your grandma tomorrow
(  ) 5 There are lots of books and dictionaries in our school__________
八[山东省德州市]根Amy旅行 选词填空(10分)
south  went  beautiful lovely visited
1 Last year Amy __________ to Hainan with her parents
2 Hainan is in the __________ of China
3 She __________ her grandma
4 They saw many __________ trees
5 They had a __________ time there
1 图书馆书证
This is my __________ card
2 男穿件女裙
That man __________ a skirt
3 英语说
I can __________ English very well
4 午餐吃什
What did she have for __________
5 妈妈奶奶中国
Her mother and grandma are __________
十[山东省潍坊市]选择合适单词填空 补全短文(10分)
English    dish    email    sausages    lunch
Look I've got an 1 ________ from Lingling It's about 2 ________ food Lingling had an English breakfast yesterday She had eggs and 3 ________ She had sandwiches for 4 ________ She had fish and chips for dinner It's a traditional English 5 ________ It's very delicious
十[山东省青岛市]根首字母提示写单词 补全短文(10分)
Yesterday was my grandma's sixtieth birthday We had a big d in a restaurant together My grandma w a red coat She looked very happy I
g my grandma a present It was a picture I d it the night before yesterday And I w the words Happy Birthday on it My grandma liked it very much
词 汇
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 C
二1 A 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 C
三1 ate 2 read 3 learning 4 make 5 Have
四1 taught 2 take 3 are 4 has 5 wearing
五1 worked 2 write 3 languages 4 breakfast
5 put 6 easy 7 parents 8 taxi 9 women 10 speaks
六1 wore 2 When 3 ask 4 drew 5 heavy
6 late 7 safe 8 speak 9 work 10 quarter
七1 E 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 A
八1 went 2 south 3 visited 4 beautiful 5 lovely
九1 library 2 wore 3 speak 4 lunch 5 Chinese
十1 email 2 English 3 sausages 4 lunch 5 dish
十dinner wore gave drew wrote




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外研版五年级下册英语 专项训练 写 作

写作一、根据图片提示, 描述一下Mr Brown从过去到现在的变化, 不少于40个单词。 (10分)要求: 字迹工整, 语句通顺, 意思连贯, 标点正确。_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

文***7 2年前 上传639   0

外研版五年级下册英语 专项训练 易错点

易错点1. 语音发音规则。写出下列每组单词画线部分字母组合加起来总共有几种读音。(  ) (1) A. hard B. farm C. card D. warm(  ) (2) A. good B. moon C. look D. too(  ) (3) A. easy B. theatre C. great D. breakfast(  ) (4) A. c

文***7 2年前 上传399   0

外研版五年级下册英语 专项训练 情景交际

情景交际一、将下列句子排序, 组成一段完整、通顺的对话。(12分) A. Oh, it's too big for me. Have you got a small one?B. Yes, I want to buy a hat. C. Do you like this one? It has got a panda on it. D. OK. It fits(适合) me. I'll

文***7 2年前 上传442   0

外研版五年级下册英语 专项训练 易错题

易错题一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(20分)1. She had fish and chips yesterday. It is an E dish. 2. My grandma w in the fields many years ago. 3. Alice was a good pupil. She s very ha

文***7 2年前 上传456   0

外研版五年级下册英语 专项训练 阅读(二)

阅读(二) 一、[广东省茂名市]根据短文内容判断正(T) 误(F) 。(20分) A man is carrying a very big box. The box is full(装满) of big apples. He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home. Can he do that? No, I don'

文***7 2年前 上传407   0

外研版五年级下册英语 专项训练 阅读(一)

阅读(一)一、[河南省洛阳市]阅读材料, 判断句子正(T)误(F)。(15分)Happy City is a small town. It has changed a lot these years. Pupils are looking at two pictures and talking about them. (  )1. There were some tall buildin

文***7 2年前 上传570   0


外研版英语五年级下册全册教案设计2021-1-27Module 1题材(主要)内容Lingling和Sam, Amy在英国。Amy和Lingling看到电视节目中记者在采访一位中国老太太。老人在采访中谈到了过去生活的艰苦和现在生活发生的变化。 教学目标语言知识目标功能谈论人们过去和现在的生活变化。语法(结构、句子)本模块继续学习过去式。谈论过去:T

思***1 3年前 上传944   0


Module 1题材(主要)内容Lingling和Sam, Amy在英国。Amy和Lingling看到电视节目中记者在采访一位中国老太太。老人在采访中谈到了过去生活的艰苦和现在生活发生的变化。 教学目标语言知识目标功能谈论人们过去和现在的生活变化。语法(结构、句子)本模块继续学习过去式。谈论过去:There weren’t any buses. We lived

思***1 2年前 上传545   0



4***1 2年前 上传523   0


one of1) one [英][wʌn] [美][wʌn] 一1.Analyzing the numeral one s number meaning and non-number meaning in the idiom; 浅析数词“一”在成语中的数目意义与非数目意义2.A Study on "Grasp the One" Political Idea of Huang-lao School; 黄老学“执一”政治观探析

温***季 3年前 上传454   0


way1) way [英][weɪ] [美][we] 途径1.Discussion on Cost Reduction Ways in Coal Enterprises; 试论煤炭企业成本降低的途径2.Ways for Promoting the Coaxal Precision of Trunked Hole in Finishing Boring; 精镗时提高箱体孔同轴度精度的途径

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market1) market [英]['mɑ:kɪt] [美]['mɑrkɪt] 营销1.Cosmetic market: three channels of three cosmetic brands; 化妆品卓越营销:3个品牌3条路2.Analysis on the Market Intemationalization of Sports Utilities in China; 我国体育用品企业国际营销模式的探索

温***季 3年前 上传573   0


biscuit) biscuit [英]['bɪskɪt] [美]['bɪskɪt] 饼干1.Research on techniques of production of oat biscuit with milk; 牛奶伴侣燕麦饼干的生产工艺研究2.SSL influenced quality of biscuit; SSL对饼干生产影响研究3.Application of xylo-oligosaccharide in biscuit product; 低聚木糖在饼干生产中的应用研究

温***季 3年前 上传485   0


go out1) go out 走出去1.How Can Our Shoes Products Go Out; 我国鞋产品如何更好走出去2.Therefore, China need making scientifc fessible strategies and specific measures to help the native banks to "go out .根据中国加入WTO的承诺,近两年来我国银行业加快了对外开放的步伐,事实证明,银行走出去,既是一国/地区对外贸易扩张的金融基础,更是本国/地区企业走出去从事跨国经营的坚强后盾。

温***季 3年前 上传606   0


rise1) rise [英][raɪz] [美][raɪz] 兴起1.On the Rise of Modern Chinese Outlook of Value Management and its Reason; 当代中国价值观管理兴起及其原因探析2.A Tentative Study of the Rise of A Shatuo Regime——the Later Tang Dynasty; 试论沙陀政权后唐的兴起

温***季 3年前 上传459   0


tourist1) tourist [英]['tʊərɪst] [美]['turɪst] 游客1.Analysis and design idea of kaifeng city landscape based on tourist apperceiving image;

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try on1) try on 试穿;耍弄(花招)2) try [英][traɪ] [美][traɪ] 尝试1.A Study of Developing Students Intelligence——A Try at Teaching Descriptive Geometry with Module;努力开发学生智能的实验研究——在画法几何教学中进行模块式教学的尝试

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as well1) well [英][wel] [美][wɛl] 井田

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bookshop1) bookshop [英]['bʊkʃɔp] [美]['buk'ʃɑp] 书店1.This paper is based on the process of designing and realizing an online bookshop website for women - Time Bookshop.本文论述了设计和实现一个女性网络书店—时光书店的全过程,包括网站系统的可行性分析、网站结构和内容的设计、网站功能的设计与实现以及网站的测试推广等。

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one day1) One Day 《一天》2) one-day cost report 日清单1.The experience of completing one-day cost report in hospital; 住院病人费用日清单实施的体会3) One-day-tour 一日游

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take1) take [英][teɪk] [美][tek] 所取的量2) take [英][teɪk] [美][tek] 一次拍摄的电影镜头数量3) take [英][teɪk] [美][tek] 拿在手上

温***季 3年前 上传413   0


Why not1."Why not be a volunteer?" “何妨做志愿军呢?”2.Why not Translatology?; 翻译为何不可为“学”?——读《翻译学:一个未圆且难圆的梦》3.Do you like Hercules? Why or Why not? 你喜欢大力士赫尔克里斯吗?为什么?

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shopping1) shopping [英]['ʃɔpɪŋ] [美]['ʃɑpɪŋ] 选购

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第79组 excuse me1.Please excuse me for a while. 请允许我离开一会儿。2.Excuse, me. Will not be a minute . 对不起。 一会儿就回来。3.Excuse me. Back in a tick. 对不起。一会儿就回来。

温***季 3年前 上传469   0


cheap1) cheap [英][tʃi:p] [美][tʃip] 低廉1.low in price, But good in function (performance) 价格低廉,性能良好2.goods for sale at attractive prices 价钱低廉诱人的货物.

温***季 3年前 上传584   0