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八上Review of Units 1-5




八Review of Units 15
1 — Did you go to the park yesterday
— ________ I visited my aunt
A Yes I did B Yes I do C No I didn’t D No I don’t
2 I was looking for a birthday gift for my mother but I couldn’t find ______ suitable
A something B anything C nothing D everything
3 —________ do you watch TV
 — Once a week only on Sunday evenings
A How long    B How much   C How often   D How many days
4 — ________ does Betty do on weekends
 — She often reads at home
A Where    B What   C How   D Why
5 He is ________ I think he can look after himself
A enough old B enough young C old enough D young enough
6 —Excuse me may I keep the book a little longer
—Sorry You ________ return it today
A must B mustn't C can D can't
7 My father spent two hundred yuan ________ a bike
A B on C for D in
8 Doing sports is ________ our health
A good for B good at C good with D good to
9 — What makes you _________ all the way Peter
— Look Dave What a dirty shirt the man is wearing over there
A laugh B laughs C to laugh D laughing
10 She speaks English as ________ as her teacher
A well B good C better D best
11 Tom does his homework ________ in his class
A very carefully B the most carefully C more carefully D the most careful
12 — Can you speak French Mr Brown
— Yes But only __________ French words
A few B little C a little D a few
13 Don’t forget _______ the door when you ________
A closingleave  B closingare leaving C to closeleave  D to closewill leave
14 —______ will the fog and haze last
— I’ve no idea There is no sign of an end
A How soon B How far C How long D How often
15 I have two cats One is black and ______ is white
A another   B some    C other    D the other
二 根句意首字母汉语提示完成单词句子正确句意通
1 He ___________(似) a little unhappy now
2 He hopes to do ___________(更少) homework at home
3 He walked into the bedroom very ___________(轻声)
4 I would like to ___________(分享) the happiness with others
5 Their ___________(服务) is pretty bad
6 A___________ he is only three years old he can write and read
7 It’s n___________ for us to learn English well
8 The girl is u___________ because her parents died in the earthquake
9 The bus is too c___________ so I can’t get on it
10 If you study hard you will be s___________
三 单词适形式填空
1 It’s very necessary for him ___________ (have) a good rest
2 His mother wants him ___________(drink) milk every day
3 Healthy lifestyle can make you ___________(get) better grades
4 Jack runs as ___________(fast) as Tom does
5 Which is ___________(big) the earth the moon and the sun
四 句型转换空词
1 I can’t stand talk shows (划线部分提问)
___________ do you ___________ ___________ talk shows
2 Tom watches TV once a week (划线部分提问)
___________ ___________ ___________ Tom watch TV
3 Lily is twelve years old Lucy is twelve years old too (合句)
___________ Lily ___________ Lucy are twelve years old
4 This film isn’t as interesting as that one (改义句)
This film is ___________ ___________ than that one
5 Linda did her homework yesterday afternoon(划线部分提问)
___________ ___________ Linda ___________ yesterday afternoon
五 根汉语意思完成句子空词
1 里度假?
Where did you go ___________ ___________
2 正动物园里拍
He is ___________ ___________ in the zoo
3 昨天妈妈购物
My mother ___________ ___________ yesterday
4 周末孩子玩开心
These children ___________ a good ___________ last weekend
5 袋子里装满米
The bag is ___________ ___________ rice





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英语Go for it! 八年级上册1 - 10单元(课文+翻译) Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? ---------------------------------- P 2你去哪儿度假了?Unit 2 How often do you exercise? ----------------------------------

j***6 10年前 上传1821   0


《1—5的认识》教学设计       小学数学一年级上册:第三单元第1节《1—5的认识》教学设计。 教学内容:《义务教育课程标准实验教材—数学》上册第14—16页。 教学目标: 1、通过教学培养学生通过直观观察物体的基础上认识1—5各个数字。 2、培养学生数字的形成概念,理解1—5的实际数量。 3、培养学生初步了解1—5的数序。并能正确读写1—5各数。 4、利用“野生动物”图

小***花 7年前 上传9168   0

1-5的认识 反 思

年 级一学 科数学教师姓名执教内容1-5的认识自我评价1-5这些数字对刚入学的小学生来说并不陌生,甚至很多小朋友不要说对于5以内的加减法,计算10以内的加减法都不成问题。但是对“为什么用加法计算”“得数‘5’是怎么来的”之类的问题讲不出所以然。所以需要把这些抽象的数学概念变成学生得心应手的“数学事实”。反思问题刚入学的孩子需要有趣味性的学习方式。让一年级的新生

笑***7 3年前 上传468   0



l***i 3年前 上传1035   0

2017年英语读书笔记 Book Review of Jane Eyre

英语读书笔记 Book Review of Jane Eyre  background of jane eyre  jane eyre is the masterpiece of charlotte bronte, an english woman author in 19th century. the works possess romanticism and realism. it

4***8 6年前 上传469   0


1. [2020•67] To my surprise, Sam made a d     to study Chinese medicine in Beijing. 2. [2020•70] The young man has no friends here, so he feels l    . 3. [2015•69] Lily has a t    . She has to see a dentist right now.

5***蛇 3年前 上传451   0


新疆真题练1. [2015•67] Don’t be n     in the test. Just relax. 2. [2016•71] Parents always try to     (提供) a comfortable environment for their children. 3. [2016•73] Mother thinks it is a     (浪费) of time to play computer games.

5***蛇 3年前 上传454   0


Last month,our dog 1. (welcome) me when I 2. (come) home from school. He wanted a walk, but I was too 3. (tire). I threw down my bag and went to the living room. The minute I sat down in front of the TV,my mom came over. “Could you please 4. (take) the dog for a walk?” she asked.“Could I watch one show 5. (one)?” I asked.“No!”she replied 6. (angry). “You watch TV all the time and never help out around the house! I can't work all day and do housework all evening. “Well,I work all day at school,too! I'm just as tired7. you are! I shouted back.My mom did not say anything and walked away. For one week,she did not do any housework and 8 did I. Finally I could not find a clean dish 9. (and) a clean shirt. The next day my mom came home from work to find the house clean and tidy. “What happened?” she asked in surprise.“ I'm so sorry,Mom.I finally understand that we need 10 (share) the housework to have a clean and comfortable home,”I replied.

5***蛇 2年前 上传474   0

人教版英语中考第一轮复习基础过关 八年级上册 Units 4~6(含答案)

八年级上册 Units 4~6一、单词拼写1.Whether Mary wins or whether she l________, this is her last game. 2.Let's open the window and have some f________ air in here!3.After the movie we went for a m________ in

福***园 1年前 上传328   0

人教版英语中考第一轮复习基础过关 八年级上册 Units 7~10(含答案)

八年级上册 Units 7~10一、单词拼写1.You can know what day it is today by looking at the c________ on the wall.2.W________ your help, the program couldn't have been so successful.3.In most countries, people u

福***园 1年前 上传337   0


新疆真题练1. [2019•69] Mr. Wang asked me to i     myself when I first came to the class. 2. [2017•70] Shopping on the Internet has become more and more p     in our life. 3. [2018•74] The hair band might     (属于) to Linda, because she has long hair.

5***蛇 3年前 上传436   0

2021年新疆中考英语总复习核心词语训练:人教版八年级下册 Units5—6

[2019•68] Don’t make up a story. I have already known the t    . 拓展提升练Ⅰ.词汇A.根据首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整、通顺。1.I called you at seven yesterday, but you didn’t p     up. 2.They have been m     for six years and they have a four-year-old son.

5***蛇 3年前 上传551   0


It was Mother’s Day and I was shopping at the local supermarket with my five-year-old son, Tenyson. As we were 1 , we realized that only minutes earlier an 2 woman had fallen over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground. 3 was with her, but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock. 4 , a lot of people stopped to help out.

5***蛇 2年前 上传348   0


[2016•67] Many children enjoyed t     in the park yesterday. 2. [2017•75] Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional     (艺术). 3. [2015•71] My father can’t     (忍受) soap operas.

5***蛇 3年前 上传442   0


1.Westerners use _________(刀) and forks to eat.2.He usually goes to school on f__________.3.Little kids can't be in ________(限制) of their life.4.Those great mountain ________(攀登者) come from America.5.-What’s the m_______? -I have a stomachache.

3***猪 10个月前 上传261   0



梅***庄 2年前 上传334   0



开***8 4年前 上传800   0


Part one 精益生产方式概论 生产方式项目手工生产方式大批量生产方式精益生产方式产品特点完全按顾客要求标准化品种单一品种多样、系列化设备和工装通用、灵活、便宜专用、高效、昂贵柔性高、效率高分工与作业内容粗略、丰富多彩细致、简单、重复较粗、多技能、丰富操作工人懂设计制造、具有高操作技艺细致、简单、重复不需专门技

w***1 10年前 上传595   0



豆***2 3年前 上传798   0


按课文内容填空第一单元:1. ( 草长 )莺( 飞二月天 ),拂堤( 杨柳 )醉( 春烟 )。 ( 儿童)散( 学归来早),( 忙 )趁( 东风放纸 )鸢。《村居》2. ( 碧玉妆成一树高 ),( 万条 )垂( 下绿丝 )绦。 ( 不知细叶 )谁裁出,( 二月春风 )似( 剪刀 )。 《咏柳》3. (小草从地下)探出头来,那是春天的眉毛吧? 早开的( 野花一朵两朵

海***0 4年前 上传752   0



木***姐 4年前 上传10144   0


在庆“三、八”知识竞赛上的讲话  (~年3月8日)  尊敬的女士们、姐妹们:  大家好!  沐浴着新世纪和煦的阳光,盼望已久的“三八”国际劳动妇女节,伴随着春天的脚步已经来到了我们身边。昨天我们还在企盼,还在畅想;今天,我们已欢聚在和煦的春风里,团聚在自己的节日里。今天,我们桓仁县邮政局工会在这里举办庆“三八”知识竞赛,与全局妇女共同庆祝纪念”三八”国际劳动妇女节93周年。首先,

r***x 11年前 上传428   0



翠***芬 4年前 上传949   0



奋***行 11个月前 上传214   0


八年级上数学听课记录  一、创设情境,初步感知  谈话:看老师手中拿的是什么?(三角板),你能找出它有多少个角吗?  二、组织活动,探究新知  1. 认识角  投影显示:投影课本里的图片  谈话:找一找,图片上哪些像角?(学生回答)  追问:角在我们的生活中无处不在,一个角有几个顶点?几条边?能从我们身边的一些物体的面上找到角吗?找到后指出它们的顶点和边。  2. 折一个角  

z***u 2年前 上传475   0